path: root/src/build/citest/autocitest
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/build/citest/autocitest')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/citest/autocitest b/src/build/citest/autocitest
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b601162a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/citest/autocitest
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+## Simics automation using autosim
+## 2011-05-23 mww modified to run hostboot in simics
+## 2011-06-02 mww check in first working version.
+## Profuse thanks to Patrick Williams for getting this going
+## on the Jenkins server!!
+## Usage:
+## autocitest [--quiet] <backing_build> <sandbox_name> <hbi_image>
+function waitkb()
+ ## wait for kbhit to continue
+ ## echo "Hit any key to continue"
+ ## read kb
+ echo "."
+function usage()
+ echo "usage:"
+ echo "$0 [--quiet] backing_tree_dir sandbox_name path_to_hbicore_test_img "
+function stopsim()
+ # Stop simics
+ echo "Stopping simics"
+ autosim $NOWIN $VERBOSE --stopsim
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "WARNING: Unable to stop simics cleanly"
+ fi
+function stopserver()
+ # Stop simics server
+ echo "Stopping simics server"
+ autosim $NOWIN $VERBOSE --stopserver
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "WARNING: Unable to stop simics server cleanly"
+ fi
+## mww verbose is the default.
+VERBOSE=" --verbose"
+if [ "$1" = "--quiet" ] ; then
+ shift
+## set up
+DRIVER="$1" ## backing tree
+TEST_SANDBOX="$2" ## test sandbox
+HBICORE_TEST="$3" ## path to hbicore_test.img
+export SHELL="/bin/bash" ## Needed to fool workon to launch a bash
+ ## shell, which autosim expects.
+NOWIN="--nowin" ## remote execution does not have a display
+## jenkins creates a new workspace for every compile.
+## will verify this and then export WORKSPACE_DIR for us.
+## autosim, mksb, workon, etc should look in $SANDBOXRC for the location of the sandbox.
+## this is more effective than using -rc option (autosim has no option for this anyway)
+if [ "$DRIVER" = "" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: you must specify a driver (backing tree) to run the tests with"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+if [ "$TEST_SANDBOX" = "" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: must specify a TEST_SANDBOX="
+ usage
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f "${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST}" ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: you must specify a valid hbicore_test.bin file."
+ usage
+ exit 1
+## Find the .syms file for the image. Remove extension, add .syms.
+## let's get set up
+echo "$0"
+echo "NOWIN = $NOWIN"
+echo "current directory is " `pwd`
+timestamp=`date +'%H:%M:%S'`
+echo "$timestamp Starting autosample test..."
+# Set up the test sandbox backed to the specified build
+## Assumption here is that we will always run inside the workspace created by
+## jenkins, so we always create a new sandbox
+echo "Setting up sandbox environment..."
+## mksb fills the log with "please type backing tree file" if it can't find
+## the -back file. We wish to avoid this.
+if [ ! -d "$DRIVER" ] ; then
+ echo "cannot access the backing tree $DRIVER , aborting"
+ exit 1
+## set $SANDBOXRC to the local one, this should cause this to make and run
+## in a new sandbox at the base workspace dir.
+if [ ! -d "$SBXHOME/$TEST_SANDBOX" ] ; then
+ echo "run mksb to create the sandbox "
+ mksb -rc $SANDBOXRC -dir $SBXHOME -back $DRIVER -sb $TEST_SANDBOX -m ppc
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: mksb failed: $?"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "$SBXHOME/$TEST_SANDBOX already exists, " `ls -la`
+ `usrsbinfo -s`
+ chkdrv=`usrsbinfo -s | grep " $TEST_SANDBOX "| awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ if [ "$chkdrv" != "$DRIVER" ] ; then
+ fi
+# Run set up in current shell
+echo "run autosimsetup.."
+. autosimsetup
+# Start the simics server
+echo "Starting simics server in sandbox $TEST_SANDBOX on machine $MACHINE"
+autosim $NOWIN $VERBOSE --startserver --wp --sandbox $TEST_SANDBOX --machine $MACHINE
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Unable to start simics server $?"
+ exit 1
+## under normal circumstances $sb would be set by start_simics
+export sb=$SBXHOME/$TEST_SANDBOX/src
+echo $sb
+echo "** Set up simics directories **"
+echo "start_simics -no_start -machine $MACHINE" > $sb/my_simics_env_setup
+chmod 775 $sb/my_simics_env_setup
+workon -sb $TEST_SANDBOX -mppc -c ./my_simics_env_setup
+echo "** Executing workarounds **"
+if [ -f ${SBXHOME}/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds ] ; then
+ ${SBXHOME}/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds
+echo "** Create img directory for hbicore.bin **"
+mkdir -p $sb/../img
+## According to the new directions, the hbicore_test.bin file now needs to be
+## copied to $sb/../img/hbicore.bin . This works out to $TEST_SANDBOX/img/hbicore.bin
+## Note the name change; thus we are always pretty safe in always doing this.
