/** * Controller for sensors-overview * * @module app/serverHealth * @exports sensorsOverviewController * @name sensorsOverviewController */ window.angular && (function(angular) { 'use strict'; angular.module('app.overview').controller('sensorsOverviewController', [ '$scope', '$q', '$window', 'APIUtils', 'dataService', 'Constants', function($scope, $q, $window, APIUtils, dataService, Constants) { $scope.dataService = dataService; $scope.loading = false; $scope.componentList = []; $scope.sensorsInfo = {}; $scope.fullSensorsInfo = []; $scope.selectedComponent = {}; $scope.showThresholds = true; // TODO: add button to toggle this.. $scope.showCompDropdown = false; $scope.customSearch = ''; $scope.searchTerms = []; $scope.messages = Constants.MESSAGES.SENSOR; $scope.filteredVoltSensors = []; $scope.filteredTempSensors = []; $scope.filteredFanSensors = []; $scope.selectedSeverity = {all: true, ok: false, warning: false, critical: false}; $scope.export_name = 'sensors.json'; $scope.clear = function() { $scope.customSearch = ''; $scope.searchTerms = []; }; $scope.doSearchOnEnter = function(event) { var search = $scope.customSearch.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); if (event.keyCode === 13 && search.length >= 2) { $scope.searchTerms = $scope.customSearch.split(' '); } else { if (search.length == 0) { $scope.searchTerms = []; } } }; $scope.doSearchOnClick = function() { var search = $scope.customSearch.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); if (search.length >= 2) { $scope.searchTerms = $scope.customSearch.split(' '); } else { if (search.length == 0) { $scope.searchTerms = []; } } }; $scope.toggleSeverityAll = function() { $scope.selectedSeverity.all = !$scope.selectedSeverity.all; if ($scope.selectedSeverity.all) { $scope.selectedSeverity.ok = false; $scope.selectedSeverity.warning = false; $scope.selectedSeverity.critical = false; } }; $scope.toggleSeverity = function(severity) { $scope.selectedSeverity[severity] = !$scope.selectedSeverity[severity]; if (['ok', 'warning', 'critical'].indexOf(severity) > -1) { if ($scope.selectedSeverity[severity] == false && (!$scope.selectedSeverity.ok && !$scope.selectedSeverity.warning && !$scope.selectedSeverity.critical)) { $scope.selectedSeverity.all = true; return; } } if ($scope.selectedSeverity.ok && $scope.selectedSeverity.warning && $scope.selectedSeverity.critical) { $scope.selectedSeverity.all = true; $scope.selectedSeverity.ok = false; $scope.selectedSeverity.warning = false; $scope.selectedSeverity.critical = false; } else { $scope.selectedSeverity.all = false; } }; $scope.filterBySeverity = function(sensor) { if ($scope.selectedSeverity.all) return true; return ( ((sensor.Status.Health == 'OK') && $scope.selectedSeverity.ok) || ((sensor.Status.Health == 'Warning') && $scope.selectedSeverity.warning) || ((sensor.Status.Health == 'Critical') && $scope.selectedSeverity.critical)); }; $scope.filterBySearchTerms = function(sensor) { if (!$scope.searchTerms.length) return true; for (var i = 0, length = $scope.searchTerms.length; i < length; i++) { // TODO: Form it while getting data var search_text = sensor.Name.toLowerCase(); if (search_text.indexOf($scope.searchTerms[i].toLowerCase()) == -1) return false; } return true; }; $scope.selectComponent = function(index) { $scope.loading = true; $scope.showCompDropdown = false; if (index == -1) { // Flattened sensor data to display all sensors. $scope.selectedComponent = {'Name': 'All'}; $scope.sensorsInfo = {'Temperatures': [], 'Fans': [], 'Voltages': []}; // Looping through all chassis collections to flattened sensors data angular.forEach($scope.fullSensorsInfo, function(record) { $scope.sensorsInfo.Temperatures = [].concat( $scope.sensorsInfo.Temperatures, record.sensors.Temperatures); $scope.sensorsInfo.Fans = [].concat($scope.sensorsInfo.Fans, record.sensors.Fans); $scope.sensorsInfo.Voltages = [].concat($scope.sensorsInfo.Voltages, record.sensors.Voltages); }); } else { $scope.selectedComponent = $scope.fullSensorsInfo[index]; $scope.sensorsInfo = $scope.selectedComponent['sensors']; } $scope.loading = false; }; function getComponentSensors(component) { var data = component; data['sensors'] = {'Temperatures': [], 'Fans': [], 'Voltages': []}; APIUtils.getSensorsInfo(component.Thermal['@odata.id']) .then(function(res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty('Temperatures')) { data.sensors['Temperatures'] = res.Temperatures; } if (res.hasOwnProperty('Fans')) { data.sensors['Fans'] = res.Fans; } return; }); APIUtils.getSensorsInfo(component.Power['@odata.id']) .then(function(res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty('Voltages')) { data.sensors['Voltages'] = res.Voltages; } return; }); return data; }; $scope.loadSensorData = function() { $scope.loading = true; APIUtils.getAllChassisCollection() .then( function(chassisList) { angular.forEach(chassisList, function(chassis) { var resData = getComponentSensors(chassis); $scope.fullSensorsInfo.push(resData); }); }, function(error) { console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); }) .finally(function() { $scope.selectComponent(0); $scope.loading = false; }); }; $scope.loadSensorData(); } ]); })(angular);