/* Copyright 2017 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #ifndef _AIX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ccan/endian/endian.h" #include "container.c" #include "container.h" char *progname; bool print_stats; bool verbose, debug; int wrap = 100; ecc_key_t ECDSA_KEY_NULL; typedef struct keyprops { char index; char *name; const ecc_key_t *key; const ecc_signature_t *sig; } Keyprops; static void usage(int status); static bool getPayloadHash(int fdin, unsigned char *md); static bool getVerificationHash(char *input, unsigned char *md, int len); static bool verify_signature(const char *moniker, const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len, const ecc_signature_t sig_raw, const ecc_key_t key_raw); static void print_bytes(char *lead, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buflen) { unsigned int i; unsigned int width; unsigned int leadbytes = strlen(lead); leadbytes = leadbytes > 30 ? 30 : leadbytes; width = (wrap - leadbytes) / 2; width = (width < 1) ? INT_MAX : width; fprintf(stdout, "%s", lead); for (i = 1; i < buflen + 1; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%02x", buffer[i - 1]); if (((i % width) == 0) && (i < buflen)) fprintf(stdout, "\n%*c", leadbytes, ' '); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } bool stb_is_container(const void *buf, size_t size) { ROM_container_raw *c; c = (ROM_container_raw*) buf; if (!buf || size < SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE) return false; if (be32_to_cpu(c->magic_number) != ROM_MAGIC_NUMBER) return false; return true; } int parse_stb_container(const void* data, size_t len, struct parsed_stb_container *c) { const size_t prefix_data_min_size = 3 * (EC_COORDBYTES * 2); c->buf = data; c->bufsz = len; c->c = data; c->ph = data += sizeof(ROM_container_raw); c->pd = data += sizeof(ROM_prefix_header_raw) + (c->ph->ecid_count * ECID_SIZE); c->sh = data += prefix_data_min_size + c->ph->sw_key_count * (EC_COORDBYTES * 2); c->ssig = data += sizeof(ROM_sw_header_raw) + c->sh->ecid_count * ECID_SIZE; return 0; } static void display_version_raw(const ROM_version_raw v) { printf("ver_alg:\n"); printf(" version: %04x\n", be16_to_cpu(v.version)); printf(" hash_alg: %02x (%s)\n", v.hash_alg, (v.hash_alg == 1) ? "SHA512" : "UNKNOWN"); printf(" sig_alg: %02x (%s)\n", v.sig_alg, (v.sig_alg == 1) ? "SHA512/ECDSA-521" : "UNKNOWN"); } static void display_container_stats(const struct parsed_stb_container *c) { unsigned int size, offset; printf("Container stats:\n"); size = (uint8_t*) c->ph - (uint8_t *) c->c; offset = (uint8_t*) c->c - (uint8_t *) c->buf; printf(" HW header size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)\n", size, size, offset, offset); size = (uint8_t*) c->pd - (uint8_t *) c->ph; offset = (uint8_t*) c->ph - (uint8_t *) c->buf; printf(" Prefix header size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)\n", size, size, offset, offset); size = (uint8_t*) c->sh - (uint8_t *) c->pd; offset = (uint8_t*) c->pd - (uint8_t *) c->buf; printf(" Prefix data size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)\n", size, size, offset, offset); size = (uint8_t*) c->ssig - (uint8_t *) c->sh; offset = (uint8_t*) c->sh - (uint8_t *) c->buf; printf(" SW header size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)\n", size, size, offset, offset); size = sizeof(ecc_key_t) * c->ph->sw_key_count; offset = (uint8_t*) c->ssig - (uint8_t *) c->buf; printf(" SW signature size = %4u (%#06x) at offset %4u (%#06x)\n", size, size, offset, offset); printf(" TOTAL HEADER SIZE = %4lu (%#0lx)\n", c->bufsz, c->bufsz); printf(" PAYLOAD SIZE = %4lu (%#0lx)\n", be64_to_cpu(c->sh->payload_size), be64_to_cpu(c->sh->payload_size)); printf(" TOTAL CONTAINER SIZE = %4lu (%#0lx)\n", be64_to_cpu(c->c->container_size), be64_to_cpu(c->c->container_size)); printf("\n"); } static void display_container(struct parsed_stb_container c) { unsigned char md[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; void *p; printf("Container:\n"); printf("magic: 0x%04x\n", be32_to_cpu(c.c->magic_number)); printf("version: 0x%02x\n", be16_to_cpu(c.c->version)); printf("container_size: 0x%08lx (%lu)\n", be64_to_cpu(c.c->container_size), be64_to_cpu(c.c->container_size)); printf("target_hrmor: 0x%08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.c->target_hrmor)); printf("stack_pointer: 