diff options
authorMark Wenning <>2012-04-24 18:13:30 -0500
committerA. Patrick Williams III <>2012-05-30 10:31:12 -0500
commit7ac513554e1d891433baf401c9138d7a4791c767 (patch)
parent7b99c2041cfe126bb85325a3d18ca69d279f54ad (diff)
Fix Copyright block script
Task 37468, fixes defect 36864 - The prolog tags in hostboot are: IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG IBM_PROLOG_END If these are supposed to be consistent with the FSP prolog tags, "_TAG" is missing from the end tag. - Need to update old Copyright strings to end in "2012" (i.e. latest year) - Need a way to push new script to users - Check filename and compare with $Source: string, if filenames don't match, fix. - Need to add copyright dates from existing copyright blocks (i.e. FSP files.) - Fixes to comments RTC: 36864 Change-Id: I4842da42d3ba9abd454f19d1f25e5a8014c7addc Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Server Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
2 files changed, 686 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/env.bash b/env.bash
index 79f1fba81..d88a6c4b2 100644..100755
--- a/env.bash
+++ b/env.bash
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010 - 2011
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2010-2012
# p1
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
# Origin: 30
export MCP_PATH=/opt/mcp/shared/powerhal
if [ -e /esw/fakeroot/ ]; then
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ export PATH=${PATH}:`pwd`/src/build/trace
export PATH=${PATH}:`pwd`/src/build/tools
export HOSTBOOTROOT=`pwd`
if [ -e ./customrc ]; then
source ./customrc
@@ -45,3 +48,8 @@ if [ -n "${SANDBOXROOT}" ]; then
+## run
+if [ -e $TOOLSDIR/ ]; then
diff --git a/src/build/tools/ b/src/build/tools/
index b8f713a66..bb16ec5cc 100755
--- a/src/build/tools/
+++ b/src/build/tools/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2011-2012
# p1
@@ -20,21 +20,14 @@
# Origin: 30
-# Forked from:
-# Author: Mark Jerde (
-# Date: Fri Mar 19 17:40:32 2010 UTC
-# CVS Information:
-# $Revision: 1.55 $
-# $Date: 2011/01/10 19:23:05 $
-# $RCSfile:,v $
-use strict;
-use warnings;
#################################### ABOUT ####################################
+# Forked from: #
+# Author: Mark Jerde ( #
+# Date: Fri Mar 19 17:40:32 2010 UTC #
+# #
# will automatically insert appropriate copyright statements #
# in source files following the IBM copyright guidelines (and templates) #
# referenced below : #
@@ -43,7 +36,7 @@ use warnings;
# 10/12/2010 #
# Editor: Alan Hlava #
# #
-# Section 3.14.1 has templates for different files #
+# Section 3.14.1 of the above doc has templates for different files #
# #
# NOTE: FSP uses the phrase "OCO Source materials" in their copyright #
# block, which is classified as 'p1' . We will use the same #
@@ -52,25 +45,40 @@ use warnings;
# make clean # remove autogenerated files #
# find src -path 'src/build' -prune -o ! -type d -print | tr '\n' ' ' #
# #
-# does not support piping, but you can send these #
-# to a file, add " update" to the beginning of the line, #
-# and run the file to update all #
+# does not support piping, but you can send these #
+# to a file, add " update" to the beginning of the line, #
+# and run the file to update all #
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use lib dirname (__FILE__);
# Project-specific settings.
-## my $releaseYear = "2011";
-my $releaseYear = `date +%Y`;
-chomp( $releaseYear );
+my $ReleaseYear = `date +%Y`;
+chomp( $ReleaseYear );
my $copyrightSymbol = "";
# my $copyrightSymbol = "(C)"; # Uncomment if unable to use  character.
my $projectName = "HostBoot";
+## note that these use single ticks so that the escape chars are NOT evaluated yet.
