path: root/src/usr/targeting/test/testtargeting.H
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1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/test/testtargeting.H b/src/usr/targeting/test/testtargeting.H
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index 000000000..a3c6232ea
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+++ b/src/usr/targeting/test/testtargeting.H
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+// This is an automatically generated prolog.
+// $Source: src/usr/targeting/test/testtargeting.H $
+// COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012
+// p1
+// Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+// Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+// IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+// The source code for this program is not published or other-
+// wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+// been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+// Origin: 30
+ * @file targeting/test/testtargeting.H
+ *
+ * @brief All unit tests which test targeting in a platform specific way
+ */
+// Includes
+// STD
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.H>
+#include <hwpf/plat/fapiPlatAttributeService.H>
+#include <fapiReturnCode.H>
+#include <fapiAttributeIds.H>
+#include <fapiAttributeService.H>
+#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+#include <sys/sync.h>
+#include <sys/task.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+// This component
+#include <targeting/common/attributes.H>
+#include <targeting/common/entitypath.H>
+#include <targeting/common/target.H>
+#include <targeting/common/targetservice.H>
+#include <targeting/common/iterators/rangefilter.H>
+#include <targeting/common/predicates/predicatectm.H>
+#include <targeting/common/predicates/predicatepostfixexpr.H>
+#include <targeting/common/targreasoncodes.H>
+#include <errl/errludtarget.H>
+#include <targeting/common/trace.H>
+#include <kernel/console.H>
+ * @brief Struct to hold pointers to a mutex / protected value
+ */
+struct MutexTestData_t
+ mutex_t* pMutex; // Pointer to mutex
+ barrier_t* pBarrier; // Pointer to barrier
+ volatile uint32_t* pVar; // Pointer to value protected by mutex
+ * @brief Function which attempts to write a protected variable
+ *
+ * @param[in] i_pData Pointer to mutex pointer/value pointer structure
+ *
+ * @return N/A
+ */
+void funcTestMutex(void* i_pData)
+ MutexTestData_t* l_pData = static_cast<MutexTestData_t*>(i_pData);
+ barrier_wait(l_pData->pBarrier);
+ mutex_lock(l_pData->pMutex);
+ *(l_pData->pVar) = 1;
+ mutex_unlock(l_pData->pMutex);
+ barrier_wait(l_pData->pBarrier);
+ task_end();
+class TargetingTestSuite : public CxxTest::TestSuite
+ public:
+ /**
+ * @brief Test Hostboot specific mutex attribute support
+ */
+ void testHbMutexAttr()
+ {
+ TS_TRACE(ENTER_MRK "testHbMutexAttr" );
+ using namespace TARGETING;
+ using namespace fapi;
+ do {
+ // Get a reference to the target service
+ TargetService& l_targetService = targetService();
+ // Get the system target containing the test mutex
+ TARGETING::Target* l_pTarget = NULL;
+ (void) l_targetService.getTopLevelTarget(l_pTarget);
+ if (l_pTarget == NULL)
+ {
+ TS_FAIL("Top level target handle is NULL");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Get the mutex attribute (actually a mutex_t* which points to
+ // a mutex)
+ = l_pTarget->getHbMutexAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_HB_MUTEX_TEST_LOCK>();
+ // Test: Verify the value pointed to by the mutex_t* is zero
+ if ( (*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(l_pLock)) != 0)
+ {
+ TS_FAIL("Mutex attribute must be initialized to zero, but got %ld",
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(l_pLock));
+ break;
+ }
+ // Try to get the attribute, and ensure it's the same
+ if(l_pTarget->tryGetHbMutexAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_HB_MUTEX_TEST_LOCK>
+ (l_pLockTry))
+ {
+ if(l_pLockTry != l_pLock)
+ {
+ TS_FAIL("Mutex attributes should match, but dont. "
+ "l_pLockTry = %ld, l_pLock = %ld",l_pLockTry,
+ l_pLock);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TS_FAIL("Mutex attribute tryGet failed, even though it exists");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Create a structue holding pointers to the mutex and a protected value
+ volatile uint32_t l_var = 0;
+ (void)mutex_lock(l_pLock);
+ barrier_t l_barrier;
+ (void)barrier_init(&l_barrier, 2);
+ MutexTestData_t l_mutexTestData = { l_pLock, &l_barrier, &l_var };
+ // Spawn off a function which tries to write the protected value to
+ // something unexpected. If the mutex is working, the for loop will
+ // always poll the expected value.
+ task_create(funcTestMutex, static_cast<void*>(&l_mutexTestData));
+ // Guarantee the child process runs and blocks on the mutex prior to
+ // modifying the protected value. isync to ensure the processor doesn't
+ // speculatively perform the comparison prior to the sleep completing
+ barrier_wait(&l_barrier);
+ nanosleep(0,TEN_CTX_SWITCHES_NS); isync();
+ if(l_var != 0)
+ {
+ TS_FAIL("Protected value must be 0, was %d instead",l_var);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Now unlock the mutex, allowing the other thread to overwrite the
+ // protected value; which should happen within 100,000 reads of the
+ // var. This will confirm the other thread was actively trying to
+ // write the controlled value
+ (void)mutex_unlock(l_pLock);
+ // Guarantee the child process acquires the mutex and modifies the
+ // protected value.
+ barrier_wait(&l_barrier);
+ if(l_var != 1)
+ {
+ TS_FAIL("Protected value must now be 1, was %d instead",l_var);
+ break;
+ }
+ barrier_destroy(&l_barrier);
+ } while(0);
+ TS_TRACE(EXIT_MRK "testHbMutexAttr");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Test Hostboot specific error target FFDC support
+ */
+ void testErrlTargetFFDC()
+ {
+ TS_TRACE(ENTER_MRK "testErrlTargetFFDC" );
+ using namespace ERRORLOG;
+ using namespace TARGETING;
+ using namespace fapi;
+ // Get a reference to the target service
+ TargetService& l_service = targetService();
+ // Get the master proc target
+ TARGETING::Target* l_pTarget1 = NULL;
+ l_service.masterProcChipTargetHandle( l_pTarget1);
+ // Create an errorlog to test FFDC capture of targets
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @moduleid TARG_MOD_TEST
+ * @reasoncode TARG_RC_TEST_TARGET_FFDC
+ * @userdata1 Test data 1
+ * @userdata2 Test data 2
+ * @devdesc User Details unit test - create target user detail data
+ */
+ errlHndl_t l_err;
+ l_err = new ErrlEntry(ERRL_SEV_INFORMATIONAL,
+ 0x0011223344556677,
+ 0x8899aabbccddeeff);
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_pTarget1).addToLog(l_err);
+ ErrlUserDetailsTarget(l_pTarget2).addToLog(l_err);
+ errlCommit(l_err, TARG_COMP_ID);
+ TS_TRACE(EXIT_MRK "testErrlTargetFFDC");
+ }
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