path: root/src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiwinkletest.H
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiwinkletest.H')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiwinkletest.H b/src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiwinkletest.H
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..365032932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiwinkletest.H
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * This is an automatically generated prolog.
+ *
+ * $Source: src/usr/hwpf/test/fapiwinkletest.H $
+ *
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012
+ *
+ * p1
+ *
+ * Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+ * Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+ * IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+ *
+ * The source code for this program is not published or other-
+ * wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+ * been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+ *
+ * Origin: 30
+ *
+ */
+ * @file fapiwinkletest.H
+ *
+ * @brief Test cases for winkle HWP utilities.
+#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.H>
+#include <fapi.H>
+#include <fapiPlatHwpInvoker.H>
+#include <hwpf/fapi/fapiMvpdAccess.H>
+#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
+#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+#include <RepairRingFunc.H>
+using namespace fapi;
+using namespace TARGETING;
+class FapiWinkleTest: public CxxTest::TestSuite
+ /**
+ * @brief call fapiGetMvpdPdr to fetch a #R record.
+ *
+ */
+ void testGetMvpdPdr()
+ {
+ fapi::ReturnCode l_fapirc( fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS );
+ uint8_t *l_pdRRecord = NULL;
+ uint32_t l_pdRLen = 0;
+ // test value, coreesponds to procmvpd.dat:e23067dae839f5b434ec12b5c86d2ae4fbb51259
+ // @todo change test when we get valid data in procpore.dat
+ const uint32_t MVPD_PDR_TEST_SIZE = 0x5f74;
+ TS_TRACE( "testGetMvpdPdr entry" );
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_cpuTargetList;
+ getAllChips(l_cpuTargetList, TYPE_PROC);
+ // loop thru all the cpu's
+ for ( uint8_t l_cpuNum=0; l_cpuNum < l_cpuTargetList.size(); l_cpuNum++ )
+ {
+ // make a local copy of the CPU target
+ TARGETING::Target* l_cpu_target = l_cpuTargetList[l_cpuNum];
+ // dump physical path to target
+ EntityPath l_path;
+ l_path = l_cpu_target->getAttr<ATTR_PHYS_PATH>();
+ l_path.dump();
+ // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
+ fapi::Target l_fapi_cpu_target(
+ reinterpret_cast<void *>
+ (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_cpu_target)) );
+ TS_TRACE( "call fapiGetMvpdPdr with NULL pointer" );
+ // call fapiGetMvpdPdr once with a NULL pointer to get the buffer size
+ // should return no error now.
+ l_fapirc = fapiGetMvpdPdr( l_fapi_cpu_target,
+ l_pdRLen );
+ if ( l_fapirc != fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ TS_FAIL( "testGetMvpdPdr: expected FAPI_RC_SUCCESS" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // this will change when MVPD is changed, and will need to be changed
+ // above.
+ if ( l_pdRLen != MVPD_PDR_TEST_SIZE )
+ {
+ TS_FAIL( "testGetMvpdPdr: expected size = 0x%x, received 0x%x",
+ l_pdRLen );
+ return;
+ }
+ // do a malloc instead of a new just for variety
+ l_pdRRecord = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(malloc(l_pdRLen) );
+ // call fapiGetMvpdPdr once with a NULL pointer to get the buffer size
+ l_fapirc = fapiGetMvpdPdr( l_fapi_cpu_target,
+ l_pdRRecord,
+ l_pdRLen );
+ if ( l_fapirc != fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ TS_FAIL( "testGetMvpdPdr: expected FAPI_RC_SUCCESS" );
+ return;
+ }
+ // clean up memory
+ free( l_pdRRecord );
+ }
+ TS_TRACE( "testGetMvpdPdr exit" );
+ }
+ // @note:
+ // ring modifiers are from MVPD #R record, 2012-05-22.
+ // This will change and the unit test will need to be changed...
+ /**
+ * @brief Fetch Repair Rings
+ */
+ void testRepairRings()
+ {
+ fapi::ReturnCode l_fapirc = fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS;
+ uint8_t *l_pRingBuf = NULL;
+ uint32_t l_ringBufsize = 0;
+ uint32_t l_ringModifier = 0;
+ struct _testRRstr {
+ uint32_t val;
+ uint32_t size;
+ } l_ringModifiers[] = {
+ { 0x8036006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x11033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x12033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x13033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x14033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x15033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x18033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x19033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1a033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1b033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1c033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1d033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1e033006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x11034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x12034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x13034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x14034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x15034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x18034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x19034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1a034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1b034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1c034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1d034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1e034f86, 0x20, },
+ { 0x2036e06, 0x20, },
+ { 0x2031006, 0x20, },
+ { 0x9037d06, 0x20, },
+ { 0x1034806, 0x20, },
+ { 0x3034806, 0x20, },
+ };
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings entry" );
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_cpuTargetList;
+ getAllChips(l_cpuTargetList, TYPE_PROC);
+ // loop thru all the cpu's
+ for ( uint8_t l_cpuNum=0; l_cpuNum < l_cpuTargetList.size(); l_cpuNum++ )
+ {
+ // make a local copy of the CPU target
+ TARGETING::Target* l_cpu_target = l_cpuTargetList[l_cpuNum];
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: cpuNum = 0x%x ", l_cpuNum );
+ // dump physical path to target
+ EntityPath l_path;
+ l_path = l_cpu_target->getAttr<ATTR_PHYS_PATH>();
+ l_path.dump();
+ // cast OUR type of target to a FAPI type of target.
