#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/debug/Hostboot/Gcov.pm $ # # IBM CONFIDENTIAL # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2013 # # p1 # # Object Code Only (OCO) source materials # Licensed Internal Code Source Materials # IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code # # The source code for this program is not published or otherwise # divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been # deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. # # Origin: 30 # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG use strict; use File::Path; use File::Basename; package Hostboot::Gcov; use Hostboot::_DebugFrameworkVMM qw(NotFound NotPresent getPhysicalAddr); use Exporter; our @EXPORT_OK = ('main'); # NOTE: # # Neither the in-memory structures or the resulting file format is well # documented for GCOV. I was able to piece together enough of this to # make it work for our purposes by looking at gcov-io.h and libgcov.c # from the gcc source and gcov/gcc_3_4.c from the linux source. # # Since this is a Perl script only used internally for debug, I do not see # any risk for contamination. If we decided to give Hostboot to external # vendors than this Perl script would be distributed as source which should # not lead us into any issues. # # If you are personally concerned about contamination by reading this # code you are hereby warned of the potential. Proceed at your own choice. use constant GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS => (1024 * 1024 * 1024); use constant GCOV_INFO_HEAD_SYMBOLNAME => "_gcov_info_head"; use constant GCOV_INFO_VERSION_OFFSET => 0; use constant GCOV_INFO_NEXT_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_VERSION_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_INFO_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_NEXT_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_INFO_FILENAME_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_INFO_NFUNCTIONS_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_FILENAME_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_INFO_FUNCTIONS_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_NFUNCTIONS_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_INFO_CTRMASK_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_FUNCTIONS_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_INFO_COUNTS_OFFSET => GCOV_INFO_CTRMASK_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_FNINFO_IDENT_OFFSET => 0; use constant GCOV_FNINFO_CHECKSUM_OFFSET => GCOV_FNINFO_IDENT_OFFSET + 4; use constant GCOV_FNINFO_NCTRS_OFFSET => GCOV_FNINFO_CHECKSUM_OFFSET + 4; use constant GCOV_CTRINFO_COUNT_OFFSET => 0; use constant GCOV_CTRINFO_VALUEPTR_OFFSET => GCOV_CTRINFO_COUNT_OFFSET + 8; use constant GCOV_GCDA_MAGIC_VALUE => 0x67636461; use constant GCOV_FUNCTION_TAG => 0x01000000; use constant GCOV_COUNTERS_TAG => 0x01a10000; # In memory format: # GCC creates a 'gcov_info' structure for each .o file. The info # structure has a next pointer to form a chain. In Hostboot we have # organized the chains so that the pointer to the first entry is # stored at [modulename]_gcov_info_head (where modulename = "core" for # kernel and basic system libraries). # # The gcov_info has a version id (for the gcc compiled with), a # compile timestamp, c-string with the name of the .gcda file to be # generated, a count of the number of functions in the object, a # pointer to a set of function descriptors, a "counter mask" and a # set of counter descriptors. # # GCOV supports multiple types of counters. The only one we are # interested in is the "ARCS" counter, which describes the number of # times a particular branch is executed. The other counters are for, # for instance, profiling the value of a particular variable. The # "counter mask" specifies which counters are instrumented, which # determines the size of some of the array structures, but we only # parse the ARCS-counter type (we do properly calculate sizes if # needed). # # Each function descriptor contains an identity number and checksum # pair so the processing tools can match data to code information. # Also the function descriptor has an "n_counters" array which # determines for each counter type how many counters are instrumented. # Again, we are only concerned with the ARCS counter type. # # The counter descriptor is a size and pointer to array of counter # values. If there were 3 functions in the object each with n_counter # values of [3, 5, 2], then the size of the counter descriptor would be # 3+5+2 = 10. The values are arranged such that the first function has # the first 3 values, second one has the next 5, etc. The relationship # between function descriptor / "n_counters" and counter descriptor # values was not obvious from reading the gcov-io.h. # # For more details on these structures search the internet for gcov-io.h # or ask the building block team for the source code to the compiler we # are currently using. The offsets of all of these structures are all # documented in Perl constants above so you