path: root/src/include/usr
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/include/usr')
2 files changed, 337 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/usr/runtime/runtime_reasoncodes.H b/src/include/usr/runtime/runtime_reasoncodes.H
index 735a4ec6c..7aa6a114d 100644
--- a/src/include/usr/runtime/runtime_reasoncodes.H
+++ b/src/include/usr/runtime/runtime_reasoncodes.H
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ namespace RUNTIME
enum UserDetailsTypes
diff --git a/src/include/usr/targeting/common/attributeTank.H b/src/include/usr/targeting/common/attributeTank.H
index ccb568889..9561b9b83 100644
--- a/src/include/usr/targeting/common/attributeTank.H
+++ b/src/include/usr/targeting/common/attributeTank.H
@@ -155,14 +155,314 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* @brief Constructor
- Attribute();
+ Attribute()
+ : iv_hdr(),
+ iv_pVal(NULL)
+ {
+ }
* @brief Destructor. Frees memory
- ~Attribute();
+ ~Attribute()
+ {
+ delete[] iv_pVal;
+ iv_pVal = NULL;
+ }
- // Public data
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute ID
+ */
+ void setId(const uint32_t i_attrId)
+ {
+ iv_hdr.iv_attrId = i_attrId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute Target Type
+ */
+ void setTargetType(const uint32_t i_targetType)
+ {
+ iv_hdr.iv_targetType = i_targetType;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute Position
+ */
+ void setPosition(const uint16_t i_pos)
+ {
+ iv_hdr.iv_pos = i_pos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute Unit Position
+ */
+ void setUnitPosition(const uint8_t i_unitPos)
+ {
+ iv_hdr.iv_unitPos = i_unitPos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute Node
+ */
+ void setNode(const uint8_t i_node)
+ {
+ iv_hdr.iv_node = i_node;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute Flags
+ */
+ void setFlags(const uint8_t i_flags)
+ {
+ iv_hdr.iv_flags = i_flags;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the size of all the Attribute's data members,
+ * aggregated together
+ *
+ * return Aggregated size of the Attribute's data members
+ */
+ uint32_t getSize() const
+ {
+ return (sizeof(iv_hdr) + iv_hdr.iv_valSize);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a constant reference to the Attribute Header.
+ * Returning a reference for fast retrieval.
+ *
+ * @note Caller should not attempt to modify contents of the
+ * Attribute Header. Use appropriate Attribute set methods
+ *
+ * return A constant reference to the Attribute Header
+ */
+ const AttributeHeader & getHeader() const
+ {
+ return iv_hdr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the Attribute Value to a copy of the given buffer
+ *
+ * @pre Passing in nonsensical parameters will produce unpredictable
+ * results, ie passing in a null buffer with size > 0
+ *
+ * @note Passing in a null buffer with size 0 will clear the value
+ *
+ * @param[in] i_buffer The buffer that contains the value to
+ * be copied
+ * @param[in] i_bufferSize Size of the given buffer
+ *
+ * return The size of the data that was copied
+ */
+ uint32_t setValue(const void * const i_buffer,
+ const uint32_t i_bufferSize)
+ {
+ // Reuse storage when possible
+ if (i_bufferSize != iv_hdr.iv_valSize)
+ {
+ // Clean up current Attribute Value
+ delete []iv_pVal;
+ iv_pVal = NULL;
+ // Set size and allocate memory space
+ iv_hdr.iv_valSize = i_bufferSize;
+ if (iv_hdr.iv_valSize)
+ {
+ iv_pVal = new uint8_t[iv_hdr.iv_valSize];
+ }
+ }
+ // Make a copy of the data. Passing in a size of 0
+ // or NULL turns this call to no-op
+ memcpy(iv_pVal, i_buffer, iv_hdr.iv_valSize);
+ return iv_hdr.iv_valSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get a constant pointer to the Attribute Value.
+ * Returning a constant pointer for fast retrieval.
+ *
+ * @note Caller should not attempt to modify the contents nor
+ * delete the pointer, use method setValue if
+ * need be.
+ *
+ * return A constant pointer to the Attribute Value
+ */
+ const void* const getValue() const
+ {
+ return iv_pVal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Return a copy of the Attribute Value into caller's bufffer
+ *
+ * @param[in] i_buffer The buffer to copy Attribute Value into
+ * @param[in] i_bufferSize Size of the given buffer
+ *
+ * return The size of the Attribute Value that was copied
+ * or 0 if unable to copy the Attribute Value - buffer
+ * size to small will cause this
+ */
+ uint32_t cloneValue(void* const o_buffer,
+ const uint32_t i_bufferSize) const
+ {
+ // Return the size of the cloned data
+ uint32_t l_attributeValueSize(0);
+ // Is the buffer large enough to contain the Attribute Value?
