path: root/src/usr/sbeio/sbe_psudd.C
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/sbeio/sbe_psudd.C')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/sbeio/sbe_psudd.C b/src/usr/sbeio/sbe_psudd.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bce5331f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/sbeio/sbe_psudd.C
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/sbeio/sbe_psudd.C $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2016 */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+ * @file sbe_psudd.C
+ * @brief SBE PSU device driver
+ */
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <trace/interface.H>
+#include <devicefw/driverif.H>
+#include <errl/errlentry.H>
+#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+#include <errl/errludtarget.H>
+#include <targeting/common/target.H>
+#include <targeting/common/targetservice.H>
+#include <sbeio/sbeioreasoncodes.H>
+#include "sbe_psudd.H"
+trace_desc_t* g_trac_sbeio;
+#define SBE_TRACF(printf_string,args...) \
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_sbeio,"psudd: " printf_string,##args)
+#define SBE_TRACD(printf_string,args...) \
+ TRACDCOMP(g_trac_sbeio,"psudd: " printf_string,##args)
+using namespace ERRORLOG;
+//TODO RTC 144313 implement error recovery and ffdc.
+namespace SBEIO
+ * @brief perform SBE PSU chip-op
+ *
+ * @param[in] i_pPsuRequest Pointer to PSU request commands
+ * @param[out] o_pPsuResponse Pointer to PSU response
+ * @param[in] i_timeout Time out for response
+ * @param[in] i_reqMsgs 4 bit mask telling which regs to write
+ * @param[in] i_rspMsgs 4 bit mask telling which regs to read
+ */
+errlHndl_t performPsuChipOp(psuCommand * i_pPsuRequest,
+ psuResponse * o_pPsuResponse,
+ const uint64_t i_timeout,
+ uint8_t i_reqMsgs,
+ uint8_t i_rspMsgs)
+ errlHndl_t errl = NULL;
+ TARGETING::Target * l_target = NULL;
+ static mutex_t l_psuOpMux = MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+ SBE_TRACD(ENTER_MRK "performPsuChipOp");
+ //Serialize access to PSU
+ mutex_lock(&l_psuOpMux);
+ //Use master proc for SBE PSU access
+ (void)TARGETING::targetService().masterProcChipTargetHandle(l_target);
+ assert(l_target,"performPsuChipOp: master proc target is NULL");
+ do
+ {
+ // write PSU Request
+ errl = writeRequest(l_target,
+ i_pPsuRequest,
+ i_reqMsgs);
+ if (errl) break; // return with error
+ // read PSU response and check results
+ errl = readResponse(l_target,
+ i_pPsuRequest,
+ o_pPsuResponse,
+ i_timeout,
+ i_rspMsgs);
+ if (errl) break; // return with error
+ }
+ while (0);
+ mutex_unlock(&l_psuOpMux);
+ SBE_TRACD(EXIT_MRK "performPsuChipOp");
+ return errl;
+ * @brief write PSU Request message
+ */
+errlHndl_t writeRequest(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ psuCommand * i_pPsuRequest,
+ uint8_t i_reqMsgs)
+ errlHndl_t errl = NULL;
+ static uint16_t l_seqID = 0;
+ SBE_TRACD(ENTER_MRK "writeRequest");
+ do
+ {
+ // assign sequence ID and save to check that response matches
+ i_pPsuRequest->seqID = ++l_seqID;
+ // Read SBE doorbell to confirm ready to accept command.
+ // Since the device driver single threads the requests, we should
+ // never see not being ready to send a request.
+ uint64_t l_addr = PSU_SBE_DOORBELL_REG_RW;
+ uint64_t l_data = 0;
+ errl = readScom(i_target,l_addr,&l_data);
+ if (errl) break;
+ if (l_data & SBE_DOORBELL)
+ {
+ SBE_TRACF(ERR_MRK "writeRequest: SBE not ready to accept cmd");
+ SBE_TRACF(ERR_MRK " Control Flags,SeqID,Cmd,SubCmd=0x%016lx",
+ i_pPsuRequest->mbxReg0);
+ SBE_TRACF(ERR_MRK " Host to PSU door bell=0x%016lx",
+ l_data);
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @moduleid SBEIO_PSU
+ * @reasoncode SBEIO_PSU_NOT_READY
+ * @userdata1[0:15] Reserved
+ * @userdata1[16:31] Request Control Flags
+ * @userdata1[32:47] Request Sequence ID
+ * @userdata1[48:55] Request Command Class
+ * @userdata1[56:63] Request Command
+ * @userdata2 Host to SBE door bell register
+ *
+ * @devdesc SBE PSU device driver not ready
+ * to receive next command.
