path: root/src/usr/sbeio/common/sbe_retry_handler.C
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/sbeio/common/sbe_retry_handler.C')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/sbeio/common/sbe_retry_handler.C b/src/usr/sbeio/common/sbe_retry_handler.C
index 0af3eedb2..f68c587d3 100644
--- a/src/usr/sbeio/common/sbe_retry_handler.C
+++ b/src/usr/sbeio/common/sbe_retry_handler.C
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include <ipmi/ipmiwatchdog.H>
#include <p9_start_cbs.H>
+#include <p9_sbe_hreset.H>
#include <p9_get_sbe_msg_register.H>
#include <p9_perv_scom_addresses.H>
#include <sbe/sbe_update.H>
@@ -183,7 +184,6 @@ void SbeRetryHandler::main_sbe_handler( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
else if(!this->iv_sbeRegister.sbeBooted)
SBE_TRACF("main_sbe_handler(): SBE reports it was never booted, calling p9_sbe_extract_rc will fail. Setting action to be RESTART_SBE");
- //Maybe commit log here saying initial start_cbs didnt run
this->iv_currentAction = P9_EXTRACT_SBE_RC::RESTART_SBE;
@@ -326,6 +326,9 @@ void SbeRetryHandler::main_sbe_handler( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
// switching seeprom sides
+ // Both of the retry methods require a FAPI2 version of the target because they
+ // are fapi2 HWPs
+ const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP> l_fapi2_proc_target (i_target);
if(this->iv_currentSideBootAttempts >= MAX_SIDE_BOOT_ATTEMPTS)
@@ -365,8 +368,6 @@ void SbeRetryHandler::main_sbe_handler( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
else if(this->iv_sbeRestartMethod == SBE_RESTART_METHOD::START_CBS)
SBE_TRACF("Invoking p9_start_cbs HWP on processor %.8X", get_huid(i_target));
- const fapi2::Target<fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_PROC_CHIP>
- l_fapi2_proc_target (i_target);
FAPI_INVOKE_HWP(l_errl, p9_start_cbs,
l_fapi2_proc_target, true);
@@ -400,56 +401,41 @@ void SbeRetryHandler::main_sbe_handler( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
// will work so we will break out of the retry loop
- }else
+ }
+ // The only other type of reset method is HRESET
+ else
- //@todo RTC:180242 Right now we don't have the support
- // to perform an hreset, when we do remove this error
- // log and perform the hreset.
- //Increment attempt count for this side
- /*@
- * @errortype
- * @userdata1 HUID of proc that had the SBE timeout
- * @userdata2 SBE failing code
- *
- * @devdesc SBE did not start, this function is looking at
- * the error to determine next course of action
- *
- * @custdesc The SBE did not start, we will attempt a reboot
- * if possible
- */
- l_errl = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(
- TARGETING::get_huid(i_target),
- this->iv_currentAction);
- l_errl->collectTrace( SBEIO_COMP_NAME, 256 );
- // Gard the proc, when SBE Retry fails
- l_errl->addHwCallout(i_target,
- HWAS::GARD_Predictive);
- // Set the PLID of the error log to caller's PLID,
- // if provided
- if (iv_callerErrorLogPLID)
+ // For now we only use HRESET during runtime, the bool param
+ // we are passing in is supposed to be FALSE if runtime, TRUE is ipl time
+ FAPI_INVOKE_HWP(l_errl, p9_sbe_hreset,
+ l_fapi2_proc_target, false);
+ if(l_errl)
- l_errl->plid(iv_callerErrorLogPLID);
- }
+ SBE_TRACF("ERROR: call p9_sbe_hreset, PLID=0x%x",
+ l_errl->plid() );
+ l_errl->collectTrace( SBEIO_COMP_NAME, 256 );
- errlCommit(l_errl, ISTEP_COMP_ID);
+ // Gard the target, when SBE Retry fails
+ l_errl->addHwCallout(i_target,
+ HWAS::GARD_Predictive);
- // If we got an errlog while attempting hreset
- // we will assume that no future retry actions
- // will work so we will exit
- break;
+ // Set the PLID of the error log to caller's PLID,
+ // if provided
+ if (iv_callerErrorLogPLID)
+ {
+ l_errl->plid(iv_callerErrorLogPLID);
+ }
+ errlCommit( l_errl, ISTEP_COMP_ID);
+ // If we got an errlog while attempting p9_sbe_hreset
+ // we will assume that no future retry actions
+ // will work so we will exit
+ break;
+ }
// We have performed the action, so make sure that ffdcSetAction is set back to 0
@@ -1193,7 +1179,7 @@ errlHndl_t SbeRetryHandler::switch_sbe_sides(TARGETING::Target * i_target)
if( l_errl )
- SBE_TRACF( ERR_MRK"switch_sbe_sides: FSI device write "
+ SBE_TRACF( ERR_MRK"switch_sbe_sides: SCOM device write "
"PERV_SB_CS_SCOM (0x%.4X), proc target = %.8X, "
"RC=0x%X, PLID=0x%lX",
PERV_SB_CS_SCOM, // 0x50008
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