+echo "copy $HBICORE_TEST to ${SBXHOME}/$TEST_SANDBOX/img/hbicore.bin"
+cp ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST} ${SBXHOME}/${TEST_SANDBOX}/img/hbicore.bin
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Copy of $HBICORE_TEST to $TEST_SANDBOX/../img failed: $?"
+ exit 1
+# Start simics and wait for it to reach standby
+echo "Starting simics"
+#autosim $VERBOSE --startsim --chkpt standby <<< chkpt not working yet
+autosim $NOWIN $VERBOSE --startsim
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Unable to start simics $?"
+ stopserver ## kill the server again.
+ exit 1
+## $$TODO Need to wait here for hostboot to finish
+## for now just sleep for 20 seconds
+## sleep 20
+## grep for totaltests, etc. These will appear in the hbicore_test.syms file and
+## look like the following:
+## V,000292b8,00000000,00000008,CxxTest::totaltests
+## V,000292c0,00000000,00000008,CxxTest::tracecalls
+## V,000292c8,00000000,00000008,CxxTest::warnings
+## V,000292d0,00000000,00000008,CxxTest::failedtests
+## V,00017888,00000000,00004000,kernel_printk_buffer
+## grep for the globals
+echo "find totaltests, etc in ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS}"
+printk_buffer_addr=`grep "kernel_printk_buffer" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+printk_buffer_size=`grep "kernel_printk_buffer" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[4]}'`
+totaltests_addr=`grep "CxxTest::g_TotalTests" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+failedtests_addr=`grep "CxxTest::g_FailedTests" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+warnings_addr=`grep "CxxTest::g_Warnings" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+tracecalls_addr=`grep "CxxTest::g_TraceCalls" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+mods_started_addr=`grep "CxxTest::g_ModulesStarted" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+mods_completed_addr=`grep "CxxTest::g_ModulesCompleted" \
+ ${SBXHOME}/${HBICORE_TEST_SYMS} | awk '{split($0,a,","); print a[2]}'`
+## note, don't use $VERBOSE here or you get all sorts of extra junk in the output file.
+echo "Wait for unit test completion."
+while [ $modsstarted -lt 1 -o $modsstarted -ne $modscompleted ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " 0x$mods_started_addr 0x08" 1> $SBXHOME/modsstarted.log 2> /dev/null
+ modsstarted=`cat $SBXHOME/modsstarted.log | xargs echo -n`
+ autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " 0x$mods_completed_addr 0x08" 1> $SBXHOME/modscompleted.log 2> /dev/null
+ modscompleted=`cat $SBXHOME/modscompleted.log | xargs echo -n`
+ echo "$modsstarted:$modscompleted"
+echo "====> dump totaltests..."
+autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " 0x$totaltests_addr 0x08" 1> $SBXHOME/totaltests.log 2> /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Unable to run $?"
+ stopsim
+ stopserver
+ exit 1
+totaltests=`cat $SBXHOME/totaltests.log | xargs echo -n`
+echo "====> dump failedtests..."
+autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " 0x$failedtests_addr 0x08" 1> $SBXHOME/failedtests.log 2> /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Unable to run $?"
+ stopsim
+ stopserver
+ exit 1
+failedtests=`cat $SBXHOME/failedtests.log | xargs echo -n`
+echo "====> dump warnings..."
+autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " 0x$warnings_addr 0x08" 1> $SBXHOME/warnings.log 2> /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Unable to run $?"
+ stopsim
+ stopserver
+ exit 1
+warnings=`cat $SBXHOME/warnings.log | xargs echo -n`
+echo "====> dump tracecalls..."
+autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " 0x$tracecalls_addr 0x08" 1> $SBXHOME/tracecalls.log 2> /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "ERROR: Unable to run $?"
+ stopsim
+ stopserver
+ exit 1
+tracecalls=`cat $SBXHOME/tracecalls.log | xargs echo -n`
+echo "====> dump printk buffer..."
+autosim $NOWIN --simcmd " ${SBXHOME}/testprintk.log 0x$printk_buffer_addr 0x$printk_buffer_size" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+echo "ERROR: Unable to run $?"
+ stopsim
+ stopserver
+exit 1
+## done. Stop the simulation
+## now stop the server.
+## print out ending.
+timestamp=`date +'%H:%M:%S'`
+echo "----------------- Printk Buffer -------------------"
+cat $SBXHOME/testprintk.log
+echo "==================================================="
+echo "$timestamp Finished autocitest with no errors."
+echo " total tests: $totaltests"
+echo " failed tests: $failedtests"
+echo " warnings: $warnings"
+echo " trace calls: $tracecalls"
+echo "==================================================="
+if [ 0 != $failedtests ] ; then
+ echo "$failedtests testcases failed."
+ exit 1
+if [ 0 != $warnings ] ; then
+ echo "$warnings testcase warnings found."
+ exit 1
+exit 0
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