path: root/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/rule/prdfRuleMetaData.C
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usr/diag/prdf/common/rule/prdfRuleMetaData.C')
1 files changed, 1182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/rule/prdfRuleMetaData.C b/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/rule/prdfRuleMetaData.C
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e20d2c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/diag/prdf/common/rule/prdfRuleMetaData.C
@@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
+/* */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/rule/prdfRuleMetaData.C $ */
+/* */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
+/* */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2016 */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
+/* */
+#include <prdfMfgThresholdMgr.H>
+ #include <utilreg.H> // for UtilReg
+ #include <prdfSdcFileControl.H> //for SyncAnalysis
+#include <prdfRuleMetaData.H>
+#include <iipEregResolution.h> // for EregResolution
+#include <iipServiceDataCollector.h> // for ServiceDataCollector
+#include <prdfGroup.H>
+#include <prdfRasServices.H>
+#include <prdrLoadChip.H>
+#include <prdrLoadChipCache.H>
+#include <prdfScanFacility.H> // for ScanFacility
+#include <iipResolutionFactory.h> // for ResolutionFactory
+#include <prdfErrorSignature.H> // for ErrorSignature
+#include <utilfile.H> // for UtilFile
+#include <UtilHash.H> // for Util::hashString
+#include <prdfPfa5Data.h>
+#include <prdrCommon.H>
+namespace PRDF
+template <bool Type>
+struct ResetAndMaskTransformer
+ : public std::unary_function<Prdr::Register::ResetOrMaskStruct,
+ ResetAndMaskErrorRegister::ResetRegisterStruct>
+ ResetAndMaskTransformer( ScanFacility & i_scanFactory,size_t i_scomlen ,
+ TARGETING::TYPE i_type )
+ :cv_scanFactory( i_scanFactory ),
+ cv_scomlen( i_scomlen ),
+ iv_chipType( i_type )
+ { };
+ virtual ~ResetAndMaskTransformer() {};
+ virtual ResetAndMaskErrorRegister::ResetRegisterStruct
+ operator()( const Prdr::Register::ResetOrMaskStruct & i )
+ {
+ /*
+ These reset and mask registers, which are associated with a FIR, are
+ created along with the FIR. They are needed to clear/mask FIR bits at
+ the end of analysis. Let us call it scenario X.
+ There are situations where we need a separate instance of an AND
+ register. These are used in plugins to do some special analysis which
+ is not possible through framework code. Let us call it scenario Y.
+ Since, factory actually doesn't use operations (e.g. READ or WRITE)
+ supported to determine whether a register instance is new or already
+ available it shall return us the AND register instance created in
+ scenario X.
+ AND registers are write only. If we don't specify WRITE here, even in
+ scenario Y, we shall get object created during scenario X, which may
+ not be write-only.
+ */
+ ResetAndMaskErrorRegister::ResetRegisterStruct o;
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::AccessLevel l_readRegAccess =
+ switch ( i.op )
+ {
+ case Prdr::OR:
+ o.op = getStaticResetOperator<OrOperator<Type> >();
+ break;
+ case Prdr::AND:
+ o.op = getStaticResetOperator<AndOperator<Type> >();
+ break;
+ case Prdr::XOR:
+ o.op = getStaticResetOperator<XorOperator<Type> >();
+ break;
+ case Prdr::NOT:
+ o.op = getStaticResetOperator<NotOperator<Type> >();
+ break;
+ default:
+ o.op = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ = & cv_scanFactory.GetScanCommRegister( i.addr_r, cv_scomlen,
+ iv_chipType,
+ l_readRegAccess );
+ o.write = & cv_scanFactory.GetScanCommRegister( i.addr_w, cv_scomlen,
+ iv_chipType,
+ return o;
+ };
+ private:
+ ScanFacility & cv_scanFactory;
+ size_t cv_scomlen;
+ TARGETING::TYPE iv_chipType;
+ RuleMetaData::RuleMetaData( const char * i_fileName,
+ ScanFacility & i_scanFactory,
+ ResolutionFactory & i_reslFactory,
+ errlHndl_t & o_errl )
+ : cv_fileName( i_fileName ),cv_dumpType( 0 ),iv_sigOff(0)
+ o_errl = this->loadRuleFile( i_scanFactory, i_reslFactory,i_type ) ;
+ uint32_t l_size = iv_groupList.size();
+ for( uint32_t i = 0; i < l_size; i++ )
+ {
+ delete iv_groupList[i];
+ }
+ iv_groupList.clear();
+ cv_hwCaptureGroups.clear();
+ cv_hwCaptureReq.clear();
+ cv_hwCaptureType.clear();
+errlHndl_t RuleMetaData::loadRuleFile( ScanFacility & i_scanFactory ,
+ ResolutionFactory &i_reslFactory ,
+ TARGETING::TYPE i_type )
+ RegMap_t l_regMap;
+ Reset_t l_resetMap;
+ ResetAndMaskPair l_currentResets;
+ uint32_t l_vregMax = 0;
+ ActionMap_t l_actionMap;
+ GroupMap_t l_groupMap;
+ uint32_t l_id = 1;
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL ;
+ SharedThreshold_t l_sharedThresholds;
+ Prdr::Chip * l_chip;
+ /* Initialize local data struct to pass to sub-functions */
+ RuleFileData l_localData = { l_regMap, l_groupMap, l_actionMap,
+ i_scanFactory, i_reslFactory,
+ l_chip,
+ l_resetMap, l_currentResets,
+ l_sharedThresholds
+ };
+ // Parse chip file.