my $DELIMITER_WARNING_TEXT = "This is an automatically generated prolog.";
+my $SOURCE_BEGIN_TAG = "\$Source:";
+my $SOURCE_END_TAG = "\$";
my $PVALUE = "p1"; ## my best guess
"Object Code Only (OCO) source materials
Licensed Internal Code Source Materials
@@ -81,129 +89,238 @@ my $PVALUE_TEXT =
been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office.";
my $ORIGIN = "30";
# End Project-specific settings
+# Constants
+use constant RC_INVALID_PARAMETERS => 1;
+use constant RC_OLD_COPYRIGHT_BLOCK => 2;
+use constant RC_NO_COPYRIGHT_BLOCK => 3;
+use constant RC_INVALID_SOURCE_LINE => 4;
+use constant RC_INVALID_YEAR => 5;
+use constant RC_OLD_DELIMITER_END => 6;
+use constant RC_NOT_HOSTBOOT_BLOCK => 7;
+use constant RC_NO_COPYRIGHT_STRING => 8;
+use constant RC_INVALID_FILETYPE => 9;
+# Global Vars
+my $opt_help = 0;
+my $opt_debug = 0;
+my $operation = "";
+my $opt_logfile = "";
+my $DelimiterBegin = "";
+my $CopyrightBlock = "";
+my $DelimiterEnd = "";
+my $CopyRightString = "";
+my $TempFile = "";
+my @Files = ();
+my $rc = 0;
+# Forward Declaration
+sub validate( $ );
+sub update( $$ );
+sub extractCopyrightBlock( $ );
+sub checkCopyrightblock( $$ );
+sub createYearString( $ );
+sub removeCopyrightBlock( $$ );
+sub addEmptyCopyrightBlock( $$$ );
+sub fillinCopyrightBlock( $$ );
# Main
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 2)
+ ## needs at least one filename and an operation as a parameter
-my $operation = shift;
-if (not ($operation =~ m/update/i) and
- not ($operation =~ m/validate/i))
+my @SaveArgV = @ARGV;
+# Parse optional input arguments
+GetOptions( "help|?" => \$opt_help,
+ "validate" => sub { $operation="validate"; },
+ "update" => sub { $operation="update"; },
+ "log-failed-files=s" => \$opt_logfile,
+ "debug" => \$opt_debug,
+ );
+## scan through remaining args and store all files in @Files
+## check for old-type parms, just in case
+foreach ( @ARGV )
- print "Operation update or validate is required\n";
- usage();
+ ## print $_;
+ if ( m/^debug$/ ) { $opt_debug = 1; next; }
+ if ( m/^update$/ ) { $operation = $_; next; }
+ if ( m/^validate$/ ) { $operation = $_; next; }
+ push @Files, $_ ;
+if ( $opt_debug )
+ print STDERR __LINE__, " : ---- DEBUG -----\n";
+ print STDERR "help = $opt_help\n";
+ print STDERR "debug = $opt_debug\n";
+ print STDERR "operation = $operation\n";
+ print STDERR "log-failed-files = $opt_logfile\n";
+ ## dump files specified
+ print STDERR "Files:\n";
+ print STDERR join( ' ', @Files ), "\n";
+ print STDERR "ReleaseYear = $ReleaseYear\n";
+ print "\n";
-## check for debug mode
-my $debug = shift( @ARGV );
-# print "$debug\n";
-if ( $debug =~ m/debug/i )
+if ( $operation eq "" )
- print STDERR "debug mode\n";
- $debug = 1;
+ print STDOUT "No operation specified\n";
+ usage();
+if ( ( $opt_logfile ne "" )
+ ## && ( $operation eq "validate" )
+ )
- print STDERR "normal mode\n";
- unshift( @ARGV , $debug );
- $debug = 0;
+ my $logdate = `date +%Y-%m-%d:%H%M`;
+ chomp $logdate;
+ open( LOGFH, "> $opt_logfile" ) or die "ERROR $?: Failed to open $opt_logfile: $!";
+ print LOGFH "## logfile generated $logdate from command line:\n";
+ print LOGFH $0, " ", join( ' ', @SaveArgV );
+ print LOGFH "\nFAILING files:\n";
-# Read files and process.
-while (defined($_ = shift))
+## MAIN
+# Loop through all files and process.
+foreach ( @Files )
+ ## clear global vars
+ $DelimiterBegin = "";
+ $CopyrightBlock = "";
+ $DelimiterEnd = "";
+ $CopyRightString = "";
+ $rc = 0;
+ ## get filetype
my $filetype = filetype($_);
- print "File $_: Type $filetype\n";
+ print STDOUT "File $_: Type $filetype\n";
+ ## set Temporary file name.
+ $TempFile = "$_.gitCPYWRT";
+ if ( $opt_debug ) { print STDERR __LINE__, ": Temporary file name = $TempFile\n"; }
+ ##
+ ## Special case is this file, just return 0 and add copyright manually.
