#include #include #include #include #include #include "manager.hpp" namespace phosphor { namespace led { // Assert -or- De-assert bool Manager::setGroupState(const std::string& path, bool assert, group& ledsAssert, group& ledsDeAssert) { if (assert) { assertedGroups.insert(&ledMap.at(path)); } else { auto search = assertedGroups.find(&ledMap.at(path)); if (search != assertedGroups.end()) { assertedGroups.erase(&ledMap.at(path)); } } // This will contain the union of what's already in the asserted group group desiredState {}; for(const auto& grp : assertedGroups) { desiredState.insert(grp->cbegin(), grp->cend()); } // Find difference between Combined and Desired to identify // which LEDs are getting altered group transient {}; std::set_difference(combinedState.begin(), combinedState.end(), desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(), std::inserter(transient, transient.begin()), ledComp); if(transient.size()) { // Find common LEDs between transient and Desired to know if some LEDs // are changing state and not really getting DeAsserted group ledsTransient {}; std::set_intersection(transient.begin(),transient.end(), desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(), std::inserter(ledsTransient, ledsTransient.begin()), ledLess); // Find difference between above 2 to identify those LEDs which are // really getting DeAsserted std::set_difference(transient.begin(),transient.end(), ledsTransient.begin(),ledsTransient.end(), std::inserter(ledsDeAssert, ledsDeAssert.begin()), ledLess); // Remove the elements from Current that are being DeAsserted. if(ledsDeAssert.size()) { // Power off LEDs that are to be really DeAsserted for (auto& it:ledsDeAssert) { // Update LEDs in "physically asserted" set by removing those // LEDs which are De-Asserted auto found = currentState.find(it); if (found != currentState.end()) { currentState.erase(found); } } } } // Now LEDs that are to be Asserted. These could either be fresh asserts // -or- change between [On]<-->[Blink] group temp {}; std::unique_copy(desiredState.begin(), desiredState.end(), std::inserter(temp, temp.begin()), ledEqual); if(temp.size()) { // Find difference between [desired to be Asserted] and those LEDs // that are physically asserted currently. std::set_difference(temp.begin(), temp.end(), currentState.begin(), currentState.end(), std::inserter(ledsAssert, ledsAssert.begin()), ledComp); } // Update the current actual and desired(the virtual actual) currentState = std::move(temp); combinedState = std::move(desiredState); // If we survive, then set the state accordingly. return assert; } /** @brief Run through the map and apply action on the LEDs */ void Manager::driveLEDs(group& ledsAssert, group& ledsDeAssert) { // Map of physical LED dbus paths to their Service providers populateObjectMap(); if (phyLeds.empty()) { // Error message is inside the map construction logic. return; } // This order of LED operation is important. if (ledsDeAssert.size()) { std::cout << "De-Asserting LEDs" << std::endl; for (const auto& it: ledsDeAssert) { std::string objPath = std::string(PHY_LED_PATH) + it.name; drivePhysicalLED(objPath, Layout::Action::Off, it.dutyOn); } } if(ledsAssert.size()) { std::cout << "Asserting LEDs" << std::endl; for (const auto& it: ledsAssert) { std::string objPath = std::string(PHY_LED_PATH) + it.name; drivePhysicalLED(objPath, it.action, it.dutyOn); } } return; } // Calls into driving physical LED post choosing the action void Manager::drivePhysicalLED(const std::string& objPath, Layout::Action action, uint8_t dutyOn) { using namespace phosphor::logging; auto service = phyLeds.find(objPath); if (service == phyLeds.end() || service->second.empty()) { log("No service providers for physical LED", entry("PATH=%s",objPath.c_str())); return; } // If Blink, set its property if (action == Layout::Action::Blink) { drivePhysicalLED(service->second, objPath, "DutyOn", dutyOn); } drivePhysicalLED(service->second, objPath, "State", getPhysicalAction(action)); return; } /** @brief Returns action string based on enum */ std::string Manager::getPhysicalAction(Layout::Action action) { namespace server = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Led::server; // TODO: openbmc/phosphor-led-manager#5 // Somehow need to use the generated Action enum than giving one // in ledlayout. if(action == Layout::Action::On) { return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::On); } else if(action == Layout::Action::Blink) { return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::Blink); } else { return server::convertForMessage(server::Physical::Action::Off); } } /** Populates a map with physical LED paths to its service providers */ void Manager::populateObjectMap() { using namespace phosphor::logging; // Mapper dbus constructs constexpr auto MAPPER_BUSNAME = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper"; constexpr auto MAPPER_OBJ_PATH = "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper"; constexpr auto MAPPER_IFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper"; // Needed to be passed to get the SubTree level auto depth = 0; // Clean start phyLeds.clear(); // Make a mapper call auto mapperCall = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUSNAME, MAPPER_OBJ_PATH, MAPPER_IFACE, "GetSubTree"); // Cook rest of the things. mapperCall.append(PHY_LED_PATH); mapperCall.append(depth); mapperCall.append(std::vector({PHY_LED_IFACE})); auto reply = bus.call(mapperCall); if (reply.is_method_error()) { // Its okay if we do not see a corresponding physical LED. log("Error looking up Physical LED services", entry("PATH=%s",PHY_LED_PATH)); return; } // Response by mapper in the case of success std::map>> objectTree; // This is the dict of object paths - service names - interfaces reply.read(objectTree); if (objectTree.empty()) { log("Physical LED lookup did not return any services", entry("PATH=%s",PHY_LED_PATH)); return; } // Now construct our path -> Service name map. for (const auto& iter : objectTree) { phyLeds.emplace(iter.first, iter.second.begin()->first); } return; } } // namespace led } // namespace phosphor