path: root/src/usr/diag/prdf/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/diag/prdf/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/diag/prdf/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C b/src/usr/diag/prdf/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..715a5aec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/diag/prdf/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C $ */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2003,2012 */
+/* */
+/* p1 */
+/* */
+/* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */
+/* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */
+/* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */
+/* */
+/* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */
+/* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */
+/* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */
+/* */
+/* Origin: 30 */
+/* */
+ @file prdfCaptureData.C
+ @brief Squadrons implementation of capture data
+// Includes
+// For hostboot, these are no-ops
+#define htonl(foo) (foo)
+#define htons(foo) (foo)
+#define ntohl(foo) (foo)
+#define ntohs(foo) (foo)
+// for hton funcs.
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#ifndef IIPBITS_H
+#include <iipbits.h>
+// 3 dg06d
+#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H> // dg06a
+#include <iipScanCommRegisterChip.h> // dg06a
+#ifndef IIPCHIP_H
+#include <iipchip.h>
+#include <iipCaptureData.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm> // @jl04 a Add this for the Drop function.
+// Member Function Specifications
+// data.reserve(INITIAL_DATA_COUNT);
+// dg05d CaptureData::~CaptureData(void)
+// dg05d {
+// dg05d if(!data.empty())
+// dg05d {
+// dg05d Clear();
+// dg05d }
+// dg05d }
+void CaptureData::Clear(void)
+ if(!data.empty())
+ {
+// dg05d for(DataContainerType::iterator i = data.begin();i != data.end();i++)
+// dg05d {
+// dg05d delete [] (*i).dataPtr;
+// dg05d }
+ data.erase(data.begin(), data.end());
+ } /* if not empty */
+// @jl04 c Changed this to add the type parm.
+void CaptureData::Add( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle, int scomId,
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & scr, Place place, RegType type)
+ uint16_t bufferLength = scr.GetBitLength() / 8;
+ if((scr.GetBitLength() % 8) != 0)
+ bufferLength += 1;
+ Data dataElement(i_pchipHandle, scomId, bufferLength, NULL);
+ AddDataElement(dataElement, scr, place, type);
+// start dg02
+void CaptureData::Add( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle, int scomId,
+ BIT_STRING_CLASS & bs, Place place)
+ uint16_t bufferLength = bs.GetLength() / 8;
+ if((bs.GetLength() % 8) != 0)
+ bufferLength += 1;
+ Data dataElement(i_pchipHandle, scomId, bufferLength, NULL);
+ DataIterator dataIterator;
+ if(place == FRONT)
+ {
+ data.insert(data.begin(), dataElement);
+ dataIterator = data.begin();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data.push_back(dataElement);
+ dataIterator = data.end();
+ dataIterator--;
+ }
+ if(!bs.IsZero())
+ {
+ uint8_t *bufferPtr = new uint8_t[(*dataIterator).dataByteLength];
+ BIT_STRING_ADDRESS_CLASS bitString(0, bs.GetLength(), (CPU_WORD *) bufferPtr);
+ bitString.SetBits(bs);
+ (*dataIterator).dataPtr = bufferPtr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (*dataIterator).dataByteLength = 0;
+ }
+// end dg02
+// start dg06a
+void CaptureData::Add( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle,
+ int iScomId, uint64_t iScomAddress,
+ uint32_t iScomBitLength, Place iplace )
+ PRDF::HomRegisterAccessScom hops(i_pchipHandle);
+ ScanCommRegisterChip scrc(iScomAddress, iScomBitLength, hops);
+ Add(i_pchipHandle, iScomId, scrc, iplace);
+// end dg06a
+// start jl04a
+void CaptureData::Drop(RegType i_type)
+ // Function below requires a predicate function above to Drop
+ // a data element from the capture data if it is
+ // defined as secondary data instead of primary data in the rule files.
+ // This predicate has to exist within the CaptureData Class because the
+ // class "Data" is defined within CaptureData class.
+ data.erase( std::remove_if(data.begin(),data.end(),
+ prdfCompareCaptureDataType(i_type)), data.end() );
+// end jl04a
+// @jl04 c Changed the AddDataElement to include a type.
+void CaptureData::AddDataElement( Data & dataElement,
+ Place place, RegType type )
+ DataIterator dataIterator;
+ if(place == FRONT)
+ {
+ data.insert(data.begin(), dataElement);
+ dataIterator = data.begin();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data.push_back(dataElement);
+ dataIterator = data.end();
+ dataIterator--;
+ }
+//$TEMP @jl04 or @jl05.
+ (*dataIterator).registerType = type;
+//$TEMP @jl04 or @jl05.
+ if(scr.Read() == SUCCESS)
+ {
+ const BIT_STRING_CLASS *bitStringPtr = scr.GetBitString();
+ if(!bitStringPtr->IsZero())
+ {
+ uint8_t *bufferPtr = new uint8_t[(*dataIterator).dataByteLength];
+ BIT_STRING_ADDRESS_CLASS bitString(0, bitStringPtr->GetLength(),
+ (CPU_WORD *) bufferPtr);
+ bitString.SetBits(*bitStringPtr);
+ (*dataIterator).dataPtr = bufferPtr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (*dataIterator).dataByteLength = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Zero out data length if SCRs failed
+ (*dataIterator).dataByteLength = 0;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* CaptureData Format:
+ * capture data -> ( <chip header> <registers> )*
+ * chip header -> ( <chip id:32> <# registers:32> )
+ * registers -> ( <reg id:16> <reg byte len:16> <bytes>+ )
+ */
+unsigned int CaptureData::Copy(uint8_t *i_buffer, unsigned int i_bufferSize) const
+ using namespace TARGETING;
+ using namespace PRDF;
+ TargetHandle_t l_pcurrentChipHandle =NULL ;
+ uint8_t * l_entryCountPos = NULL;
+ uint32_t l_regEntries = 0;
+ uint32_t l_bytesWritten = 0;
+ for (ConstDataIterator i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); i++)
+ {
+ // Check for new chip.
+ if (i->chipHandle != l_pcurrentChipHandle)
+ { // Update previous header, write new header.
+ if (NULL != l_entryCountPos) // Update previous entry count.
+ {
+ l_regEntries = htonl(l_regEntries);
+ memcpy(l_entryCountPos, &l_regEntries, sizeof(l_regEntries));
+ l_regEntries = 0;
+ }
+ // Update chip Handles....
+ TargetHandle_t l_ptempHandle = l_pcurrentChipHandle = i->chipHandle;
+ HUID l_chipHuid =PlatServices::getHuid(l_ptempHandle);
+ const size_t l_huidSize = sizeof(l_chipHuid);
+ l_chipHuid = htonl(l_chipHuid);
+ // Verify space.
+ if (i_bufferSize < l_bytesWritten + 2 * l_huidSize)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Write header.
+ memcpy(&i_buffer[l_bytesWritten],
+ &l_chipHuid, l_huidSize);
+ l_bytesWritten += l_huidSize;
+ l_entryCountPos = &i_buffer[l_bytesWritten];
+ l_ptempHandle = NULL;
+ memcpy(l_entryCountPos, &l_chipHuid, l_huidSize);
+ l_bytesWritten += l_huidSize;
+ }
+ // Go to next entry if 0 data length.
+ if (0 == i->dataByteLength)
+ continue;
+ // Check room.
+ if ((l_bytesWritten + 2*sizeof(uint16_t) + i->dataByteLength) >
+ i_bufferSize)
+ continue;
+ // Write register ID.
+ uint16_t l_regId = htons(i->address);
+ memcpy(&i_buffer[l_bytesWritten], &l_regId, sizeof(l_regId));
+ l_bytesWritten += sizeof(l_regId);
+ // Write register length.
+ uint16_t l_regLen = htons(i->dataByteLength);
+ memcpy(&i_buffer[l_bytesWritten], &l_regLen, sizeof(l_regLen));
+ l_bytesWritten += sizeof(l_regLen);
+ // Write register data.
+ uint32_t l_dataWritten = 0;
+ while ((l_dataWritten + 4) <= i->dataByteLength)
+ {
+ uint32_t l_temp32;
+ memcpy(&l_temp32, &i->dataPtr[l_dataWritten], sizeof(l_temp32));
+ l_temp32 = htonl(l_temp32);
+ memcpy(&i_buffer[l_bytesWritten], &l_temp32, 4);
+ l_dataWritten += 4; l_bytesWritten += 4;
+ }
+ if (l_dataWritten != i->dataByteLength)
+ {
+ uint32_t l_temp32;
+ memcpy(&l_temp32, &i->dataPtr[l_dataWritten], sizeof(l_temp32));
+ l_temp32 = htonl(l_temp32);
+ memcpy(&i_buffer[l_bytesWritten],
+ &l_temp32, i->dataByteLength - l_dataWritten);
+ l_bytesWritten += i->dataByteLength - l_dataWritten;
+ }
+ // Update entry count.
+ l_regEntries++;
+ }
+ // Update previous entry count.
+ if (NULL != l_entryCountPos)
+ {
+ l_regEntries = htonl(l_regEntries);
+ memcpy(l_entryCountPos, &l_regEntries, sizeof(l_regEntries));
+ l_regEntries = 0;
+ }
+ return l_bytesWritten;
+// dg08a -->
+CaptureData & CaptureData::operator=(const uint8_t *i_flatdata)
+ using namespace TARGETING;
+ using namespace PRDF;
+ uint32_t l_tmp32 = 0;
+ uint16_t l_tmp16 = 0;
+ const size_t l_huidSize = sizeof(l_chipHuid);
+ // Read size.
+ memcpy(&l_tmp32, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ uint32_t size = ntohl(l_tmp32);
+ i_flatdata += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ Clear();
+ // Calculate end of buffer.
+ const uint8_t *eptr = i_flatdata + size;
+ while(i_flatdata < eptr)
+ {
+ // Read chip Handle.
+ memcpy(&l_chipHuid , i_flatdata,l_huidSize );
+ i_flatdata += l_huidSize ;
+ TargetHandle_t l_pchipHandle =NULL;
+ l_chipHuid = ntohl(l_chipHuid);
+ l_pchipHandle = PlatServices::getTarget(l_chipHuid );
+ if(NULL ==l_pchipHandle)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Read # of entries.
+ memcpy(&l_tmp32, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ i_flatdata += sizeof(l_tmp32);
+ uint32_t entries = ntohl(l_tmp32);
+ // Input each entry.
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
+ {
+ // Read register id.
+ memcpy(&l_tmp16, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint16_t));
+ i_flatdata += sizeof(uint16_t);
+ int regid = ntohs(l_tmp16);
+ // Read byte count.
+ memcpy(&l_tmp16, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint16_t));
+ i_flatdata += sizeof(uint16_t);
+ uint32_t bytecount = ntohs(l_tmp16);
+ // Read data for register.
+ prdfBitStringBuffer bs(bytecount * 8);
+ for(uint32_t bc = 0; bc < bytecount; ++bc)
+ {
+ bs.SetFieldJustify(bc*8,8,(CPU_WORD)(*(i_flatdata+bc))); //mp01a
+ }
+ i_flatdata += bytecount;
+ // Add to capture data.
+ Add(l_pchipHandle, regid, bs);
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+// <-- dg08a
+// copy ctor for Data class
+CaptureData::Data::Data(const Data & d):
+chipHandle(d.chipHandle), address(d.address),
+dataByteLength(d.dataByteLength), dataPtr(NULL)
+ if(d.dataPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ dataPtr = new uint8_t[dataByteLength];
+ memcpy(dataPtr, d.dataPtr, dataByteLength);
+ }
+CaptureData::Data & CaptureData::Data::operator=(const Data & d)
+ chipHandle = d.chipHandle;
+ address = d.address;
+ dataByteLength = d.dataByteLength;
+ if(dataPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ delete[]dataPtr;
+ dataPtr = NULL;
+ }
+ if(d.dataPtr != NULL)
+ {
+ dataPtr = new uint8_t[dataByteLength];
+ memcpy(dataPtr, d.dataPtr, dataByteLength);
+ }
+ return *this;
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