path: root/src/usr/secureboot/ext/drtm.C
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/secureboot/ext/drtm.C')
1 files changed, 723 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/secureboot/ext/drtm.C b/src/usr/secureboot/ext/drtm.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1497e35e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/secureboot/ext/drtm.C
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/secureboot/ext/drtm.C $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2017 */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <builtins.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sys/mm.h>
+#include <sys/task.h>
+#include <util/align.H>
+#include <errl/errlentry.H>
+#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+#include <targeting/common/util.H>
+#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
+#include <arch/pirformat.H>
+#include <initservice/mboxRegs.H>
+#include <util/utilmbox_scratch.H>
+#include <secureboot/settings.H>
+#include <secureboot/service.H>
+#include <secureboot/secure_reasoncodes.H>
+#include <secureboot/trustedbootif.H>
+#include <secureboot/drtm.H>
+#include "../common/securetrace.H"
+// Set to "1" to enable unit tracing
+#if 0
+ // Enable SB_UNIT
+ #define TRACUCOMP(args...) TRACFCOMP(args)
+ // Enable SB_UNIT_BIN
+ #define TRACUBIN(args...) TRACFBIN(args)
+ #define TRACUCOMP(args...)
+ #define TRACUBIN(args...)
+// Makes the math more intuitive
+namespace SECUREBOOT
+namespace DRTM
+// RIT protection DRTM payload address in megabytes
+// Use reserved area immediately before payload base
+const uint32_t DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD_PHYS_ADDR_MB = 256-1;
+// RIT protection payload
+const char DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD[] = {'D','R','T','M'};
+const char* const DRTM_RIT_LOG_TEXT = "DrtmPayload";
+errlHndl_t discoverDrtmState(
+ const INITSERVICE::SPLESS::MboxScratch7_t& i_scratchReg7,
+ const INITSERVICE::SPLESS::MboxScratch8_t& i_scratchReg8)
+ SB_ENTER("discoverDrtmState: i_scratchReg7=0x%08X, "
+ "i_scratchReg8 = 0x%08X",
+ i_scratchReg7.data32,i_scratchReg8.data32);
+ errlHndl_t pError = nullptr;
+ do
+ {
+ TARGETING::Target* pSysTarget = nullptr;
+ TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget(pSysTarget);
+ if(pSysTarget == nullptr)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"discoverDrtmState: BUG! nullptr system target detected.");
+ break;
+ }
+ TARGETING::Target* pMasterProc = nullptr;
+ pError = TARGETING::targetService().queryMasterProcChipTargetHandle(
+ pMasterProc);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("discoverDrtmState: Failed in call to "
+ "queryMasterProcChipTargetHandle().");
+ break;
+ }
+ uint64_t securitySwitches = 0;
+ pError = SECUREBOOT::getSecuritySwitch(securitySwitches,
+ pMasterProc);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("discoverDrtmState: Failed in call to getSecuritySwitch() for "
+ "proc = 0x%08X.",
+ get_huid(pMasterProc));
+ break;
+ }
+ const bool masterProcL4A = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::L4ABit);
+ const bool masterProcLQA = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LQABit);
+ const bool masterProcLLP = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LLPBit);
+ const bool drtmPayloadValid = i_scratchReg8.validDrtmPayloadAddr;
+ const bool isMpiplBoot = pSysTarget->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_IS_MPIPL_HB>();
+ const bool securebootEnabled = SECUREBOOT::enabled();
+ SB_INF("discoverDrtmState: masterProcL4A = %d, drtmPayloadValid = %d, "
+ "isMpiplBoot = %d, securebootEnabled = %d, "
+ "masterProcLQA = %d, i_scratchReg7 = 0x%08X, "
+ "masterProcLLP = %d.",
+ masterProcL4A,drtmPayloadValid,isMpiplBoot,
+ securebootEnabled,masterProcLQA,i_scratchReg7.drtmPayloadAddrMb,
+ masterProcLLP);