+ l_errl = Prdr::LoadChipCache::loadChip(cv_fileName, &l_chip);
+ if( NULL == l_errl )
+ {
+ // Get default dump type.
+ cv_dumpType = l_chip->cv_dumpType;
+ // Set signature offset for capture data output.
+ iv_sigOff = l_chip->cv_signatureOffset;
+ // create hardware regs.
+ for (int i = 0; i < l_chip->cv_regCount; i++)
+ {
+ uint16_t hashId = l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_name;
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::AccessLevel l_regAccess;
+ uint32_t l_accessLvls =
+ uint32_t l_accessType =
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_flags & l_accessLvls;
+ switch( l_accessType )
+ {
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ //If more operations are incorporated in register, it can be
+ //specified in same way as above.
+ l_regMap[l_id] = cv_hwRegs[hashId]
+ = &i_scanFactory.GetScanCommRegister(
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_scomAddr,
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_scomLen,
+ i_type, l_regAccess );
+ l_regMap[l_id]->SetId(hashId);
+ // Copy reset registers.
+ std::transform( l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_resets.begin(),
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_resets.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(l_resetMap[l_id].first),
+ ResetAndMaskTransformer<RESETOPERATOR_RESET>(
+ i_scanFactory,
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_scomLen,
+ i_type )
+ );
+ // Copy mask registers.
+ std::transform( l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_masks.begin(),
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_masks.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(l_resetMap[l_id].second),
+ ResetAndMaskTransformer<RESETOPERATOR_MASK>(
+ i_scanFactory,
+ l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_scomLen,
+ i_type ) );
+ l_id++;
+ }
+ // create capture struct for registers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < l_chip->cv_regCount; i++)
+ {
+ uint16_t hashId = l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_name;
+ //This flag signifies that a mapping IS or ISN'T created between a
+ //uint32_t mapping and a vector of SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS pointers
+ //. If there is no mapping outside of the for loop then it is
+ //because there is a capture type or requirement without a group
+ //in the rule file.
+ bool l_group_is_created = false;
+ // Copy into capture groups.
+ std::vector<Prdr::Register::CaptureInfoStruct>::const_iterator
+ l_capturesEnd = l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_captures.end();
+ //For each capture in this register save a Group Type or
+ //Requirement.
+ for(std::vector<Prdr::Register::CaptureInfoStruct>::const_iterator
+ j = l_chip->cv_registers[i].cv_captures.begin();
+ j != l_capturesEnd;
+ ++j)
+ {
+ if ('G' == (*j).op)
+ {
+ cv_hwCaptureGroups[(*j).data[0]].push_back(
+ cv_hwRegs[hashId]);
+ //Added statement below this to indicate group was created.
+ l_group_is_created = true;
+ }
+ // This else if was added for a new capture "type" for registers
+ // primary/secondary.
+ // Cannot put the "type" in with the G group otherwise it will
+ // show up as a i_group of 2 which is not called.
