#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/debug/simics-debug-framework.pl $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011,2013 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @file simics-debug-framework.pl # @brief Implementation of the common debug framework for running in simics. # # Simics uses Python for all debug. This file is a Perl bridge between Python # and the framework tool modules. The Python side will create a sub-process of # this script using STDIN/STDOUT as an IPC message pipe. This side will # execute the Perl module and send data / output across the pipe to the Python # side. use strict; use lib $ENV{HB_TOOLPATH}; use Hostboot::_DebugFramework; $| = 1; # Disable buffering on STDIN/STDOUT. # @sub sendIPCMsg # @brief Sends a message to the Python side of the framework over STDOUT. # # Messages are of the format: # [ "type", "data-in-ascii-encoded-hex" ] # Example: # The message... # [ "display", "48656c6c6f20576f726c642e0a" ] # means 'display "Hello World.\n"' sub sendIPCMsg { my ($type, $data) = @_; print "[ \"$type\", \"".unpack("H*",$data)."\" ]\n"; } # @sub recvIPCMsg # @brief Watis for a message from the Python side of the framework from STDIN. # # See sendIPCMsg for message format. sub recvIPCMsg { my $type = ""; my $data = ""; if (my $string = ) { if ($string =~ m/\[ \"([^\"]+)\", \"([0-9a-f]*)\" ]\n/) { $type = $1; $data = pack("H*", $2); } } return ($type, $data); } # @sub userDisplay # @brief Send a 'display' type message to Python. sub userDisplay { my $string = ""; foreach my $value (@_) { $string = $string . $value; } sendIPCMsg("display", $string); } # @sub readData # @brief Send a 'read-data' type message to Python. sub readData { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; $addr = translateHRMOR($addr); sendIPCMsg("read-data", "$addr,$size"); my ($type, $data) = recvIPCMsg(); if (length($data) == $size) { return $data; } return ""; } # @sub writeData # @brief Send a 'write-data' type message to Python. sub writeData { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; my $value = shift; $addr = translateHRMOR($addr); my $value = unpack("H*", $value); sendIPCMsg("write-data", "$addr,$size,$value"); return; } # @sub executeInstrCycles # @brief Send a 'execute-instrs' type message to Python. sub executeInstrCycles { my $cycles = shift; sendIPCMsg("execute-instrs", "$cycles"); } # @sub readyForInstructions # @brief Send a 'ready-for-instr' type message to Python. # @returns 0 - Not ready or 1 - Ready sub readyForInstructions { sendIPCMsg("ready-for-instr", ""); my ($type, $data) = recvIPCMsg(); if ("1" eq $data) { return 1; } return 0; } # Image path global. my $imgPath = ""; sub getImgPath { return $imgPath; } # Tool location override. sub getToolOverride { return $ENV{'HB_TOOLPATH'} } # Simics always uses the non-test named files. sub getIsTest { return 0; } # @sub getEnv # # Return the environment that we are running in, simics or vpo # sub getEnv { return "simics"; } # # @sub translateAddr # Do scom -> "phys_mem.read" address translation here. # The xscom address looks like this: # // Layout of XSCOM address parts # union # { # uint64_t mMmioAddress; // mMmio address # struct # { # uint64_t mReserved1:18; // Not currently used (0:17) # uint64_t mBaseAddress:5; // Base address (18:22) # uint64_t mNodeId:3; // Node where target resides (23:25) # uint64_t mChipId:3; // Targeted chip ID (26:28) # uint64_t mSComAddrHi:27; // PCB Address High (29:55) # uint64_t mCacheLine:1; // Cached line (56) # uint64_t mSComAddrLo:4; // PCB Address low (57:60) # uint64_t mAlign:3; // Align (61:63) # } mAddressParts; # # @param[in] - 64-bit scom address # # @return = address to send to python to do mm.read # # @note: "host_xscom_device_mm.read/write " doesn't seem to work with this # translated address, use "phys_mem.read/write " (in python) instead. # sub translateAddr { my $addr = shift; my $simicsaddr = 0; my $mSComAddrHi = ( $addr >> 4 ); my $mSComAddrLo = ( $addr & 0x000000000000000f ) ; $simicsaddr = ( 0x0003FC0000000000 ## Base addr | (($mSComAddrHi & 0x0000000007ffffff) << 8 ) ## 27 bits, shift 8 | (($mSComAddrLo & 0x000000000000000f) << 3 ) ## 4 bits, shift 3 ); return $simicsaddr; } # @sub readScom # @brief Send a 'read-scom' type message to Python. # # @param[in] scom address to read # @param[in] data size IN BYTES # # @return hex string containing data read # # @todo: handle littleendian # sub readScom { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; my $simicsaddr = translateAddr( $addr); ## debug ## ::userDisplay "--- readScom: ", (sprintf("0x%x-->0x%x, 0x%x",$addr,$simicsaddr,$size)), "\n"; sendIPCMsg("read-scom", "$simicsaddr,$size"); my ($type, $data) = recvIPCMsg(); return hex $data; } # @sub writeScom # @brief Send a 'write-scom' type message to Python. # # @param[in] - xscom address # @param[in] - data size IN BYTES # @param[in] - binary data value. Scom value is aways assumed to be 64bits # # @return none # # @todo: handle littleendian # sub writeScom { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; my $value = shift; my $simicsaddr = translateAddr( $addr); ## debug ## ::userDisplay "--- writeScom: ", (sprintf("0x%x-->0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x",$addr,$simicsaddr,$size,$value)), "\n"; my $ipctype = "write-scom"; my $ipcdata = "$simicsaddr,$size,$value"; sendIPCMsg( $ipctype, $ipcdata ); ## $$ debug ## $$my $debugstr = "[ \"$ipctype\", \"".unpack("H*",$ipcdata)."\" ]\n"; ## $$::userDisplay "--- $debugstr\n"; return; } # @sub getHRMOR # @brief Retrieve the HRMOR value # my $cached_HRMOR = ""; sub getHRMOR { if ($cached_HRMOR eq "") { sendIPCMsg("get-hrmor",""); my ($unused, $hrmor) = recvIPCMsg(); $cached_HRMOR = $hrmor; return $hrmor; } return $cached_HRMOR; } use constant PNOR_MODE_UNKNOWN => 0; use constant PNOR_MODE_MEMCPY => PNOR_MODE_UNKNOWN + 1; use constant PNOR_MODE_LPC_MEM => PNOR_MODE_MEMCPY + 1; use constant PNOR_MODE_REAL_CMD => PNOR_MODE_LPC_MEM + 1; use constant PNOR_MODE_REAL_MMIO => PNOR_MODE_REAL_CMD + 1; my $extImageMode = PNOR_MODE_UNKNOWN; my $extImageOffset = 0; use constant PNOR_DD_MODE_OFFSET => 8; use constant PNOR_DD_FAKESTART_OFFSET => PNOR_DD_MODE_OFFSET + 16; use constant PNOR_RP_HBEXT_SECTION => 1; use constant PNOR_RP_SECTIONDATA_SIZE => 3 * 8 + 2; use constant PNOR_RP_SECTIONDATA_FLASHADDR_OFFSET => 2 * 8; sub determineExtImageInfo { my ($pnorDDAddr, $pnorDDSize) = ::findSymbolAddress("Singleton::instance()::instance"); $extImageMode = read32($pnorDDAddr + PNOR_DD_MODE_OFFSET); if ((PNOR_MODE_MEMCPY == $extImageMode) || (PNOR_MODE_LPC_MEM == $extImageMode)) { $extImageOffset = read32($pnorDDAddr + PNOR_DD_FAKESTART_OFFSET); } my ($pnorRPAddr, $pnorRPSize) = ::findSymbolAddress("Singleton::instance()::instance"); $extImageOffset += read32($pnorRPAddr + (PNOR_RP_SECTIONDATA_SIZE * PNOR_RP_HBEXT_SECTION) + PNOR_RP_SECTIONDATA_FLASHADDR_OFFSET); } # @sub readExtImage # # Reads from the extended image file. # # @param addr - Address to read. # @param size - Size to read. sub readExtImage { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; if ($extImageMode == PNOR_MODE_UNKNOWN) { determineExtImageInfo(); } if ((PNOR_MODE_MEMCPY == $extImageMode) || (PNOR_MODE_LPC_MEM == $extImageMode)) { $addr += getHRMOR() + $extImageOffset; return readData($addr, $size); } else { $addr += $extImageOffset; sendIPCMsg("read-pnor", "$addr,$size"); my ($type, $data) = recvIPCMsg(); if (length($data) == $size) { return $data; } } return ""; } # Get tool name. sendIPCMsg("get-tool",""); my ($unused, $tool) = recvIPCMsg(); # Get image path. sendIPCMsg("get-img-path"); ($unused, $imgPath) = recvIPCMsg(); $imgPath = determineImagePath($imgPath); # If we were called with --usage, send tool help instead of executing. if ((-1 != $#ARGV) && ("--usage" eq $ARGV[0])) { callToolModuleHelp($tool); exit; } # Get tool options. sendIPCMsg("get-tool-options",""); my ($unused, $toolOpts) = recvIPCMsg(); parseToolOpts($toolOpts); # Execute module. callToolModule($tool); ## ## Dummy function to match continuous trace call in VPO ## sub checkContTrace { }