+ if (i_bufferSize >= iv_hdr.iv_valSize)
+ {
+ // Buffer is large enough to contain the Attribute Value -
+ // copy the Attribute Value to given buffer
+ memcpy(o_buffer, iv_pVal, iv_hdr.iv_valSize);
+ // Return the size of the cloned data
+ l_attributeValueSize = iv_hdr.iv_valSize;
+ }
+ return l_attributeValueSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Serialize the Attribute, if the buffer given is large
+ * enough to contain the Attribute's data members
+ *
+ * @param[out] o_buffer The buffer to contain the serialized
+ * data members
+ * @param[in] i_bufferSize Size of the given buffer
+ *
+ * return 0 if buffer is to small to contain the data members;
+ * otherwise the aggregated size of the Attribute's data
+ * members copied
+ */
+ uint32_t serialize(void* const o_buffer,
+ const uint32_t i_bufferSize) const
+ {
+ // Return the size of the serialized data
+ uint32_t l_attributeSize(0);
+ // If buffer size greater than or equal to the size of the
+ // Attribute's data members aggregated together then
+ // copy the data members to buffer
+ if (i_bufferSize >= getSize())
+ {
+ // Get an Attribute handle to buffer for easy access
+ uint8_t* l_attribute = static_cast<uint8_t*>(o_buffer);
+ // Copy the Attribute Header
+ memcpy(l_attribute, &iv_hdr, sizeof(iv_hdr));
+ l_attribute += sizeof(iv_hdr);
+ // Copy the Attribute Value
+ memcpy(l_attribute, iv_pVal, iv_hdr.iv_valSize);
+ // Return the size of the serialized data
+ l_attributeSize = sizeof(iv_hdr) + iv_hdr.iv_valSize;
+ }
+ return l_attributeSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Deserialize the buffer, if the buffer given is at least
+ * the same size as an Attribute
+ *
+ * @param[out] i_buffer The buffer to deserialize
+ * @param[in] i_bufferSize Size of the given buffer
+ *
+ * @post If the buffer is large enough to populate the Attribute, then
+ * the Attribute will be populated, with it's own copy of the
+ * data. If the buffer is too small, then the Attribute is
+ * untouched.
+ *
+ * return 0 if buffer is to small to populate an Attribute;
+ * otherwise the aggregated size of the Attribute's data
+ * members deserialized
+ */
+ uint32_t deserialize(const void* const i_buffer,
+ const uint32_t i_bufferSize)
+ {
+ // Return the size of the Attribute
+ uint32_t l_attributeSize(0);
+ // Get an Attribute handle to buffer for easy access
+ const Attribute* const l_attribute =
+ reinterpret_cast<const Attribute* const>(i_buffer);
+ // Get the minimum size needed to check for values
+ uint32_t l_attributeHeaderSize(sizeof(iv_hdr));
+ // Make sure the buffer is not just large enough to inspect the
+ // Attribute Header but large enough to read Values if they exist
+ // Need to make sure size is at minimum threshold before calling
+ // getSize(), because getSize assumes the data is there to read
+ if ( (i_bufferSize >= l_attributeHeaderSize) &&
+ (i_bufferSize >= (l_attribute->getSize())) )
+ {
+ // Get an uint8_t handle to buffer for easy access
+ const uint8_t* l_attributeData =
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i_buffer);
+ // Copy header data
+ memcpy(&iv_hdr, l_attributeData, l_attributeHeaderSize);
+ // Free iv_pVal data, if it currently has data, and set to NULL
+ delete []iv_pVal; // OK to delete a NULL ptr
+ iv_pVal = NULL;
+ // Populate values if they exist
+ uint32_t l_valueSize = iv_hdr.iv_valSize;
+ if (l_valueSize)
+ {
+ // Copy the Attribute Value
+ iv_pVal = new uint8_t[l_valueSize];
+ l_attributeData += l_attributeHeaderSize;
+ memcpy(iv_pVal, l_attributeData, l_valueSize);
+ }
+ // Return the size of the Attribute
+ l_attributeSize = getSize();
+ }
+ return l_attributeSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Assignment operator defined
+ */
+ Attribute& operator=(const Attribute& rhs)
+ {
+ // check for self-assignment
+ if (&rhs != this)
+ {
+ // Deep copy the attribute value
+ setValue(rhs.iv_pVal, rhs.iv_hdr.iv_valSize);
+ // Copy the Attribute header
+ iv_hdr = rhs.iv_hdr;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Copy constructor defined
+ */
+ Attribute(const Attribute& rhs)
+ : iv_hdr(),
+ iv_pVal(NULL)
+ {
+ // Call the assignment operator to do the work
+ *this = rhs;
+ }
+ // Private data
+ private:
AttributeHeader iv_hdr;
uint8_t * iv_pVal; // Pointer to attribute value
@@ -205,7 +505,7 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* @brief Destructor. Deletes all Attributes
- virtual ~AttributeTank();