+ ##
+ if ( m/addCopyright\.pl/ )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ print STDOUT "Skipping special case file: $_\n";
+ print STDOUT " Please add the copyright prolog manually.\n";
+ print STDOUT "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ next;
+ }
- ## validate
- ## Continue for unknown filetype
- ## Exit 2 if has old copyright block
- ## Exit 3 if no copyright block
+ ## Gerrit submissions can include deleted files, just warn and continue
+ if ( ! -e $_ )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ print STDOUT "Skipping deleted file: $_\n";
+ print STDOUT "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ next;
+ }
- if ( $operation =~ m/validate/i )
+ ## Unknown files are valid, but should generate a warning.
+ if ("Unknown" eq $filetype)
+ print STDOUT "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
+ print STDOUT "WARNING:: File $_ :Unknown Filetype: $filetype\n";
+ print STDOUT " Skipping this file and continuing.\n";
+ print STDOUT " Please add the copyright prolog manually.\n";
+ print STDOUT "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
- if ( ! -e $_ )
- {
- print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
- print "Skipping deleted file: $_\n";
- print "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
- next;
- }
+ next;
+ }
- if ("Unknown" eq $filetype)
- {
- print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
- print "WARNING:: File $_ :Unknown Filetype: $filetype\n";
- print " Skipping this file and continuing.\n";
- print " Please add the copyright prologue manually.\n";
- print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
- ## exit 1;
- next;
- }
- if ( hasoldcopyrightblock( $_, $filetype ) )
+ ## extract the existing copyright block
+ ( $DelimiterBegin, $CopyrightBlock, $DelimiterEnd ) = extractCopyrightBlock( $_ );
+ ##
+ ## validate the file.
+ ## if $logfile exists, print failing filename to $logfile and
+ ## keep going.
+ ## Otherwise, exit with $rc
+ ##
+ if ( $operation =~ m/validate/i )
+ {
+ $rc = validate( $_ );
+ if ( $rc == RC_OLD_DELIMITER_END )
- print "ERROR File $_: has old copyright block, please fix\n";
- exit 2;
+ ## special case, let it go for now
+ print STDOUT "$_ has old prolog end \"$OLD_DELIMITER_END\", please fix\n";
- if ( ! hascopyrightblock( $_, $filetype ) )
+ elsif ( $rc )
- print "ERROR File $_: Missing Copyright notice!!!\n";
- exit 3;
+ print STDOUT "$_ FAILED copyright validation: $rc \n";
+ if ( $opt_logfile ne "" )
+ {
+ print LOGFH "$_ # FAILED $rc \n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exit $rc;
+ }
- # good file
+ ## continue to next file
- }
+ } ## endif validate
## update
- ## Continue with a warning for unknown filetype -
if ($operation =~ m/update/i)
- if ("Unknown" eq $filetype)
- {
- print "!!!!! WARNING: File $_ :Unknown Filetype: $_\n";
- next;
- }
- ## do a check for the old "$IBMCopyright: $" block
- if ( hasoldcopyrightblock ( $_, $filetype ) )
+ $rc = update( $_, $filetype );
+ if ( $rc )
- print "ERROR File $_: has old copyright block, please fix\n";
- exit 2;
+ print STDOUT "$_ FAILED copyright update: $rc \n";
+ exit $rc;
- if ( ! hascopyrightblock( $_, $filetype ) )
- {
- if ($debug) { print "Add empty copyright block\n"; }
- addEmptyCopyrightBlock( $_, $filetype );
- ## check that the first part worked
- if ( ! hascopyrightblock( $_, $filetype ) )
- {
- print STDERR "Failed to create Copyright block, please fix\n";
- exit 2;
- }
+ ## continue to next file
+ next;
+ } ## endif update
+} # end foreach
- fillInEmptyCopyrightBlock( $_, $filetype );
- }
- }
-} # endwhile
+if ( $opt_logfile ne "" )
+ close( LOGFH );
## Subroutines
@@ -214,22 +331,75 @@ while (defined($_ = shift))
sub usage
- print "Usage: { update | validate } [ debug ] file1 ...\n\n";
- exit 1;
+ print STDOUT "Usage: { update | validate } \n";
+ print STDOUT " [ --log-failed-files ]\n";
+ print STDOUT " [ --debug ] \n";
+ print STDOUT " file1 file2 ...\n";
-## log unknown file type - unfinished
-sub logUnknownFiletype
+## validate the file
+## param[in] $filename to validate
+## returns 0 success, nonzero failure
+## See constants above for values of failure
+sub validate( $ )
- my $filename = shift;
- my $fileinfo = shift;
+ my ( $filename ) = @_;
+ my $rc = 0;
+ if ( $CopyrightBlock eq "" )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: No copyright block.\n";
+ }
+ $rc = checkCopyrightBlock( $CopyrightBlock, $filename );
+ # good file
+ return $rc;
+## @sub update the copyright block.
