#include #include #include #include "manager.hpp" namespace phosphor { namespace led { // Assert -or- De-assert bool Manager::setGroupState(const std::string& path, bool assert, group& ledsAssert, group& ledsDeAssert, group& ledsUpdate) { if (assert) { assertedGroups.insert(&ledMap.at(path)); } else { auto search = assertedGroups.find(&ledMap.at(path)); if (search != assertedGroups.end()) { assertedGroups.erase(&ledMap.at(path)); } } // This will contain the union of what's already in the asserted group group desiredState {}; for(const auto& grp : assertedGroups) { desiredState.insert(grp->cbegin(), grp->cend()); } // Has the LEDs that are either to be turned off -or- want a new assertion group transient {}; std::set_difference(currentState.begin(), currentState.end(), desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(), std::inserter(transient, transient.begin())); if(transient.size()) { // We really do not want the Manager to know how a particular LED // transitions from State-A --> State-B and all this must be handled by // the physical LED controller implementation. // So in this case, Manager really does not want to turn off the // LEDs and then turning it back on and let the physical LED controller // handle that. // If we previously had a FRU in ON state , and then if there was a // request to make it blink, the end state would now be blink. // If we either turn off blink / fault, then we need to go back to its // previous state. std::set_intersection(desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(), transient.begin(), transient.end(), std::inserter(ledsUpdate, ledsUpdate.begin()), ledComp); // These LEDs are only to be De-Asserted. std::set_difference(transient.begin(), transient.end(), ledsUpdate.begin(), ledsUpdate.end(), std::inserter(ledsDeAssert, ledsDeAssert.begin()), ledComp); } // Turn on these std::set_difference(desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(), currentState.begin(), currentState.end(), std::inserter(ledsAssert, ledsAssert.begin())); // Done.. Save the latest and greatest. currentState = std::move(desiredState); // If we survive, then set the state accordingly. return assert; } /** @brief Run through the map and apply action on the LEDs */ void Manager::driveLEDs(group& ledsAssert, group& ledsDeAssert, group& ledsUpdate) { // This order of LED operation is important. if (ledsUpdate.size()) { std::cout << "Updating LED states between (On <--> Blink)" << std::endl; for (const auto& it: ledsUpdate) { std::cout << "\t{" << it.name << "::" << it.action << "}" << std::endl; } } if (ledsDeAssert.size()) { std::cout << "De-Asserting LEDs" << std::endl; for (const auto& it: ledsDeAssert) { std::cout << "\t{" << it.name << "::" << it.action << "}" << std::endl; } } if(ledsAssert.size()) { std::cout << "Asserting LEDs" << std::endl; for (const auto& it: ledsAssert) { std::cout << "\t{" << it.name << "::" << it.action << "}" << std::endl; } } return; } } // namespace led } // namespace phosphor