0x%08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.c->stack_pointer)); print_bytes((char *) "hw_pkey_a: ", (uint8_t *) c.c->hw_pkey_a, sizeof(c.c->hw_pkey_a)); print_bytes((char *) "hw_pkey_b: ", (uint8_t *) c.c->hw_pkey_b, sizeof(c.c->hw_pkey_b)); print_bytes((char *) "hw_pkey_c: ", (uint8_t *) c.c->hw_pkey_c, sizeof(c.c->hw_pkey_c)); p = SHA512(c.c->hw_pkey_a, sizeof(ecc_key_t) * 3, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); printf("HW keys hash (calculated):\n"); print_bytes((char *) " ", (uint8_t *) md, sizeof(md)); printf("\n"); printf("Prefix Header:\n"); display_version_raw(c.ph->ver_alg); printf("code_start_offset: %08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.ph->code_start_offset)); printf("reserved: %08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.ph->reserved)); printf("flags: %08x\n", be32_to_cpu(c.ph->flags)); printf("sw_key_count: %02x\n", c.ph->sw_key_count); printf("payload_size: %08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.ph->payload_size)); print_bytes((char *) "payload_hash: ", (uint8_t *) c.ph->payload_hash, sizeof(c.ph->payload_hash)); printf("ecid_count: %02x\n", c.ph->ecid_count); for (int i = 0; i < c.ph->ecid_count; i++) { printf("ecid: "); print_bytes((char *) "ecid: ", (uint8_t *) c.ph->ecid[i].ecid, sizeof(c.ph->ecid[i].ecid)); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); printf("Prefix Data:\n"); print_bytes((char *) "hw_sig_a: ", (uint8_t *) c.pd->hw_sig_a, sizeof(c.pd->hw_sig_a)); print_bytes((char *) "hw_sig_b: ", (uint8_t *) c.pd->hw_sig_b, sizeof(c.pd->hw_sig_b)); print_bytes((char *) "hw_sig_c: ", (uint8_t *) c.pd->hw_sig_c, sizeof(c.pd->hw_sig_c)); if (c.ph->sw_key_count >=1) print_bytes((char *) "sw_pkey_p: ", (uint8_t *) c.pd->sw_pkey_p, sizeof(c.pd->sw_pkey_p)); if (c.ph->sw_key_count >=2) print_bytes((char *) "sw_pkey_q: ", (uint8_t *) c.pd->sw_pkey_q, sizeof(c.pd->sw_pkey_q)); if (c.ph->sw_key_count >=3) print_bytes((char *) "sw_pkey_r: ", (uint8_t *) c.pd->sw_pkey_r, sizeof(c.pd->sw_pkey_r)); printf("\n"); printf("Software Header:\n"); display_version_raw(c.sh->ver_alg); printf("code_start_offset: %08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.sh->code_start_offset)); printf("reserved: %08lx\n", be64_to_cpu(c.sh->reserved)); printf("reserved (ASCII): %.8s\n", (char *) &(c.sh->reserved)); printf("flags: %08x\n", be32_to_cpu(c.sh->flags)); printf("reserved_0: %02x\n", c.sh->reserved_0); printf("payload_size: %08lx (%lu)\n", be64_to_cpu(c.sh->payload_size), be64_to_cpu(c.sh->payload_size)); print_bytes((char *) "payload_hash: ", (uint8_t *) c.sh->payload_hash, sizeof(c.sh->payload_hash)); printf("ecid_count: %02x\n", c.sh->ecid_count); for (int i = 0; i < c.sh->ecid_count; i++) { printf("ecid: "); print_bytes((char *) "ecid: ", (uint8_t *) c.sh->ecid[i].ecid, sizeof(c.sh->ecid[i].ecid)); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); printf("Software Signatures:\n"); print_bytes((char *) "sw_sig_p: ", (uint8_t *) c.ssig->sw_sig_p, sizeof(c.ssig->sw_sig_p)); print_bytes((char *) "sw_sig_q: ", (uint8_t *) c.ssig->sw_sig_q, sizeof(c.ssig->sw_sig_q)); print_bytes((char *) "sw_sig_r: ", (uint8_t *) c.ssig->sw_sig_r, sizeof(c.ssig->sw_sig_r)); printf("\n"); if (print_stats) display_container_stats(&c); } static bool validate_container(struct parsed_stb_container c, int fdin) { static int n; static int status = true; Keyprops *k; Keyprops hwKeylist[] = { { 'a', "HW_key_A", &(c.c->hw_pkey_a), &(c.pd->hw_sig_a) }, { 'b', "HW_key_B", &(c.c->hw_pkey_b), &(c.pd->hw_sig_b) }, { 'c', "HW_key_C", &(c.c->hw_pkey_c), &(c.pd->hw_sig_c) }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; Keyprops swKeylist[] = { { 'p', "SW_key_P", &(c.pd->sw_pkey_p), &(c.ssig->sw_sig_p) }, { 'q', "SW_key_Q", &(c.pd->sw_pkey_q), &(c.ssig->sw_sig_q) }, { 'r', "SW_key_R", &(c.pd->sw_pkey_r), &(c.ssig->sw_sig_r) }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; void *md = alloca(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); void *p; // Get Prefix header hash. p = SHA512((uint8_t *) c.ph, sizeof(ROM_prefix_header_raw), md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); if (verbose) print_bytes((char *) "PR header hash = ", (uint8_t *) md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); // Verify HW key sigs. for (k = hwKeylist; k->index; k++) { if (memcmp(k->key, &ECDSA_KEY_NULL, sizeof(ecc_key_t))) status = verify_signature(k->name, md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH, *(k->sig), *(k->key)) && status; else if (verbose) printf("%s is NULL, skipping signature check.