+## @param[in] filename
+## @param[in] filetype
+## @return success or failure (currently only return success)
+sub update( $$ )
+ my ( $filename, $filetype ) = @_;
+ my $olddelimiter = 0;
+ my $localrc = 0;
+ $localrc = validate( $filename );
+ if ( $localrc != 0 )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "Copyright Block check returned $localrc , fixing...\n";
+ if ( $localrc != RC_NO_COPYRIGHT_BLOCK )
+ {
+ if ( $opt_debug) { print STDERR __LINE__, ": remove old copyright block...\n"; }
+ removeCopyrightBlock( $filename, $filetype );
+ }
+ if ($opt_debug) { print STDERR __LINE__, ": Add empty copyright block...\n"; }
+ addEmptyCopyrightBlock( $filename, $filetype, $localrc );
+ if ( $opt_debug ) { print STDERR __LINE__, ": fill in new copyright block...\n"; }
+ fillinEmptyCopyrightBlock( $filename, $filetype );
+ }
- # TODO
- print "Unknown filetype: $filename $fileinfo\n";
+ ## return OK by default.
+ return 0;
## Analyze file and return a text string of the file type
@@ -352,163 +522,392 @@ sub filetype
return "Unknown";
- logUnknownFiletype($filename,$fileinfo);
return "Unknown";
-## Figure out the first copyright year for the file
-## return as a string
-sub copyrightFirstYearForFile
+## extractCopyrightBlock
+## param[in] $infile - filename
+## param[out] returns block or ""
+sub extractCopyrightBlock( $ )
- my $file = shift;
- my $fileContent = shift;
- my $year = $releaseYear;
- my @logstrings;
- # TODO find multiple copyright statements and pick the earliest one
- # Search for earlier years from prior release.
- if ($fileContent =~ m/Copyright IBM Corp. (\d{4})/)
+ my ( $infile ) = shift;
+ my $data = "";
+ my $block = "";
+ my $delimiter_begin = "";
+ my $delimiter_end = "";
+ open( FH, "< $infile") or die " ERROR $? : can't open $infile : $!";
+ read( FH, $data, -s FH ) or die "ERROR $? : reading $infile: $!";
+ close FH;
+ ## print $data;
+ # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ # Capture everything in the file that matches the regex
+ # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+ while ($data =~ /($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($OLD_DELIMITER_END|$DELIMITER_END)/mgo )
- $year = $1 if ($1 < $year);
+ ## $1, $2, etc. are the "backreferences" of the regular expression above.
+ ## "A pair of parenthesis around a part of a regular expression
+ ## causes whatever was matched by that part to be remembered for
+ ## later use." - Programming Perl p. 31
+ $delimiter_begin = $1;
+ $block = $2;
+ ## $3 ???
+ $delimiter_end = $4;
- my $cmd = "git log -- $file | grep Date: | tail --line=1";
- ## print "run $cmd\n";
- @logstrings = split( " ", `$cmd` );
- # new files will not have a log, so the "git log" call above will
- # return nothing. In this case, just return the old calculated
- # value.
- if ( (scalar(@logstrings) < 5) or ($year lt $logstrings[5]) )
+ ## As long as we're here extract the copyright string within the block
+ ## and save it to a global var
+ for ( split /^/, $block )
- return $year;
- }
- else
+ chomp( $_ );
+ if ( m/COPYRIGHT\s+International\s+Business\s+Machines\s+Corp./i )
+ {
+ $CopyRightString = $_;
+ }
+ } ## endfor
+ if ( $opt_debug )
- return $logstrings[5];
+ print STDERR __LINE__, ": DELIMITER_BEGIN: >$delimiter_begin<\n";
+ print STDERR __LINE__, ": DELIMITER_END: >$delimiter_end<\n";
+ print STDERR __LINE__, ": Extracted Block: \n>>>>>$block<<<<<\n";
+ print STDERR __LINE__, ": CopyRightString: >$CopyRightString<\n";
-## Figure out the last copyright year for file
-## Return as a string
-sub copyrightLastYearForFile
- return $releaseYear;
+ return ( $delimiter_begin, $block, $delimiter_end );
-## Check for old $IBMCopyrightBlock signature
-## return 1 if it's there, otherwise 0
+## Check Copyright Block
+## @param[in] - Copyright block
+## @parma[in] - filename
+## @return 0 if success, nonzero otherwise
-sub hasoldcopyrightblock
+sub checkCopyrightBlock( $$ )
- my ( $filename, $filetype ) = @_;
- my $file = `head -180 $filename`; # Must appear in first 180 lines.