+ fapi::Target l_fapi_cpu_target(
+ reinterpret_cast<void *>
+ (const_cast<TARGETING::Target*>(l_cpu_target)) );
+ // allocate some space to put the record(s)
+ l_pRingBuf = new uint8_t[ 0x200];
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pass in a NULL pointer for the ring buffer, should get an error.
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: pass in NULL ptr" );
+ l_ringBufsize = 0x0;
+ l_ringModifier = 0;
+ l_fapirc = getRepairRing( l_fapi_cpu_target,
+ l_ringModifier,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: ring modifier=0x%x: l_ringBufsize=0x%x",
+ l_ringModifier, l_ringBufsize );
+ if ( l_fapirc != fapi::RC_REPAIR_RING_INVALID_RINGBUF_PTR )
+ {
+ // note: "uint32_t" below is an _operator_ of fapi::ReturnCode
+ TS_FAIL( "testRepairRings: rc FAIL: 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(l_fapirc) );
+ return;
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pass in 0 for the ring modifier, should return with "not found"
+ // error
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: pass in invalid ringModifier" );
+ l_ringBufsize = 0x100;
+ l_ringModifier = 0; // ringModifier picked at random
+ l_fapirc = getRepairRing( l_fapi_cpu_target,
+ l_ringModifier,
+ l_pRingBuf,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: ring modifier=0x%x: l_ringBufsize=0x%x",
+ l_ringModifier,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ if ( l_fapirc != fapi::RC_REPAIR_RING_NOT_FOUND )
+ {
+ // note: "uint32_t" below is an _operator_ of fapi::ReturnCode
+ TS_FAIL( "testRepairRings: rc FAIL: 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(l_fapirc) );
+ return;
+ }
+ // loop takes too long, test ring 5
+ uint8_t i = 5;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Pass in 0 length with a valid ringModifier, should return with
+ // correct length and no buffer.
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: get size of ring %d ", i );
+ l_ringBufsize = 0x0;
+ l_ringModifier = l_ringModifiers[i].val;
+ l_fapirc = getRepairRing( l_fapi_cpu_target,
+ l_ringModifier,
+ l_pRingBuf,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: ring modifier=0x%x: l_ringBufsize=0x%x",
+ l_ringModifier,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ if ( l_fapirc != fapi::RC_REPAIR_RING_INVALID_SIZE )
+ {
+ // note: "uint32_t" below is an _operator_ of fapi::ReturnCode
+ TS_FAIL( "testRepairRings: rc FAIL: 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(l_fapirc) );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( l_ringBufsize != l_ringModifiers[i].size )
+ {
+ TS_FAIL( "testRepairRings: size FAIL: 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ l_ringModifiers[i].size,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ return;
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RingBufsize should now have the correct size, fetch ring 5.
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: get ring %d", i );
+ // l_ringBufsize set from above...
+ l_ringModifier = l_ringModifiers[i].val;
+ l_fapirc = getRepairRing( l_fapi_cpu_target,
+ l_ringModifier,
+ l_pRingBuf,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings: ring modifier=0x%x: l_ringBufsize=0x%x",
+ l_ringModifier, l_ringBufsize );
+ if ( l_fapirc != fapi::FAPI_RC_SUCCESS )
+ {
+ // note: "uint32_t" below is an _operator_ of fapi::ReturnCode
+ TS_FAIL( "testRepairRings: rc FAIL: 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(l_fapirc) );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( l_ringBufsize != l_ringModifiers[i].size )
+ {
+ TS_FAIL( "testRepairRings: size FAIL: 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ l_ringModifiers[i].size,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ return;
+ }
+ // @todo dump ring buffer here.
+ TRACDBIN( g_trac_test, "testRepairRings: Dump Repair Ring Buffer:",
+ l_pRingBuf,
+ l_ringBufsize );
+ // delete allocated space
+ delete[] l_pRingBuf;
+ }
+ TS_TRACE( "testRepairRings exit" );
+ }
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