diff options
6 files changed, 922 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/build/debug/Hostboot/ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5bdedd4df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# This module is a set of utility functions for the debug framework, which
+# should be common across all debug framework environments.
+# The module provides the functions listed below in @EXPORT.
+# A debug framework environment is expected to implement the following
+# functions:
+# * getIsTest() - Is the image loaded a test image or normal?
+# * getImgPath() - Path to the .../img/ directory containing debug files.
+# * readData(addr,size) - Read a blob of memory.
+# * userDisplay(varargs-of-mixed) - Display things to the user.
+use strict;
+package Hostboot::DebugFramework;
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT = ( 'callToolModule', 'callToolModuleHelp',
+ 'parseToolOpts', 'determineImagePath',
+ 'findSymbolAddress', 'findSymbolByAddress',
+ 'findModuleByAddress',
+ 'littleendian',
+ 'read64', 'read32', 'read16', 'read8', 'readStr'
+ );
+our ($parsedSymbolFile, %symbolAddress, %addressSymbol, %symbolSize);
+our ($parsedModuleFile, %moduleAddress);
+our (%toolOpts);
+ $parsedSymbolFile = 0;
+ %symbolAddress = ();
+ %addressSymbol = ();
+ %symbolSize = ();
+ $parsedModuleFile = 0;
+ %moduleAddress = ();
+ %toolOpts = ();
+return 1;
+# @sub callToolModule
+# Executes the 'main' function of the requested tool module.
+# @param string - Tool to call.
+# @pre Must have previously called parseToolOpts.
+sub callToolModule
+ my $tool = shift;
+ my $package = "Hostboot::$tool";
+ eval("use lib '.'; use $package; return 1;") or
+ die "Couldn't load tool \"$tool\"";
+ eval("$package->main(\\%toolOpts);");
+# @sub callToolModuleHelp
+# Executes the 'help' function of the requested tool module to display
+# tool usage.
+# @param string - Tool to call.
+sub callToolModuleHelp
+ my $tool = shift;
+ my $package = "Hostboot::$tool";
+ eval("use lib '.'; use $package; return 1;") or
+ die "Couldn't load tool \"$tool\"";
+ eval("$package->help(\\%toolOpts);");
+# @sub parseToolOpts
+# Parses a space deliminated string of options for use by the tool.
+# @param string - Tool option list.
+# Example: "foo bar=/abcd/efg" --> { "foo" => 1 , "bar" => "/abcd/efg" }
+sub parseToolOpts
+ my $toolOptions = shift;
+ foreach my $opt (split / /, $toolOptions)
+ {
+ if ($opt =~ m/=/)
+ {
+ my ($name,$value) = split /=/, $opt;
+ $toolOpts{$name} = $value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $toolOpts{$opt} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+# @sub determineImagePath
+# Utility function to search for the .../img/ directory from a few well known
+# places.
+# @param string - Path passed by user to the image directory.
+# @returns Found path to the .../img/ directory.
+sub determineImagePath
+ my $imgPath = shift;
+ if ($imgPath eq "")
+ {
+ if ((::getIsTest() and (-e "hbicore_test.syms")) or
+ (not ::getIsTest() and (-e "hbicore.syms")))
+ {
+ $imgPath = "./";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $imgPath = $ENV{"HOSTBOOTROOT"} . "/img/";
+ }
+ }
+ return $imgPath;
+# @sub parseSymbolFile <INTERNAL ONLY>
+# Parses through a .syms file and populates a hash.
+sub parseSymbolFile
+ if ($parsedSymbolFile) { return; }
+ my $symsFile = ::getImgPath();
+ if (::getIsTest())
+ {
+ $symsFile = $symsFile."hbicore_test.syms";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $symsFile = $symsFile."hbicore.syms";
+ }
+ open(FILE, "< $symsFile") or die;
+ while (my $line = <FILE>)
+ {
+ $line =~ m/(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*)/;
+ my $name = $5;
+ my $addr = hex $2;
+ my $tocAddr = hex $3;
+ my $size = hex $4;
+ $symbolAddress{$name} = $addr;
+ $symbolSize{$name} = $size;
+ $addressSymbol{$addr} = $name;
+ $addressSymbol{$tocAddr} = $name;
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ $parsedSymbolFile = 1;
+# @sub findSymbolAddress
+# Searchs a syms file for the address of a particular symbol name.
+# @param string - Symbol to search for.
+# @return array of (address, size) or (not-defined, not-defined).
+sub findSymbolAddress
+ my $name = shift;
+ parseSymbolFile();
+ return ($symbolAddress{$name}, $symbolSize{$name} );
+# @sub findSymbolByAddress
+# Searchs a syms file for the symbol name at a particular address.
+# @param integer - Address to search for.
+# @return string name of symbol or not-defined.
+sub findSymbolByAddress
+ my $addr = shift;
+ parseSymbolFile();
+ return $addressSymbol{$addr};
+# @sub parseModuleFile <INTERNAL ONLY>
+# Parses through a .modinfo file and populates a hash.
+sub parseModuleFile
+ if ($parsedModuleFile) { return; }
+ my $modFile = ::getImgPath();
+ if (::getIsTest())
+ {
+ $modFile = $modFile."hbicore_test.bin.modinfo";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $modFile = $modFile."hbicore.bin.modinfo";
+ }
+ open(FILE, "< $modFile") or die;
+ while (my $line = <FILE>)
+ {
+ $line =~ m/(.*?),(.*)/;
+ $moduleAddress{$1} = hex $2;
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ $parsedModuleFile = 1;
+# @sub findSymbolByAddress
+# Searchs a modinfo file for the module owning a particular address.
+# @param integer - Address to search for.
+# @return string name of module or "".
+sub findModuleByAddress
+ my $addr = shift;
+ parseModuleFile();
+ my $addrF = -1;
+ my $modName = "";
+ foreach my $mod (keys %moduleAddress)
+ {
+ if (($moduleAddress{$mod} <= $addr) and
+ ($moduleAddress{$mod} > $addrF))
+ {
+ $addrF = $moduleAddress{$mod};
+ $modName = $mod;
+ }
+ }
+ return $modName;
+# @sub littleendian
+# Utility function to determine if the current machine is little or big
+# endian.
+# @return true if machine is little-endian.
+sub littleendian
+ return (unpack("L", pack("N", 0xabcd1234)) != 0xabcd1234);
+# @sub read64
+# Reads a 64-bit unsigned integer from an address.
+# @param Address to read from.
+# @return Value.
+sub read64
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $result = ::readData($addr, 8);
+ if (littleendian()) { $result = reverse($result); }
+ return unpack("Q", $result);
+# @sub read32
+# Reads a 32-bit unsigned integer from an address.
+# @param Address to read from.
+# @return Value.
+sub read32
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $result = ::readData($addr, 4);
+ if (littleendian()) { $result = reverse($result); }
+ return unpack("L", $result);
+# @sub read16
+# Reads a 16-bit unsigned integer from an address.
+# @param Address to read from.
+# @return Value.
+sub read16
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $result = ::readData($addr, 2);
+ if (littleendian()) { $result = reverse($result); }
+ return unpack("S", $result);
+# @sub read8
+# Reads a 8-bit unsigned integer from an address.
+# @param Address to read from.
+# @return Value.
+sub read8
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $result = ::readData($addr, 1);
+ return unpack("C", $result);
+# @sub readStr
+# Reads a string from an address.
+# @param Address to read from.
+# @return Value.
+sub readStr
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $result = "";
+ my $byte = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ $byte = read8($addr);
+ $addr += 1;
+ if ($byte != 0)
+ {
+ $result = $result.pack("C",$byte);
+ }
+ } while ($byte != 0);
+ return $result;
diff --git a/src/build/debug/Hostboot/ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..25ca61365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/Hostboot/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+use strict;
+package Hostboot::Example;
+use Exporter;
+our @EXPORT_OK = ('main');
+sub main
+ ::userDisplay "Welcome to the example module.\n";
+ ::userDisplay "Calling 'usage', which will exit...\n";
+ ::usage();
+ ::userDisplay "Should never get here.\n";
+ return 0;
+sub help
+ ::userDisplay "Tool: Example\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\tDoesn't really do anything special.\n";
diff --git a/src/build/debug/Hostboot/ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6e76b484c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/Hostboot/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+use strict;
+package Hostboot::Printk;
+use Exporter;
+our @EXPORT_OK = ('main');
+sub main
+ ::userDisplay "------------Kernel Printk Parser------------\n";
+ my ($symAddr, $symSize) = ::findSymbolAddress("kernel_printk_buffer");
+ if (not defined $symAddr) { ::userDisplay "Cannot find symbol.\n"; die; }
+ ::userDisplay ::readData($symAddr,$symSize);
+ ::userDisplay "--------------------------------------------\n";
+sub help
+ ::userDisplay "Tool: Printk\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\tDisplays the printk buffer.\n";
diff --git a/src/build/debug/Hostboot/ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7077079d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/Hostboot/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+use strict;
+package Hostboot::Ps;
+use Exporter;
+our @EXPORT_OK = ('main');
+use constant PS_TASKMGR_SYMBOLNAME =>
+ "Singleton<TaskManager>::instance()::instance";
+use constant PS_TASKMGR_TRACKER_LIST_OFFSET => 8 * 4;
+use constant PS_TRACKER_LIST_HEAD_OFFSET => 0;
+use constant PS_TRACKER_LIST_SIZE => 8 * 3;
+use constant PS_TRACKER_PREV_OFFSET => 0;
+use constant PS_TRACKER_TID_OFFSET =>
+use constant PS_TASK_STATE_OFFSET => 8*42;
+sub main
+ # Find symbol containing kernel list of task objects.
+ # (Tasks who's parent is the kernel)
+ my ($symAddr, $symSize) = ::findSymbolAddress(PS_TASKMGR_SYMBOLNAME);
+ if (not defined $symAddr)
+ {
+ ::userDisplay "Couldn't find ".PS_TASKMGR_SYMBOLNAME;
+ die;
+ }
+ # Pass address of list to 'displayList' function.
+ displayList($symAddr,0);
+# Display a list of task objects.
+sub displayList
+ my ($listAddr, $level) = @_;
+ my $firstDisplayed = 0;
+ # Task lists are FIFO, so start from the 'tail'.
+ my $node = ::read64(PS_TRACKER_LIST_TAIL_OFFSET + $listAddr);
+ while (0 != $node)
+ {
+ if ($firstDisplayed)
+ {
+ ::userDisplay makeTabs($level)."\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $firstDisplayed = 1;
+ }
+ # Display tracker object for this node.
+ displayTracker($node, $level);
+ # Follow pointer to the next node.
+ $node = ::read64(PS_TRACKER_PREV_OFFSET + $node);
+ }
+sub displayTracker
+ my ($trackAddr, $level) = @_;
+ # Read TID.
+ my $tid = ::read16(PS_TRACKER_TID_OFFSET + $trackAddr);
+ # Determine entry-point symbol name / module.
+ my $entryPoint = ::read64(PS_TRACKER_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET + $trackAddr);
+ my $entryPointName = ::findSymbolByAddress($entryPoint);
+ if (not $entryPointName) { $entryPointName = sprintf "0x%x",$entryPoint; }
+ my $moduleName = ::findModuleByAddress($entryPoint);
+ # Find task object, read task state if task is still running.
+ my $taskAddr = ::read64(PS_TRACKER_TASK_OFFSET + $trackAddr);
+ my $state = "";
+ if ($taskAddr)
+ {
+ $state = pack("C",::read8(PS_TASK_STATE_OFFSET + $taskAddr));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $state = "Z";
+ }
+ my $stateExtra = ""; # Parse state extra debug info if it exists.
+ if (($state ne "R") and ($state ne "r") and
+ ($state ne "E") and ($state ne "Z"))
+ {
+ $stateExtra = sprintf "(0x%x)",
+ ::read64(PS_TASK_STATEEXTRA_OFFSET + $taskAddr);
+ }
+ elsif ($state eq "Z")
+ {
+ # If task has exited, read status and retval.
+ my $status = ::read32(PS_TRACKER_STATUS_OFFSET + $trackAddr);
+ my $retval = ::read64(PS_TRACKER_RETVAL_OFFSET + $trackAddr);
+ if ($status) { $stateExtra = "(Crashed)"; }
+ elsif ($retval) { $stateExtra = (sprintf "(0x%x)", $retval); }
+ }
+ # Map state to an verbose description.
+ my %states = ( "R" => "Running",
+ "r" => "Ready",
+ "E" => "Ended",
+ "f" => "Block on Futex",
+ "M" => "Block on Message",
+ "u" => "Block on Userspace Request",
+ "s" => "Block on Sleeping",
+ "j" => "Block on Join",
+ "Z" => "Zombie",
+ );
+ $state = $states{$state};
+ # Display task info obtained.
+ ::userDisplay makeTabs($level)."-+ TID $tid State: $state$stateExtra\n";
+ ::userDisplay makeTabs($level)." | $entryPointName [$moduleName]\n";
+ # Display list of children tasks.
+ displayList($trackAddr + PS_TRACKER_CHILDREN_LIST_OFFSET, $level + 1);
+sub makeTabs
+ my $level = shift;
+ my $result = "";
+ while (0 != $level)
+ {
+ $result = $result." |";
+ $level = $level - 1;
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub help
+ ::userDisplay "Tool: Ps\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\tDisplays a tree of all tasks and their current state.\n";
diff --git a/src/build/debug/Hostboot/ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f57676f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/Hostboot/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/Hostboot/ $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+use strict;
+package Hostboot::Trace;
+use Exporter;
+our @EXPORT_OK = ('main');
+use constant MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS => 24;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_ADDR_SIZE => 8;
+use constant DESC_ARRAY_ENTRY_COMP_NAME_SIZE => 16;
+use constant TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE => 0x0800;
+use File::Temp ('tempfile');
+sub main
+ my ($packName,$args) = @_;
+ if (not defined $args->{"fsp-trace"})
+ {
+ $args->{"fsp-trace"} = "fsp-trace";
+ }
+ my $traceBuffers = $args->{"components"};
+ my ($symAddr, $symSize) = ::findSymbolAddress("TRACE::g_desc_array");
+ if (not defined $symAddr) { ::userDisplay "Cannot find symbol.\n"; die; }
+ my ($fh,$fname) = tempfile();
+ binmode($fh);
+ my $foundBuffer = 0;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < MAX_NUM_TRACE_BUFFERS; $i++)
+ {
+ my $compName = ::readStr($symAddr);
+ last if ($compName eq "");
+ my $buffAddr = ::read64($symAddr);
+ if ((not defined $traceBuffers) or ($traceBuffers =~ m/$compName/))
+ {
+ $foundBuffer = 1;
+ print $fh (::readData($buffAddr, TRAC_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($foundBuffer)
+ {
+ open TRACE, ($args->{"fsp-trace"}." -s ".
+ ::getImgPath()."hbotStringFile -f $fname |");
+ while (my $line = <TRACE>)
+ {
+ ::userDisplay $line;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::userDisplay("No matching buffers found.\n");
+ }
+ unlink($fname);
+sub help
+ ::userDisplay "Tool: Trace\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\tDisplays the trace buffer.\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\n Options:\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\tfsp-trace=<path> - Path to non-default ".
+ "fsp-trace utility.\n";
+ ::userDisplay "\tcomponents=<list> - Comma separated list of components\n".
+ "\t to display trace buffers for.\n";
diff --git a/src/build/debug/hb-dump-debug b/src/build/debug/hb-dump-debug
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b6648b397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/build/debug/hb-dump-debug
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# This is an automatically generated prolog.
+# $Source: src/build/debug/hb-dump-debug $
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# p1
+# Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
+# Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
+# IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code
+# The source code for this program is not published or other-
+# wise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has
+# been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.
+# Origin: 30
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use IO::Seekable;
+use Hostboot::DebugFramework;
+my $tool = "";
+my $dumpfile = "";
+my $testImage = 0;
+my $imgPath = "";
+my $toolOptions = "";
+my $cfgHelp = 0;
+my $cfgMan = 0;
+my $toolHelp = 0;
+GetOptions("tool:s" => \$tool,
+ "tool-options:s" => \$toolOptions,
+ "file:s" => \$dumpfile,
+ "test" => \$testImage,
+ "img-path:s" => \$imgPath,
+ "help" => \$cfgHelp,
+ "toolhelp" => \$toolHelp,
+ "man" => \$cfgMan) || pod2usage(-verbose => 0);
+pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if $cfgHelp;
+pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $cfgMan;
+pod2usage(-verbose => 0) if (($tool eq "") ||
+ (($dumpfile eq "") && (!$toolHelp)));
+if ($toolHelp)
+ callToolModuleHelp($tool);
+ # Open dump file.
+ open(DUMPFILE, "< $dumpfile") or die "Can't open dump file.\n";
+ binmode(DUMPFILE);
+ # Determine the full image path.
+ $imgPath = determineImagePath($imgPath);
+ # Parse tool options and call module.
+ parseToolOpts($toolOptions);
+ callToolModule($tool);
+sub usage
+ pod2usage(-verbose => 2);
+# @sub readData
+# Reads a data blob from the dump file.
+# @param integer - Address to read at.
+# @param size - Size (in bytes) to read.
+# @return The blob of data requested.
+sub readData
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $size = shift;
+ seek DUMPFILE, $addr, SEEK_SET;
+ my $result = "";
+ read DUMPFILE, $result, $size;
+ return $result;
+# @sub userDisplay
+# Display parameters to the user.
+# @param varargs - Items to display to the user.
+sub userDisplay
+ foreach my $value (@_)
+ {
+ print $value;
+ }
+# @sub getImgPath
+# Return file-system path to .../img/ subdirectory containin debug files.
+sub getImgPath
+ return $imgPath;
+# @sub getIsTest
+# Return boolean to determine if tools should look at test debug files or
+# normal debug files.
+sub getIsTest
+ return $testImage;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+hb-dump-debug [options] --tool=<module> --file=<dumpfile>
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--tool>=MODULE
+Identify the tool module to execute.
+=item B<--tool-options>="OPTIONS"
+List of arguments to pass to the tool as options.
+=item B<--toolhelp>
+Displays the help message for a specific debug tool.
+=item B<--file>=FILE
+File containing a memory dump of hostboot.
+=item B<--test>
+Use the hbicore_test.syms file instead of the default.
+=item B<--img-path>=PATH
+The path to the "img" directory where the syms file, etc is located.
+=item B<--help>
+Print a brief help message and exits.
+=item B<--man>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+Executes a debug tool module against a memory dump file.
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