+ my ( $block, $filename ) = @_;
+ my $goodsourcelineflag = 1; ## init to TRUE
+ my $yearstring = createYearString( $filename );
+ my $goodyearflag = 1; ## init to TRUE
+ ## Check for old "$IBMCopyrightBlock" signature
+ if ( $block =~ m/\$IBMCopyrightBlock:.*\$/s )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: Old copyright block\n";
+ }
+ if ( $DelimiterEnd =~ m/$OLD_DELIMITER_END/ )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: Old Prolog Tag End\n";
+ }
+ ## If no $CopyRightString was extracted above, fail with that
+ if ( ( !defined( $CopyRightString ) )
+ || ( $CopyRightString eq "" )
+ )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: can't find copyright string\n";
+ }
+ ## Check to see if this is a HostBoot Copyright notice
+ if ( !( $block =~ m/IBM $projectName Licensed Internal Code/ ) )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: Not a $projectName copyright block\n";
+ }
- if ( $file =~ m/\$IBMCopyrightBlock:.*\$/s )
+ ## split into lines and check for specific things
+ ## $Source: src/usr/initservice/istepdispatcher/istepdispatcher.H $
+ for ( split /^/, $block )
- return 1;
+ chomp( $_ );
+ ## verify that the $Source: tag has the correct filename
+ if ( m/.*$SOURCE_BEGIN_TAG.*\$/ )
+ {
+ if ( $opt_debug ) { print STDERR __LINE__, ": $SOURCE_BEGIN_TAG : >$_<\n"; }
+ $goodsourcelineflag = grep /$filename/, $_ ;
+ if ( !$goodsourcelineflag )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: invalid filename in tag: $_\n";
+ print STDOUT " Expected: $filename\n";
+ ## FAIL, bad sourceline
+ }
+ }
+ ## check for the correct year string
+ if ( m/COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp./ )
+ {
+ $goodyearflag = grep /COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. $yearstring/, $_;
+ if ( !$goodyearflag )
+ {
+ print STDOUT "WARNING: outdated copyright year: $_\n";
+ print STDOUT " Expected: $yearstring\n";
+ ## FAIL, bad yearstring
+ }
+ }
+ } ## endfor
+ if ( !$goodsourcelineflag )
+ {
+ }
+ if ( !$goodyearflag )
+ {
return 0;
-## Check for new IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG signature
-## return 1 if it's there, otherwise 0
-sub hascopyrightblock
+sub createYearString( $ )
- my ( $filename, $filetype ) = @_;
- my $file = `head -180 $filename`; # Must appear in first 180 lines.
+ my ( $filename ) = @_;
+ my $currentyearstr = "";
+ my $yearstr = "";
+ my @years = ();
+ ## Analyse the CopyRightString for begin and end years - this is for old
+ ## files that are checked in from FSP. In this case the earliest
+ ## year will be before it was checked into git . We have to construct
+ ## a yearstring based on the earliest year.
+ $currentyearstr = $CopyRightString;
+ $currentyearstr =~ m/^(.*COPYRIGHT\s+International\s+Business\s+Machines\s+Corp.\s+)([0-9][0-9-, ]*)(.*)$/i;
+ if ( defined( $2 ) )
+ {
+ $yearstr = $2;
+ ## get rid of whitespace
+ $yearstr =~ s/ //g;
+ ## assume that yearstring looks like "2002,2010" or "2002-2010"
+ ## otherwise it's too confusing.
+ @years = split /[-,]/, $yearstr;
+ }
+ ## Push the latest year onto the list
+ push @years, $ReleaseYear;
+ ##
+ ## Make a call to git to find the earliest commit date of the file
+ ## new files will not have a log, so the "git log" call above will
+ # return nothing.
+ ## Push any year we find onto the @years array
+ my $cmd = "git log -- $filename | grep Date: | tail --line=1";
+ ## print "run $cmd\n";
+ my @logstrings = split( " ", `$cmd` );
+ if ( $? ) { die "ERROR $? : Could not run $cmd $!\n"; }
+ if ( scalar(@logstrings) >= 5 )
+ {
+ push @years, $logstrings[5] ;
+ }
+ ## sort and remove duplicates by loading it into a hash
+ my %temphash;
+ @temphash{@years} = ();
+ my @outyears = sort keys %temphash;
- #print $filename;
- #print $file;
- #print $DELIMITER_END;
+ if ( $opt_debug )
+ { print STDERR __LINE__, ": years: ", join( ',', @outyears ), "\n"; }
+ ## lowest year, which may be the only one.
