path: root/src/build/debug
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/debug')
2 files changed, 650 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/debug/ b/src/build/debug/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c8c9723d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/ $
+# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
+# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+use POSIX;
+use Switch;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use constant ESEL_HEADER_LENGTH => 16;
+# options and usage
+my $target = ''; # Target BMC name / IP (convert to IP)
+my $userid = 'ADMIN'; # BMC user id to use for the ipmitool cmd
+my $passwd = 'admin'; # BMC password to use for the ipmitool cmd
+my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);
+my $errl_path = $dirname;
+my $fspt_path = $dirname;
+my $img_path = $dirname;
+my $output_path = cwd();
+my $debug = 0;
+my $usage = 0;
+my $version = "201702221413";
+my $option = "";
+my $esel_file = "";
+my $bad_option = 0;
+my %options_table = (
+ get_ami_data => 0,
+ decode_ami_data => 0,
+ get_and_decode_ami => 0,
+ decode_obmc_data => 0,
+ decode_hberrl_data => 0
+sub printUsage
+ print "All directory paths passed as arguments to the tool MUST be Fully qualified path names.\n";
+ print "Usage: [-h] -t <BMC Name / IP> [-U <userid>] [-P <password>]\n";
+ print " [-o <output dir>] # default: $output_path\n";
+ print " [-e <errl dir>] # default: $errl_path(*) \n";
+ print " [-f <fsp-trace dir>] # default $fspt_path(*)\n";
+ print " [-i <img dir (for hbotStringFile & hbicore.syms>] # default $img_path(*)\n";
+ print " [-l <eSEL file>]\n";
+ print " [-p <option>]\n";
+ print " where <option> can be one of:\n";
+ print " get_ami_data (use IPMI to fetch eSEL data into binaries, no decode)\n";
+ print " decode_ami_data (decode AMI binary eSEL file)\n";
+ print " get_and_decode_ami (fetch and decode the AMI eSEL data)\n";
+ print " decode_obmc_data (decode OpenBMC eSEL file)\n";
+ print " decode_hberrl_data (decode HBERRL PNOR file). Not implemented in v.201702221413.\n";
+ print " (*): Alternative to providing the paths to each of the files required, you may set the\n";
+ print " ESEL_PATH environment variable to point to the folder where all of the required\n";
+ print " files are. The script will automatically use that env variable's path.\n";
+ print "version: $version\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "This tool will ONLY process hostboot eSEL entries that contain PEL data.\n";
+ exit;
+if (defined $ENV{"ESEL_PATH"})
+ $errl_path = $fspt_path = $img_path = $ENV{"ESEL_PATH"};
+ "t:s" => \$target,
+ "U:s" => \$userid,
+ "P:s" => \$passwd,
+ "e:s" => \$errl_path,
+ "f:s" => \$fspt_path,
+ "i:s" => \$img_path,
+ "o:s" => \$output_path,
+ "l:s" => \$esel_file,
+ "p:s" => \&HandleOption,
+ "v+" => \$debug,
+ "h" => \$usage,
+ ) || printUsage();
+if ($usage)
+ printUsage();
+ exit;
+if ($bad_option)
+ print "***ERROR: Incorrect option provided.\n";
+ print "Specify an option with -p <option>.\n\n";
+ printUsage();
+ exit -1;
+if (($options_table{"decode_ami_data"} or $options_table{"decode_obmc_data"})
+ and $esel_file eq "")
+ print "***ERROR: No input file provided for decode mode.\n";
+ print "Please specify an input file with eSEL data.\n\n";
+ printUsage();
+ exit -1;
+# Variables used for the script #
+my $cmd = ''; # Used to store the ipmitool commands
+my $string_file = '';
+my $cd_syms_dir = '';
+my $log_file = '';
+my @eSEL_lengths; # size of each eSEL
+# Add code to check that we have the needed fields filled in. #
+# Not applicable if the eSEL file is provided. #
+if($options_table{"get_ami_data"} or $options_table{"get_and_decode_ami"})
+ ($target) || die "Missing BMC target name / IP\n";
+ ($userid) || die "Missing BMC user id\n";
+ ($passwd) || die "Missing BMC password\n";
+# We don't need the following files in get_ami mode.
+if (!$options_table{"get_ami_data"})
+ # check if we can find the fsp-trace program
+ if (-e "$fspt_path/fsp-trace")
+ {
+ # it's good, build PATH so errl can find it.