+ else if('T' == (*j).op)
+ {
+ cv_hwCaptureType[cv_hwRegs[hashId]] =
+ CaptureType((RegType)(*j).data[0]);
+ }
+ else if ('f' == (*j).op)
+ {
+ CaptureRequirement req;
+ req.cv_func = this->getExtensibleFunction(j->func);
+ cv_hwCaptureReq[cv_hwRegs[hashId]] = req;
+ }
+ else if ('P' == (*j).op)
+ {
+ cv_hwCaptureNonzero[ cv_hwRegs[hashId] ] =
+ cv_hwRegs[(*j).data[0]];
+ }
+ else // 'C'
+ {
+ CaptureRequirement req;
+ req.cv_TargetType = (*j).data[0];
+ req.cv_TargetIndex = (*j).data[1];
+ req.cv_func = NULL;
+ cv_hwCaptureReq[cv_hwRegs[hashId]] = req;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!l_group_is_created) // Add to default group if none there.
+ {
+ // Add to default if no group specified.
+ cv_hwCaptureGroups[1].push_back(cv_hwRegs[hashId]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < l_chip->cv_ruleCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (l_regMap[l_id]) // check if it already exists.
+ {
+ l_vregMax = l_id++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ l_currentResets = ResetAndMaskPair();
+ this->createVirtualRegister(&l_chip->cv_rules[i], l_localData);
+ l_regMap[l_id] = l_tmp;
+ l_resetMap[l_id] = l_currentResets;
+ l_vregMax = l_id++;
+ };
+ // initialize all the pointers for the groups, but don't construct their
+ // data yet.
+ Resolution & l_defaultResolution =
+ i_reslFactory.getCalloutGardResol( NULL,
+ for (int i = 0; i < l_chip->cv_groupCount; i++)
+ {
+ iv_groupList.push_back( new Group( l_defaultResolution ) );
+ l_groupMap[l_id] = iv_groupList.back();
+ l_id++;
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < l_chip->cv_actionCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (l_actionMap[i])
+ {
+ l_id++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // createActionClass will add to the actionMap.
+ this->createActionClass(i, l_localData);
+ //l_actionMap[l_id] = l_tmp;
+ l_id++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < l_chip->cv_groupCount; i++)
+ {
+ this->createGroup( (Group *) l_groupMap[i+l_vregMax+1],
+ i,l_localData );
+ }
+ for ( int i = 0; i < Prdr::NUM_GROUP_ATTN; i++ )
+ cv_groupAttn[i] = l_groupMap[l_chip->cv_groupAttn[i]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PRDF_ERR(" LoadChipCache::loadChip( ) failed ");
+ }
+ return l_errl;
+int32_t RuleMetaData::Analyze( STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT & i_serviceData,
+ ATTENTION_TYPE i_attnType )
+ int32_t l_rc = SUCCESS;
+ ExtensibleChip * l_chipAnalyzed = ServiceDataCollector::getChipAnalyzed( );
+ ServiceDataCollector & i_sdc = *(i_serviceData.service_data);
+ // Set default dump flags.
+ i_sdc.SetDump( (hwTableContent)cv_dumpType,
+ l_chipAnalyzed->GetChipHandle() );
+ // Add statement below for Drop call.
+ CaptureData & capture = i_serviceData.service_data->GetCaptureData();
+ // Get capture data for this chip. Allow override.
+ ExtensibleChipFunction * l_ignoreCapture =
+ getExtensibleFunction("PreventDefaultCapture", true);
+ bool l_shouldPreventDefaultCapture = false;
+ (*l_ignoreCapture)
+ ( l_chipAnalyzed, PluginDef::bindParm<STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT&, bool&>
+ (i_serviceData, l_shouldPreventDefaultCapture));
+ if (!l_shouldPreventDefaultCapture)
+ {
+ // Drop secondary capture from earlier chips.
+ capture.Drop(SECONDARY);
+ // Read capture data.
+ this->CaptureErrorData( i_sdc.GetCaptureData() );
+ }
+ // Analyze group.
+ ErrorRegisterType * l_errReg = NULL;
+ switch (i_attnType)
+ {
+ case CHECK_STOP:
+ l_errReg = cv_groupAttn[0];
+ break;
+ l_errReg = cv_groupAttn[1];
+ break;
+ case SPECIAL:
+ l_errReg = cv_groupAttn[2];
+ break;
+ // @jl02 JL Added this code to support the new Unit Check Stop.
