path: root/src/build/hwpf/prcd_server.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/hwpf/prcd_server.tcl')
1 files changed, 543 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/hwpf/prcd_server.tcl b/src/build/hwpf/prcd_server.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2382872a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/hwpf/prcd_server.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+# the next line restarts using tclsh\
+exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
+# Name: prcd_server.tcl - Compile a hardware procedure provided by a client.
+# Based on if_server.tcl by Doug Gilbert
+set version "1.0"
+# Accept is called when a new client request comes in
+# An event is forked that calls AquireData whenever the socket becomes
+# readable the main thread continues to run looking for more client requests
+proc Accept { sock addr port} {
+ global socklist
+ global log
+ puts "[clock format [clock seconds]]: Accept $sock from $addr port $port"
+ puts $log "$port: [clock format [clock seconds]]: Accept $sock from $addr port $port"
+ set socklist(addr,$sock) [list $addr $port]
+ fconfigure $sock -buffering line
+ fileevent $sock readable [list AquireData $sock]
+# AquireData is called whenever there is data avaiable from a client.
+# with line buffering on sock, this means when a line is
+# Processes commands and collect data from client
+proc AquireData { sock } {
+ global socklist
+ global sandbox
+ global forever
+ global sb_dir
+ global sbname
+ global hwpfile
+ global git_sh
+ global backing
+ global log
+ global running
+ global driver
+ if { [eof $sock] || [catch {gets $sock line}] } {
+ puts "Client closed unexpectedly"
+ puts $log "$sock: Client closed unexpectedly"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ } else {
+ if { [string compare $line "quit"] == 0 } {
+ close $socklist(main)
+ puts $sock "hw procedure compiler server is terminating"
+ puts $log "$sock: hw procedure compiler server is terminating"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ set forever 0
+ } elseif {[regexp {:DRIVER +(.+)} $line a b] } {
+ ################################################################
+ # Make a unique sandbox backed to the driver specified
+ # Do a workon to the sandbox.
+ ################################################################
+ set driver $b
+ set release ""
+ puts $log "$sock: Input driver $driver"
+ flush $log
+ ################################################################
+ # create git repository
+ ################################################################
+ set sbname($sock) "sb[string range [clock seconds] 4 end]"
+ puts $sock "$sbname($sock)"
+ puts $log "$sock: $sbname($sock)"
+ # Make sure sandbox dir exists
+ if {[file exists $sb_dir]} {
+ file mkdir "$sb_dir/$sbname($sock)"
+ set git_sh($sock) [open "|bash" r+]
+ fconfigure $git_sh($sock) -buffering none
+ fileevent $git_sh($sock) readable [list IfResult $git_sh($sock) $sock $sbname($sock)]
+ ExtractSandbox $sock $git_sh($sock)
+ } else {
+ puts $sock "Could not extract code\n"
+ puts $log "$sock: Could not extract code\n)"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ }
+ } elseif {[regexp {:HWP_FILE +(.+) +(.+)} $line a b c] } {
+ ################################################################
+ # Open the hw procedure file in the hw procedure directory
+ ################################################################
+ puts $log "$sock: Input File $b $c"
+ flush $log
+ if { ![info exists sbname($sock)] } {
+ puts $sock "No sandbox found"
+ puts $log "$sock: No sandbox found"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ return
+ }
+ ################################################################
+ # Create the path to the file in the git sandbox
+ # If it's a .C file it goes to src/usr/hwpf/hwp/ otherwise
+ # it's a .H and needs to go to src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp/
+ # Note that I can't get /* to work correctly in the regexp so I had to
+ # hard code in the fapi which should be ok, but annoying.