+ TARGETING::ATTR_IS_DRTM_MPIPL_HB_type drtmMpIpl = false;
+ if(masterProcL4A || drtmPayloadValid)
+ {
+ // Note: We don't care if trusted boot is not enabled, if not, the
+ // measurement will simply be ignored later
+ if( !masterProcL4A
+ || !drtmPayloadValid
+ || !isMpiplBoot
+ || !securebootEnabled
+ || !masterProcLQA
+ || masterProcLLP)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"discoverDrtmState: BUG! Inconsistent DRTM state "
+ "detected. masterProcL4A = %d, drtmPayloadValid = %d, "
+ "isMpiplBoot = %d, securebootEnabled = %d, "
+ "masterProcLQA = %d, masterProcLLP = %d.",
+ masterProcL4A,drtmPayloadValid,isMpiplBoot,
+ securebootEnabled,masterProcLQA,masterProcLLP);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drtmMpIpl = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( drtmMpIpl
+ && (i_scratchReg7.drtmPayloadAddrMb == 0))
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"discoverDrtmState: BUG! DRTM payload address "
+ "should not be 0 on a DRTM boot.");
+ break;
+ }
+ const auto drtmPayloadAddrMb = drtmMpIpl ?
+ i_scratchReg7.drtmPayloadAddrMb : 0;
+ pSysTarget->setAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_IS_DRTM_MPIPL_HB>(drtmMpIpl);
+ drtmPayloadAddrMb);
+ // NOTE: It should be SBE job to clear the DRTM scratch regs
+ // on any given non-DRTM boot flow, hence Hostboot never has to clear them.
+ } while(0);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("discoverDrtmState: plid=0x%08X, eid=0x%08X, reason=0x%04X",
+ }
+ SB_EXIT("discoverDrtmState");
+ return pError;
+void isDrtmMpipl(bool& o_isDrtmMpipl)
+ TARGETING::Target* pSysTarget = nullptr;
+ TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget(pSysTarget);
+ if(pSysTarget == nullptr)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"isDrtmMpipl: BUG! nullptr system target detected");
+ }
+ o_isDrtmMpipl = pSysTarget->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_IS_DRTM_MPIPL_HB>();
+errlHndl_t validateDrtmHwSignature()
+ SB_ENTER("validateDrtmHwSignature");
+ errlHndl_t pError = nullptr;
+ do
+ {
+ bool drtmMpIpl = false;
+ isDrtmMpipl(drtmMpIpl);
+ if(drtmMpIpl)
+ {
+ SB_DBG("validateDrtmHwSignature: DRTM active, checking L4A, LQA, "
+ "SUL, LLS and LLP on node's functional proc chips.");
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList funcProcChips;
+ TARGETING::getAllChips(funcProcChips,
+ for(auto &pFuncProc :funcProcChips)
+ {
+ uint64_t securitySwitches = 0;
+ pError = SECUREBOOT::getSecuritySwitch(securitySwitches,
+ pFuncProc);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("validateDrtmHwSignature: getSecuritySwitch() "
+ "failed for proc = 0x%08X.",
+ get_huid(pFuncProc));
+ break;
+ }
+ const bool L4A = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::L4ABit);
+ const bool LQA = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LQABit);
+ const bool SUL = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::SULBit);
+ const bool LLP = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LLPBit);
+ const bool LLS = securitySwitches
+ & static_cast<uint64_t>(SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LLSBit);
+ SB_INF("validateDrtmHwSignature: Proc 0x%08X has L4A = %d, "
+ "LQA = %d, SUL = %d, LLP = %d, LLS = %d.",
+ get_huid(pFuncProc),L4A,LQA,SUL,LLP,LLS);
+ if(!L4A || !LQA || !SUL || LLP || LLS)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling, including whether
+ // to attempt on every processor
+ assert(false,"validateDrtmHwSignature: BUG! In DRTM flow, "
+ "all functional proc chips should have L4A, LQA, and "
+ "SUL set + LLP and LLS clear, however proc 0x%08X has "
+ "L4A = %d, LQA = %d, SUL = %d, LLP = %d, LLS = %d.",
+ get_huid(pFuncProc),L4A,LQA,SUL,LLP,LLS);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SB_INF("validateDrtmHwSignature: DRTM not active, skipping check "
+ "for L4A, LQA, SUL, LLP and LLS on node's functional procs");