+ case UNIT_CS:
+ // @jl02 JL I don't know if this is the correct cv_groupAttn to add
+ // here or if it's needed.
+ l_errReg = cv_groupAttn[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (NULL != l_errReg)
+ { //mp02 a Start
+ //Call any pre analysis functions
+ ExtensibleChipFunction * l_preAnalysis =
+ getExtensibleFunction("PreAnalysis", true);
+ bool analyzed = false;
+ (*l_preAnalysis)( l_chipAnalyzed ,
+ PluginDef::bindParm<STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT&,bool&>
+ (i_serviceData,analyzed));
+ if ( !analyzed)
+ l_rc = l_errReg->Analyze(i_serviceData);
+ } //mp02 a Stop
+ // mp02d l_rc = l_errReg->Analyze(i_serviceData);
+ else //@jl07
+ // Don't do reset or mask on CS. @pw03
+ if (CHECK_STOP != i_serviceData.service_data->getPrimaryAttnType()) //@pw04
+ {
+ SyncAnalysis (i_sdc); //mp01 Add call to Sync SDC
+ #endif
+ // Call mask plugin.
+ if (i_serviceData.service_data->IsAtThreshold())
+ {
+ ExtensibleChipFunction * l_mask =
+ getExtensibleFunction("MaskError", true);
+ (*l_mask)( l_chipAnalyzed ,
+ PluginDef::bindParm<STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT&>(i_serviceData)
+ ); //@pw01
+ }
+ // Call reset plugin.
+ ExtensibleChipFunction * l_reset =
+ getExtensibleFunction("ResetError", true);
+ (*l_reset)( l_chipAnalyzed,
+ PluginDef::bindParm<STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT&>(i_serviceData)
+ ); //@pw01
+ }
+ // Call postanalysis plugin.
+ // @jl02 JL Adding PostAnalysis plugin call.
+ ExtensibleChipFunction * l_postanalysis =
+ getExtensibleFunction("PostAnalysis", true);
+ // @jl02 the true above means that a plugin may not exist for this call.
+ // @jl02 JL Adding call for post analysis.
+ (*l_postanalysis)( l_chipAnalyzed,
+ PluginDef::bindParm<STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT&>(i_serviceData));
+ return l_rc;
+int32_t RuleMetaData::CaptureErrorData( CaptureData & io_cap,
+ int i_group )
+ using namespace TARGETING;
+ ExtensibleChip * l_pChipAnalyzed = ServiceDataCollector::getChipAnalyzed( );
+ TargetHandle_t l_pTargetAnalyzed = l_pChipAnalyzed->GetChipHandle( );
+ std::vector<SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *>::const_iterator l_hwCaptureEnd =
+ cv_hwCaptureGroups[i_group].end();
+ for ( std::vector<SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *>::const_iterator i =
+ cv_hwCaptureGroups[i_group].begin();
+ i != l_hwCaptureEnd;
+ ++i )
+ {
+ // Check that requirements are satisfied.
+ if ( CaptureRequirement() != cv_hwCaptureReq[*i])
+ {
+ CaptureRequirement req = cv_hwCaptureReq[*i];
+ if (NULL != req.cv_func)
+ {
+ bool l_cap = true;
+ (*req.cv_func)
+ ( l_pChipAnalyzed , PluginDef::bindParm<bool &>(l_cap));
+ if (!l_cap)
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool l_indexValid =false;
+ TargetHandleList l_ptargetHandleList =
+ PlatServices::getConnected(
+ l_pTargetAnalyzed,
+ (TARGETING::TYPE) req.cv_TargetType );
+ TargetHandleList::iterator itrTarget =
+ l_ptargetHandleList.begin();
+ for( ; itrTarget != l_ptargetHandleList.end();itrTarget++ )
+ {
+ if ( req.cv_TargetIndex ==
+ PlatServices::getTargetPosition( *itrTarget) )
+ {
+ l_indexValid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( false == l_indexValid )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ HwCaptureNonzero_t::const_iterator l_primRegIter =
+ cv_hwCaptureNonzero.find(*i);
+ if(l_primRegIter != cv_hwCaptureNonzero.end())
+ {
+ (l_primRegIter)->second;
+ if( l_primReg )
+ {
+ const BIT_STRING_CLASS *l_bitStringPtr =
+ l_primReg->GetBitString();
+ if(l_bitStringPtr->IsZero())
+ {
+ //skip capture data if corresponding primary FIR is
+ //zero.
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ io_cap.Add( l_pTargetAnalyzed,
+ (*i)->GetId() ^ this->getSignatureOffset(),
+ *(*i),
+ CaptureData::BACK,
+ cv_hwCaptureType[*i].cv_regType );
+ }
+ // Call "PostCapture" plugin
+ ExtensibleChipFunction * l_postCapture =
+ getExtensibleFunction("PostCapture", true);
+ (*l_postCapture)
+ ( l_pChipAnalyzed,
+ PluginDef::bindParm<CaptureData &, int>(io_cap, i_group)
+ );
+ return SUCCESS;
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * RuleMetaData::createVirtualRegister(
+ Prdr::Expr * i_vReg,
+ RuleFileData & i_data )
+ uint32_t l_tmp32 = 0;
+ switch(i_vReg->cv_op)
+ {
+ case Prdr::NOT:
+ l_arg[0] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[0].p, i_data);
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetNotRegister(*l_arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case Prdr::LSHIFT:
+ case Prdr::RSHIFT:
+ l_arg[0] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[0].p, i_data);
+ l_tmp32 = i_vReg->cv_value[1].p->cv_value[0].i;
+ l_rc = (Prdr::LSHIFT == i_vReg->cv_op
+ ?
+ &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetLeftShiftRegister(*l_arg[0],
+ l_tmp32)
+ :
+ &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetRightShiftRegister(*l_arg[0],
+ l_tmp32)
+ );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::OR:
+ case Prdr::AND:
+ l_arg[0] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[0].p, i_data);
+ l_arg[1] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[1].p, i_data);
+ l_rc = (Prdr::OR == i_vReg->cv_op
+ ?
+ &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetOrRegister(*l_arg[0],
+ *l_arg[1])
+ :
+ &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetAndRegister(*l_arg[0],
+ *l_arg[1])
+ );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::REF_REG:
+ std::copy( i_data.cv_resets[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i].first.begin(),
+ i_data.cv_resets[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i].first.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(i_data.cv_currentResets.first) );
+ std::copy( i_data.cv_resets[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i].second.begin(),
+ i_data.cv_resets[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i].second.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(i_data.cv_currentResets.second) );
+ l_rc = i_data.cv_regMap[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i];
+ break;
+ case Prdr::REF_RULE:
+ if (NULL == i_data.cv_regMap[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i])
+ {
+ i_data.cv_regMap[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i] =
+ createVirtualRegister(
+ &i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_rules[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i],
+ i_data );
+ }
+ l_rc = i_data.cv_regMap[i_vReg->cv_value[0].i];
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ATTNLINK:
+ if ( NULL != i_vReg->cv_value[0].p )
+ {
+ l_arg[0] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[0].p, i_data);
+ }
+ if ( NULL != i_vReg->cv_value[1].p )
+ {
+ l_arg[1] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[1].p, i_data);
+ }
+ if ( NULL != i_vReg->cv_value[2].p )
+ {
+ l_arg[2] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[2].p, i_data);
+ }
+ if ( NULL != i_vReg->cv_value[3].p )
+ {
+ l_arg[3] = createVirtualRegister(i_vReg->cv_value[3].p, i_data);
+ }
+ // passing NULL objects in *l_arg[x]
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetAttnTypeRegister(l_arg[0],
+ l_arg[1],
+ l_arg[2],
+ l_arg[3]);
+ break;
+ case Prdr::BIT_STR:
+ {
+ uint32_t l_size = i_vReg->cv_bitStrVect.size();
+ BIT_STRING_BUFFER_CLASS l_bs(l_size * 64);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < l_size; i++)
+ {
+ l_bs.SetFieldJustify(32*(2*i) , 32,
+ (i_vReg->cv_bitStrVect[i] >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ l_bs.SetFieldJustify(32*((2*i)+1), 32,
+ (i_vReg->cv_bitStrVect[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ }
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_scanFactory.GetConstantRegister(l_bs);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return l_rc;
+Resolution * RuleMetaData::createActionClass( uint32_t i_action,
+ RuleMetaData::RuleFileData & i_data )
+ if ( NULL != i_data.cv_actionMap[i_action] )
+ return i_data.cv_actionMap[i_action];
+ Resolution * l_tmpRes = NULL, * l_retRes = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_actionSize[i_action]; i++)
+ {
+ l_tmpRes = this->createResolution(
+ &(i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_actions[i_action][i]),
+ i_data);
+ if (0 == i)
+ {
+ l_retRes = l_tmpRes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l_retRes = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.