+ ################################################################
+ if {[regexp {.*/*(fapi.+\.C)} $b -> file] } {
+ set filen "$sb_dir/$sbname($sock)/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/$file"
+ } elseif {[regexp {.*/*(fapi.+\.H)} $b -> file] } {
+ set filen "$sb_dir/$sbname($sock)/src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp/$file"
+ } else {
+ puts $sock "Invalid Input File - $b"
+ puts $log "$sock: Invalid Input File - $b"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ return
+ }
+ # Open with create/overwrite option
+ if {[catch {set hwpfile($sock) [open "$filen" w+] } res ] } {
+ puts $sock "Server can't open $filen"
+ puts $log "$sock: Server can't open $filen"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ } else {
+ fconfigure $hwpfile($sock) -translation binary
+ fconfigure $sock -translation binary
+ fcopy $sock $hwpfile($sock) -size $c
+ close $hwpfile($sock)
+ fconfigure $sock -translation auto
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: DONE"
+ flush $sock
+ }
+ } elseif {[string compare $line ":HWP_COMPILE"] == 0} {
+ set git_sh($sock) [open "|bash" r+]
+ fconfigure $git_sh($sock) -buffering none
+ fileevent $git_sh($sock) readable [list IfResult $git_sh($sock) $sock $sbname($sock)]
+ puts $git_sh($sock) "cd $sb_dir/$sbname($sock)"
+ SendSandbox $sock $git_sh($sock)
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: DONE"
+ flush $sock
+ flush $log
+ } elseif {[string compare $line ":HWP_RETRIEVE"] == 0} {
+ SendObjFiles $sock "$sb_dir/$sbname($sock)/img"
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: DONE"
+ flush $sock
+ } elseif {[string compare $line ":HWP_DONE"] == 0} {
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: DONE"
+ CloseOut $sock
+ set line ""
+ } elseif {[regexp {:INFO +(.+)} $line a b] } {
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: $b"
+ flush $sock
+ flush $log
+ } else {
+ # Unrecognized command
+ # if it's just blank line then skipt it - else report it
+ if {[string length $line] > 0 } {
+ puts "Unknown command:$line"
+ puts $sock "Unknown command: $line"
+ puts $log "$sock: Unknown command: $line"
+ }
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: DONE"
+ flush $sock
+ }
+ }
+# Clean up and close the socket
+proc CloseOut { sock } {
+ global socklist
+ global sandbox
+ global sbname
+ global sb_dir
+ global git_sh
+ global backing
+ global log
+ if {![eof $sock]} { flush $sock }
+ puts $log "$sock [clock format [clock seconds]]: Close $socklist(addr,$sock)- "
+ flush $log
+ close $sock
+ puts "[clock format [clock seconds]]: Close $socklist(addr,$sock)- "
+ unset socklist(addr,$sock)
+ if {[info exists git_sh($sock)] } {
+ # Comment out next line to avoid deleting the /tmp/hwp/ sandbox
+ # eval {exec} "rm -rf $sb_dir/$sbname($sock)"
+ unset git_sh($sock)
+ #unset sandbox($sbname($sock))
+ }
+ if {[info exists sbname($sock)]} { unset sbname($sock) }
+ if {[info exists backint($sock)]} { unset backing($sock) }
+# Sets up the sandbox with the required code from git
+proc ExtractSandbox { sock git_sh} {
+ global sandbox
+ global running
+ global sbname
+ global sb_dir
+ global driver
+ global log
+ ############################################################
+ # Create GIT repository and extract input driver
+ # Open a separate pipe which does the extraction and
+ # compiling
+ ############################################################
+ puts $git_sh "cd $sb_dir/$sbname($sock)"
+ puts $git_sh {git init}
+ puts $git_sh {git remote add gerrit ssh://}
+ puts $git_sh {unlog}
+ puts $git_sh {git fetch gerrit}
+ if {[string compare $driver "master"] == 0} {
+ puts $log "$sock: Using master branch"
+ puts $git_sh "git checkout -b master gerrit/master"
+ } else {
+ puts $log "$sock: Using $driver branch"
+ puts $git_sh "git checkout -b $sbname($sock) $driver"
+ }
+ ##################################################
+ # tell the workon shell to terminate
+ ##################################################
+ puts $git_sh {echo :DONE}
+ flush $git_sh
+ ############################################################
+ ## if the git_sh is not done by 180 sec, it probably crashed
+ ## keep a list of running sandboxes
+ ## hopefully processes timeout in the same order they were started
+ ## Kick off an event that waits 10 sec then executes
+ ############################################################
+ lappend running $sbname($sock)
+ set timoutid [after 10000 {
+ set sandbox([lindex $running 0]) crashed
+ lreplace $running 0 0
+ } ]
+ ############################################################
+ ## This thread now waits until an event changes sandbox($sbname)
+ ## either the simulator exits or times out
+ ############################################################
+ vwait sandbox($sbname($sock))
+ ############################################################
+ # If the git_sh workon crashed then close the workon shell
+ # else cancel the timout event
+ ############################################################
+ if { [string compare $sandbox($sbname($sock)) "crashed"] == 0 } {
+ if { [catch {close $git_sh} res]} {
+ puts $sock "Failed: $res\n"
+ puts $log "$sock: Failed: $res\n"
+ }
+ set sandbox($sbname($sock)) idle
+ } else {
+ after cancel $timoutid
+ }
+ flush $sock
+ flush $log
+ ## just a flag to indicate sandbox is being used
+ set sandbox($sbname($sock)) running
+ puts $sock ":DONE"
+ puts $log "$sock: DONE"
+ flush $sock
+# Sets up the sandbox for the ifcompiler & sends commands
+# sets up an event to collect the simulation results
+# closes and deletes the sandbox
+proc SendSandbox { sock git_sh} {
+ global sandbox
+ global running
+ global sbname
+ global missing_spies
+ global log
+ # set missing_spies($sock) {}
+# Start Compile
+ puts $git_sh "source env.bash; make -j4"
+# tell the workon shell to terminate
+ puts $git_sh {echo :DONE}
+ flush $git_sh
+## if the git_sh is not done by 180 sec, it probably crashed
+## keep a list of running sandboxes
+## hopefully processes timeout in the same order they were started
+## Kick off an event that waits 180 sec then executes
+ lappend running $sbname($sock)
+ set timoutid [after 180000 {
+ set sandbox([lindex $running 0]) crashed
+ lreplace $running 0 0
+ } ]
+## This thread now waits until an event changes sandbox($sbname)
+## either the simulator exits or timesout
+ vwait sandbox($sbname($sock))
+# If the git_sh workon crashed then close the workon shell else cancel the
+# timout event
+ if { [string compare $sandbox($sbname($sock)) "crashed"] == 0 } {
+ if { [catch {close $git_sh} res]} {
+ puts $sock "Fail: $res\n"
+ puts $log "$sock: Fail: $res\n"
+ }
+ set sandbox($sbname($sock)) idle
+ } else {
+ after cancel $timoutid
+ }
+ flush $sock
+ flush $log
+# This is a list of regular expressions. Any line sent to stdout during
+# mk processing that matches one of these expressions will be sent to the
+# client. Note: Everything from stderr gets returned
+set explist [list {ERROR:.*} {^IfScrub..E>.*} {^Parse Error.*} ]
+## This event catches the output of the sandbox when the pipe become readable
+## and sends it back to the client.
