#!/usr/bin/python # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/debug/simics-debug-framework.py $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or other- # wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has # been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END # @file simics-debug-framework.py # @brief Simics/Python implementation of the common debug framework. # # This is the Python side of the simics implementation of the debug framework. # It operates by opening a Perl script as a subprocess using stdin/stdout to # the subprocess as an IPC pipe. # # The Python script will handle the bridging from framework primatives, such # as 'readData', to Simics interfaces. The script will also search for all # existing debug modules and automatically instantiate simics commands of the # form 'hb-Tool' so they can be used. # # If the users are expecting another tool name, such as 'hb-printk' instead of # 'hb-Printk', or are expecting nicer parameter passing, such as # 'hb-trace COMP1,COMP2' instead of 'hb-Trace "components=COMP1,COMP2"', then a # manual wrapper command should be implemented in 'hb-simdebug.py'. import os import subprocess import re # @class DebugFrameworkIPCMessage # @brief Wrapper class for constructing a properly formed IPC message for the # Python-Perl bridge. # # The class provides a Pickle-like API (dumps / loads). # # Messages are of the format: # [ "type", "data-in-ascii-encoded-hex" ] # Example: # The message... # [ "display", "48656c6c6f20576f726c642e0a" ] # means 'display "Hello World.\n"' # class DebugFrameworkIPCMessage: msgtype = "unknown" msg = "" def __init__(self, msgtype = "unknown", msg = ""): self.msgtype = msgtype self.msg = msg def dumps(self): return ("[ \"" + self.msgtype + "\", \"" + self.msg.encode("hex") + "\" ]\n") def loads(self,string): pattern = re.compile("\[ \"([^\"]+)\", \"([0-9a-f]*)\" ]") match = pattern.search(string) self.msgtype = match.group(1) self.msg = match.group(2).decode("hex") # @class DebugFrameworkProcess # @brief Provides a wrapper to the 'subprocess' interface and IPC bridge. # # This class also provides the handling functions for various bridge message # types into the appropriate simics interface. # class DebugFrameworkProcess: process = ""; # subprocess object. tool = ""; # string - tool module name. toolOptions = ""; # string - tool options outputToString = None; # mode - String output instead of STDOUT. imgPath = "./"; # Image dir path override. result = ""; # Result string for Usage-mode. outputFile = None; # Output file for results in addition to STDOUT def __init__(self, tool = "Printk", toolOptions = "", outputToString = None, usage = None, imgPath = "./",outputFile = None): # Determine sub-process arguments. process_args = ["./simics-debug-framework.pl"]; if (usage): # Pass --usage if Usage mode selected. process_args = process_args + [ "--usage" ]; outputToString = True; # Spawn sub-process self.process = subprocess.Popen(process_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Update instance variables. self.tool = tool; self.toolOptions = toolOptions; self.outputToString = outputToString; self.imgPath = imgPath; self.outputFile = open(outputFile, 'w') if outputFile else None; # Read a message from the process pipe. def recvMsg(self): msg = DebugFrameworkIPCMessage() line = self.process.stdout.readline() if len(line) != 0: msg.loads(line) return (msg.msgtype, msg.msg) else: return ("", "") # Send a message into the process pipe. def sendMsg(self,msgtype,msg): msg = DebugFrameworkIPCMessage(msgtype, msg) self.process.stdin.write(msg.dumps()) # End sub-process by closing its pipe. def endProcess(self): self.process.stdin.close() # Display string (or save to result in Usage mode). def display(self,data): if (self.outputToString): self.result += data else: print data, if self.outputFile: print >>self.outputFile,data, # Read data from memory. # This message has data of the format "0dADDRESS,0dSIZE". def read_data(self,data): pattern = re.compile("([0-9]+),([0-9]+)") match = pattern.search(data) addr = int(match.group(1)) size = int(match.group(2)) data = "".join(map(chr, conf.phys_mem.memory[[addr , addr+size-1]])) self.sendMsg("data-response", data) # Write data to memory. # This message has data of the format "0dADDR,0dSIZE,hDATA". def write_data(self,data): pattern = re.compile("([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9A-Fa-f]+)") match = pattern.search(data) addr = int(match.group(1)) size = int(match.group(2)) data = map(ord, match.group(3).decode("hex")); conf.phys_mem.memory[[addr, addr+size-1]] = data; # Clock forward the model. # This message had data of the format "0dCYCLES". def execute_instrs(self,data): pattern = re.compile("([0-9]+)") match = pattern.search(data) cycles = int(match.group(1)) if (not SIM_simics_is_running()): SIM_continue(cycles) def ready_for_instr(self,data): self.sendMsg("data-response", "0" if SIM_simics_is_running() else "1") # Get tool module name. def get_tool(self,data): self.sendMsg("data-response", self.tool) # Get tool options. def get_tool_options(self,data): self.sendMsg("data-response", self.toolOptions) # Get image path. def get_img_path(self,data): self.sendMsg("data-response", self.imgPath) # @fn run_hb_debug_framework # @brief Wrapper function to execute a tool module. # # @param tool - Tool module to execute. # @param toolOpts - String containing tool options. # @param usage - Usage mode or Execute mode. # @param imgPath - Image path override. def run_hb_debug_framework(tool = "Printk", toolOpts = "", outputToString = None, usage = None, imgPath = "./", outputFile = None): # Create debug sub-process. fp = DebugFrameworkProcess(tool,toolOpts,outputToString, usage,imgPath,outputFile) # Read / handle messages until there are no more. msg = fp.recvMsg() while msg[0] != "": operations = { "display" : DebugFrameworkProcess.display, "read-data" : DebugFrameworkProcess.read_data, "write-data" : DebugFrameworkProcess.write_data, "execute-instrs" : DebugFrameworkProcess.execute_instrs, "ready-for-instr" : DebugFrameworkProcess.ready_for_instr, "get-tool" : DebugFrameworkProcess.get_tool, "get-tool-options" : DebugFrameworkProcess.get_tool_options, "get-img-path" : DebugFrameworkProcess.get_img_path, "exit" : DebugFrameworkProcess.endProcess, } operations[msg[0]](fp,msg[1]) msg = fp.recvMsg() # If in Usage mode, return result string. if (usage or outputToString): return fp.result return None # @fn register_hb_debug_framework_tools # @brief Create a simics command wrapper for each debug tool module. def register_hb_debug_framework_tools(): # Find all modules from within Hostboot subdirectory. files = os.listdir("./Hostboot") # Filter out any prefixed with '_' (utility module) or a '.' (hidden file). pattern = re.compile("[^\._]"); files = [f for f in files if pattern.match(f)] # Filter out modules written for vbu only pattern = re.compile("AutoIpl|ContTrace"); files = [f for f in files if not pattern.match(f)] # Remove the .pm extension from the tool modules. files = [re.sub("\.pm","",f) for f in files]; # Create an entry for each module. for tool in files: # Get usage information for each module, fix text to HTML-like. usage = run_hb_debug_framework(tool, usage = 1) usage = re.sub("<","<", usage); usage = re.sub(">",">", usage); usage = re.sub("\t"," ",usage) usage = "
" # Create command hook. new_command("hb-" + tool, (lambda toolname: lambda options: run_hb_debug_framework(toolname, options, outputFile="hb-debug-"+toolname+".output")) (tool), args = [arg(str_t, "options", "?", "")], alias = "hb-debug-" + tool, type = ["hostboot-commands"], short = "Runs the debug framework for tool " + tool, doc = usage) print "Hostboot Debug Framework: Registered tool:", "hb-" + tool # Return a number/address built from the input list elements. Each element # in the input is a string representation of a byte-sized hex number, for # example '0x2b' or '0x0' or '0xa'. This does no endian conversion, thus # the input needs to be big endian. The length of the input list can be # any size, usually 2, 4, or 8. def hexDumpToNumber(hexlist): strNumber="" for i in range(len(hexlist)): # take away 0x for this byte hexlist[i] = hexlist[i][2:] # zero-fill leading zeroes to make a 2-char string hexlist[i] = hexlist[i].zfill(2) # concatenate onto addr strNumber += hexlist[i] return int(strNumber,16) # Read simics memory and return a list of strings such as ['0x0','0x2b','0x8'] # representing the data read from simics. The list returned may be handed # to hexDumpToNumber() to turn the list into a number. def dumpSimicsMemory(address,bytecount): hexlist = map(hex,conf.phys_mem.memory[[address,address+bytecount-1]]) return hexlist # Read the 64-bit big endian at the address given, return it as a number. def readLongLong(address): hexlist = dumpSimicsMemory(address,8) return hexDumpToNumber(hexlist) def readLong(address): hexlist = dumpSimicsMemory(address,4) return hexDumpToNumber(hexlist) def writeLong(address,datvalue): conf.phys_mem.memory[[address,address+3]] = [0,0,0,datvalue] return # Write simics memory. address is an integer. # data is a list of byte-sized integers. def writeSimicsMemory(address,data): size = len(data) conf.phys_mem.memory[[address, address+size-1]] = data; # Convert an integer to a byte list bytes long. def intToList(n,size): lst = [] for i in range(size): b = n & 0xFF; lst.insert(0,b) n = n >> 8 return lst # Write the 64-bit big endian n at the address given. def writeLongLong(address,n): writeSimicsMemory(address,intToList(n,8)) # MAGIC_INSTRUCTION hap handler # arg contains the integer parameter n passed to MAGIC_INSTRUCTION(n) # See src/include/arch/ppc.H for the definitions of the magic args. # Hostboot magic args should range 7000..7999. def magic_instruction_callback(user_arg, cpu, arg): if arg == 7006: # MAGIC_SHUTDOWN # KernelMisc::shutdown() print "KernelMisc::shutdown() called." # Could break/stop/pause the simics run, but presently # shutdown() is called four times. --Monte Jan 2012 # SIM_break_simulation( "Shutdown. Simulation stopped." ) if arg == 7007: # MAGIC_BREAK # Stop the simulation, much like a hard-coded breakpoint SIM_break_simulation( "Simulation stopped. (hap 7007)" ) if arg == 7055: # MAGIC_CONTINUOUS_TRACE # Continuous trace. # Residing at tracBinaryInfoAddr is the pointer to the tracBinary buffer pTracBinaryBuffer = readLongLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr) # Read the count of bytes used in the tracBinary buffer cbUsed = readLongLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+8) triggerActive = readLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+16) if triggerActive == 0 and cbUsed == 1: pTracBinaryBuffer = readLongLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+24) cbUsed = readLongLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+32) writeLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+40,0) # Reset the buffer byte count in Simics memory to 1, preserving # the byte at offset 0 of the buffer which contains a 0x02 in # fsp-trace style. writeLongLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+32,1) else: writeLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+16,0) # Reset the buffer byte count in Simics memory to 1, preserving # the byte at offset 0 of the buffer which contains a 0x02 in # fsp-trace style. writeLongLong(tracBinaryInfoAddr+8,1) # Save the tracBinary buffer to a file named tracBINARY in current dir saveCommand = "memory_image_ln0.save tracBINARY 0x%x %d"%(pTracBinaryBuffer,cbUsed) SIM_run_alone(run_command, saveCommand ) # Run fsp-trace on tracBINARY file (implied), append output to tracMERG os.system( "fsp-trace ./ -s hbotStringFile >>tracMERG 2>/dev/null" ) # Continuous trace: Open the symbols and find the address for # "g_tracBinaryInfo" Convert to a number and save in tracBinaryInfoAddr # The layout of g_tracBinaryInfo is a 64-bit pointer to the mixed buffer # followed by a 64-bit count of bytes used in the buffer. See # src/usr/trace/trace.C and mixed_trace_info_t. for line in open('hbicore.syms'): if "g_tracBinaryInfo" in line: words=line.split(",") tracBinaryInfoAddr=int(words[1],16) break # Continuous trace: Clear these files. rc = os.system( "rm -f tracMERG" ) rc = os.system( "rm -f tracBINARY" ) # Register the magic instruction hap handler (a callback). SIM_hap_add_callback_range( "Core_Magic_Instruction", magic_instruction_callback, None, 7000, 7999 ) # Run the registration automatically whenever this script is loaded. register_hb_debug_framework_tools()