+ LinkResolutions(*l_retRes, *l_tmpRes);
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL == l_retRes) // @pw05
+ {
+ class NullResolution : public Resolution
+ {
+ public:
+ int32_t Resolve( STEP_CODE_DATA_STRUCT & io_data )
+ { return SUCCESS; };
+ };
+ static NullResolution l_nullRes;
+ l_retRes = &l_nullRes;
+ }
+ i_data.cv_actionMap[i_action] = l_retRes;
+ return l_retRes;
+Resolution * RuleMetaData::createResolution( Prdr::Expr * i_action,
+ RuleMetaData::RuleFileData & i_data )
+ Resolution * l_rc = NULL;
+ switch (i_action->cv_op)
+ {
+ case Prdr::REF_ACT:
+ l_rc = this->createActionClass(i_action->cv_value[0].i -
+ (i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_regCount +
+ i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_ruleCount +
+ i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupCount +
+ 1),
+ i_data);
+ break;
+ case Prdr::REF_GRP:
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetEregResolution(
+ *i_data.cv_groupMap[i_action->cv_value[0].i]);
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_TRY: // TRY
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetTryResolution(
+ *(this->createResolution(i_action->cv_value[0].p,
+ i_data)),
+ *(this->createResolution(i_action->cv_value[1].p,
+ i_data))
+ );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_FUNC: // FUNCCALL
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetPluginCallResolution(
+ this->getExtensibleFunction(i_action->cv_actFunc)
+ );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_FLAG: // FLAG
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetFlagResolution(
+ (ServiceDataCollector::Flag) i_action->cv_value[0].i);
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_THRES: // Threshold
+ // The values which different parameter will have
+ // cv_value[0,1] error frequency and time in sec for field
+ // threshold
+ // cv_value[4] true if mnfg threshols needs to be picked up
+ // from mnfg file, false otherwise
+ // cv_value [2,3]: error frequency and time in sec for mnfg
+ // threshold if cv_value[4] is false otheriwse
+ // cv_value[3] tells which threshold needs to pick
+ // up from mnfg file
+ // cv_value[5] maskid id if shared threshold
+ if (0 == i_action->cv_value[5].i)
+ {
+ if ( !PlatServices::mfgMode() )
+ {
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetThresholdSigResolution(
+ ThresholdResolution::ThresholdPolicy(
+ (uint16_t)i_action->cv_value[0].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[1].i ) );
+ }
+ else if(i_action->cv_value[4].i)
+ {
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetThresholdSigResolution(
+ *(MfgThresholdMgr::getInstance()->
+ getThresholdP(i_action->cv_value[3].i) ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetThresholdSigResolution(
+ ThresholdResolution::ThresholdPolicy(
+ (uint16_t)i_action->cv_value[2].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[3].i ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (NULL == i_data.cv_sharedThresholds[i_action->cv_value[5].i])
+ {
+ if ( !PlatServices::mfgMode() )
+ {
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetThresholdResolution(
+ i_action->cv_value[5].i,
+ ThresholdResolution::ThresholdPolicy(
+ (uint16_t)i_action->cv_value[0].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[1].i ) );
+ }
+ else if(i_action->cv_value[4].i)
+ {
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.
+ GetThresholdResolution(i_action->cv_value[5].i,
+ *(MfgThresholdMgr::getInstance()->
+ getThresholdP(i_action->cv_value[3].i)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.