+ $fspt_path = "PATH=$fspt_path:\$PATH";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "can't find fsp-trace in \"$fspt_path\"; no fsp-traces\n";
+ $fspt_path = "";
+ }
+ $img_path = glob($img_path);
+ # check if we can get to the string file
+ if (-e "$img_path/hbotStringFile")
+ {
+ # it's good, build errl option
+ $string_file = "-t $img_path/hbotStringFile";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "can't find hbotStringFile in \"$img_path\"; incomplete fsp-traces\n";
+ $string_file = "";
+ }
+ # check if we can find a syms file (for backtrace decoding)
+ if (-e "$img_path/hbicore.syms")
+ {
+ # it's good, build cd option
+ $cd_syms_dir = "cd $img_path &&";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "can't find hbicore.syms in \"$img_path\"; no backtrace resolution\n";
+ $cd_syms_dir = "";
+ }
+if ($debug > 0)
+ print "target: \"$target\"\n";
+ print "userid: \"$userid\"\n";
+ print "passwd: \"$passwd\"\n";
+ print "errl_path: \"$errl_path\"\n";
+ print "fspt_path: \"$fspt_path\"\n";
+ print "img_path: \"$img_path\"\n";
+ print "output_path: \"$output_path\"\n";
+ print "debug: $debug\n";
+ print "string_file: $string_file\n";
+ print "cd_syms_dir: $cd_syms_dir\n";
+ print "eSEL file: $esel_file\n";
+ print "options:\n";
+ print Dumper \%options_table;
+ print "\n";
+ print "version: $version\n";
+# Main body #
+# get_and_decode_ami and decode_obmc_data need to create binary files of format
+# $log_file.binary.
+if ($options_table{"get_ami_data"})
+ GetAmiEselData(); #makes log_file
+elsif ($options_table{"decode_ami_data"})
+ DecodeBinarySelData();
+elsif ($options_table{"get_and_decode_ami"})
+ GetAmiEselData();
+ DecodeBinarySelData();
+elsif ($options_table{"decode_obmc_data"})
+ DecodeObmcEselData();
+ DecodeBinarySelData();
+elsif ($options_table{"decode_hberrl_data"})
+ print "***ERROR: decode_hberrl_data is not supported in v.201702221413.\n";
+ exit -1;
+ print "***ERROR: No option (-p) specified.\n";
+ printUsage();
+ exit -1;
+# all done
+# Functions #
+sub HandleOption
+ my ($opt, $key) = @_;
+ ($debug) && print "OPTION: $opt KEY: $key\n";
+ if(!exists $options_table{$key})
+ {
+ $bad_option = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $options_table{$key} = 1;
+ }
+ ($debug) && print Dumper \%options_table;
+# open and create errorlog text output file, if possible
+sub DecodeBinarySelData
+ my $txt_file_name = "";
+ my $bin_file_name = "";
+ if (-e "$errl_path/errl")
+ {
+ if ($options_table{"decode_ami_data"})
+ {
+ # This is the only mode where eSEL file is not generated
+ # according to the script's conventions, so we need to
+ # strip the actual eSEL file name and make an output file
+ # using that name
+ my $esel_file_name = basename($esel_file);
+ $txt_file_name = "$output_path/$esel_file_name.txt";
+ $bin_file_name = $esel_file;
+ ($debug) && print " esel_file_name = $esel_file_name.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # In all other modes the binary files are generated
+ # according to the following convention:
+ $txt_file_name = "$log_file.txt";
+ $bin_file_name = "$log_file.binary";
+ }
+ ($debug) && print " txt_file_name = $txt_file_name.\n";
+ ($debug) && print " bin_file_name = $bin_file_name.\n";
+ open TXT_FILE, ">", $txt_file_name or die "Unable to open TXT_FILE $txt_file_name\n";
+ print "Error log text file: $txt_file_name\n";
+ $cmd = "$cd_syms_dir $fspt_path $errl_path/errl --file=$bin_file_name $string_file -d 2>&1";
+ $debug && print "$cmd\n";
+ my @txt = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
+ print TXT_FILE " @txt";
+ ($debug > 1) && print " @txt";
+ close TXT_FILE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "can't find errl in $errl_path; no formatted PEL data\n";
+ }
+sub DecodeObmcEselData
+ # get the name of the actual sel file to make output file name
+ $log_file = basename($esel_file);
+ my $out_file_bin = "$output_path/$log_file.binary";
+ my $pel_data = "";
+ my $line_size = 0;
+ my $line = "";
+ ($debug) && print "out_file_bin = $out_file_bin.\n";
+ open LOG_FILE, $esel_file or die "Unable to open LOG_FILE $esel_file\n";
+ open OUT_FILE, ">", $out_file_bin or die "Unable to open OUT_FILE $out_file_bin\n";
+ while(<LOG_FILE>)
+ {
+ $line = $_;
+ chomp($line);
+ if($line =~ /ESEL=/)
+ {
+ $line =~ s/ESEL=//g; # strip ESEL=
+ ($debug) && print " $line";
+ }
+ # If the SEL entry contains the "df" key, AND it has '040020' it's our eSEL
+ if(!$line =~ /df/ or !$line =~ /20 00 04/)
+ {
+ ($debug) && print " \'df\' or \'20 00 04\' was not found in $line.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my @line_parts = split / /, $line; # get hex byte array
+ # Chop off the eSEL header (16 bytes). The rest is PEL data.
