#!/bin/sh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/citest/build-script $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2019 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG if [ -z $PROJECT_ROOT ]; then source "$WORKSPACE/env.bash" fi source "$PROJECT_ROOT/src/build/citest/setup-env" echo "#--------------------------------" echo "SANDBOXROOT=$SANDBOXROOT" echo "SANDBOXNAME=$SANDBOXNAME" echo "CHIP=$CHIP" echo "PNOR=$PNOR" echo "CONFIG_FILE=$CONFIG_FILE" echo "#--------------------------------" #export HOSTBOOT_DEBUG=1 #-- Ensure printkd / tracd is compiled in. # Force simics into Secure Mode export SECURITY_HW_POLICY="1" # Check copyright. check-copyright > copyright.log 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "----Copyright check succeeded." cat copyright.log else echo "----Copyright check failed." cat copyright.log exit -1 fi # Create simics sandbox. create-sandbox > create-sandbox.log 2>&1 & CREATESANDBOX_PID=$! my_date=$(date) # Build Hostboot. if [[ -z "${HOSTBOOT_PROFILE}" ]]; then echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\n$(date): STARTED running \"make -j32\"\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" make -j32 || exit -1 echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\nrc=$?: $(date): FINISHED running (\"make -j32\" was started at $my_date)\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" else # Build with code coverage when HOSTBOOT_PROFILE=1 echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\n$(date): STARTED running \"make -j32 gcov\"\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" make -j32 gcov || exit -1 echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\nrc=$?: $(date): FINISHED running (\"make -j32 gcov\" was started at $my_date)\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" fi # Check sandbox create completion. wait $CREATESANDBOX_PID if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "----Sandbox creation succeeded, here is the log." cat create-sandbox.log else echo "----Sandbox creation failed." cat create-sandbox.log exit -1 fi # Add Hostboot files to simics sandbox. my_date=$(date) echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\n$(date): STARTED running populate-sandbox....\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" populate-sandbox || exit -1 echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\nrc=$?: $(date): FINISHED running (\"populate-sandbox\" was started at $my_date)\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" if [ "$CHIP" == "FSPBUILD" ]; then # Start errl parser building. my_date=$(date) printf "\n\n$(date): STARTED running \"build-errl-parsers\"\n\n" build-errl-parsers > errl-parsers.log 2>&1 & ERRLPARSERS_PID=$! # Check errl parser completion. wait $ERRLPARSERS_PID if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "----Error parsers failed." cat errl-parsers.log exit -1 else printf "\n\n$(date): FINISHED running (\"build-errl-parsers\" was started at $my_date)\n\n" fi else printf "2) CHIP=$CHIP" echo "CHIP3=$CHIP" # Start CxxTest Simics execution. my_date=$(date) echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\n$(date): STARTED running cxxtest-start.sh....\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" cxxtest-start.sh || exit -1 echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\nrc=$?: $(date): FINISHED running (\"cxxtest-start.sh\" was started at $my_date)\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" fi if [[ ! -z "${HOSTBOOT_PROFILE}" ]]; then # Generate the code coverage report. Located obj/gcov_report # Jenkins will artifact and can display html report my_date=$(date) echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\n$(date): STARTED running \"make lcov\"\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" make lcov || exit -1 echo "#--------------------------------" printf "\n\nrc=$?: $(date): FINISHED running (\"make lcov\" was started at $my_date)\n\n" echo "#--------------------------------" fi