+ }
+ } while(0);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("validateDrtmHwSignature: plid=0x%08X, eid=0x%08X, "
+ "reason=0x%04X",
+ }
+ SB_EXIT("validateDrtmHwSignature");
+ return pError;
+errlHndl_t validateDrtmPayload()
+ SB_ENTER("validateDrtmPayload");
+ errlHndl_t pError = nullptr;
+ const void* drtmPayloadVirtAddr = nullptr;
+ do
+ {
+ bool drtmMpIpl = false;
+ isDrtmMpipl(drtmMpIpl);
+ if(drtmMpIpl)
+ {
+ SB_DBG("validateDrtmPayload: DRTM active, validating DRTM payload."
+ "proc chips.");
+ TARGETING::Target* pSysTarget = nullptr;
+ TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget(pSysTarget);
+ if(pSysTarget == nullptr)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"validateDrtmPayload: BUG! nullptr system target "
+ "detected");
+ break;
+ }
+ const auto drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb = pSysTarget->getAttr<
+ if(drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb == 0)
+ {
+ assert(false,"validateDrtmPayload: BUG! DRTM payload physical "
+ "address should not be 0.");
+ break;
+ }
+ const uint64_t drtmPayloadPhysAddr =
+ drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb*BYTES_PER_MEGABYTE;
+ SB_INF("validateDrtmPayload: DRTM payload available at physical "
+ "address of %d MB (0x%16llX).",
+ drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb,drtmPayloadPhysAddr);
+ // Compute DRTM payload size
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: Once the DRTM save area is known/defined,
+ // need to figure out a better initial size to map. For example,
+ // perhaps we map just one page to begin with, in order to read out
+ // the actual total size. Also, a size is available, assert if the
+ // size is 0.
+ uint64_t drtmPayloadSize = 0;
+ drtmPayloadSize = ALIGN_PAGE(sizeof(DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD));
+ #endif
+ // Map in the physical memory to virtual memory
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr = mm_block_map (
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(drtmPayloadPhysAddr),drtmPayloadSize);
+ if(drtmPayloadVirtAddr == nullptr)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"validateDrtmPayload: BUG! mm_block_map returned "
+ "nullptr for physical address 0x%016llX and size "
+ "0x%016llX.",
+ drtmPayloadPhysAddr,drtmPayloadSize);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Verify the payload matches expected result
+ if(memcmp(drtmPayloadVirtAddr,DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD,
+ sizeof(DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD) != 0))
+ {
+ const uint32_t* pAddrAct = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr);
+ const uint32_t* pAddrExp = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
+ SB_ERR("validateDrtmPayload: DRTM RIT: payload content at "
+ "0x%16llX was not as expected. Expected value = 0x%08X, "
+ "actual = 0x%08X",
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr,
+ *pAddrAct,
+ *pAddrExp);
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"validateDrtmPayload: BUG: DRTM payload content "
+ "at 0x%16llX was not as expected. Expected value = "
+ "0x%08X, actual = 0x%08X",
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr,
+ *pAddrAct,
+ *pAddrExp);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Extend (arbitrary) measurement to PCR17
+ SHA512_t hash = {0};
+ memcpy(hash,DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD,sizeof(DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD));
+ pError = TRUSTEDBOOT::pcrExtend(TRUSTEDBOOT::PCR_DRTM_17, hash,
+ sizeof(SHA512_t),DRTM_RIT_LOG_TEXT);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("validateDrtmPayload: Failed in pcrExtend() for PCR 17");
+ break;
+ }
+ #else
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: Securely verify the measured launch environment