+ $pel_data = join(' ', @line_parts[ESEL_HEADER_LENGTH..$#line_parts]);
+ ($debug) && print " PEL Data: $pel_data\n";
+ $line_size = split / /, $pel_data;
+ print OUT_FILE HexPack($pel_data, $line_size);
+ }
+ close OUT_FILE;
+ close LOG_FILE;
+ # Make sure the file naming is consistent with what parsing function expects
+ $log_file = "$output_path/$log_file";
+sub GetAmiEselData
+ # Figure out the file name for logging the status.
+ my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
+ my $nice_timestamp = sprintf ( "%02d%02d%02d.%02d%02d%02d",$year-100,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
+ chomp($target);
+ $log_file = "$output_path/$target.$nice_timestamp.eSel";
+ open LOG_FILE, ">$log_file" or die "Unable to open the eSEL text file $log_file\n";
+ ################################################################
+ ## Run ipmitool setl list to get the list of sels and flag eSEL #
+ #################################################################
+ my $total_size = 0; # total errlog buffer size
+ my @SEL_list; # full SEL list
+ my @eSEL_list; # entries that have eSEL data
+ $cmd = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd sel list 2>&1";
+ $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
+ @SEL_list = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
+ ($debug > 1) && print " @SEL_list";
+ if (@SEL_list[0] =~ /RAKP/) # some sort of error on the ipmi cmd
+ {
+ print "ERROR: \"$cmd\" failed:\n";
+ print " @SEL_list";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $sel_count = @SEL_list; # Count the number of SELs found
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$sel_count; $i++)
+ {
+ # If the SEL entry contains the "df" key, AND it has '040020' it's our eSEL
+ if (($SEL_list[$i] =~ / OEM record df /) && ($SEL_list[$i] =~ /040020/))
+ {
+ push @eSEL_list, $SEL_list[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ # Check if there's no eSEL
+ my $esel_count = @eSEL_list;
+ if ($esel_count == 0)
+ {
+ print "No eSEL records with PEL data found.\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ print "Found $esel_count eSELs with PEL data\n";
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$esel_count; $i++)
+ {
+ my @tmp = split(/\|/, $eSEL_list[$i]); # Split the entry on the |
+ $tmp[0] =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove the extra white space
+ my $sel_record = hex($tmp[0]); # Convert the hex value of the record to ascii
+ $cmd = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd sel get $sel_record 2>&1";
+ $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
+ print "<";
+ print LOG_FILE "\n$cmd\n";
+ my @eSEL = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
+ ($debug > 1) && print "@eSEL";
+ print LOG_FILE " @eSEL\n";
+ # get the eSEL data
+ my $eSEL_hex = ConvertToHex($sel_record); # 2 bytes, ie: 0x01 0x02 for record 0x0201
+ # raw 0x32 0xf1 is AMI partial_get_esel command. command format is (bytes)
+ # 1:2 SEL Record ID (byte reversed)
+ # 3:4 Offset within the Record to be fetched. (byte reversed)
+ $cmd = "ipmitool -I lan -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd raw 0x32 0xf1 $eSEL_hex 0x00 0x00 2>&1";
+ print ">";
+ $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
+ print LOG_FILE "$cmd\n";
+ @eSEL = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
+ ($debug > 1) && print " @eSEL";
+ print LOG_FILE " @eSEL";
+ #################################################
+ # check to see if there is more data
+ #################################################
+ # response (bytes) from partial_get_esel is:
+ # 1:2 Total Length of the Extended SEL (byte reversed)
+ # 3 Progress
+ # 1 Last chunk
+ # 0 Still there is some record to read
+ # 4:5 Remaining Bytes to Read (byte reversed)
+ # 6:N Extended SEL data. [ Max size of 2K]
+ my @response = split(' ', "@eSEL[0]");
+ if ($response[0] =~ /Unable/) # some sort of error on the ipmi cmd
+ {
+ if( "@eSEL[0]" =~ /rsp=0x83/ )
+ {
+ # Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x32 lun=0x0 cmd=0xf1 rsp=0x83): Unknown (0x83)