+ GetThresholdResolution( i_action->cv_value[5].i,
+ ThresholdResolution::ThresholdPolicy(
+ (uint16_t)i_action->cv_value[2].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[3].i ) );
+ }
+ i_data.cv_sharedThresholds[i_action->cv_value[5].i] = l_rc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l_rc = i_data.cv_sharedThresholds[i_action->cv_value[5].i];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_DUMP:
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetDumpResolution(
+ (hwTableContent) i_action->cv_value[0].i );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_ANALY: // ANALYZE
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetAnalyzeConnectedResolution(
+ (TARGETING::TYPE) i_action->cv_value[0].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[1].i);
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_CALL: // CALLOUT
+ switch (i_action->cv_value[0].i)
+ {
+ case Prdr::CALLOUT_GARD_CHIP: // connected callout with gard
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.getConnCalloutGardResol(
+ (TARGETING::TYPE) i_action->cv_value[2].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[3].i,
+ (CalloutPriorityEnum) i_action->cv_value[1].i,
+ ( NULL == i_action->cv_value[4].p ? NULL :
+ ( this->createResolution(
+ i_action->cv_value[4].p, i_data ) ) ),
+ (GARD_POLICY) i_action->cv_value[6].i );
+ break;
+ // connected callout and gard with connection type
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.getConnCalloutGardResol(
+ (TARGETING::TYPE) i_action->cv_value[2].i,
+ i_action->cv_value[3].i,
+ (CalloutPriorityEnum) i_action->cv_value[1].i,
+ ( NULL == i_action->cv_value[4].p ? NULL :
+ ( this->createResolution(
+ i_action->cv_value[4].p, i_data ) ) ),
+ (TARGETING::TYPE) i_action->cv_value[5].i,
+ (GARD_POLICY) i_action->cv_value[6].i );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::CALLOUT_PROC: // Procedure callout
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.getCalloutGardResol(
+ (SymbolicFru) i_action->cv_value[2].i,
+ (CalloutPriorityEnum) i_action->cv_value[1].i,
+ (GARD_POLICY) i_action->cv_value[6].i );
+ break;
+ case Prdr::CALLOUT_GARD_SELF: // self callout with gard option
+ default:
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.getCalloutGardResol(
+ NULL ,
+ (CalloutPriorityEnum) i_action->cv_value[1].i,
+ (GARD_POLICY) i_action->cv_value[6].i );
+ break;
+ };
+ break;
+ case Prdr::ACT_CAPT: // Capture resolution.
+ l_rc = &i_data.cv_reslFactory.GetCaptureResolution(
+ i_action->cv_value[0].i);
+ break;
+ };
+ return l_rc;
+void RuleMetaData::createGroup(Group * i_group,
+ uint32_t i_groupId,
+ RuleMetaData::RuleFileData & i_data)
+ // Internal class to collapse the bit string.
+ class CreateBitString
+ {
+ public:
+ static void execute(std::vector<uint8_t> & i_bits,
+ Prdr::Expr * i_expr)
+ {
+ if (NULL == i_expr)
+ return;
+ if (i_expr->cv_op == Prdr::INT_SHORT)
+ {
+ i_bits.push_back(i_expr->cv_value[0].i);
+ }
+ else // must be an | or & operator.
+ {
+ // Expand bit string from left side.
+ CreateBitString::execute(i_bits, i_expr->cv_value[0].p);
+ // Expand bit string from right side.
+ CreateBitString::execute(i_bits, i_expr->cv_value[1].p);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupSize[i_groupId]; i++)
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> l_bits; // Vector to hold bit string.
+ // Get expression for group's line.
+ Prdr::Expr * l_expr = &i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groups[i_groupId][i];
+ // Execute internal (recursive) class to generate bit string.
+ CreateBitString::execute(l_bits, l_expr->cv_value[1].p);
+ // Add expression to group.
+ i_group->Add(i_data.cv_regMap[l_expr->cv_value[0].i],
+ &(*l_bits.begin()),
+ l_bits.size(),
+ *(this->createResolution(l_expr->cv_value[2].p, i_data)),
+ i_data.cv_resets[l_expr->cv_value[0].i],
+ (i_data.cv_regMap[l_expr->cv_value[0].i]->GetId()
+ + i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_signatureOffset) & 0xffff,
+ Prdr::AND == l_expr->cv_value[1].p->cv_op
+ );
+ } // end for.
+ // Do flags. ---
+ // For idea of secondary bit filter to work, it must be the first filter
+ // applicable on register data. To manage this, first of all, we must push
+ // secondary filter to group.
+ // We are supporting the concept of cascaded filter where one filter works
+ // after other in harmony. When secondary filter acts, it shall make
+ // all the secondary bits( which are ON ) as "DON'T CARE" during primary
+ // pass. So, the intent is to filter out secondary bits or in other words
+ // analyze only primary bits in primary pass.
