#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # $Source: src/build/buildpnor/buildpnor.pl $ # # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project # # Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2015 # [+] International Business Machines Corp. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG #Builds a PNOR image based on pnorLayout XML file. #See usage function at bottom of file for details on how to use this script #Limitations to address later # number fields must be 4 or 8 bytes # numbers cannot be over 32 bits use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; # Digest::SHA1 module is now Digest::SHA in newer version of perl. Need to # do the below eval blocks to support both modules. BEGIN { eval "use Digest::SHA;"; if ($@) { eval "use Digest::SHA1;"; die $@ if $@; } } ################################################################################ # Set PREFERRED_PARSER to XML::Parser. Otherwise it uses XML::SAX which contains # bugs that result in XML parse errors that can be fixed by adjusting white- # space (i.e. parse errors that do not make sense). ################################################################################ $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER = 'XML::Parser'; my $TRAC_ERR = 0; # 0=errors, >0 for more traces, leaving at 1 to keep key milestone traces. my $g_trace = 1; my $programName = File::Basename::basename $0; my %pnorLayout; my %PhysicalOffsets; my %binFiles; my $pnorLayoutFile; my $pnorBinName = ""; my $tocVersion = 0x1; my $g_TOCEyeCatch = "part"; my $emitTestSections = 0; my $g_fpartCmd = ""; my $g_fcpCmd = ""; my %sidelessSecFilled = (); my %SideOptions = ( A => "A", B => "B", sideless => "sideless", ); if ($#ARGV < 0) { usage(); exit; } #Parse the commandline args for (my $i=0; $i < $#ARGV + 1; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /-h/) { usage(); exit 0; } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--tocVersion/) { $tocVersion = getNumber($ARGV[++$i]); trace(2, "TOC Version to use=".sprintf("0x%x", $tocVersion)); } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--pnorLayout/) { $pnorLayoutFile = $ARGV[++$i]; trace(2, "PNOR Layout XML File=$pnorLayoutFile"); } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--pnorOutBin/) { $pnorBinName = $ARGV[++$i]; trace(2, "PNOR Binary File=$pnorBinName"); } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--binFile/) { my $argName = $ARGV[$i]; my $argVal = $ARGV[++$i]; saveInputFile("--binFile", $argName, $argVal, \%binFiles); } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--fpartCmd/) { $g_fpartCmd = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--fcpCmd/) { $g_fcpCmd = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /--test/) { $emitTestSections = 1; } else { traceErr("Unrecognized Input: $ARGV[$i]"); exit 1; #Error!! } } ############################## Begin Actions ################################## #Delete File (pnorBinName) if exists to prevent errors when making layout #changes if (-e $pnorBinName) { unlink $pnorBinName or warn "Could not unlink $pnorBinName: $!"; } #Load PNOR Layout XML file my $rc = loadPnorLayout($pnorLayoutFile, \%pnorLayout, \%PhysicalOffsets); if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to loadPnorLayout(). Exiting"); exit 1; } #Verify all the section files exist my $rc = verifyFilesExist(\%pnorLayout, \%binFiles); if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to verifyFilesExist(). Exiting"); exit 1; } #Perform any data integrity manipulation (ECC, shaw-hash, etc) $rc = robustifyImgs(\%pnorLayout, \%binFiles); if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to robustifyImgs(). Exiting"); exit 1; } $rc = checkSpaceConstraints(\%pnorLayout, \%binFiles); if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to checkSpaceConstraints(). Exiting"); exit 1; } trace(1, "Done checkSpaceConstraints"); # Create all Partition Tables at each TOC offset # Each side has 2 TOC's created at different offsets for backup purposes. # Loop all side sections foreach my $sideId ( keys %{$pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}} ) { # Loop all tocs (primary and backup) foreach my $toc ( keys %{$pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}}) { my $tocOffset = $pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{$toc}; $rc = createPnorPartition($tocVersion, $pnorBinName, \%pnorLayout, $sideId, $tocOffset); if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Error detected from createPnorPartition() $tocOffset Exiting"); exit 1; } #Add the golden side tag to the "part" partition of PNOR` my $userflags1 = ($pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} eq "yes") ? 0x01 : 0x00; #add a golden bit to the misc flags in userflag1 $userflags1 = $userflags1 << 16; trace(2, "$g_fpartCmd --target $pnorBinName --partition-offset $tocOffset --user 1 --name part --value $userflags1 --force"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $pnorBinName --partition-offset $tocOffset --user 1 --name part --value $userflags1 --force`; if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Call to add golden flag to PART failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); exit; } } } #add backup TOC and other side's toc information to each TOC $rc = addTOCInfo(\%pnorLayout, $pnorBinName); if($rc) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to addTOCInfo(). Exiting"); exit 1; } # Fill all sides foreach my $sideId ( keys %{$pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}} ) { my $tocOffset = $pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary}; $rc = fillPnorImage($pnorBinName, \%pnorLayout, \%binFiles, $sideId, $tocOffset); if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to fillPnorImage() sideATocOffset. Exiting"); exit 1; } } exit 0; ######################### Begin Utility Subroutines ########################### ################################################################################ # loadPnorLayout ################################################################################ sub loadPnorLayout { my ($i_pnorFile, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_physicalOffsets) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; unless(-e $i_pnorFile) { traceErr("$this_func: File not found: $i_pnorFile"); return -1; } #parse the input XML file my $xs = new XML::Simple(keyattr=>[], forcearray => 1); my $xml = $xs->XMLin($i_pnorFile); #Iterate over the
elements. foreach my $sectionEl (@{$xml->{section}}) { my $description = $sectionEl->{description}[0]; my $eyeCatch = $sectionEl->{eyeCatch}[0]; my $physicalOffset = $sectionEl->{physicalOffset}[0]; my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionEl->{physicalRegionSize}[0]; my $side = $sectionEl->{side}[0]; my $testonly = $sectionEl->{testonly}[0]; my $ecc = (exists $sectionEl->{ecc} ? "yes" : "no"); my $sha512Version = (exists $sectionEl->{sha512Version} ? "yes" : "no"); my $sha512perEC = (exists $sectionEl->{sha512perEC} ? "yes" : "no"); my $preserved = (exists $sectionEl->{preserved} ? "yes" : "no"); my $readOnly = (exists $sectionEl->{readOnly} ? "yes" : "no"); if (($emitTestSections == 0) && ($sectionEl->{testonly}[0] eq "yes")) { next; } trace(3, "$this_func: description = $description, eyeCatch=$eyeCatch, physicalOffset = $physicalOffset, physicalRegionSize=$physicalRegionSize, side=$side"); $physicalOffset = getNumber($physicalOffset); $physicalRegionSize = getNumber($physicalRegionSize); $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{description} = $description; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{eyeCatch} = $eyeCatch; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalOffset} = $physicalOffset; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{physicalRegionSize} = $physicalRegionSize; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{side} = $side; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{ecc} = $ecc; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{sha512Version} = $sha512Version; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{sha512perEC} = $sha512perEC; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{preserved} = $preserved; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}{$physicalOffset}{readOnly} = $readOnly; #store the physical offsets of each section in a hash, so, it is easy #to search physicalOffsets based on the name of the section (eyecatch) if ($side eq "sideless") { foreach my $metadata (@{$xml->{metadata}}) { foreach my $sides (@{$metadata->{side}}) { $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sides->{id}[0]}{eyecatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset; } } } else { $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$side}{eyecatch}{$eyeCatch} = $physicalOffset; } } # Save the metadata - imageSize, blockSize, toc Information etc. foreach my $metadataEl (@{$xml->{metadata}}) { # Get meta data my $imageSize = $metadataEl->{imageSize}[0]; my $blockSize = $metadataEl->{blockSize}[0]; my $tocSize = $metadataEl->{tocSize}[0]; my $arrangement = $metadataEl->{arrangement}[0]; $imageSize = getNumber($imageSize); $blockSize = getNumber($blockSize); $tocSize = getNumber($tocSize); $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{imageSize} = $imageSize; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{blockSize} = $blockSize; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{tocSize} = $tocSize; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{arrangement} = $arrangement; my $numOfSides = scalar (@{$metadataEl->{side}}); my $sideSize = ($imageSize)/($numOfSides); trace(1, " $this_func: metadata: imageSize = $imageSize, blockSize=$blockSize, arrangement = $arrangement, numOfSides: $numOfSides, sideSize: $sideSize, tocSize: $tocSize"); #determine the TOC offsets from the arrangement and side Information #stored in the layout xml # #Arrangement A-B-D means that the layout had Primary TOC (A), then backup TOC (B), then Data (pnor section information). #Similaryly, arrangement A-D-B means that primary toc is followed by the data (section information) and then #the backup TOC. if ($arrangement eq "A-B-D") { my $count = 0; foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}}) { my $golden = (exists $side->{golden} ? "yes" : "no"); my $sideId = $side->{id}[0]; my $primaryTOC = ($sideSize)*($count); my $backupTOC = ($primaryTOC)+($tocSize); $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} = $golden; $count = $count + 1; trace(1, "A-B-D: side:$sideId primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC, golden: $golden"); } } elsif ($arrangement eq "A-D-B") { foreach my $side (@{$metadataEl->{side}}) { my $golden = (exists $side->{golden} ? "yes" : "no"); my $sideId = $side->{id}[0]; my $hbbAddr = $$i_physicalOffsets{side}{$sideId}{eyecatch}{"HBB"}; my $primaryTOC = align_down($hbbAddr, $sideSize); my $backupTOC = align_up($hbbAddr, $sideSize) - $tocSize; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary} = $primaryTOC; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup} = $backupTOC; $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{golden} = $golden; trace(1, "A-D-B: side:$sideId HBB:$hbbAddr, primaryTOC:$primaryTOC, backupTOC:$backupTOC, golden: $golden"); } } else { trace(0, "Arrangement:$arrangement is not supported"); exit(1); } } return 0; } ################################################################################ # createPnorImg - Create PNOR image based on input data. ################################################################################ sub createPnorImg { my ($i_tocVersion, $i_pnorBinName, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_offset) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; my $rc = 0; trace(4, "$this_func: >>Enter"); trace(1, "createPnorImg:: $i_offset"); #get Block size my $blockSize = $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{blockSize}; #Get size of image in blocks my $imageSize = $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{imageSize}; my $blockCount = $imageSize/$blockSize; do{ if ($blockCount != int($blockCount)) { trace(0, "$this_func: Image size ($imageSize) is not an even multiple of erase blocks ($blockSize). This is not supported. Aborting!"); $rc = 1; last; } #f{fs,part} --create tuleta.pnor --partition-offset 0 --size 8MiB --block 4KiB --force trace(2, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $i_offset --create --size $imageSize --block $blockSize --force"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $i_offset --create --size $imageSize --block $blockSize --force`; if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to creating image failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } }while(0); return $rc; } ################################################################################ # addUserData - Add partition user data. ################################################################################ sub addUserData { my $i_pnorBinName = shift; my $i_offset = shift; my $i_key = shift; my %i_sectionHash = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; my $rc = 0; trace(4, "$this_func: >>Enter"); my $eyeCatch = $i_sectionHash{$i_key}{eyeCatch}; # User data Flags based on FFS entry user data (ffs_hb_user_t) my $chip = 0; my $compressType = 0; my $dataInteg = 0; my $verCheck = 0; my $miscFlags = 0; # DataInteg flag if( ($i_sectionHash{$i_key}{ecc} eq "yes") ) { $dataInteg = 0x8000; } # VerCheck Flag if( ($i_sectionHash{$i_key}{sha512Version} eq "yes") ) { $verCheck = 0x80; } elsif( ($i_sectionHash{$i_key}{sha512perEC} eq "yes") ) { $verCheck = 0x40; } # Misc Flags if( ($i_sectionHash{$i_key}{preserved} eq "yes") ) { $miscFlags |= 0x80; } if( ($i_sectionHash{$i_key}{readOnly} eq "yes") ) { $miscFlags |= 0x40; } #First User Data Word #[1:chip][1:compressType][2:dataInteg] my $userflags0 = ($chip << 24) | ($compressType << 16) | $dataInteg; #Second User Data Word #[1:sha512Version/sha512perEC][1:miscFlags] my $userflags1 = ($verCheck << 24) | ($miscFlags << 16); do{ trace(2, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $i_offset --user 0 --name $eyeCatch --value userflags0=$userflags0"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $i_offset --user 0 --name $eyeCatch --value $userflags0`; if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to add userdata to $eyeCatch failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } trace(2, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $i_offset --user 1 --name $eyeCatch --value userflags1=$userflags1"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $i_offset --user 1 --name $eyeCatch --value $userflags1`; if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to add userdata to $eyeCatch failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } }while(0); return $rc; } ################################################################################ # createPnorPartition - Create PNOR partitions based on input data. ################################################################################ sub createPnorPartition { my ($i_tocVersion, $i_pnorBinName, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $side, $offset) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; my $rc = 0; my $key; my $other_side = getOtherSide($side); trace(4, "$this_func: >>Enter"); trace(1, "createPnorPartition:: $offset"); do{ # Create pnor image at partition offset $rc = createPnorImg($i_tocVersion, $i_pnorBinName, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $offset); if($rc) { last; } #get Block size my $blockSize = $$i_pnorLayoutRef{metadata}{blockSize}; # key into hash data is the physical offset of section. Need to sort the # keys so we put things in the correct order in toc. Generally speaking, # this loop is populating the FFS Header with records based on the section # data specified in the XML + actual sizes of the input binary files. my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}}; for $key ( sort {$a<=> $b} keys %sectionHash) { my $eyeCatch = "UNDEF"; my $physicalOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF; my $physicalRegionSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; # eyecatcher my $eyeCatch = $sectionHash{$key}{eyeCatch}; my $sideInfo = getSideInfo($key, %sectionHash); #don't try to add the TOC, but need to update all other paritions #Add if side matches (or not set) -- so if it isn't equal to other side #Also add if sideless if( ($eyeCatch ne $g_TOCEyeCatch ) && ($sideInfo ne $other_side )) { # base/physical offset my $physicalOffset = $sectionHash{$key}{physicalOffset}; #make sure offset is on a block boundary my $val = $physicalOffset/$blockSize; if ($val != int($val)) { trace(0, "$this_func: Partition offset ($val) does not fall on an erase block ($blockSize) boundary. This is not supported. Aborting!"); $rc = -1; last; } #physical size my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionHash{$key}{physicalRegionSize}; $val = $physicalRegionSize/$blockSize; if($val != int($val)) { trace(0, "$this_func: Partition size ($val) is not an even multiple of erase blocks ($blockSize). This is not supported. Aborting!"); exit 1; } #Add Partition #f{fs,part} --add --target tuleta.pnor --partition-offset 0 --offset 0x1000 --size 0x280000 --name HBI --flags 0x0 trace(2, "$this_func: $g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $offset --add --offset $physicalOffset --size $physicalRegionSize --name $eyeCatch --flags 0x0"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $offset --add --offset $physicalOffset --size $physicalRegionSize --name $eyeCatch --flags 0x0`; if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to add partition $eyeCatch failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } # Add User Partition data $rc = addUserData($i_pnorBinName, $offset, $key, %sectionHash); if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to add user data to partition $eyeCatch failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } #Trunc Partition #f{fs,part} --target tuleta.pnor --partition-offset 0 --name HBI --trunc $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $offset --trunc --name $eyeCatch`; if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to trunc partition $eyeCatch failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } } } # Added in case more functionality added before while ends if ($rc) { last; } }while(0); return $rc; } ################################################################################ # addTOCInfo -- adds BACKUP_PART and OTHER_SIDE information to all the TOCs ################################################################################ sub addTOCInfo { my ($i_pnorLayout, $i_pnorBinName) = @_; my $rc = 0; my $other_idx = 0; my $sideShift = 0; my @all_tocs; foreach my $sideId (keys %{$$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}}) { push @all_tocs, $$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{primary}; push @all_tocs, $$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{backup}; } foreach my $sideId ( keys %{$$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}} ) { my $physicalRegionSize = $$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{tocSize}; my $backup_part = "BACKUP_PART"; my $other_side = "OTHER_SIDE"; my $backup_idx = 0; my $otherSide = getOtherSide($sideId); my $numOfTOCs = scalar keys %{$$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}}; #Adding an extra entry in the TOC that points to its backup TOC and other side's TOC (if other side exists). #This is used to search for all the TOCs in PnorRP code. The idea is to create a link between the tocs such that #if we can find one valid TOC, then we can look at its BACKUP_PART entry or OTHER_SIDE entry in the TOC to #determine the location of backup TOC.Each TOC has only one BACKUP_PART entry and one OTHER_SIDE entry. foreach my $toc (keys %{$$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}}) { #adding backup_part my $toc_offset = $$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}{$sideId}{toc}{$toc}; my $backup_offset = $all_tocs[(($backup_idx + 1)% $numOfTOCs) + $sideShift ]; trace(1, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --add --offset $backup_offset --size $physicalRegionSize --name $backup_part --flags 0x0"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --add --offset $backup_offset --size $physicalRegionSize --name $backup_part --flags 0x0`; if($rc) { trace(0, "Call to add partition $backup_part failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); exit; } #indicate that this is a puesdo-partition and should be skipped on code update my $userflags1 = 0x20; $userflags1 = $userflags1 << 16; trace(1, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --user 1 --name $backup_part --value $userflags1 --force"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --user 1 --name $backup_part --value $userflags1 --force`; if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Call to set BACKUP_PART as pseudo failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); exit; } #Don't add OTHER_SIDE section if there is only one side in PNOR if ((scalar keys % {$$i_pnorLayout{metadata}{sides}}) > 1) { #adding other_side my $otherSide_offset = $all_tocs[(($other_idx + 2)% scalar @all_tocs)]; trace(1, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --add --offset $otherSide_offset --size $physicalRegionSize --name $other_side --flags 0x0"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --add --offset $otherSide_offset --size $physicalRegionSize --name $other_side --flags 0x0`; if($rc) { trace(0, "Call to add partition $other_side failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); exit; } #indicate that this is a puesdo-partition and should be skipped on code update trace(1, "$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --user 1 --name $other_side --value $userflags1 --force"); $rc = `$g_fpartCmd --target $i_pnorBinName --partition-offset $toc_offset --user 1 --name $other_side --value $userflags1 --force`; if($rc != 0) { trace(0, "Call to set OTHER_SIDE as pseudo failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); exit; } } $backup_idx++; $other_idx++; } $sideShift = $sideShift + $numOfTOCs; } return $rc; } ################################################################################ # robustifyImgs - Perform any ECC or ShawHash manipulations ################################################################################ sub robustifyImgs { my ($i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFiles) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; #@TODO: ECC Correction #@TODO: maybe a little SHA hashing? return 0; } ################################################################################ # align_down: Align the input to the lower end of the PNOR side ################################################################################ sub align_down { my ($addr,$n) = @_; return (($addr) - ($addr)%($n)); } ################################################################################ # align_up: Align the input address to the higher end of the PNOR side ################################################################################ sub align_up { my ($addr,$n) = @_; return ((($addr) + ($n-1)) & ~($n-1)); } ################################################################################ # findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch - Figure out hash key based on eyeCatcher ################################################################################ sub findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch { my $layoutKey = -1; my($eyeCatch, $i_pnorLayoutRef) = @_; my $key; my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}}; for $key ( keys %sectionHash) { if($sectionHash{$key}{eyeCatch} =~ $eyeCatch) { $layoutKey = $key; last; } } return $layoutKey; } ################################################################################ # verifyFilesExist - Verify all the input files exist ################################################################################ sub verifyFilesExist { my ($i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFiles) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; my $key; my $rc = 0; for $key ( keys %$i_binFiles) { unless(-e $$i_binFiles{$key}) { my $inputFile = $$i_binFiles{$key}; trace(0, "Specified input file ($inputFile) for key ($key) does not exist. Aborting!"); $rc = 1; last; } else { trace(10, "$this_func: $$i_binFiles{$key} exists"); } } if($rc != 0) { return $rc; } my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}}; return $rc; } ################################################################################ # checkSpaceConstraints - Make sure provided files will fit in their sections ################################################################################ sub checkSpaceConstraints { my ($i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFiles) = @_; my $rc = 0; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; my $key; my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}}; for $key ( keys %{$i_binFiles}) { my $filesize = -s $$i_binFiles{$key}; my $layoutKey = findLayoutKeyByEyeCatch($key, \%$i_pnorLayoutRef); if( $layoutKey == -1) { trace(0, "$this_func: entry not found in PNOR layout for file $$i_binFiles{$key}, under eyecatcher $key"); $rc = 1; last; } my $eyeCatch = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{eyeCatch}; my $physicalRegionSize = $sectionHash{$layoutKey}{physicalRegionSize}; if($filesize > $physicalRegionSize) { trace(0, "$this_func: Image provided ($$i_binFiles{$eyeCatch}) has size ($filesize) which is greater than allocated space ($physicalRegionSize) for section=$eyeCatch. Aborting!"); $rc = 1; } } return $rc; } ############################################################################### # fillPnorImage - Load actual PNOR image with data using the provided input images ################################################################################ sub fillPnorImage { my ($i_pnorBinName, $i_pnorLayoutRef, $i_binFiles, $side, $offset) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; my $rc = 0; my $key; my $other_side = getOtherSide($side); trace(1, "fillPnorImage:: $offset"); #key is the physical offset into the file, however don't need to sort #since FFS allows populating partitions in any order my %sectionHash = %{$$i_pnorLayoutRef{sections}}; for $key ( keys %sectionHash) { trace(3, "$this_func: key=$key"); my $eyeCatch = $sectionHash{$key}{eyeCatch}; my $physicalOffset = $sectionHash{$key}{physicalOffset}; my $inputFile = ""; #Only populate sections with input files provided if(exists $$i_binFiles{$eyeCatch}) { $inputFile = $$i_binFiles{$eyeCatch}; } else { next; } my $sideInfo = getSideInfo($key, %sectionHash); # Add if side matches (or not set) -- so if it isn't equal to other side # Only fill sideless sections once if( ($sideInfo ne $other_side) && (!exists($sidelessSecFilled{$eyeCatch}))) { if($sideInfo eq $SideOptions{sideless}) { $sidelessSecFilled{$eyeCatch} = 1; } trace(5, "$this_func: populating section $sideInfo:$eyeCatch, filename=$inputFile"); #fcp --target tuleta.pnor --partition-offset 0 --name HBI --write hostboot_extended.bin $rc = `$g_fcpCmd $inputFile $i_pnorBinName:$eyeCatch --offset $offset --write --buffer 0x40000000`; if($rc) { trace(0, "$this_func: Call to fcp adding data to partition $eyeCatch failed. rc=$rc. Aborting!"); last; } } } return $rc; } ################################################################################ # saveInputFile - save inputfile name into binFiles array ################################################################################ sub saveInputFile { my ($i_argPrefix, $i_argName, $i_argVal, $i_binFiles) = @_; my $this_func = (caller(0))[3]; #$i_argName will be something like --binFile_HBB #This substr command should return just the HBB, which should match an eyeCather my $eyeCatcher = substr($i_argName, length($i_argPrefix)+1, length($i_argName)-length($i_argPrefix)); trace(10, "$this_func: $eyeCatcher=$i_argVal"); $$i_binFiles{$eyeCatcher} = $i_argVal; trace(10, "$this_func: $$i_binFiles{$eyeCatcher}"); #no return code expected } ################################################# # Insert specifed number of pad bytes into file # ################################################# sub insertPadBytes { my ($i_FILEHANDLE, $i_padBytes) = @_; my $i; print $i_FILEHANDLE pack("C[$i_padBytes]", map { 0 } 1..$i_padBytes); } ################################################################################ # getNumber - handle hex or decimal input string ################################################################################ sub getNumber { my $inVal = shift; if($inVal =~ "0x") { return oct($inVal); } else { return $inVal; } } ################################################################################ # trace ################################################################################ sub traceErr { my $i_string = shift; trace($TRAC_ERR, $i_string); } ################################################################################ # trace ################################################################################ sub trace { my $i_traceLevel; my $i_string; ($i_traceLevel, $i_string) = @_; #traceLevel 0 is for errors if($i_traceLevel == 0) { print "ERROR: ".$i_string."\n"; } elsif ($g_trace >= $i_traceLevel) { print "TRACE: ".$i_string."\n"; } } ################################################################################ # getSideInfo - return side info of certain sections and determine if value is # a supported value ################################################################################ sub getSideInfo { my $i_key = shift; my %i_sectionHash = @_; my $side = ""; my $eyeCatch = $i_sectionHash{$i_key}{eyeCatch}; $side = $i_sectionHash{$i_key}{side}; # Error paths if ($side eq "") { trace(0, "Error detected from call to getSideInfo() - $eyeCatch has no side info specified Exiting"); exit 1; } elsif (!exists($SideOptions{$side})) { trace(0, "Error detected from call to getSideInfo() - $eyeCatch has sideInfo = $side which is not supported Exiting"); exit 1; } return $side; } ################################################################################ # getOtherSide - return other side of the given side # does not default to main side in case more sides are added ################################################################################ sub getOtherSide { my $i_side = shift; my $other_side = ""; if($i_side eq $SideOptions{A}) { $other_side = $SideOptions{B}; } elsif($i_side eq $SideOptions{B}) { $other_side = $SideOptions{A}; } # Error paths if ($other_side eq "") { trace(0, "Error detected from call to getOtherSide() - Could not get other side of side = $i_side Exiting"); exit 1; } return $other_side; } ################################################################################ # print usage instructions ################################################################################ sub usage { print <<"ENDUSAGE"; $programName = Creates the PNOR IMAGE and with TOC based on input data. Usage: $programName --pnorlayout --genToc --tocVersion --binFile_HBB --binFile_HBI Parms: -h Print this help text --pnorlayout PNOR Layout XML file --pnorOutBin Name of output file for PNOR Binary --genToc Indicates you wish to generate a table of contents. It will write the file indicated by --binFile_TOC. --binFile_
This is a special paramater. It is used to specify input files to use for populating the various sections of PNOR. Examples: --binFile_HBB hostboot.bin --binFile_HBI hostboot_extended.bin --binFile_TOC murano.toc A section declared as Blank in the XML does not need to have a binFile specified --ffsCmd invoke string for executing the ffs tool --fpartCmd invoke string for executing the fpart tool --fcpCmd invoke string for executing the fcp tool --test Output test-only sections. Current Limitations: --TOC Records must be 4 or 8 bytes in length --Regions and offsets cannot be over 32 bits (in hex), not an issue with current PNOR size The script will print and error and exit with a non-zero return code if these conditions are encountered. ENDUSAGE }