+ print "esel $sel_record has been purged from BMC -- skipping\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Error on partial_get_esel of sel $sel_record\n";
+ print "@eSEL[0]\n";
+ }
+ push @eSEL_lengths, 0; # 0 PEL length
+ next;
+ }
+ my $progress = $response[2];
+ $debug && print "progress code $progress\n";
+ my $tmph = "$response[1]$response[0]";
+ my $tmp = hex($tmph);
+ my $selSizeHex = $tmph;
+ my $selSizeDec = $tmp;
+ push @eSEL_lengths, $tmp - 16; # PEL length is SEL size - 16 (SELRecord)
+ $total_size += $tmp-16;
+ while ($progress == 0)
+ {
+ $tmph = "$response[4]$response[3]";
+ $debug && print "remaining size is 0x$tmph\n";
+ my $size_left = $selSizeDec - hex($tmph); # offset for this next chunk
+ my $hex_offset = ConvertToHex($size_left); # 2 bytes, ie: 0x01 0x02 for offset 0x0201
+ ################################
+ # Run the raw command we built #
+ ################################
+ $cmd = "ipmitool -I lan -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd raw 0x32 0xf1 $eSEL_hex $hex_offset 2>&1";
+ $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
+ print LOG_FILE "$cmd\n";
+ @eSEL = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
+ ($debug > 1) && print " @eSEL";
+ print LOG_FILE " @eSEL";
+ @response = split(' ', "@eSEL[0]");
+ if ($response[0] =~ /Unable/) # some sort of error on the ipmi cmd
+ {
+ $progress = -1;
+ $debug && print "Error on partial_get_esel of sel $eSEL_hex\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $progress = $response[2];
+ $debug && print "progress code $progress\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($progress == 1) # successful 'exit'
+ {
+ $debug && print "eSEL Size = 0x$selSizeHex ($selSizeDec) bytes\n\n";
+ print LOG_FILE "eSEL Size = 0x$selSizeHex ($selSizeDec) bytes\n\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # error - ignore this eSEL
+ }
+ }
+ close LOG_FILE;
+ print "\neSEL text file: $log_file\n";
+ # convert to binary errorlog buffer
+ ConvertToErrorlogBuffer($log_file);
+sub ConvertToHex
+ my $in = @_[0];
+ my $hex = sprintf("%04x",$in); # Convert the value passed to a 4 digit hex
+ $hex = sprintf("%s",$hex); # Convert the hex value to a string
+ my $a = substr $hex, 0, 2; # Break the string into 2 parts
+ my $b = substr $hex, 2, 2;
+ my $ret = "0x$b 0x$a";
+ ########## Must return in the format 0x00 0x00 ##########
+ return $ret;
+sub ConvertToErrorlogBuffer()
+ my $file = @_[0];
+ # Open input file for reading
+ open LOG_FILE, $file or die "Unable to open LOG_FILE $file\n";
+ # Open file for binary error log buffer
+ my $bin_file_name = "$file.binary";
+ print "Error log binary file: $bin_file_name\n";
+ open OUT_FILE, ">", $bin_file_name or die "Unable to open OUT_FILE $bin_file_name\n";
+ # Read a line, convert to unsigned long, then write to target file
+ my $skip = 0;
+ my $pel_length = 0;
+ my $first_raw = 0;
+ my $esel_index = 0;
+ while (<LOG_FILE>)
+ {
+ if($_ =~ /lanplus/)
+ {
+ $pel_length = $eSEL_lengths[$esel_index];
+ $debug && print "eSEL $esel_index has length $pel_length\n";
+ $esel_index = $esel_index+1;
+ $first_raw = 1; # look for first ipmitool raw command
+ $skip = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($first_raw)
+ {
+ # skip all lines until we get to the ipmitool raw command
+ if (!($_ =~ /raw/))
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if($_ =~ /raw/)
+ {
+ #############################################
+ # If we are at the raw command, we are at the
+ # start of the eSEL data
+ #############################################
+ # first raw commands returns
+ # >> response header:
+ # RECID 00: more bytes remaining
+ # 44 01 00 3a 00
+ # >> SEL data (16 bytes)
+ # 00 00 df 00 00 00 00 20 00 04 ff
+ # ff 07 aa 00 00
+ # >> PEL
+ # 50 48 00 30 01 00 05 00 00 00 00
+ # 0d 0d b3 9f e4 00 00 00 0d 0d b4 5f 4a 42 00 00
+ # 09 90 00 00 09 55 48 00 18 01 00 05 00 8a 03 40
+ #############################################
+ # following raw commands return
+ # >> response header:
+ # RECID 01: done bytes remaining