+## The git_sh pipe is closed when the full result has been processed
+proc IfResult { git_sh sock sbname_sock } {
+ global sandbox
+ global explist
+ global log
+ if { [eof $git_sh] || [catch {gets $git_sh line}] } {
+ puts $sock "compile unexpectedly terminated. sandbox $sbname_sock"
+ puts $log "$sock: compile unexpectedly terminated. sandbox $sbname_sock"
+ if { [catch {close $git_sh} res] } {
+ puts $sock "Error is $res\n"
+ puts $log "$sock: Error is $res\n"
+ }
+ set sandbox($sbname_sock) "idle"
+ } else {
+ # Uncomment to send back all compile output
+ #puts $sock "$sock $line"
+ #puts $log "$sock: $line"
+ if { [string compare $line ":DONE"] == 0 } {
+ if { [catch {close $git_sh} res]} {
+ #res has the stderr
+ # Need to weed out the junk
+ set rlines [split $res "\n"]
+ foreach rline $rlines {
+ # weed out the errors from mk
+ if {[regexp {.*error.*} $rline ->] } {
+ puts $sock "$rline - ERROR"
+ puts $log "$sock: $rline"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts $sock "Exit Sandbox"
+ puts $log "$sock: Exit Sandbox"
+ set sandbox($sbname_sock) "idle"
+ } else {
+ foreach exp $explist {
+ if {[regexp $exp $line a]} {
+ puts $sock $line
+ puts $log "$sock: $line"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# send the *.if and *.dat files from the compile back to the client
+proc SendObjFiles { sock obj_dir } {
+ global log
+ set hbi_files {}
+ # Send the .bin files
+ if {[catch {set hbi_files [glob -dir $obj_dir *.bin]} res]} {
+ puts $sock "ERROR: No *.bin files found in $obj_dir"
+ puts $log "$sock: ERROR: No *.bin files found in $obj_dir"
+ } else {
+ SendFiles $sock $hbi_files
+ }
+ # Now send the .syms files
+ if {[catch {set hbi_files [glob -dir $obj_dir *.syms]} res]} {
+ puts $sock "ERROR: No *.syms files found in $obj_dir"
+ puts $log "$sock: ERROR: No *.syms files found in $obj_dir"
+ } else {
+ SendFiles $sock $hbi_files
+ }
+ # Now send the hbotStringFile
+ if {[catch {set hbi_files [glob -dir $obj_dir hbotStringFile]} res]} {
+ puts $sock "ERROR: No hbotStringFile files found in $obj_dir"
+ puts $log "$sock: ERROR: No hbotStringFile files found in $obj_dir"
+ } else {
+ SendFiles $sock $hbi_files
+ }
+ flush $sock
+ flush $log
+# Send a file to the client
+proc SendFiles { sock files } {
+ global log
+ foreach f $files {
+ set size [file size $f]
+ puts $sock ":OBJ_FILE [file tail $f] $size"
+ puts $log "$sock: :OBJ_FILE [file tail $f] $size"
+ fconfigure $sock -translation binary
+ set fp [open $f r]
+ fconfigure $fp -translation binary
+ fcopy $fp $sock -size $size
+ close $fp
+ fconfigure $sock -translation auto
+ }
+ flush $log
+# main
+set forever 1
+set logfile {/tmp/prcd_server.log}
+set log {}
+# Where are we running?
+foreach {host site c d} [split [exec hostname] .] break
+if {[string compare $host {gfw160}] == 0} {
+ set sb_dir {/tmp/hwp/}
+ eval {exec} "mkdir -p $sb_dir"
+} else {
+ puts "Invalid Location to run server!"
+ exit -1
+# array to keep track of ode sandboxes and thier state
+array set sandbox {
+ sb00000000 idle
+array set backing {}
+puts "Logfile: $logfile"
+if { [file exists $logfile] } {
+ set log [open "$logfile" a]
+} else {
+ set log [open "$logfile" w 0666]
+puts "Logfile: $logfile $log"
+exec chmod 666 $logfile
+puts "[clock format [clock seconds]]: HWP compiler Server is starting"
+puts $log "[clock format [clock seconds]]: HWP compiler Server is starting"
+flush $log
+set socklist(main) [socket -server Accept 7779]
+# By catching errors from vwait- we can ignore them
+catch {vwait forever}
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