+ $yearstr = $outyears[0] ;
- if ( $file =~ m/$DELIMITER_BEGIN.*$DELIMITER_END/s )
+ ## if there is more than one index then also output the highest one.
+ if ( $#outyears > 0 )
- return 1;
+ $yearstr .= "-$outyears[$#outyears]";
- return 0;
+ return $yearstr;
+## remove old Copyright Block in preparation for making a new one.
+## makes up a debug file named "<filename>.remove"
+sub removeCopyrightBlock( $$ )
+ my ( $filename, $filetype ) = @_ ;
+ my $data = "" ;
+ ## Modify file in place with temp file Perl Cookbook 7.8
+ my $savedbgfile = "$filename.remove";
+ system( "cp -p $filename $TempFile" ); ## preserve file permissions
+ open( INPUT, "< $filename" ) or die " $? can't open $filename: $!" ;
+ read( INPUT, $data, -s INPUT ) or die "ERROR $? : reading $filename: $!";
+ close( INPUT ) or die " $? can't close $filename: $!" ;
+ open( OUTPUT, "> $TempFile" ) or die " $? can't open $TempFile: $!" ;
+ select( OUTPUT ); ## new default filehandle for print
+ ## preprocess to get rid of OLD_DELIMITER_END
+ if ( "C" eq $filetype )
+ {
+ ## pre-process this for /* */ comments
+ $data =~ s/\/\*.*($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($DELIMITER_END).*?\*\///gs ;
+ ## Now apply filter for // comments
+ $data =~ s/\/\/\s+($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($DELIMITER_END)//gs ;
+ }
+ elsif ( ("RPC" eq $filetype) or
+ ("LinkerScript" eq $filetype)
+ )
+ {
+ $data =~ s/\/\*.*($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($DELIMITER_END).*?\*\///gs ;
+ }
+ elsif ( $filetype eq "xml" )
+ {
+ $data =~ s/<!--.*($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($DELIMITER_END).*?-->//gs ;
+ }
+ elsif ( "Assembly" eq $filetype )
+ {
+ $data =~ s/\#\s+($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($OLD_DELIMITER_END|$DELIMITER_END)//gs ;
+ }
+ elsif ( ("Autoconf" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Automake" eq $filetype) or
+ ("CVS" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Makefile" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Perl" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Python" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Shellscript" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Tcl" eq $filetype)
+ )
+ {
+ # Don't wipe the the '#!' line at the top.
+ $data =~ s/\#\s+($DELIMITER_BEGIN)((.|\n)+?)($DELIMITER_END)//gs ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDOUT "ERROR: Don't know how to remove old block from $filetype file.\n";
+ close OUTPUT;
+ }
+ print OUTPUT $data;
+ ## finish up the files
+ close( OUTPUT ) or die " $? can't close $TempFile: $!" ;
+ rename( $filename, "$savedbgfile" ) or die " $? can't rename $filename: $!" ;
+ rename( $TempFile, $filename ) or die " $? can't rename $TempFile: $!" ;
+ if ( !$opt_debug )
+ {
+ ## leave the files around for debug
+ unlink( $savedbgfile ) or die " $? can't delete $savedbgfile: $!";
+ }
## Add an empty copyright block to the file, for example (C/C++ files):
## - The block will be filled-in in the next step.
-## - Makes up a temporary file called "<filename>.cvsCPYRT"
+## @param[in] - filename to modify
+## @param[in] - filetype
+## @param[in] - returncode from validate
+## @return none
+## - Makes up a debug file called "<filename>.empty"
-sub addEmptyCopyrightBlock
+sub addEmptyCopyrightBlock( $$$ )
- my ( $filename, $filetype) = @_;
+ my ( $filename, $filetype, $validaterc ) = @_;
my $line;
- open(INPUT, $_) or exit;
- system "touch $_.cvsCPYRT";
- open(OUTPUT, ">$_.cvsCPYRT") or exit;
+ ## Modify file in place with temp file Perl Cookbook 7.8
+ my $savedbgfile = "$filename.empty";
+ system( "cp -p $filename $TempFile" ) ; ## preserve permissions
+ open( INPUT, "< $filename" ) or die " $? can't open $filename: $!" ;
+ open( OUTPUT, "> $TempFile" ) or die " $? can't open $TempFile: $!" ;
+ select( OUTPUT ); ## new default filehandle for print
if ("Assembly" eq $filetype)
- ## print OUTPUT ";// \$IBMCopyrightBlock: \$\n";
+ }
+ elsif ("Makefile" eq $filetype )
+ {
elsif (("Autoconf" eq $filetype) or
- ("Automake" eq $filetype) or
- ("CVS" eq $filetype) or
- ("Makefile" eq $filetype) or
- ("Perl" eq $filetype) or
- ("Python" eq $filetype) or
- ("Shellscript" eq $filetype) or
- ("Tcl" eq $filetype))
+ ("Automake" eq $filetype) or
+ ("CVS" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Perl" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Python" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Shellscript" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Tcl" eq $filetype))
+ ## All files with a "shebang" at the beginning
$line = <INPUT>;