+ # 44 01 01 00 00
+ # >> rest of PEL
+ # 11 00 00 0d 0d b4 5f 4a 42 00 00
+ # 09 90 00 00 09 55 48 00 18 01 00 05 00 8a 03 40
+ # ...
+ #############################################
+ if ($first_raw)
+ {
+ # first raw cmd - skip SEL data
+ $first_raw = 0;
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # rest of the raw cmds - no SEL data, all PEL
+ $skip = 2;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # if it is the first raw command skip first line (SEL data)
+ if($skip == 1)
+ {
+ $skip = 2;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $input = $_;
+ # for second line in first raw command and first line of other raw
+ # commands skip the response header (5 bytes)
+ if($skip == 2) # ff 07 aa 00 00 50 48 00 30 01 00 05 00 00 00 00
+ {
+ $input = substr($input, 17);
+ ($debug) && print "s2> :$input:\n";
+ $skip = 0;
+ }
+ if ($pel_length <= 0)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ chomp($input);
+ if($input)
+ {
+ if ($input eq " ")
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ #remove end of line character
+ $input =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ my $linesize = split(/ /, $input);
+ $pel_length -= $linesize;
+ ($debug) && print ">$linesize> :$input:\n";
+ print OUT_FILE HexPack($input, $linesize);
+ }
+ }
+ # Close files
+ close LOG_FILE;
+ close OUT_FILE;
+sub HexPack
+ my $input = @_[0];
+ $input =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ my @in = split(/ /, $input); # Hold the split version of the input variable
+ my $count = @_[1]; # Number of hex we want
+ my $tmp = '';
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$count; $i++)
+ {
+ $tmp = "$tmp$in[$i]"; # Remove the whitespace
+ }
+ my $ret = pack('H*', $tmp);
+ return $ret;
diff --git a/src/build/debug/ b/src/build/debug/
deleted file mode 100755
index 251b0a10d..000000000
--- a/src/build/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-# This is an automatically generated prolog.
-# $Source: src/build/debug/ $
-# OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
-# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015,2017
-# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-# permissions and limitations under the License.
-use strict;
-use Cwd;
-use POSIX;
-use Switch;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Basename;
-# options and usage
-my $target = ''; # Target BMC name / IP (convert to IP)
-my $userid = 'ADMIN'; # BMC user id to use for the ipmitool cmd
-my $passwd = 'admin'; # BMC password to use for the ipmitool cmd
-my $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);
-my $errl_path = $dirname;
-my $fspt_path = $dirname;
-my $img_path = $dirname;
-my $output_path = cwd();
-my $debug = 0;
-my $usage = 0;
-my $version = "201510021400";
-sub printUsage
- print "All directory paths passed as arguments to the tool MUST be Fully qualified path names.\n";
- print "Usage: [-h] -t <BMC Name / IP> [-U <userid>] [-P <password>]\n";
- print " [-o <output dir>] # default: $output_path\n";
- print " [-e <errl dir>] # default: $errl_path \n";
- print " [-f <fsp-trace dir>] # default $fspt_path\n";
- print " [-i <img dir (for hbotStringFile & hbicore.syms>] # default $img_path\n";
- print "version: $version\n";
- print "\n";
- print "This tool will ONLY process hostboot eSEL entries that contain PEL data.\n";
- exit;
- "t:s" => \$target,
- "U:s" => \$userid,
- "P:s" => \$passwd,
- "e:s" => \$errl_path,
- "f:s" => \$fspt_path,
- "i:s" => \$img_path,
- "o:s" => \$output_path,
- "v+" => \$debug,
- "h" => \$usage,
- ) || printUsage();
-if ($usage)
- printUsage();
-# Variables used for the script #
-my $cmd = ''; # Used to store the ipmitool commands
-my $string_file = '';
-my $cd_syms_dir = '';
-# Add code to check that we have the needed fields filled in #
-($target) || die "Missing BMC target name / IP\n";
-($userid) || die "Missing BMC user id\n";
-($passwd) || die "Missing BMC password\n";
-# check if we can find the fsp-trace program
-if ( -e "$fspt_path/fsp-trace")
- # it's good, build PATH so errl can find it.