should only need this if # something breaks. # # .gcda file format: # The gcov tools expect a .gcda (gcov data) file as input, containing the # instrumented counter values, to go along with the .gcno (gcov note) # file created by the compiler. The format is documented in gcov-io.h # as well but was again not obvious to decipher. # # Here is a distilled file format description. Each entity is an u32. # # file : magic version stamp {function counts}* # function: f_header ident checksum # counts: c_header count* # count: lo hi # f_header: F_TAG(=0x01000000) F_LENGTH(=2) # c_header: C_TAG(=0x01a10000) C_LENGTH(=count_length*2) # # The file has three u32 of header followed by any number of function # descriptor and count set pairs. The function descriptor is the # identity and checksum of the function. The count set is an array of # uint64_ts, containing instrumented counts, for the preceeding function. # Global of where we want the output to go. our $output_dir; our $debug_mode; BEGIN { $debug_mode = 0; $output_dir = ""; } return 1; sub main { # Pick a new output directory based on the time. $output_dir = sprintf "gcov.output.%d/", time; File::Path::mkpath($output_dir); # Find all the hostboot modules. my @modules = getModules(); # Search for the gcov_info object for each module and parse. foreach my $module (@modules) { parseModuleGcov($module); } my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; ::userDisplay "GCOV output written to: $pwd/$output_dir\n"; } sub parseModuleGcov { my $module = shift; ::userDisplay "Extracting GCOV info for ".$module."\n"; # Search for gcov_info chain symbol. my ($gcov_info, $unused) = ::findSymbolAddress($module.GCOV_INFO_HEAD_SYMBOLNAME); userDebug("\tFound info at 0x" . (sprintf "%x", $gcov_info) . "\n"); # Translate gcov_info chain to a physical address if in a module. if (isVirtualAddress($gcov_info)) { $gcov_info = getPhysicalAddr($gcov_info); if (($gcov_info eq NotFound) || ($gcov_info eq NotPresent)) { ::userDisplay "\tModule data is not present.\n"; return; } } # Check that we found the gcov_info chain. if ($gcov_info == 0) { ::userDisplay "\tUnable to find gcov_info chain. Skipped.\n"; return; } # Parse info chain. parseGcovInfo(read64($gcov_info)); } sub parseGcovInfo { my $info_ptr = shift; return if (0 eq $info_ptr); my $filename = readStr(read64($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_FILENAME_OFFSET)); userDebug("\tFile = ".$filename."\n"); my $version = read32($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_VERSION_OFFSET); my $stamp = read32($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET); my $func_count = read32($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_NFUNCTIONS_OFFSET); userDebug("\tFunction Count = ".$func_count."\n"); my $funcs = read64($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_FUNCTIONS_OFFSET); userDebug("\tFunc Address = ".(sprintf "%x", $funcs)."\n"); my $ctrmask = read32($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_CTRMASK_OFFSET); if ($ctrmask % 2) # Check that COUNTER_ARCS is turned on. { # COUNTER_ARCS is on. Create file, find arc-values array, # parse functions. my $fd = createGcovFile($filename, $version, $stamp); my $arcs_ptr = read64($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_COUNTS_OFFSET + GCOV_CTRINFO_VALUEPTR_OFFSET); parseGcovFuncs($fd, $funcs, $func_count, $ctrmask, $arcs_ptr); close $fd; } else { userDebug("COUNTER_ARCS is missing!\n"); } # Look for next .o in gcov_info chain, parse. my $next = read64($info_ptr + GCOV_INFO_NEXT_OFFSET); parseGcovInfo($next); } sub parseGcovFuncs { my $fd = shift; my $func_ptr = shift; my $func_count = shift; my $mask = shift; my $val_ptr = shift; my $fn_offset = 0; # Need to calculate the number of counters based on the bits on in # the 'mask'. This is used to determine the size of the function # descriptor object. my $counters = 0; { my $_mask = $mask; while (0 != $_mask) { $counters++; $_mask = ($_mask >> 1); } } userDebug("\tCounters = ".$counters."\n"); # Round up the counter count to the nearest two for alignment of the # function descriptor object. if ($counters % 2) { $counters++; } my $func_size = GCOV_FNINFO_CHECKSUM_OFFSET + 4 * $counters; userDebug("\tFunction size = ".$func_size."\n"); # Iterate through the functions and parse. for(my $function = 0; $function < $func_count; $function++) { my $func_off = ($func_ptr + $func_size * $function); my $ident = read32($func_off + GCOV_FNINFO_IDENT_OFFSET); my $chksum = read32($func_off + GCOV_FNINFO_CHECKSUM_OFFSET); userDebug("Ident = ".(sprintf "%x", $ident)."\n"); userDebug("Chksum = ".(sprintf "%x", $chksum)."\n"); print $fd pack('l', GCOV_FUNCTION_TAG); # Write function tag. print $fd pack('l', 2); # Write size = 2. print $fd pack('l', $ident); # Write ident. print $fd pack('l', $chksum); # Write checksum. my $nctr_val = read32($func_off + GCOV_FNINFO_NCTRS_OFFSET); userDebug("N-Counters = ".$nctr_val."\n"); print $fd pack('l', GCOV_COUNTERS_TAG); # Write counter tag. print $fd pack('l', $nctr_val * 2); # Write counter length. # Read each counter value, output. # Read as one big block for performance reasons. my $counters = readData($val_ptr + 8*($fn_offset), 8 * $nctr_val); for(my $v_idx = 0; $v_idx < $nctr_val; $v_idx++) { my $val = substr $counters, 0, 8; $counters = substr $counters, 8; if (::littleendian()) { $val = reverse($val); } $val = unpack("Q", $val); userDebug("\tValue[$v_idx] = ".$val."\n"); print $fd pack('l', $val & 0xFFFFFFFF); # Write lower word. print $fd pack('l', $val >> 32) ; # Write upper word. } # We used up a number of counters, so move the offset forward for # the next function. $fn_offset += $nctr_val; } } # The *.gcda filename found in the gcov_info struct is an absolute path to # the corresponding .o file (not the .C file). This is of the form: # ${HOSTBOOTROOT}/src/usr/module/${ROOTPATH}/obj/${MODULE}/foo.gcda . # Since we might not even be running this on the same machine, we need to put # the output into the "output_dir" but we need to strip off a lot of stuff. # The path is going to have an obj in it somewhere so we key off that # as the location for where the output file will go. sub createGcovFile { my $name = shift; my $version = shift; my $stamp = shift; # Change *./../obj/ into obj/, prepend output_dir. $name =~ s/.*\/obj\//obj\//; $name = $output_dir.$name; # Make sure everything after 'obj/' exists (create subdirs). my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($name); File::Path::mkpath($dir); # Create file. open(my $GCOVFILE, "> $name"); binmode($GCOVFILE); # Write out header. print $GCOVFILE pack('l', GCOV_GCDA_MAGIC_VALUE); print $GCOVFILE pack('l', $version); print $GCOVFILE pack('l', $stamp); return $GCOVFILE; } # Search the module list for each code module (lib*.so). Also add "core" # for the kernel instrumentation. sub getModules { my @modules = ::listModules(); my @result = ( "core" ); foreach my $mod (@modules) { if ($mod =~ m/lib.*\.so$/) { $mod =~ s/lib(.*)\.so/$1/; push @result, $mod; } } return @result; } # Determine if an address is virtual. sub isVirtualAddress { my $addr = shift; return ($addr >= GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS); } # Utility to read a block of data from eithr memory or using the extended # image file as a fallback if not present in memory. use constant PAGESIZE => 4096; sub readData { my $addr = shift; my $size = shift; if (isVirtualAddress($addr)) { my $result = ""; while($size) { my $amount = $size; if ((($addr % PAGESIZE) + $size) >= PAGESIZE) { $amount = PAGESIZE - ($addr % PAGESIZE); } my $paddr = getPhysicalAddr($addr); if ((NotFound eq $paddr) || (NotPresent eq $paddr)) { $paddr = $addr - GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS; $result = $result.::readExtImage($paddr, $amount); } else { $result = $result.::readData($paddr, $amount); } $size = $size - $amount; } return $result; } return ::readData($addr, $size); } # Utility to read 64 bits from either memory or using the extended image file # as a fallback if not present in memory. sub read64 { my $addr = shift; my $old_addr = $addr; if (isVirtualAddress($addr)) { $addr = getPhysicalAddr($addr); if ((NotFound eq $addr) || (NotPresent eq $addr)) { $addr = $old_addr - GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS; my $result = ::readExtImage($addr, 8); if (::littleendian()) { $result = reverse($result); } return unpack("Q", $result); } } return ::read64($addr); } # Utility to read 32 bits from either memory or using the extended image file # as a fallback if not present in memory. sub read32 { my $addr = shift; my $old_addr = $addr; if (isVirtualAddress($addr)) { $addr = getPhysicalAddr($addr); if ((NotFound eq $addr) || (NotPresent eq $addr)) { $addr = $old_addr - GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS; my $result = ::readExtImage($addr, 4); if (::littleendian()) { $result = reverse($result); } return unpack("L", $result); } } return ::read32($addr); } # Utility to read 8 bits from either memory or using the extended image file # as a fallback if not present in memory. sub read8 { my $addr = shift; my $old_addr = $addr; if (isVirtualAddress($addr)) { $addr = getPhysicalAddr($addr); if ((NotFound eq $addr) || (NotPresent eq $addr)) { $addr = $old_addr - GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS; my $result = ::readExtImage($addr, 1); return unpack("C", $result); } } return ::read8($addr); } # Utility to read a string from either memory or using the extended image file # as a fallback if not present in memory. sub readStr { my $addr = shift; my $old_addr = $addr; if (isVirtualAddress($addr)) { $addr = $addr - GCOV_EXTENDED_IMAGE_ADDRESS; # Virtual address, so need to read 1 byte at a time from the file. my $string = ""; my $byte = 0; do { $byte = ::readExtImage($addr,1); $addr = $addr + 1; if (unpack("C",$byte) eq 0) { return $string; } $string = $string.$byte; } while (1) } else { ::readStr($addr); } } sub userDebug { return if (!$debug_mode); my $string = shift; ::userDisplay $string; } # Debug tool help info. sub helpInfo { my %info = ( name => "Gcov", intro => [ "Extracts the GCOV information."], ); }