+ ~AttributeTank();
* @brief Checks if the platform has enabled synchronization
@@ -231,9 +531,8 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* specific node (i_node)
* @param[in] i_node See i_nodeFilter
- virtual void clearAllAttributes(
- const NodeFilter i_nodeFilter = NODE_FILTER_NONE,
- const uint8_t i_node = ATTR_NODE_NA);
+ void clearAllAttributes(const NodeFilter i_nodeFilter = NODE_FILTER_NONE,
+ const uint8_t i_node = ATTR_NODE_NA);
* @brief Clear any non-const attribute for a specified ID and Target
@@ -247,11 +546,11 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* @param[in] i_unitPos Target Unit Position
* @param[in] i_node Target Node
- virtual void clearNonConstAttribute(const uint32_t i_attrId,
- const uint32_t i_targetType,
- const uint16_t i_pos,
- const uint8_t i_unitPos,
- const uint8_t i_node);
+ void clearNonConstAttribute(const uint32_t i_attrId,
+ const uint32_t i_targetType,
+ const uint16_t i_pos,
+ const uint8_t i_unitPos,
+ const uint8_t i_node);
* @brief Set an Attribute
@@ -273,14 +572,14 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* @param[in] i_valSize Size of attribute value in bytes
* @param[in] i_pVal Pointer to attribute value
- virtual void setAttribute(const uint32_t i_attrId,
- const uint32_t i_targetType,
- const uint16_t i_pos,
- const uint8_t i_unitPos,
- const uint8_t i_node,
- const uint8_t i_flags,
- const uint32_t i_valSize,
- const void * i_pVal);
+ void setAttribute(const uint32_t i_attrId,
+ const uint32_t i_targetType,
+ const uint16_t i_pos,
+ const uint8_t i_unitPos,
+ const uint8_t i_node,
+ const uint8_t i_flags,
+ const uint32_t i_valSize,
+ const void * i_pVal);
* @brief Get a copy of an Attribute
@@ -288,21 +587,24 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* This is called on an OverrideAttributeTank to query/get an Attribute
* Override when an attribute is got
+ * @note Caller's responsibility to ensure the passed in buffer
+ * is large enough to contain the Attribute Value.
+ *
* @param[in] i_attrId Attribute ID
* @param[in] i_targetType Target Type attribute is for
* @param[in] i_pos Target Position
* @param[in] i_unitPos Target Unit Position
* @param[in] i_node Target Node
- * @param[out] o_pVal Pointer to attribute value
+ * @param[out] o_pVal Pointer to a copy of the attribute value
* return true if attribute exists and a copy was written to o_pVal
- virtual bool getAttribute(const uint32_t i_attrId,
- const uint32_t i_targetType,
- const uint16_t i_pos,
- const uint8_t i_unitPos,
- const uint8_t i_node,
- void * o_pVal) const;
+ bool getAttribute(const uint32_t i_attrId,
+ const uint32_t i_targetType,
+ const uint16_t i_pos,
+ const uint8_t i_unitPos,
+ const uint8_t i_node,
+ void * o_pVal) const;
* @brief Serialize all Attributes into newly allocated memory chunks
@@ -332,7 +634,7 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* specific node (i_node)
* @param[in] i_node See i_nodeFilter
- virtual void serializeAttributes(
+ void serializeAttributes(
const AllocType i_allocType,
const uint32_t i_chunkSize,
std::vector<AttributeSerializedChunk> & o_attributes,
@@ -349,8 +651,7 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* @param[in] i_attributes Reference to AttributeSerializedChunk containing
* attributes.
- virtual void deserializeAttributes(
- const AttributeSerializedChunk & i_attributes);
+ void deserializeAttributes(const AttributeSerializedChunk & i_attributes);
@@ -366,9 +667,8 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* @param[in] i_echoAttributes Select whether or not to echo the attributes
- virtual void deserializeAttributes(
- const AttributeSerializedChunk & i_attributes,
- bool i_echoAttributes );
+ void deserializeAttributes(const AttributeSerializedChunk & i_attributes,
+ bool i_echoAttributes );
@@ -381,7 +681,7 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* return true if any attributes exist
- virtual bool attributesExist() const { return iv_attributesExist; }
+ bool attributesExist() const { return iv_attributesExist; }
* @brief Check if an attribute exists in the tank
@@ -396,7 +696,7 @@ namespace AttributeTank
* return true if any attributes exist
- virtual bool attributeExists(const uint32_t i_attrId) const;
+ bool attributeExists(const uint32_t i_attrId) const;
* @brief This function writes attributes in an AttributeTank to targeting
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