# Keep the '#!' line at the top.
+ ## The following says : if the first line is a "shebang" line
+ ## (e.g. "#!/usr/bin/perl"), then print it _before_ the copyright
+ ## block, otherwise (the unless line), print it _after_ the copyright
+ ## block.
if ($line =~ m/^#!/)
print OUTPUT $line;
- ## print OUTPUT "# \$IBMCopyrightBlock: \$\n";
unless ($line =~ m/^#!/)
print OUTPUT $line;
- elsif ( ("C" eq $filetype)
- )
+ elsif ( "C" eq $filetype )
- ##print OUTPUT " * \$IBMCopyrightBlock: \$\n";
elsif ( ("RPC" eq $filetype) or
("LinkerScript" eq $filetype)
# ld stubbornly refuses to use modern comment lines.
elsif ("MofFile" eq $filetype)
- ##print OUTPUT "// \$IBMCopyrightBlock: \$\n";
elsif ("xml" eq $filetype )
- print STDERR "Can\'t handle filetype: $filetype\n";
- exit 1;
+ print STDOUT "ERROR: Can\'t handle filetype: $filetype\n";
+ close( INPUT ) or die " $? can't close $filename: $!" ;
+ close( OUTPUT ) or die " $? can't close $TempFile: $!" ;
+ ## leave $Tempfile around for debug
+ }
+ ## if this is a new copyright block, we have to add a carriage return
+ ## after $DELIMITER_END .
+ if ( $validaterc == RC_NO_COPYRIGHT_BLOCK )
+ {
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
# Copy rest of file
@@ -516,12 +915,18 @@ sub addEmptyCopyrightBlock
print OUTPUT $line;
- close OUTPUT;
- close INPUT;
- system "cat $_.cvsCPYRT > $_";
- system "rm -f $_.cvsCPYRT";
- system "touch $_";
+ ## finish up the files
+ close( INPUT ) or die " $? can't close $filename: $!" ;
+ close( OUTPUT ) or die " $? can't close $TempFile: $!" ;
+ rename( $filename, "$savedbgfile" ) or die " $? can't rename $filename: $!" ;
+ rename( $TempFile, $filename ) or die " $? can't rename $TempFile: $!" ;
+ if ( !$opt_debug )
+ {
+ ## leave the files around for debug
+ unlink( $savedbgfile ) or die " $? can't delete $savedbgfile: $!";
+ }
@@ -535,20 +940,17 @@ sub addEmptyCopyrightBlock
## Section 3.14.1 has templates for different files
-sub fillInEmptyCopyrightBlock
+sub fillinEmptyCopyrightBlock( $$ )
my ( $filename, $filetype ) = @_;
- my $file = `cat $_`;
- my $firstYear = copyrightFirstYearForFile($_, $file);
- my $lastYear = copyrightLastYearForFile($_);
- my $copyrightYear = $firstYear;
- $copyrightYear .= " - $lastYear" unless ( "$firstYear" eq "$lastYear" );
+ my $copyrightYear = createYearString( $filename );
