/** * Copyright © 2019 IBM Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "manager.hpp" #include "additional_data.hpp" #include "pel.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace openpower { namespace pels { using namespace phosphor::logging; namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace common_error = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error; namespace additional_data { constexpr auto rawPEL = "RAWPEL"; } void Manager::create(const std::string& message, uint32_t obmcLogID, uint64_t timestamp, Entry::Level severity, const std::vector& additionalData, const std::vector& associations) { AdditionalData ad{additionalData}; // If a PEL was passed in, use that. Otherwise, create one. auto rawPelPath = ad.getValue(additional_data::rawPEL); if (rawPelPath) { addRawPEL(*rawPelPath, obmcLogID); } else { createPEL(message, obmcLogID, timestamp, severity, additionalData, associations); } } void Manager::addRawPEL(const std::string& rawPelPath, uint32_t obmcLogID) { if (fs::exists(rawPelPath)) { std::ifstream file(rawPelPath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); auto data = std::vector(std::istreambuf_iterator(file), std::istreambuf_iterator()); if (file.fail()) { log("Filesystem error reading a raw PEL", entry("PELFILE=%s", rawPelPath.c_str()), entry("OBMCLOGID=%d", obmcLogID)); // TODO, Decide what to do here. Maybe nothing. return; } file.close(); auto pel = std::make_unique(data, obmcLogID); if (pel->valid()) { // PELs created by others still need these fields set by us. pel->assignID(); pel->setCommitTime(); try { _repo.add(pel); } catch (std::exception& e) { // Probably a full or r/o filesystem, not much we can do. log("Unable to add PEL to Repository", entry("PEL_ID=0x%X", pel->id())); } } else { log("Invalid PEL found", entry("PELFILE=%s", rawPelPath.c_str()), entry("OBMCLOGID=%d", obmcLogID)); // TODO, make a whole new OpenBMC event log + PEL } } else { log("Raw PEL file from BMC event log does not exist", entry("PELFILE=%s", (rawPelPath).c_str()), entry("OBMCLOGID=%d", obmcLogID)); } } void Manager::erase(uint32_t obmcLogID) { Repository::LogID id{Repository::LogID::Obmc(obmcLogID)}; _repo.remove(id); } bool Manager::isDeleteProhibited(uint32_t obmcLogID) { return false; } void Manager::createPEL(const std::string& message, uint32_t obmcLogID, uint64_t timestamp, phosphor::logging::Entry::Level severity, const std::vector& additionalData, const std::vector& associations) { auto entry = _registry.lookup(message); std::string msg; if (entry) { AdditionalData ad{additionalData}; auto pel = std::make_unique( *entry, obmcLogID, timestamp, severity, ad, *_dataIface); _repo.add(pel); auto src = pel->primarySRC(); if (src) { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; char id[11]; sprintf(id, "0x%08X", pel->id()); msg = "Created PEL "s + id + " with SRC "s + (*src)->asciiString(); while (msg.back() == ' ') { msg.pop_back(); } log(msg.c_str()); } } else { // TODO ibm-openbmc/dev/1151: Create a new PEL for this case. // For now, just trace it. msg = "Event not found in PEL message registry: " + message; log(msg.c_str()); } } sdbusplus::message::unix_fd Manager::getPEL(uint32_t pelID) { Repository::LogID id{Repository::LogID::Pel(pelID)}; std::optional fd; try { fd = _repo.getPELFD(id); } catch (std::exception& e) { throw common_error::InternalFailure(); } if (!fd) { throw common_error::InvalidArgument(); } scheduleFDClose(*fd); return *fd; } void Manager::scheduleFDClose(int fd) { _fdCloserEventSource = std::make_unique( _logManager.getBus().get_event(), std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Manager::closeFD), this, fd, std::placeholders::_1)); } void Manager::closeFD(int fd, sdeventplus::source::EventBase& source) { close(fd); _fdCloserEventSource.reset(); } std::vector Manager::getPELFromOBMCID(uint32_t obmcLogID) { Repository::LogID id{Repository::LogID::Obmc(obmcLogID)}; std::optional> data; try { data = _repo.getPELData(id); } catch (std::exception& e) { throw common_error::InternalFailure(); } if (!data) { throw common_error::InvalidArgument(); } return *data; } void Manager::hostAck(uint32_t pelID) { Repository::LogID id{Repository::LogID::Pel(pelID)}; if (!_repo.hasPEL(id)) { throw common_error::InvalidArgument(); } if (_hostNotifier) { _hostNotifier->ackPEL(pelID); } } void Manager::hostReject(uint32_t pelID, RejectionReason reason) { Repository::LogID id{Repository::LogID::Pel(pelID)}; if (!_repo.hasPEL(id)) { throw common_error::InvalidArgument(); } if (_hostNotifier) { if (reason == RejectionReason::BadPEL) { _hostNotifier->setBadPEL(pelID); } else if (reason == RejectionReason::HostFull) { _hostNotifier->setHostFull(pelID); } } } } // namespace pels } // namespace openpower