\n", k->name); } if (verbose) printf("\n"); // Get SW header hash. p = SHA512((uint8_t *) c.sh, sizeof(ROM_sw_header_raw), md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); if (verbose) print_bytes((char *) "SW header hash = ", (uint8_t *) md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); // Verify SW key sigs. for (k = swKeylist, n = 1; k->index && n <= c.ph->sw_key_count; k++, n++) { if (memcmp(k->key, &ECDSA_KEY_NULL, sizeof(ecc_key_t))) status = verify_signature(k->name, md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH, *(k->sig), *(k->key)) && status; else if (verbose) printf("%s is NULL, skipping\n", k->name); } if (verbose) printf("\n"); // Verify Payload hash. status = getPayloadHash(fdin, md) && status; if (verbose) print_bytes((char *) "Payload hash = ", (uint8_t *) md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (memcmp((uint8_t *) c.sh->payload_hash, md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH)) { if (verbose) printf("Payload hash does not agree with value in SW header: MISMATCH\n"); status = false; } else { if (verbose) printf("Payload hash agrees with value in SW header: VERIFIED ./\n"); status = status && true; } if (verbose) printf("\n"); // Verify SW keys hash. p = SHA512(c.pd->sw_pkey_p, sizeof(ecc_key_t) * c.ph->sw_key_count, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); if (verbose) print_bytes((char *) "SW keys hash = ", (uint8_t *) md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (memcmp((uint8_t *) c.ph->payload_hash, md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH)) { if (verbose) printf("SW keys hash does not agree with value in Prefix header: MISMATCH\n"); status = false; } else { if (verbose) printf("SW keys hash agrees with value in Prefix header: VERIFIED ./\n"); status = status && true; } if (verbose) printf("\n"); return status; } static bool verify_container(struct parsed_stb_container c, char * verify) { static int status = false; void *md = alloca(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); void *p; p = SHA512(c.c->hw_pkey_a, sizeof(ecc_key_t) * 3, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); if (verbose) print_bytes((char *) "HW keys hash = ", (uint8_t *) md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); void *md_verify = alloca(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); getVerificationHash(verify, md_verify, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (memcmp((uint8_t *) md_verify, md, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH )) { if (verbose) printf("HW keys hash does not agree with provided value: MISMATCH\n"); } else { if (verbose) printf("HW keys hash agrees with provided value: VERIFIED ./\n"); status = true; } if (verbose) printf("\n"); return status; } static bool verify_signature(const char *moniker, const unsigned char *dgst, int dgst_len, const ecc_signature_t sig_raw, const ecc_key_t key_raw) { int r; bool status = false; // Convert the raw sig to a structure that can be handled by openssl. debug_print((char *) "Raw sig = ", (uint8_t *) sig_raw, sizeof(ecc_signature_t)); BIGNUM *r_bn = BN_new(); BIGNUM *s_bn = BN_new(); BN_bin2bn((const unsigned char*) &sig_raw[0], 66, r_bn); BN_bin2bn((const unsigned char*) &sig_raw[66], 66, s_bn); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L ECDSA_SIG* ecdsa_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new(); ECDSA_SIG_set0(ecdsa_sig, r_bn, s_bn); #else ECDSA_SIG* ecdsa_sig = malloc(sizeof(ECDSA_SIG)); ecdsa_sig->r = r_bn; ecdsa_sig->s = s_bn; #endif // Convert the raw key to a structure that can be handled by openssl. debug_print((char *) "Raw key = ", (uint8_t *) key_raw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); EC_KEY *ec_key = EC_KEY_new(); if (!ec_key) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_KEY_new"); const EC_GROUP *ec_group = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp521r1); if (!ec_group) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name"); r = EC_KEY_set_group(ec_key, ec_group); if (r == 0) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_KEY_set_group"); // Add prefix 0x04, for uncompressed key. unsigned char *buffer = alloca(sizeof(ecc_key_t) + 1); *buffer = 0x04; memcpy(buffer + 1, key_raw, sizeof(ecc_key_t)); BIGNUM *key_bn = BN_new(); BN_bin2bn((const unsigned char*) buffer, EC_COORDBYTES * 2 + 1, key_bn); EC_POINT *ec_point = EC_POINT_bn2point(ec_group, key_bn, NULL, NULL); if (!ec_point) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_POINT_bn2point"); r = EC_KEY_set_public_key(ec_key, (const EC_POINT*) ec_point); if (r == 0) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot EC_KEY_set_public_key"); // Verify the signature. r = ECDSA_do_verify(dgst, dgst_len, ecdsa_sig, ec_key); if (r == 1) { if (verbose) printf("%s signature is good: VERIFIED ./\n", moniker); status = true; } else if (r == 0) { if (verbose) printf("%s signature FAILED to verify.\n", moniker); status = false; } else { die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot ECDSA_do_verify"); } BN_free(r_bn); BN_free(s_bn); BN_free(key_bn); EC_KEY_free(ec_key); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L ECDSA_SIG_free(ecdsa_sig); #else free(ecdsa_sig); #endif return status; } static bool getPayloadHash(int fdin, unsigned char *md) { struct stat st; void *file; int r; void *p; r = fstat(fdin, &st); if (r != 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot stat payload file at descriptor: %d (%s)", fdin, strerror(errno)); file = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fdin, 0); if (file == MAP_FAILED) die(EX_OSERR, "Cannot mmap file at fd: %d, size: %lu (%s)", fdin, st.st_size, strerror(errno)); p = SHA512(file + SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE, st.st_size - SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE, md); if (!p) die(EX_SOFTWARE, "%s", "Cannot get SHA512"); return true; } static bool getVerificationHash(char *input, unsigned char *md, int len) { char buf[len * 2 + 1 + 2]; // allow trailing \n and leading "0x" char *p; if (isValidHex(input, len)) { p = input; } else { int fdin = open(input, O_RDONLY); if (fdin <= 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "%s", "Verify requested but no valid hash or hash file provided"); struct stat s; int r = fstat(fdin, &s); if (r != 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot stat hash file: %s (%s)", input, strerror(errno)); if ((size_t) s.st_size > (sizeof(buf))) die(EX_DATAERR, "Verify hash file \"%s\" invalid size: expected a %d byte hexadecimal value", input, len); r = read(fdin, buf, s.st_size); if (r <= 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot read hash file: %s (%s)", input, strerror(errno)); p = (char *) buf; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) // strip newline char if (buf[i] == '\n') buf[i] = '\0'; close(fdin); } // Convert hexascii to binary. if (isValidHex(p, len)) { if (!strncmp(p, "0x", 2)) // skip leading "0x" p += 2; for (int count = 0; count < len; count++) { sscanf(p, "%2hhx", &md[count]); p += 2; } } else die(EX_DATAERR, "Verify hash file \"%s\" invalid data: expected a %d byte hexadecimal value", input, len); return true; } __attribute__((__noreturn__)) static void usage (int status) { if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); } else { printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", progname); printf( "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help display this message and exit\n" " -v, --verbose show verbose output\n" " -d, --debug show additional debug output\n" " -w, --wrap column at which to wrap long output (wrap=0 => unlimited)\n" " -s, --stats additionally print container stats\n" " -I, --imagefile containerized image to display (input)\n" " --validate perform all checks to ensure is container valid for secure boot\n" " --verify value, or filename containing value, of the HW Keys hash to\n" " verify the container against. must be valid 64 byte hexascii.\n" "\n"); }; exit(status); } #ifndef _AIX static struct option const opts[] = { { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "debug", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "wrap", required_argument, 0, 'w' }, { "stats", no_argument, 0, 's' }, { "imagefile", required_argument, 0, 'I' }, { "validate", no_argument, 0, '0' }, { "verify", required_argument, 0, '1' }, { "no-print", no_argument, 0, '2' }, { "print", no_argument, 0, '3' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; #endif static struct { char *imagefn; bool validate; char *verify; bool print_container; } params; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int r; struct stat st; void *container; struct parsed_stb_container c; int container_status = EX_OK; int validate_status = UNATTEMPTED; int verify_status = UNATTEMPTED; params.print_container = true; progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (progname != NULL) ++progname; else progname = argv[0]; #ifdef _AIX for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--help")) { *(argv + i) = "-h"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--verbose")) { *(argv + i) = "-v"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--debug")) { *(argv + i) = "-d"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--wrap")) { *(argv + i) = "-w"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--stats")) { *(argv + i) = "-s"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--imagefile")) { *(argv + i) = "-I"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--validate")) { *(argv + i) = "-0"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--verify")) { *(argv + i) = "-1"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--no-print")) { *(argv + i) = "-2"; } else if (!strcmp(*(argv + i), "--print")) { *(argv + i) = "-3"; } else if (!strncmp(*(argv + i), "--", 2)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option \'%s\'\n", progname, *(argv + i)); usage(EX_OK); } } #endif while (1) { int opt; #ifdef _AIX opt = getopt(argc, argv, "??hvdw:sI:01:23"); #else opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "?hvdw:sI:01:23", opts, NULL); #endif if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'h': usage(EX_OK); break; case '?': usage(EX_USAGE); break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'd': debug = true; break; case 'w': wrap = atoi(optarg); wrap = (wrap < 2) ? INT_MAX : wrap; break; case 's': print_stats = true; break; case 'I': params.imagefn = optarg; break; case '0': params.validate = true; break; case '1': params.verify = optarg; break; case '2': params.print_container = false; break; case '3': params.print_container = true; break; default: usage(EX_USAGE); } } if (!params.imagefn) { fprintf(stderr, "No --imagefile provided, nothing to do.\n"); usage(EX_USAGE); } int fdin = open(params.imagefn, O_RDONLY); if (fdin <= 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot open container file: %s (%s)", params.imagefn, strerror(errno)); r = fstat(fdin, &st); if (r != 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "Cannot stat container file: %s (%s)", params.imagefn, strerror(errno)); if (st.st_size == 0) die(EX_NOINPUT, "%s", "Container file is empty, nothing to do."); if (st.st_size < SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: container file \"%s\" smaller than minimum header size, file may be incomplete.\n", params.imagefn); container = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fdin, 0); if (container == MAP_FAILED) die(EX_OSERR, "Cannot mmap file at fd: %d, size: %lu (%s)", fdin, st.st_size, strerror(errno)); if (!stb_is_container(container, SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE)) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Not a container, missing magic number"); if (parse_stb_container(container, SECURE_BOOT_HEADERS_SIZE, &c) != 0) die(EX_DATAERR, "%s", "Failed to parse container"); if (params.print_container) display_container(c); if (params.validate) validate_status = validate_container(c, fdin); if (params.verify) verify_status = verify_container(c, params.verify); if ((validate_status != UNATTEMPTED) || (verify_status != UNATTEMPTED)) { printf("Container validity check %s. Container verification check %s.\n\n", (validate_status == UNATTEMPTED) ? "not attempted" : ((validate_status == PASSED) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"), (verify_status == UNATTEMPTED) ? "not attempted" : ((verify_status == PASSED) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED")); if ((validate_status == FAILED) || (verify_status == FAILED)) container_status = 1; } close(fdin); return container_status; }