#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/debug/Hostboot/Trace.pm $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2011,2016 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; package Hostboot::Trace; use Hostboot::_DebugFrameworkVMM qw(NotFound NotPresent getPhysicalAddr); use Exporter; our @EXPORT_OK = ('main'); use constant TRACE_BUFFER_COUNT => 2; use constant DAEMON_FIRST_BUFFER_PAGE_OFFSET => 8; use constant DAEMON_FIRST_TEMP_BUFFER_PAGE_OFFSET => DAEMON_FIRST_BUFFER_PAGE_OFFSET + 16; use constant BUFFER_FIRST_PAGE_OFFSET => 16; use constant BUFFER_PAGE_NEXT_OFFSET => 0; use constant BUFFER_PAGE_PREV_OFFSET => BUFFER_PAGE_NEXT_OFFSET + 8; use constant BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_OFFSET => BUFFER_PAGE_PREV_OFFSET + 12; use constant BUFFER_PAGE_DATA_OFFSET => BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_OFFSET + 4; use constant ENTRY_COMP_OFFSET => 0; use constant ENTRY_SIZE_OFFSET => 26; use constant ENTRY_SIZE => 28; use constant BIN_ENTRY_SIZE_OFFSET => 12; use constant BIN_ENTRY_SIZE => 24; use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir); sub main { my ($packName,$args) = @_; if (not defined $args->{"fsp-trace"}) { $args->{"fsp-trace"} = "fsp-trace"; } my $fsptrace_options = ""; if (defined $args->{"with-file-names"}) { $fsptrace_options = $fsptrace_options."-f "; } my $traceBuffers = $args->{"components"}; if (defined $traceBuffers) { $traceBuffers = uc $traceBuffers; } my $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); open (my $fh, ">", $tmpdir."/tracBINARY"); binmode($fh); my $foundBuffer = 0; print $fh "\2"; my ($daemonAddr, $daemonSize) = ::findSymbolAddress("Singleton::instance()::instance"); my ($serviceAddr, $serviceSize) = ::findSymbolAddress("Singleton::instance()::instance"); if ((not defined $daemonAddr) || (not defined $serviceAddr)) { ::userDisplay "Cannot find trace daemon and/or service.\n"; die; } my @bufferPages = (); my %components = (); $daemonAddr = getPhysicalAddr($daemonAddr); unless (($daemonAddr eq NotFound) || ($daemonAddr eq NotPresent)) { my $firstPage = ::read64($daemonAddr + DAEMON_FIRST_BUFFER_PAGE_OFFSET); readPage($firstPage, BUFFER_PAGE_PREV_OFFSET, \@bufferPages); for(my $i = 0; $i < TRACE_BUFFER_COUNT; $i++) { my $page = ::read64($daemonAddr + DAEMON_FIRST_TEMP_BUFFER_PAGE_OFFSET + 8*$i); readPage($page, BUFFER_PAGE_PREV_OFFSET, \@bufferPages); } } for(my $i = 0; $i < TRACE_BUFFER_COUNT; $i++) { my $buffer = ::read64($serviceAddr + 8*$i); my $page = ::read64($buffer + BUFFER_FIRST_PAGE_OFFSET); $page = extractABAptr($page); readPage($page, BUFFER_PAGE_PREV_OFFSET, \@bufferPages); } while(@bufferPages) { my $page = shift @bufferPages; my $size = readBuf32($page, BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE_OFFSET) + BUFFER_PAGE_DATA_OFFSET; my $offset = BUFFER_PAGE_DATA_OFFSET; # Read each entry. while($offset < $size) { my $entry_size = readBuf16($page, ENTRY_SIZE_OFFSET + $offset); my $compAddr = readBuf64($page, ENTRY_COMP_OFFSET + $offset); if (0 ne $compAddr) { my $component = lookupComponent($compAddr, \%components); if ((not defined $traceBuffers) || ($traceBuffers =~ m/$component/)) { $foundBuffer = 1; print $fh $component; print $fh "\0"; my $entry_data = substr $page, ENTRY_SIZE + $offset, $entry_size; my $bin_entry_size = BIN_ENTRY_SIZE + readBuf16($entry_data, BIN_ENTRY_SIZE_OFFSET); $entry_data = substr $entry_data, 0, $bin_entry_size; print $fh $entry_data; } } $offset += $entry_size + ENTRY_SIZE; $offset = round8($offset); } } if ($foundBuffer) { # Note: 'sort -s -k 1,1' restricts the sort to only act on the first # column (i.e. the timestamp) to avoid reordering traces that have # identical timestamps open TRACE, ($args->{"fsp-trace"}." $tmpdir -s ". ::getImgPath()."hbotStringFile $fsptrace_options | sort -s -k 1,1 |"); while (my $line = ) { ::userDisplay $line; } } else { ::userDisplay("No matching buffers found.\n"); } } sub readPage { my ($addr, $offset, $pageArray) = @_; return if (0 == $addr); my $buffer = ::readData($addr, 4096); my $pointer = readBuf64($buffer, $offset); push @{$pageArray}, $buffer; readPage($pointer, $offset, $pageArray); } sub readBuf64 { my ($buffer, $offset) = @_; my $data = substr $buffer, $offset, 8; if (::littleendian()) { $data = reverse($data); } return unpack("Q", $data); } sub readBuf32 { my ($buffer, $offset) = @_; my $data = substr $buffer, $offset, 4; if (::littleendian()) { $data = reverse($data); } return unpack("L", $data); } sub readBuf16 { my ($buffer, $offset) = @_; my $data = substr $buffer, $offset, 2; if (::littleendian()) { $data = reverse($data); } return unpack("S", $data); } sub round8 { my ($val) = @_; if ($val % 8) { $val += (8 - ($val % 8)); } return $val; } sub extractABAptr { my ($val) = @_; $val = ($val & 0xFFFFFFFF); return $val; } sub lookupComponent { my ($ptr, $hash) = @_; if (not defined $hash->{$ptr}) { $hash->{$ptr} = ::readStr($ptr); } return $hash->{$ptr}; } sub helpInfo { my %info = ( name => "Trace", intro => ["Displays the trace buffer."], options => { "fsp-trace=" => ["Path to non-default fsp-trace utility."], "components=" =>["Comma separated list of components to display trace", "buffers for."], "with-file-names" => ["Trace statements will include file name of place the", "trace was defined."], }, ); }