+ * @custdesc Firmware error communicating with boot device
+ */
+ errl = new ErrlEntry(ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE,
+ i_pPsuRequest->mbxReg0,
+ l_data);
+ //TODO RTC 144313 review callouts and ffdc
+ errl->addProcedureCallout(HWAS::EPUB_PRC_HB_CODE,
+ errl->collectTrace(SBEIO_COMP_NAME);
+ break; // return with error
+ }
+ //write the command registers
+ uint64_t * l_pMessage = (uint64_t *)i_pPsuRequest;
+ l_addr = PSU_HOST_SBE_MBOX0_REG;
+ for (uint8_t i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ if (0x01 & i_reqMsgs) // write register if non-reserved
+ {
+ errl = writeScom(i_target,l_addr,l_pMessage);
+ if (errl) break;
+ }
+ i_reqMsgs>>=1;
+ l_addr++;
+ l_pMessage++;
+ }
+ if (errl) break;
+ //notify PSU command is ready
+ l_data = SBE_DOORBELL;
+ errl = writeScom(i_target,l_addr,&l_data);
+ if (errl) break;
+ }
+ while (0);
+ SBE_TRACD(EXIT_MRK "writeRequest");
+ return errl;
+ * @brief Read PSU response messages
+ */
+errlHndl_t readResponse(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ psuCommand * i_pPsuRequest,
+ psuResponse * o_pPsuResponse,
+ const uint64_t i_timeout,
+ uint8_t i_rspMsgs)
+ errlHndl_t errl = NULL;
+ SBE_TRACD(ENTER_MRK "readResponse");
+ do
+ {
+ //wait for request to be completed
+ errl = pollForPsuComplete(i_target,i_timeout);
+ if (errl) break; // return with error
+ //read the response registers
+ uint64_t * l_pMessage = (uint64_t *)o_pPsuResponse;
+ uint64_t l_addr = PSU_HOST_SBE_MBOX4_REG;
+ for (uint8_t i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ if (0x01 & i_rspMsgs) // read register if non-reserved
+ {
+ errl = readScom(i_target,l_addr,l_pMessage);
+ break;
+ }
+ i_rspMsgs>>=1;
+ l_addr++;
+ l_pMessage++;
+ }
+ if (errl) break;
+ //notify PSU response has been read
+ uint64_t l_data = HOST_CLEAR_RESPONSE_WAITING;
+ errl = writeScom(i_target,l_addr,&l_data);
+ if (errl) break;
+ //check status and seq ID in response messages
+ if ((SBE_PRI_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL != o_pPsuResponse->primaryStatus) ||
+ (SBE_SEC_OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL != o_pPsuResponse->secondaryStatus) ||
+ (i_pPsuRequest->seqID != o_pPsuResponse->seqID) )
+ {
+ SBE_TRACF(ERR_MRK "readResponse: failing response status "
+ " cmd=0x%08x prim=0x%08x secondary=0x%08x",
+ " expected seqID=%d actual seqID=%d",
+ i_pPsuRequest[1],
+ o_pPsuResponse->primaryStatus,
+ o_pPsuResponse->secondaryStatus,
+ i_pPsuRequest->seqID,
+ o_pPsuResponse->seqID);
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @moduleid SBEIO_PSU
+ * @userdata1[0:31] Indirect size or 9 for direct command
+ * @userdata1[32:47] Request Sequence ID
+ * @userdata1[48:55] Request Command Class
+ * @userdata1[56:63] Request Command
+ * @userdata2[0:15] Response Primary Status
+ * @userdata2[16:31] Response Secondary Status
+ * @userdata2[32:47] Response Sequence ID
+ * @userdata2[48:55] Response Command Class
+ * @userdata2[56:63] Response Command
+ *
+ * @devdesc Unexpected sequence number or non zero
+ * primary or secondary status
+ * @custdesc Firmware error communicating with boot device
+ */
+ errl = new ErrlEntry(ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE,
+ i_pPsuRequest->mbxReg0,
+ o_pPsuResponse->mbxReg4);
+ //TODO RTC 144313 review callouts and ffdc
+ errl->addProcedureCallout(HWAS::EPUB_PRC_HB_CODE,
+ errl->collectTrace(SBEIO_COMP_NAME);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (0);
+ SBE_TRACD(EXIT_MRK "readResponse");
+ return errl;
+ * @brief poll for PSU to complete command
+ */
+errlHndl_t pollForPsuComplete(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ const uint64_t i_timeout)
+ errlHndl_t errl = NULL;
+ SBE_TRACD(ENTER_MRK "pollForPsuComplete");
+ uint64_t l_elapsed_time_ns = 0;
+ uint64_t l_addr = PSU_HOST_DOORBELL_REG_RW;
+ uint64_t l_data = 0;
+ bool l_trace = true; //initialize so first call is traced
+ do
+ {
+ // read response doorbell to see if ready
+ errl = readScom(i_target,l_addr,&l_data,l_trace);
+ if (errl) break; // return with error
+ // check if response is now ready to be read
+ {
+ break; // return with success
+ }
+ // time out if wait too long
+ if (l_elapsed_time_ns > i_timeout )
+ {
+ SBE_TRACF(ERR_MRK "pollForPsuComplete: "
+ "timeout waiting for PSU request to complete");
+ /*@
+ * @errortype
+ * @moduleid SBEIO_PSU
+ * @userdata1 Timeout in NS
+ * @devdesc Timeout waiting for PSU command to complete
+ * @custdesc Firmware error communicating with boot device
+ */
+ errl = new ErrlEntry(ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE,
+ i_timeout,
+ 0);
+ //TODO RTC 144313 review callouts and ffdc
+ errl->addProcedureCallout(HWAS::EPUB_PRC_HB_CODE,
+ errl->collectTrace(SBEIO_COMP_NAME);
+ break;
+ }
+ // try later
+ nanosleep( 0, 10000 ); //sleep for 10,000 ns
+ l_elapsed_time_ns += 10000;
+ // There will be many polls to check for the complete. If there
+ // is a problem, then there will be hundreds before timing out
+ // and giving up. Having one trace entry showing the poll request
+ // parameters is useful. Hundreds of identical entries is not. Hundreds
+ // with a non-continuous trace overruns the initial interaction.
+ l_trace = false; //only trace once to avoid flooding the trace
+ }
+ while (1);
+ SBE_TRACD(EXIT_MRK "pollForPsuComplete");
+ return errl;
+ * @brief read Scom
+ */
+errlHndl_t readScom(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ uint64_t i_addr,
+ uint64_t * o_pData,
+ bool i_trace)
+ errlHndl_t errl = NULL;
+ size_t l_64bitSize = sizeof(uint64_t);
+ errl = deviceOp(DeviceFW::READ,
+ i_target,
+ o_pData,
+ l_64bitSize,
+ if (i_trace)
+ {
+ SBE_TRACD(" readScom addr=0x%08lx data=0x%016lx",
+ i_addr,*o_pData);
+ }
+ return errl;
+ * @brief write Scom
+ */
+errlHndl_t writeScom(TARGETING::Target * i_target,
+ uint64_t i_addr,
+ uint64_t * i_pData)
+ errlHndl_t errl = NULL;
+ SBE_TRACD(" writeScom addr=0x%08lx data=0x%016lx",
+ i_addr,*i_pData);
+ size_t l_64bitSize = sizeof(uint64_t);
+ errl = deviceOp(DeviceFW::WRITE,
+ i_target,
+ i_pData,
+ l_64bitSize,
+ return errl;
+} //end of namespace SBEIO
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