## define the final copyright block template here.
my $IBMCopyrightBlock =
- \$Source: $filename \$
@@ -562,75 +964,81 @@ sub fillInEmptyCopyrightBlock
+ ## Modify file in place with temp file Perl Cookbook 7.8
+ my $savedbgfile = "$filename.fillin";
+ system( "cp -p $filename $TempFile" ); ## preserve file permissions
+ open( INPUT, "< $filename" ) or die " $? can't open $filename: $!" ;
+ open( OUTPUT, "> $TempFile" ) or die " $? can't open $TempFile: $!" ;
+ select( OUTPUT ); ## new default filehandle for print
- if (($file =~ m/$DELIMITER_BEGIN*.$DELIMITER_END/s ) and
- ("Unknown" ne $filetype))
- {
- open(INPUT, $_ ) or exit;
- system "touch $_.cvsCPYRT";
- open(OUTPUT, ">$_.cvsCPYRT") or exit;
- my $newline;
- my $lines = "";
- while ( defined($newline = <INPUT>) ) { $lines .= $newline; }
+ my $newline;
+ my $lines = "";
+ while ( defined($newline = <INPUT>) ) { $lines .= $newline; }
- if ("Assembly" eq $filetype)
- {
- ## assembly
- $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s/\n/\n# /sg;
- }
- if (("Autoconf" eq $filetype) or
- ("Automake" eq $filetype) or
- ("CVS" eq $filetype) or
- ("Makefile" eq $filetype) or
- ("Perl" eq $filetype) or
- ("Python" eq $filetype) or
- ("Shellscript" eq $filetype) or
- ("Tcl" eq $filetype))
- {
- $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s/\n/\n#/sg;
- }
- if (("C" eq $filetype)
- )
- {
- # Use C++ style comments
- $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n//|sg;
- }
- if (("RPC" eq $filetype) or
+ if ("Assembly" eq $filetype)
+ {
+ ## assembly
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s/\n/\n# /sg;
+ }
+ elsif ( "Makefile" eq $filetype )
+ {
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s/\n/\n#/sg;
+ }
+ elsif (("Autoconf" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Automake" eq $filetype) or
+ ("CVS" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Perl" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Python" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Shellscript" eq $filetype) or
+ ("Tcl" eq $filetype))
+ {
+ ## all files with a "shebang"
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s/\n/\n#/sg;
+ }
+ elsif ( "C" eq $filetype )
+ {
+ ## lex files are classified as C, but do not recognise // comments
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n *|sg;
+ }
+ elsif ( ("RPC" eq $filetype) or
("LinkerScript" eq $filetype)
- )
- {
- $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n *|sg;
- }
- if ("EmxFile" eq $filetype)
- {
- # Not yet formatted correctly for EmxFile needs, but should coexist.
- $IBMCopyrightBlock = "$DELIMITER_BEGIN IBM Confidential OCO Source Materials (C) Copyright IBM Corp. $copyrightYear The source code for this program is not published or otherwise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. $DELIMITER_END";
- }
- if ("MofFile" eq $filetype)
- {
- $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n//|sg;
- }
- if ( "xml" eq $filetype)
- {
- $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n |sg;
- }
+ )
+ {
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n *|sg;
+ }
+ elsif ("EmxFile" eq $filetype)
+ {
+ # Not yet formatted correctly for EmxFile needs, but should coexist.
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock = "$DELIMITER_BEGIN IBM Confidential OCO Source Materials (C) Copyright IBM Corp. $copyrightYear The source code for this program is not published or otherwise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. $DELIMITER_END";
+ }
+ elsif ("MofFile" eq $filetype)
+ {
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n//|sg;
+ }
+ elsif ( "xml" eq $filetype)
+ {
+ $IBMCopyrightBlock =~ s|\n|\n |sg;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print STDOUT "ERROR: Can\'t handle filetype: $filetype\n";
+ }
- # Replace existing block with the current content.
- # $lines =~ s/\$IBMCopyrightBlock:[^\$]*\$/$IBMCopyrightBlock/s;
- $lines =~ s/$DELIMITER_BEGIN[^\$]*$DELIMITER_END/$IBMCopyrightBlock/s;
- print OUTPUT $lines;
- close OUTPUT;
- close INPUT;
+ # Replace existing block with the current content.
+ $lines =~ s/$DELIMITER_BEGIN[^\$]*$DELIMITER_END/$IBMCopyrightBlock/s;
- system "cat $_.cvsCPYRT > $_";
- system "rm -f $_.cvsCPYRT";
- system "touch $_";
- }
- else
+ print OUTPUT $lines;
+ ## finish up the files
+ close( INPUT ) or die " $? can't close $filename: $!" ;
+ close( OUTPUT ) or die " $? can't close $TempFile: $!" ;
+ rename( $filename, "$savedbgfile" ) or die " $? can't rename $filename: $!" ;
+ rename( $TempFile, $filename ) or die " $? can't rename $TempFile: $!" ;
+ if ( !$opt_debug )
- print "Cannot find empty copyright block\n";
- exit 1;
+ ## leave the files around for debug
+ unlink( $savedbgfile ) or die " $? can't delete $savedbgfile: $!";
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