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1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usr/initservice/ b/src/usr/initservice/
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index 000000000..248a5b0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usr/initservice/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Initialization Service
+The Initialization Service is responsible for booting Hostboot userspace. It
+ drives the loading of the modules that are part of the base and extended
+ images. It also controls istep execution
+ (See [Istep Dispatcher](src/usr/initservice/istepdispatcher/ and
+ shutting hostboot down.
+## Base Init Service
+The modules here are part of the base image. The key distinction here is that
+ these modules are not pageable, meaning they will always exist in physical
+ memory. See [initsvctasks.H](baseinitsvc/initsvctasks.H) for the list of
+ modules and the order in which they are loaded.
+## Extended Init Service
+The modules here are part of the extended image. These modules are always
+ loaded and accessible to be called, however they may be paged out of physical
+ memory as needed. All of the resource/service providers, the device drivers,
+ FAPI2 infrastructure, and other similar universal utilities are loaded here.
+ See [extinitsvctasks.H](extinitsvc/extinitsvctasks.H) for the list of modules
+ and the order in which they are loaded.
+## Shutdown
+A controlled shutdown can be triggered for a variety of reasons:
+- Successful completion of the boot and transitioning to PHYP/OPAL
+- IPL failure
+- External request (FSP or BMC)
+In all cases, the various services have a chance to clean themselves up before
+ Hostboot terminates. The services register (registerShutdownEvent) for a
+ message call-back using a specific priority to maintain the ordering
+ requirements. Code can also register for virtual memory to be flushed
+ (registerBlock).
+### Current list of shutdown messages with reasons and limitations:
+(See [initserviceif.H](../../include/usr/initservice/initserviceif.H) for the
+ most up to date list of priority values.)
+ * _Trace Daemon_ --
+ Pushes everything out to the mailbox to be synched down to the FSP for
+ continuous tracing
+* __NO_PRIORITY (16)__ --
+ Must be before MBOX_PRIORITY as these services likely send messages as
+ part of their work.
+ * _TPM Daemon_ --
+ Flushes out any pending messages (e.g. PCR Extends) and terminates
+ * _Error Log Manager_ --
+ Ensures that any previously committed error logs get pushed to the mailbox
+ and into PNOR
+ * _Attribute Resource Provider_ --
+ Sync all attributes down to the FSP
+* __IPMI_SEL_PRIORITY (17)__ --
+ Must be before MBOX_PRIORITY because it uses IPMI RP, must be after ERRL
+ because SEL messages are sent by ERRL.
+ * _IPMI SEL Daemon_ --
+ Stop accepting new SEL messages.
+* __MBOX_PRIORITY (18)__ --
+ Must be before INTR_PRIORITY since interrupts are being used.
+ * _Mailbox Daemon_ --
+ Flushes out any pending messages and stops accepting new ones, returns
+ after all messages have been sent and acked.
+ * _IPMI Resource Provider_ --
+ Flushes out any pending messages and stops accepting new ones, returns
+ after all messages have been sent and acked.
+* __INTR_PRIORITY (19)__ --
+ Must be after any interrupt user
+ * _Interrupt Resource Provider_ --
+ Tells all registered interrupt processors that Hostboot is shutting down,
+ masks all interrupt sources, resets the interrupt logic, etc.
+ Must be after interrupt is shut down because the behavior of the interrupt
+ presenter is changing.
+ * _Interrupt Hardware Config_ --
+ Reinitialize the interrupt logic to get it into a known state for
+ * _Trace Daemon_ --
+ Only useful for non-FSP environments since the mailbox is already shut
+ down.
+ * _Console Daemon_ --
+ Ensures any pending messages are pushed out to the serial console.
+ Everything above this runs with full VMM, after this virtual memory is
+ flushed out based on the registerBlock calls, see
+ [BlockPriority](../../usr/vmmconst.h).
+ * _Attribute Resource Provider_ --
+ Flushes the Read-Write section(s).
+ * _Secure PNOR Resource Provider_ --
+ Flushes out any write-tracked memory.
+ * _PNOR Resource Provider_ --
+ Flushes out entire virtual address space.
+ Anything that needs to be notified after the VMM is flushed out.
+* __PNOR_RP_PRIORITY (128)__
+ Must be last to ensure all writes have made it out to flash.
+ * _PNOR Resource Provider_ --
+ Disables any future writes but does *not* disable reads since code pages
+ may still end up getting paged in.
+ Absolute last message sent
+ * _IPMI Resource Provider_ --
+ Responds to the shutdown request from the BMC, this must be at the very
+ end because the BMC will power off the box when they receive the response.
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