+ if ( i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupFlags[i_groupId] &
+ {
+ // Add secondary filter to find out if any secondary bit
+ // is on.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> l_bits;
+ CreateBitString::execute(l_bits,
+ i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupSecondaryBits[i_groupId]);
+ FilterClass * l_filter = new SecondaryBitsFilter( l_bits );
+ i_group->AddFilter( l_filter, true );
+ }
+ // Do Priority filter flag.
+ if (i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupFlags[i_groupId] &
+ {
+ std::vector<uint8_t> l_bits;
+ CreateBitString::execute(l_bits,
+ i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupPriorityBits[i_groupId]);
+ FilterClass * l_filter = new PrioritySingleBitFilter(l_bits);
+ i_group->AddFilter(l_filter);
+ }
+ // Do single bit filter flag.
+ if (i_data.cv_loadChip->cv_groupFlags[i_groupId] &
+ {
+ FilterClass * l_filter = new SingleBitFilter();
+ i_group->AddFilter(l_filter);
+ }
+ExtensibleChipFunction *RuleMetaData::getExtensibleFunction(
+ const char * i_func,
+ bool i_expectNull )
+ #define PRDF_FUNC "[RuleMetaData::getExtensibleFunction] "
+ ExtensibleFunctionType * plugin =
+ getPluginGlobalMap().getPlugins(cv_fileName)[i_func];
+ if (NULL == plugin)
+ {
+ if (!i_expectNull)
+ {
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
+ __LINE__,
+ 0, 0, 0);
+ PRDF_ADD_FFDC(l_errl,
+ cv_fileName,
+ strlen(cv_fileName),
+ ErrlVer1,
+ ErrlString);
+ PRDF_ADD_FFDC(l_errl,
+ i_func,
+ strlen(i_func),
+ ErrlVer1,
+ ErrlString );
+ // We can only reach here in two cases
+ // 1. PRD patch is not properly applied ( prf files are changed
+ // but PRDF library is not updated )
+ // 2. Obvious miss by developer.
+ // In both these cases, we should catch these issues at very early
+ // stage during system Initialize and this scenario should fail
+ // basic validation.
+ // So aborting system at this point.
+ PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "NULL Function for plugin:%s chip %s",
+ i_func, cv_fileName );
+ PRDF_ASSERT( NULL != plugin );
+ }
+ static Plugin<ExtensibleChip> l_nullPlugin(NULL);
+ plugin = &l_nullPlugin;
+ }
+ return ( ExtensibleChipFunction * ) plugin;
+ #undef PRDF_FUNC
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * RuleMetaData::getRegister( const char * i_reg,
+ bool i_expectNull,
+ ExtensibleChip* i_chip )
+ uint16_t hashId = Util::hashString( i_reg );
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_pRegister = cv_hwRegs[hashId];
+ if ( NULL == l_pRegister )
+ {
+ l_pRegister = getNullRegister( i_reg,i_expectNull );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* l_register obtained from cv_hwRegs is a ScomRegister which does not
+ have rule chip info built in.Analyze leg of code uses this register.
+ Inorder to use this register for scom, target info is obtained from
+ service data collector.This register does not suit us for read and
+ write operation in plugin function.It is because in plugin function
+ register read should not be concerned with finding the associated
+ rule chip or target.Inorder to address this situation,we create a
+ wrapper register.This register has rule chip info in addition to all
+ the data of scomRegister.This object is created through factory and
+ and destroyed at the end of analysis.
+ */
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_pReg = l_pRegister;
+ ScanFacility & l_scanFac = ScanFacility::Access();
+ l_pRegister = & l_scanFac.GetPluginRegister( *l_pReg,*i_chip );
+ }
+ return l_pRegister;
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * RuleMetaData::getNullRegister( const char * i_reg,
+ bool i_expectNull )
+ static NullRegister l_nullRegister(1024);
+ SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * l_register = &l_nullRegister;
+ if (!i_expectNull)
+ {
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
+ __LINE__,
+ 1, 0, 0);
+ PRDF_ADD_FFDC(l_errl,
+ cv_fileName,
+ strlen(cv_fileName),
+ ErrlVer1,
+ ErrlString);
+ PRDF_ADD_FFDC(l_errl,
+ i_reg,
+ strlen(i_reg),
+ ErrlVer1,
+ ErrlString);
+ }
+ return l_register;
+}//namespace PRDF ends
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud