# Force DJVPD read/write to use EEPROM layer instead of VPD cache set DJVPD_READ_FROM_HW set DJVPD_WRITE_TO_HW unset DJVPD_READ_FROM_PNOR unset DJVPD_WRITE_TO_PNOR # Force MEMVPD read/write to PNOR ( No actual hardware ) set MEMVPD_READ_FROM_PNOR set MEMVPD_WRITE_TO_PNOR unset MEMVPD_READ_FROM_HW unset MEMVPD_WRITE_TO_HW # Force MVPD read/write to use EEPROM layer instead of VPD cache # (not working because shoddy MVPD currently) #set MVPD_READ_FROM_HW #set MVPD_WRITE_TO_HW set MVPD_READ_FROM_PNOR set MVPD_WRITE_TO_PNOR #skip enabling checkstop analysis until OCC is ready in simics unset IPLTIME_CHECKSTOP_ANALYSIS #enable EEPROM caching set SUPPORT_EEPROM_CACHING #run cxx testcases during boot set EARLY_TESTCASES #Try to keep a list of things this does # - skipping setting voltages in istep 8.12, nothing on other side of AVSbus # in simics currently. set AXONE_BRING_UP # Set this to pull in Axone on code (such as P9A/EXP MSS code) set AXONE