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: Really measure+extend the payload
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SB_INF("validateDrtmPayload: DRTM not active, skipping DRTM "
+ "payload verification ");
+ }
+ } while(0);
+ if(drtmPayloadVirtAddr)
+ {
+ auto rc = mm_block_unmap(const_cast<void*>(drtmPayloadVirtAddr));
+ if(rc != 0)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"validateDrtmPayload: BUG! mm_block_unmap failed for "
+ "virtual address 0x%16llX.",
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("validateDrtmPayload: plid=0x%08X, eid=0x%08X, reason=0x%04X",
+ }
+ SB_EXIT("validateDrtmPayload");
+ return pError;
+errlHndl_t completeDrtm()
+ SB_ENTER("completeDrtm");
+ errlHndl_t pError = nullptr;
+ do
+ {
+ bool drtmMpIpl = false;
+ isDrtmMpipl(drtmMpIpl);
+ if(drtmMpIpl)
+ {
+ SB_INF("completeDrtm: Clearing L4A and LQA on node's functional "
+ "proc chips.");
+ const std::vector<SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity> bitsToClear {
+ SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::L4ABit,
+ SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LQABit
+ };
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList funcProcChips;
+ TARGETING::getAllChips(funcProcChips,
+ for(auto &pFuncProc :funcProcChips)
+ {
+ pError = SECUREBOOT::clearSecuritySwitchBits(bitsToClear,
+ pFuncProc);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling to attempt on every
+ // processor
+ SB_ERR("completeDrtm: clearSecuritySwitchBits() failed for "
+ "proc = 0x%08X. Tried to clear LQA + L4A.",
+ get_huid(pFuncProc));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SB_INF("completeDrtm: DRTM not active, not clearing LQA or L4A "
+ "bits.");
+ }
+ } while(0);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("completeDrtm: plid=0x%08X, eid=0x%08X, reason=0x%04X",
+ }
+ SB_EXIT("completeDrtm");
+ return pError;
+errlHndl_t initiateDrtm()
+ SB_ENTER("initiateDrtm");
+ errlHndl_t pError = nullptr;
+ // For DRTM, the thread has to be pinned to a core (and therefore pinned to
+ // a chip)
+ task_affinity_pin();
+ void* drtmPayloadVirtAddr = nullptr;
+ do
+ {
+ const std::vector<SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity> LLP {
+ SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LLPBit,
+ };
+ const std::vector<SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity> LLS {
+ SECUREBOOT::ProcSecurity::LLSBit,
+ };
+ // Determine which fabric group and chip this task is executing on and
+ // create a filter to find the matching chip target
+ auto cpuId = task_getcpuid();
+ auto groupId = PIR_t::groupFromPir(cpuId);
+ auto chipId = PIR_t::chipFromPir(cpuId);
+ matchesGroup(groupId);
+ matchesChip(chipId);
+ TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr matchesGroupAndChip;
+ matchesGroupAndChip.push(&matchesGroup).push(&matchesChip).And();
+ // Get all the functional proc chips and find the chip we're running on
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList funcProcChips;
+ TARGETING::getAllChips(funcProcChips,
+ if(funcProcChips.empty())
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"initiateDrtm: BUG! Functional proc chips is empty, "
+ "yet this code is running on a functional chip!");
+ break;
+ }
+ // NOTE: std::find_if requires predicates to be copy constructable, but
+ // predicates are not; hence use a wrapper lambda function to bypass
+ // that limitation
+ auto pMatch =
+ std::find_if(funcProcChips.begin(),funcProcChips.end(),
+ [&matchesGroupAndChip] ( TARGETING::Target* pTarget )
+ {
+ return matchesGroupAndChip(pTarget);
+ } );
+ if(pMatch == funcProcChips.end())
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false, "initiateDrtm: BUG! No functional chip found "
+ "to be running this code");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Move the matching target to the end of the list.
+ // NOTE: If reverse iterators were supported, we could have verified the
+ // last element of the container is not the match, and done a
+ // std::iter_swap of the match and the last element
+ TARGETING::Target* const pMatchTarget = *pMatch;
+ funcProcChips.erase(pMatch);
+ funcProcChips.push_back(pMatchTarget);
+ // Map to the DRTM payload area in mainstore
+ const uint32_t drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb = DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD_PHYS_ADDR_MB;
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr = mm_block_map(
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb*BYTES_PER_MEGABYTE),
+ if(drtmPayloadVirtAddr == nullptr)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false, "initiateDrtm: BUG! Failed in call to mm_block_map "
+ "to map the DRTM payload.");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Copy the DRTM payload to the DRTM payload area
+ memcpy(
+ reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(drtmPayloadVirtAddr),
+ sizeof(DRTM_RIT_PAYLOAD));
+ // The required generic sequencing to initiate DRTM is as follows:
+ // 1) Initiating task must pin itself to a core (to ensure it
+ // will not be accidentally queisced by SBE)
+ // 2) It must set the DRTM payload information in the master processor
+ // mailbox scratch registers (registers 7 and 8) before it goes
+ // offline
+ // 3) It must determine the processor it's currently running on
+ // 4) It must set the late launch bit (LL) on all other processors
+ // 4a) If the given processor is an active master, it must set
+ // late launch primary (LLP) bit
+ // 4b) Otherwise it must set late launch secondary (LLS) bit
+ // 5) Finally, it must its own processor's LL bit last, according to the
+ // rules of step 4.
+ for(auto &pFuncProc :funcProcChips)
+ {
+ const auto procMasterType = pFuncProc->getAttr<
+ // If master chip, set the DRTM payload address and validity
+ {
+ (void)setDrtmPayloadPhysAddrMb(drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb);
+ }
+ pError = SECUREBOOT::setSecuritySwitchBits(procMasterType ==
+ LLP : LLS,
+ pFuncProc);
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("initiateDrtm: setSecuritySwitchBits() failed for proc "
+ "= 0x%08X. Tried to set LLP or LLS.",
+ get_huid(pFuncProc));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ SB_INF("initiateDrtm: SBE should eventually quiesce all cores; until "
+ "then, endlessly yield the task");
+ while(1)
+ {
+ task_yield();
+ }
+ } while(0);
+ // If we -do- come back from this function (on error path only), then we
+ // should unpin
+ task_affinity_unpin();
+ if(drtmPayloadVirtAddr)
+ {
+ auto rc = mm_block_unmap(const_cast<void*>(drtmPayloadVirtAddr));
+ if(rc != 0)
+ {
+ // TODO: RTC 167205: GA error handling
+ assert(false,"initiateDrtm: BUG! mm_block_unmap failed for virtual "
+ "address 0x%16llX.",
+ drtmPayloadVirtAddr);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pError)
+ {
+ SB_ERR("initiateDrtm: plid=0x%08X, eid=0x%08X, reason=0x%04X",
+ }
+ SB_EXIT("initiateDrtm");
+ return pError;
+void setDrtmPayloadPhysAddrMb(
+ const uint32_t i_drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb)
+ // Set the address
+ Util::writeScratchReg(
+ // Mark as valid if non-0, else invalid
+ INITSERVICE::SPLESS::MboxScratch8_t scratch8 =
+ { .data32 = Util::readScratchReg(
+ scratch8.validDrtmPayloadAddr =
+ i_drtmPayloadPhysAddrMb ? true : false;
+ Util::writeScratchReg(
+} // End DRTM namespace
+} // End SECUREBOOT namespace
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud