
Use the following tables to manage firmware image files. The image file that is listed at the top, the image with the highest boot priority, is used the next time that the device is booted. To change the boot priority for the image, click the arrow icons.

Scroll down to upload an image file to transfer a new firmware image to the BMC. After uploading a new image, Activate it to make it available for use.

Specify an image file located on your workstation or a TFTP server. An image file may contain firmware images for the server, BMC, or other hardware devices. Each image that you upload will be unpacked from the image file and added to the appropriate list above.

Upload image file from workstation

Select the image file saved on the workstation storage medium to upload to the server BMC.

Upload in progress...

Download image file from TFTP server

Specify both the TFTP server IP address and the image file name stored on it to download to the server BMC.

Downloading in progress...