- $fspt_path = "PATH=$fspt_path:\$PATH";
- print "can't find fsp-trace in \"$fspt_path\"; no fsp-traces\n";
- $fspt_path = "";
-$img_path = glob($img_path);
-# check if we can get to the string file
-if (-e "$img_path/hbotStringFile")
- # it's good, build errl option
- $string_file = "-t $img_path/hbotStringFile";
- print "can't find hbotStringFile in \"$img_path\"; incomplete fsp-traces\n";
- $string_file = "";
-# check if we can find a syms file (for backtrace decoding)
-if (-e "$img_path/hbicore.syms")
- # it's good, build cd option
- $cd_syms_dir = "cd $img_path &&";
- print "can't find hbicore.syms in \"$img_path\"; no backtrace resolution\n";
- $cd_syms_dir = "";
-if ($debug > 0)
- print "target: \"$target\"\n";
- print "userid: \"$userid\"\n";
- print "passwd: \"$passwd\"\n";
- print "errl_path: \"$errl_path\"\n";
- print "fspt_path: \"$fspt_path\"\n";
- print "img_path: \"$img_path\"\n";
- print "output_path: \"$output_path\"\n";
- print "debug: $debug\n";
- print "string_file: $string_file\n";
- print "cd_syms_dir: $cd_syms_dir\n";
- print "version: $version\n";
-# Main body #
-# Figure out the file name for logging the status.
-my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
-my $nice_timestamp = sprintf ( "%02d%02d%02d.%02d%02d%02d",$year-100,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
-my $log_file = "$output_path/$target.$nice_timestamp.eSel";
-open LOG_FILE, ">$log_file" or die "Unable to open the eSEL text file $log_file\n";
-# Run ipmitool setl list to get the list of sels and flag eSEL #
-my @eSEL_length; # size of each eSEL
-my $total_size = 0; # total errlog buffer size
-my @SEL_list; # full SEL list
-my @eSEL_list; # entries that have eSEL data
-$cmd = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd sel list 2>&1";
-$debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
-@SEL_list = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
-($debug > 1) && print " @SEL_list";
-if (@SEL_list[0] =~ /RAKP/) # some sort of error on the ipmi cmd
- print "ERROR: \"$cmd\" failed:\n";
- print " @SEL_list";
- exit 1;
-my $sel_count = @SEL_list; # Count the number of SELs found
-for(my $i=0; $i<$sel_count; $i++)
- # If the SEL entry contains the "df" key, AND it has '040020' it's our eSEL
- if (($SEL_list[$i] =~ / OEM record df /) && ($SEL_list[$i] =~ /040020/))
- {
- push @eSEL_list, $SEL_list[$i];
- }
-# Check if there's no eSEL
-my $esel_count = @eSEL_list;
-if ($esel_count == 0)
- print "No eSEL records with PEL data found.\n";
- exit 0;
-print "Found $esel_count eSELs with PEL data\n";
-for(my $i=0; $i<$esel_count; $i++)
- my @tmp = split(/\|/, $eSEL_list[$i]); # Split the entry on the |
- $tmp[0] =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove the extra white space
- my $sel_record = hex($tmp[0]); # Convert the hex value of the record to ascii
- $cmd = "ipmitool -I lanplus -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd sel get $sel_record 2>&1";
- $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
- print "<";
- print LOG_FILE "\n$cmd\n";
- my @eSEL = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
- ($debug > 1) && print "@eSEL";
- print LOG_FILE " @eSEL\n";
- # get the eSEL data
- my $eSEL_hex = ConvertToHex($sel_record); # 2 bytes, ie: 0x01 0x02 for record 0x0201
- # raw 0x32 0xf1 is AMI partial_get_esel command. command format is (bytes)
- # 1:2 SEL Record ID (byte reversed)
- # 3:4 Offset within the Record to be fetched. (byte reversed)
- $cmd = "ipmitool -I lan -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd raw 0x32 0xf1 $eSEL_hex 0x00 0x00 2>&1";
- print ">";
- $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
- print LOG_FILE "$cmd\n";
- @eSEL = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
- ($debug > 1) && print " @eSEL";
- print LOG_FILE " @eSEL";
- #################################################
- # check to see if there is more data
- #################################################
- # response (bytes) from partial_get_esel is:
- # 1:2 Total Length of the Extended SEL (byte reversed)
- # 3 Progress
- # 1 Last chunk
- # 0 Still there is some record to read
- # 4:5 Remaining Bytes to Read (byte reversed)
- # 6:N Extended SEL data. [ Max size of 2K]
- my @response = split(' ', "@eSEL[0]");
- if ($response[0] =~ /Unable/) # some sort of error on the ipmi cmd
- {
- if( "@eSEL[0]" =~ /rsp=0x83/ )
- {
- # Unable to send RAW command (channel=0x0 netfn=0x32 lun=0x0 cmd=0xf1 rsp=0x83): Unknown (0x83)
- print "esel $sel_record has been purged from BMC -- skipping\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Error on partial_get_esel of sel $sel_record\n";
- print "@eSEL[0]\n";
- }
- push @eSEL_length, 0; # 0 PEL length
- next;
- }
- my $progress = $response[2];
- $debug && print "progress code $progress\n";
- my $tmph = "$response[1]$response[0]";
- my $tmp = hex($tmph);
- my $selSizeHex = $tmph;
- my $selSizeDec = $tmp;
- push @eSEL_length, $tmp - 16; # PEL length is SEL size - 16 (SELRecord)
- $total_size += $tmp-16;
- while ($progress == 0)
- {
- $tmph = "$response[4]$response[3]";
- $debug && print "remaining size is 0x$tmph\n";
- my $size_left = $selSizeDec - hex($tmph); # offset for this next chunk
- my $hex_offset = ConvertToHex($size_left); # 2 bytes, ie: 0x01 0x02 for offset 0x0201
- ################################
- # Run the raw command we built #
- ################################
- $cmd = "ipmitool -I lan -H $target -U $userid -P $passwd raw 0x32 0xf1 $eSEL_hex $hex_offset 2>&1";
- $debug && print ">>$cmd\n";
- print LOG_FILE "$cmd\n";
- @eSEL = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
- ($debug > 1) && print " @eSEL";
- print LOG_FILE " @eSEL";
- @response = split(' ', "@eSEL[0]");
- if ($response[0] =~ /Unable/) # some sort of error on the ipmi cmd
- {
- $progress = -1;
- $debug && print "Error on partial_get_esel of sel $eSEL_hex\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $progress = $response[2];
- $debug && print "progress code $progress\n";
- }
- }
- if ($progress == 1) # successful 'exit'
- {
- $debug && print "eSEL Size = 0x$selSizeHex ($selSizeDec) bytes\n\n";
- print LOG_FILE "eSEL Size = 0x$selSizeHex ($selSizeDec) bytes\n\n";
- }
- else
- {
- # error - ignore this eSEL
- }
-close LOG_FILE;
-print "\neSEL text file: $log_file\n";
-# convert to binary errorlog buffer
-# open and create errorlog text output file, is possible
-if (-e "$errl_path/errl")
- my $txt_file_name = "$log_file.text";
- open TXT_FILE, ">", $txt_file_name or die "Unable to open TXT_FILE $txt_file_name\n";
- print "Error log text file: $txt_file_name\n";
- my $bin_file_name = "$log_file.binary";
- $cmd = "$cd_syms_dir $fspt_path $errl_path/errl --file=$bin_file_name $string_file -d 2>&1";
- $debug && print "$cmd\n";
- my @txt = qx/$cmd/; # Execute the command
- print TXT_FILE " @txt";
- ($debug > 1) && print " @txt";
- close TXT_FILE;
- print "can't find errl in $errl_path; no formatted PEL data\n";
-# all done
-# Functions #
-sub ConvertToHex
- my $in = @_[0];
- my $hex = sprintf("%04x",$in); # Convert the value passed to a 4 digit hex
- $hex = sprintf("%s",$hex); # Convert the hex value to a string
- my $a = substr $hex, 0, 2; # Break the string into 2 parts
- my $b = substr $hex, 2, 2;
- my $ret = "0x$b 0x$a";
- ########## Must return in the format 0x00 0x00 ##########
- return $ret;
-sub ConvertToErrorlogBuffer()
- my $file = @_[0];
- # Open input file for reading
- open LOG_FILE, $file or die "Unable to open LOG_FILE $file\n";
- # Open file for binary error log buffer
- my $bin_file_name = "$file.binary";
- print "Error log binary file: $bin_file_name\n";
- open OUT_FILE, ">", $bin_file_name or die "Unable to open OUT_FILE $bin_file_name\n";
- # Read a line, convert to unsigned long, then write to target file
- my $skip = 0;
- my $pel_length = 0;
- my $first_raw = 0;
- my $esel_index = 0;
- while (<LOG_FILE>)
- {
- if($_ =~ /lanplus/)
- {
- $pel_length = $eSEL_length[$esel_index];
- $debug && print "eSEL $esel_index has length $pel_length\n";
- $esel_index = $esel_index+1;
- $first_raw = 1; # look for first ipmitool raw command
- $skip = 0;
- next;
- }
- if ($first_raw)
- {
- # skip all lines until we get to the ipmitool raw command
- if (!($_ =~ /raw/))
- {
- next;
- }
- }
- if($_ =~ /raw/)
- {
- #############################################
- # If we are at the raw command, we are at the
- # start of the eSEL data
- #############################################
- # first raw commands returns
- # >> response header:
- # RECID 00: more bytes remaining
- # 44 01 00 3a 00
- # >> SEL data (16 bytes)
- # 00 00 df 00 00 00 00 20 00 04 ff
- # ff 07 aa 00 00
- # >> PEL
- # 50 48 00 30 01 00 05 00 00 00 00
- # 0d 0d b3 9f e4 00 00 00 0d 0d b4 5f 4a 42 00 00
- # 09 90 00 00 09 55 48 00 18 01 00 05 00 8a 03 40
- #############################################
- # following raw commands return
- # >> response header:
- # RECID 01: done bytes remaining
- # 44 01 01 00 00
- # >> rest of PEL
- # 11 00 00 0d 0d b4 5f 4a 42 00 00
- # 09 90 00 00 09 55 48 00 18 01 00 05 00 8a 03 40
- # ...
- #############################################
- if ($first_raw)
- {
- # first raw cmd - skip SEL data
- $first_raw = 0;
- $skip = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- # rest of the raw cmds - no SEL data, all PEL
- $skip = 2;
- }
- next;
- }
- # if it is the first raw command skip first line (SEL data)
- if($skip == 1)
- {
- $skip = 2;
- next;
- }
- my $input = $_;
- # for second line in first raw command and first line of other raw
- # commands skip the response header (5 bytes)
- if($skip == 2) # ff 07 aa 00 00 50 48 00 30 01 00 05 00 00 00 00
- {
- $input = substr($input, 17);
- ($debug) && print "s2> :$input:\n";
- $skip = 0;
- }
- if ($pel_length <= 0)
- {
- next;
- }
- chomp($input);
- if($input)
- {
- if ($input eq " ")
- {
- next;
- }
- #remove end of line character
- $input =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- my $linesize = split(/ /, $input);
- $pel_length -= $linesize;
- ($debug) && print ">$linesize> :$input:\n";
- print OUT_FILE HexPack($input, $linesize);
- }
- }
- # Close files
- close LOG_FILE;
- close OUT_FILE;
-sub HexPack
- my $input = @_[0];
- $input =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
- my @in = split(/ /, $input); # Hold the split version of the input variable
- my $count = @_[1]; # Number of hex we want
- my $tmp = '';
- for(my $i=0; $i<$count; $i++)
- {
- $tmp = "$tmp$in[$i]"; # Remove the whitespace
- }
- my $ret = pack('H*', $tmp);
- return $ret;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud