#include "chassishandler.h" #include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h" #include "types.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp" #include #include #include "config.h" //Defines #define SET_PARM_VERSION 0x01 #define SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_PERMANENT 0x40 //boot flags data1 7th bit on #define SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_VALID_ONE_TIME 0x80 //boot flags data1 8th bit on #define SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_VALID_PERMANENT 0xC0 //boot flags data1 7 & 8 bit on constexpr size_t SIZE_MAC = 18; constexpr size_t SIZE_BOOT_OPTION = (uint8_t)BootOptionResponseSize:: OPAL_NETWORK_SETTINGS;//Maximum size of the boot option parametrs constexpr size_t SIZE_PREFIX = 7; constexpr size_t MAX_PREFIX_VALUE = 32; constexpr size_t SIZE_COOKIE = 4; constexpr size_t SIZE_VERSION = 2; constexpr auto MAC_ADDRESS_FORMAT = "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx"; constexpr auto IP_ADDRESS_FORMAT = "%d.%d.%d.%d"; constexpr auto PREFIX_FORMAT = "%hhd"; constexpr auto ADDR_TYPE_FORMAT = "%hhx"; //PetiBoot-Specific static constexpr uint8_t net_conf_initial_bytes[] = {0x80,0x21, 0x70 ,0x62 ,0x21, 0x00 ,0x01 ,0x06 ,0x04}; static constexpr size_t COOKIE_OFFSET = 1; static constexpr size_t VERSION_OFFSET = 5; static constexpr size_t MAC_OFFSET = 9; static constexpr size_t ADDRTYPE_OFFSET = 16; static constexpr size_t IPADDR_OFFSET = 17; static constexpr size_t PREFIX_OFFSET = 21; static constexpr size_t GATEWAY_OFFSET = 22; void register_netfn_chassis_functions() __attribute__((constructor)); // Host settings in dbus // Service name should be referenced by connection name got via object mapper const char *settings_object_name = "/org/openbmc/settings/host0"; const char *settings_intf_name = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; const char *host_intf_name = "org.openbmc.settings.Host"; constexpr auto MAPPER_BUS_NAME = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper"; constexpr auto MAPPER_OBJ = "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper"; constexpr auto MAPPER_INTF = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper"; constexpr auto SETTINGS_ROOT = "/"; constexpr auto SETTINGS_MATCH = "host0"; constexpr auto PROP_INTF = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; constexpr auto IP_INTERFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP"; constexpr auto MAC_INTERFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.MACAddress"; constexpr auto METHOD_GET = "Get"; constexpr auto METHOD_GET_ALL = "GetAll"; constexpr auto METHOD_SET = "Set"; typedef struct { uint8_t cap_flags; uint8_t fru_info_dev_addr; uint8_t sdr_dev_addr; uint8_t sel_dev_addr; uint8_t system_management_dev_addr; uint8_t bridge_dev_addr; }__attribute__((packed)) ipmi_chassis_cap_t; typedef struct { uint8_t cur_power_state; uint8_t last_power_event; uint8_t misc_power_state; uint8_t front_panel_button_cap_status; }__attribute__((packed)) ipmi_get_chassis_status_t; // Phosphor Host State manager namespace State = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State::server; namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error; /** @brief Gets the dbus object info implementing the given interface * from the given subtree. * @param[in] interface - Dbus interface. * @param[in] serviceRoot - subtree from where the search should start. * @param[in] match - identifier for object. * @return On success returns the object having objectpath and servicename. */ //TODO There may be cases where an interface is implemented by multiple // objects,to handle such cases we are interested on that object // which are on interested busname. // Currently mapper doesn't give the readable busname(gives busid) so we can't // use busname to find the object,will do later once the support is there. ipmi::DbusObjectInfo getDbusObject(const std::string& interface, const std::string& serviceRoot = SETTINGS_ROOT, const std::string& match = "") { std::vectorinterfaces; interfaces.emplace_back(interface); auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto depth = 0; auto mapperCall = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUS_NAME, MAPPER_OBJ, MAPPER_INTF, "GetSubTree"); mapperCall.append(serviceRoot); mapperCall.append(depth); mapperCall.append(interfaces); auto mapperReply = bus.call(mapperCall); if (mapperReply.is_method_error()) { log("Error in mapper call"); elog(); } ipmi::ObjectTree objectTree; mapperReply.read(objectTree); if (objectTree.empty()) { log("No Object have impelmented the interface", entry("INTERFACE=%s", interface.c_str())); elog(); } ipmi::DbusObjectInfo objectInfo; // if match is empty then return the first object if(match == "") { objectInfo = make_pair(objectTree.begin()->first, objectTree.begin()->second.begin()->first); return objectInfo; } // else search the match string in the object path auto objectFound = false; for (auto& object : objectTree) { if(object.first.find(match)!= std::string::npos) { objectFound = true; objectInfo = make_pair(object.first, object.second.begin()->first); break; } } if(!objectFound) { log("Failed to find object which matches", entry("MATCH=%s",match.c_str())); elog(); } return objectInfo; } /** @brief Gets the value associated with the given object * and the interface. * @param[in] service - Dbus service name. * @param[in] objPath - Dbus object path. * @param[in] interface - Dbus interface. * @param[in] property - name of the property. * @return On success returns the value of the property. */ std::string getDbusProperty(const std::string& service, const std::string& objPath, const std::string& interface, const std::string& property) { sdbusplus::message::variant name; auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto method = bus.new_method_call( service.c_str(), objPath.c_str(), PROP_INTF, METHOD_GET); method.append(interface, property); auto reply = bus.call(method); if (reply.is_method_error()) { log("Failed to get property", entry("PROPERTY=%s", property.c_str()), entry("PATH=%s", objPath.c_str()), entry("INTERFACE=%s", interface.c_str())); elog(); } reply.read(name); return name.get(); } /** @brief Gets all the properties associated with the given object * and the interface. * @param[in] service - Dbus service name. * @param[in] objPath - Dbus object path. * @param[in] interface - Dbus interface. * @return On success returns the map of name value pair. */ ipmi::PropertyMap getAllDbusProperties(const std::string& service, const std::string& objPath, const std::string& interface) { ipmi::PropertyMap properties; auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto method = bus.new_method_call( service.c_str(), objPath.c_str(), PROP_INTF, METHOD_GET_ALL); method.append(interface); auto reply = bus.call(method); if (reply.is_method_error()) { log("Failed to get all properties", entry("PATH=%s", objPath.c_str()), entry("INTERFACE=%s", interface.c_str())); elog(); } reply.read(properties); return properties; } /** @brief Sets the property value of the given object. * @param[in] service - Dbus service name. * @param[in] objPath - Dbus object path. * @param[in] interface - Dbus interface. * @param[in] property - name of the property. * @param[in] value - value which needs to be set. */ void setDbusProperty(const std::string& service, const std::string& objPath, const std::string& interface, const std::string& property, const ipmi::Value& value) { auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto method = bus.new_method_call( service.c_str(), objPath.c_str(), PROP_INTF, METHOD_SET); method.append(interface); method.append(property, value); if (!bus.call(method)) { log("Failed to set property", entry("PROPERTY=%s", property.c_str()), entry("PATH=%s",objPath.c_str()), entry("INTERFACE=%s",interface.c_str())); elog(); } } //TODO : Can remove the below function as we have // new functions which uses sdbusplus. // // openbmc/openbmc#1489 int dbus_get_property(const char *name, char **buf) { sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; sd_bus_message *m = NULL; sd_bus *bus = NULL; char *temp_buf = NULL; char *connection = NULL; int r; // Get the system bus where most system services are provided. bus = ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection(); r = mapper_get_service(bus, settings_object_name, &connection); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s connection: %s\n", settings_object_name, strerror(-r)); goto finish; } /* * Bus, service, object path, interface and method are provided to call * the method. * Signatures and input arguments are provided by the arguments at the * end. */ r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, connection, /* service to contact */ settings_object_name, /* object path */ settings_intf_name, /* interface name */ "Get", /* method name */ &error, /* object to return error in */ &m, /* return message on success */ "ss", /* input signature */ host_intf_name, /* first argument */ name); /* second argument */ if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to issue method call: %s\n", error.message); goto finish; } /* * The output should be parsed exactly the same as the output formatting * specified. */ r = sd_bus_message_read(m, "v", "s", &temp_buf); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse response message: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } *buf = strdup(temp_buf); /* *buf = (char*) malloc(strlen(temp_buf)); if (*buf) { strcpy(*buf, temp_buf); } */ printf("IPMID boot option property get: {%s}.\n", (char *) temp_buf); finish: sd_bus_error_free(&error); sd_bus_message_unref(m); free(connection); return r; } //TODO : Can remove the below function as we have // new functions which uses sdbusplus. // // openbmc/openbmc#1489 int dbus_set_property(const char * name, const char *value) { sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; sd_bus_message *m = NULL; sd_bus *bus = NULL; char *connection = NULL; int r; // Get the system bus where most system services are provided. bus = ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection(); r = mapper_get_service(bus, settings_object_name, &connection); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s connection: %s\n", settings_object_name, strerror(-r)); goto finish; } /* * Bus, service, object path, interface and method are provided to call * the method. * Signatures and input arguments are provided by the arguments at the * end. */ r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, connection, /* service to contact */ settings_object_name, /* object path */ settings_intf_name, /* interface name */ "Set", /* method name */ &error, /* object to return error in */ &m, /* return message on success */ "ssv", /* input signature */ host_intf_name, /* first argument */ name, /* second argument */ "s", /* third argument */ value); /* fourth argument */ if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to issue method call: %s\n", error.message); goto finish; } printf("IPMID boot option property set: {%s}.\n", value); finish: sd_bus_error_free(&error); sd_bus_message_unref(m); free(connection); return r; } struct get_sys_boot_options_t { uint8_t parameter; uint8_t set; uint8_t block; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct get_sys_boot_options_response_t { uint8_t version; uint8_t parm; uint8_t data[SIZE_BOOT_OPTION]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct set_sys_boot_options_t { uint8_t parameter; uint8_t data[SIZE_BOOT_OPTION]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); int getHostNetworkData(get_sys_boot_options_response_t* respptr) { ipmi::PropertyMap properties; int rc = 0; try { //TODO There may be cases where an interface is implemented by multiple // objects,to handle such cases we are interested on that object // which are on interested busname. // Currenlty mapper doesn't give the readable busname(gives busid) // so we can't match with bus name so giving some object specific info // as SETTINGS_MATCH. // Later SETTINGS_MATCH will be replaced with busname. auto ipObjectInfo = getDbusObject(IP_INTERFACE, SETTINGS_ROOT, SETTINGS_MATCH); auto macObjectInfo = getDbusObject(MAC_INTERFACE, SETTINGS_ROOT, SETTINGS_MATCH); properties = getAllDbusProperties(ipObjectInfo.second, ipObjectInfo.first, IP_INTERFACE); auto MACAddress = getDbusProperty(macObjectInfo.second, macObjectInfo.first, MAC_INTERFACE, "MACAddress"); sscanf(MACAddress.c_str(), MAC_ADDRESS_FORMAT, (respptr->data + MAC_OFFSET), (respptr->data + MAC_OFFSET + 1), (respptr->data + MAC_OFFSET + 2), (respptr->data + MAC_OFFSET + 3), (respptr->data + MAC_OFFSET + 4), (respptr->data + MAC_OFFSET + 5)); respptr->data[MAC_OFFSET + 6] = 0x00; uint8_t addrType = (properties["Origin"].get() == "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.Static") ? 1 : 0; memcpy(respptr->data + ADDRTYPE_OFFSET, &addrType, sizeof(addrType)); // ipaddress and gateway would be in IPv4 format inet_pton(AF_INET, properties["Address"].get().c_str(), (respptr->data + IPADDR_OFFSET)); uint8_t prefix = properties["PrefixLength"].get(); memcpy(respptr->data + PREFIX_OFFSET, &prefix, sizeof(prefix)); inet_pton(AF_INET, properties["Gateway"].get().c_str(), (respptr->data + GATEWAY_OFFSET)); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { commit(); memset(respptr->data, 0, SIZE_BOOT_OPTION); rc = -1; return rc; } //PetiBoot-Specific //If sucess then copy the first 9 bytes to the data //else set the respptr to 0 memcpy(respptr->data, net_conf_initial_bytes, sizeof(net_conf_initial_bytes)); #ifdef _IPMI_DEBUG_ printf("\n===Printing the IPMI Formatted Data========\n"); for (uint8_t pos = 0; pos < index; pos++) { printf("%02x ", respptr->data[pos]); } #endif return rc; } int setHostNetworkData(set_sys_boot_options_t* reqptr) { using namespace std::string_literals; std::string host_network_config; char mac[SIZE_MAC] = {0}; char ipAddress[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = {0}; char gateway[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] = {0}; char dhcp {0}; std::string addressOrigin = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.Static"; uint8_t prefix {0}; uint32_t zeroCookie = 0; //cookie starts from second byte // version starts from sixth byte try { do { // cookie == 0x21 0x70 0x62 0x21 if (memcmp(&(reqptr->data[COOKIE_OFFSET]), (net_conf_initial_bytes + COOKIE_OFFSET), SIZE_COOKIE) != 0) { //cookie == 0 if (memcmp(&(reqptr->data[COOKIE_OFFSET]), &zeroCookie, SIZE_COOKIE) == 0) { // need to zero out the network settings. break; } log("Invalid Cookie"); elog(); } // vesion == 0x00 0x01 if (memcmp(&(reqptr->data[VERSION_OFFSET]), (net_conf_initial_bytes + VERSION_OFFSET), SIZE_VERSION) != 0) { log("Invalid Version"); elog(); } snprintf(mac, SIZE_MAC, MAC_ADDRESS_FORMAT, reqptr->data[MAC_OFFSET], reqptr->data[MAC_OFFSET + 1], reqptr->data[MAC_OFFSET + 2], reqptr->data[MAC_OFFSET + 3], reqptr->data[MAC_OFFSET + 4], reqptr->data[MAC_OFFSET + 5]); memcpy(&dhcp, &(reqptr->data[ADDRTYPE_OFFSET]), sizeof(decltype(dhcp))); if (dhcp) { addressOrigin = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.DHCP"; } snprintf(ipAddress, INET_ADDRSTRLEN, IP_ADDRESS_FORMAT, reqptr->data[IPADDR_OFFSET], reqptr->data[IPADDR_OFFSET + 1], reqptr->data[IPADDR_OFFSET + 2], reqptr->data[IPADDR_OFFSET + 3]); memcpy(&prefix, &(reqptr->data[PREFIX_OFFSET]), sizeof(decltype(prefix))); snprintf(gateway, INET_ADDRSTRLEN, IP_ADDRESS_FORMAT, reqptr->data[GATEWAY_OFFSET], reqptr->data[GATEWAY_OFFSET + 1], reqptr->data[GATEWAY_OFFSET + 2], reqptr->data[GATEWAY_OFFSET + 3]); } while(0); //Cookie == 0 or it is a valid cookie host_network_config += "ipaddress="s + ipAddress + ",prefix="s + std::to_string(prefix) + ",gateway="s + gateway + ",mac="s + mac + ",addressOrigin="s + addressOrigin; log("Network configuration changed", entry("NETWORKCONFIG=%s", host_network_config.c_str())); auto ipObjectInfo = getDbusObject(IP_INTERFACE, SETTINGS_ROOT, SETTINGS_MATCH); auto macObjectInfo = getDbusObject(MAC_INTERFACE, SETTINGS_ROOT, SETTINGS_MATCH); // set the dbus property setDbusProperty(ipObjectInfo.second, ipObjectInfo.first, IP_INTERFACE, "Address", std::string(ipAddress)); setDbusProperty(ipObjectInfo.second, ipObjectInfo.first, IP_INTERFACE, "PrefixLength", prefix); setDbusProperty(ipObjectInfo.second, ipObjectInfo.first, IP_INTERFACE, "Origin", addressOrigin); setDbusProperty(ipObjectInfo.second, ipObjectInfo.first, IP_INTERFACE, "Gateway", std::string(gateway)); setDbusProperty(ipObjectInfo.second, ipObjectInfo.first, IP_INTERFACE, "Type", std::string("xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4")); setDbusProperty(macObjectInfo.second, macObjectInfo.first, MAC_INTERFACE,"MACAddress", std::string(mac)); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { commit(); return -1; } return 0; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_chassis_wildcard(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { printf("Handling CHASSIS WILDCARD Netfn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",netfn, cmd); // Status code. ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_INVALID; *data_len = 0; return rc; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_get_chassis_cap(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { // sd_bus error ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; ipmi_chassis_cap_t chassis_cap{}; *data_len = sizeof(ipmi_chassis_cap_t); // TODO: need future work. Get those flag from MRW. // capabilities flags // [7..4] - reserved // [3] – 1b = provides power interlock (IPM 1.5) // [2] – 1b = provides Diagnostic Interrupt (FP NMI) // [1] – 1b = provides “Front Panel Lockout” (indicates that the chassis has capabilities // to lock out external power control and reset button or front panel interfaces // and/or detect tampering with those interfaces). // [0] -1b = Chassis provides intrusion (physical security) sensor. // set to default value 0x0. chassis_cap.cap_flags = 0x0; // Since we do not have a separate SDR Device/SEL Device/ FRU repository. // The 20h was given as those 5 device addresses. // Chassis FRU info Device Address chassis_cap.fru_info_dev_addr = 0x20; // Chassis SDR Device Address chassis_cap.sdr_dev_addr = 0x20; // Chassis SEL Device Address chassis_cap.sel_dev_addr = 0x20; // Chassis System Management Device Address chassis_cap.system_management_dev_addr = 0x20; // Chassis Bridge Device Address. chassis_cap.bridge_dev_addr = 0x20; memcpy(response, &chassis_cap, *data_len); return rc; } //------------------------------------------ // Calls into Host State Manager Dbus object //------------------------------------------ int initiate_state_transition(State::Host::Transition transition) { // OpenBMC Host State Manager dbus framework constexpr auto HOST_STATE_MANAGER_ROOT = "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0"; constexpr auto HOST_STATE_MANAGER_IFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host"; constexpr auto DBUS_PROPERTY_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; constexpr auto PROPERTY = "RequestedHostTransition"; // sd_bus error int rc = 0; char *busname = NULL; // SD Bus error report mechanism. sd_bus_error bus_error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; // Gets a hook onto either a SYSTEM or SESSION bus sd_bus *bus_type = ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection(); rc = mapper_get_service(bus_type, HOST_STATE_MANAGER_ROOT, &busname); if (rc < 0) { log("Failed to get bus name", entry("ERROR=%s, OBJPATH=%s", strerror(-rc), HOST_STATE_MANAGER_ROOT)); return rc; } // Convert to string equivalent of the passed in transition enum. auto request = State::convertForMessage(transition); rc = sd_bus_call_method(bus_type, // On the system bus busname, // Service to contact HOST_STATE_MANAGER_ROOT, // Object path DBUS_PROPERTY_IFACE, // Interface name "Set", // Method to be called &bus_error, // object to return error nullptr, // Response buffer if any "ssv", // Takes 3 arguments HOST_STATE_MANAGER_IFACE, PROPERTY, "s", request.c_str()); if(rc < 0) { log("Failed to initiate transition", entry("ERROR=%s, REQUEST=%s", bus_error.message, request.c_str())); } else { log("Transition request initiated successfully"); } sd_bus_error_free(&bus_error); free(busname); return rc; } struct hostPowerPolicyTypeMap_t { uint8_t policyNum; char policyName[19]; }; hostPowerPolicyTypeMap_t g_hostPowerPolicyTypeMap_t[] = { {0x00, "LEAVE_OFF"}, {0x01, "RESTORE_LAST_STATE"}, {0x02, "ALWAYS_POWER_ON"}, {0x03, "UNKNOWN"} }; uint8_t get_host_power_policy(char *p) { hostPowerPolicyTypeMap_t *s = g_hostPowerPolicyTypeMap_t; while (s->policyNum != 0x03) { if (!strcmp(s->policyName,p)) break; s++; } return s->policyNum; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get Chassis Status commands //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ipmi_ret_t ipmi_get_chassis_status(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { const char *objname = "/org/openbmc/control/power0"; const char *intf = "org.openbmc.control.Power"; sd_bus *bus = NULL; sd_bus_message *reply = NULL; int r = 0; int pgood = 0; char *busname = NULL; ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; ipmi_get_chassis_status_t chassis_status{}; char *p = NULL; uint8_t s = 0; // Get the system bus where most system services are provided. bus = ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection(); *data_len = 4; r = mapper_get_service(bus, objname, &busname); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get bus name, return value: %s.\n", strerror(-r)); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; goto finish; } r = sd_bus_get_property(bus, busname, objname, intf, "pgood", NULL, &reply, "i"); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to call sd_bus_get_property:%d, %s\n", r, strerror(-r)); fprintf(stderr, "Bus: %s, Path: %s, Interface: %s\n", busname, objname, intf); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; goto finish; } r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "i", &pgood); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read sensor: %s\n", strerror(-r)); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; goto finish; } printf("pgood is 0x%02x\n", pgood); // Get Power Policy r = dbus_get_property("power_policy",&p); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dbus get property(power_policy) failed for get_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } else { s = get_host_power_policy(p); } if (p) { free(p); p = NULL; } // Current Power State // [7] reserved // [6..5] power restore policy // 00b = chassis stays powered off after AC/mains returns // 01b = after AC returns, power is restored to the state that was // in effect when AC/mains was lost. // 10b = chassis always powers up after AC/mains returns // 11b = unknow // Set to 00b, by observing the hardware behavior. // Do we need to define a dbus property to identify the restore policy? // [4] power control fault // 1b = controller attempted to turn system power on or off, but // system did not enter desired state. // Set to 0b, since We don't support it.. // [3] power fault // 1b = fault detected in main power subsystem. // set to 0b. for we don't support it. // [2] 1b = interlock (chassis is presently shut down because a chassis // panel interlock switch is active). (IPMI 1.5) // set to 0b, for we don't support it. // [1] power overload // 1b = system shutdown because of power overload condition. // set to 0b, for we don't support it. // [0] power is on // 1b = system power is on // 0b = system power is off(soft-off S4/S5, or mechanical off) chassis_status.cur_power_state = ((s & 0x3)<<5) | (pgood & 0x1); // Last Power Event // [7..5] – reserved // [4] – 1b = last ‘Power is on’ state was entered via IPMI command // [3] – 1b = last power down caused by power fault // [2] – 1b = last power down caused by a power interlock being activated // [1] – 1b = last power down caused by a Power overload // [0] – 1b = AC failed // set to 0x0, for we don't support these fields. chassis_status.last_power_event = 0; // Misc. Chassis State // [7] – reserved // [6] – 1b = Chassis Identify command and state info supported (Optional) // 0b = Chassis Identify command support unspecified via this command. // (The Get Command Support command , if implemented, would still // indicate support for the Chassis Identify command) // [5..4] – Chassis Identify State. Mandatory when bit[6] =1b, reserved (return // as 00b) otherwise. Returns the present chassis identify state. // Refer to the Chassis Identify command for more info. // 00b = chassis identify state = Off // 01b = chassis identify state = Temporary(timed) On // 10b = chassis identify state = Indefinite On // 11b = reserved // [3] – 1b = Cooling/fan fault detected // [2] – 1b = Drive Fault // [1] – 1b = Front Panel Lockout active (power off and reset via chassis // push-buttons disabled.) // [0] – 1b = Chassis Intrusion active // set to 0, for we don't support them. chassis_status.misc_power_state = 0; // Front Panel Button Capabilities and disable/enable status(Optional) // set to 0, for we don't support them. chassis_status.front_panel_button_cap_status = 0; // Pack the actual response memcpy(response, &chassis_status, *data_len); finish: free(busname); reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply); return rc; } //------------------------------------------------------------- // Send a command to SoftPowerOff application to stop any timer //------------------------------------------------------------- int stop_soft_off_timer() { constexpr auto iface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; constexpr auto soft_off_iface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.Internal." "SoftPowerOff"; constexpr auto property = "ResponseReceived"; constexpr auto value = "xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.Internal." "SoftPowerOff.HostResponse.HostShutdown"; // Get the system bus where most system services are provided. auto bus = ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection(); // Get the service name // TODO openbmc/openbmc#1661 - Mapper refactor // // See openbmc/openbmc#1743 for some details but high level summary is that // for now the code will directly call the soft off interface due to a // race condition with mapper usage // //char *busname = nullptr; //auto r = mapper_get_service(bus, SOFTOFF_OBJPATH, &busname); //if (r < 0) //{ // fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s bus name: %s\n", // SOFTOFF_OBJPATH, strerror(-r)); // return r; //} // No error object or reply expected. int rc = sd_bus_call_method(bus, SOFTOFF_BUSNAME, SOFTOFF_OBJPATH, iface, "Set", nullptr, nullptr, "ssv", soft_off_iface, property, "s", value); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set property in SoftPowerOff object: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); } //TODO openbmc/openbmc#1661 - Mapper refactor //free(busname); return rc; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create file to indicate there is no need for softoff notification to host //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void indicate_no_softoff_needed() { fs::path path{HOST_INBAND_REQUEST_DIR}; if (!fs::is_directory(path)) { fs::create_directory(path); } // Add the host instance (default 0 for now) to the file name std::string file{HOST_INBAND_REQUEST_FILE}; auto size = std::snprintf(nullptr,0,file.c_str(),0); size++; // null std::unique_ptr buf(new char[size]); std::snprintf(buf.get(),size,file.c_str(),0); // Append file name to directory and create it path /= buf.get(); std::ofstream(path.c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chassis Control commands //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ipmi_ret_t ipmi_chassis_control(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { // Error from power off. int rc = 0; // No response for this command. *data_len = 0; // Catch the actual operaton by peeking into request buffer uint8_t chassis_ctrl_cmd = *(uint8_t *)request; printf("Chassis Control Command: Operation:[0x%X]\n",chassis_ctrl_cmd); switch(chassis_ctrl_cmd) { case CMD_POWER_ON: rc = initiate_state_transition(State::Host::Transition::On); break; case CMD_POWER_OFF: // Need to Nudge SoftPowerOff application that it needs to stop the // watchdog timer if running. rc = stop_soft_off_timer(); // Only request the Off transition if the soft power off // application is not running if (rc < 0) { log("Did not find soft off service so request " "Host:Transition:Off"); // First create a file to indicate to the soft off application // that it should not run since this is a direct user initiated // power off request (i.e. a power off request that is not // originating via a soft power off SMS request) indicate_no_softoff_needed(); // Now request the shutdown rc = initiate_state_transition(State::Host::Transition::Off); } else { log("Soft off is running, so let that stop " "the host"); } break; case CMD_HARD_RESET: case CMD_POWER_CYCLE: // SPEC has a section that says certain implementations can trigger // PowerOn if power is Off when a command to power cycle is // requested // First create a file to indicate to the soft off application // that it should not run since this is a direct user initiated // power reboot request (i.e. a reboot request that is not // originating via a soft power off SMS request) indicate_no_softoff_needed(); rc = initiate_state_transition(State::Host::Transition::Reboot); break; default: { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Chassis Control command:[0x%X] received\n",chassis_ctrl_cmd); rc = -1; } } return ( (rc < 0) ? IPMI_CC_INVALID : IPMI_CC_OK); } struct bootOptionTypeMap_t { uint8_t ipmibootflag; char dbusname[8]; }; #define INVALID_STRING "Invalid" // dbus supports this list of boot devices. bootOptionTypeMap_t g_bootOptionTypeMap_t[] = { {0x01, "Network"}, {0x02, "Disk"}, {0x03, "Safe"}, {0x05, "CDROM"}, {0x06, "Setup"}, {0x00, "Default"}, {0xFF, INVALID_STRING} }; uint8_t get_ipmi_boot_option(char *p) { bootOptionTypeMap_t *s = g_bootOptionTypeMap_t; while (s->ipmibootflag != 0xFF) { if (!strcmp(s->dbusname,p)) break; s++; } if (!s->ipmibootflag) printf("Failed to find Sensor Type %s\n", p); return s->ipmibootflag; } char* get_boot_option_by_ipmi(uint8_t p) { bootOptionTypeMap_t *s = g_bootOptionTypeMap_t; while (s->ipmibootflag != 0xFF) { if (s->ipmibootflag == p) break; s++; } if (!s->ipmibootflag) printf("Failed to find Sensor Type 0x%x\n", p); return s->dbusname; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_chassis_get_sys_boot_options(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; char *p = NULL; get_sys_boot_options_response_t *resp = (get_sys_boot_options_response_t *) response; get_sys_boot_options_t *reqptr = (get_sys_boot_options_t*) request; uint8_t s; printf("IPMI GET_SYS_BOOT_OPTIONS\n"); memset(resp,0,sizeof(*resp)); resp->version = SET_PARM_VERSION; resp->parm = 5; resp->data[0] = SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_VALID_ONE_TIME; /* * Parameter #5 means boot flags. Please refer to 28.13 of ipmi doc. * This is the only parameter used by petitboot. */ if ( reqptr->parameter == static_cast ( BootOptionParameter::BOOT_FLAGS )) { *data_len = static_cast(BootOptionResponseSize::BOOT_FLAGS); /* Get the boot device */ int r = dbus_get_property("boot_flags",&p); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dbus get property(boot_flags) failed for get_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } else { s = get_ipmi_boot_option(p); resp->data[1] = (s << 2); rc = IPMI_CC_OK; } if (p) { free(p); p = NULL; } /* Get the boot policy */ r = dbus_get_property("boot_policy",&p); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dbus get property(boot_policy) failed for get_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } else { printf("BootPolicy is [%s]\n", p); resp->data[0] = (strncmp(p,"ONETIME",strlen("ONETIME"))==0) ? SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_VALID_ONE_TIME: SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_VALID_PERMANENT; rc = IPMI_CC_OK; } } else if ( reqptr->parameter == static_cast ( BootOptionParameter::OPAL_NETWORK_SETTINGS )) { *data_len = static_cast(BootOptionResponseSize::OPAL_NETWORK_SETTINGS); resp->parm = static_cast(BootOptionParameter::OPAL_NETWORK_SETTINGS); int ret = getHostNetworkData(resp); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getHostNetworkData failed for get_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; }else rc = IPMI_CC_OK; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported parameter 0x%x\n", reqptr->parameter); } if (p) free(p); if (rc == IPMI_CC_OK) { *data_len += 2; } return rc; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_chassis_set_sys_boot_options(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; char *s; set_sys_boot_options_t *reqptr = (set_sys_boot_options_t *) request; printf("IPMI SET_SYS_BOOT_OPTIONS reqptr->parameter =[%d]\n",reqptr->parameter); // This IPMI command does not have any resposne data *data_len = 0; /* 000101 * Parameter #5 means boot flags. Please refer to 28.13 of ipmi doc. * This is the only parameter used by petitboot. */ if (reqptr->parameter == (uint8_t)BootOptionParameter::BOOT_FLAGS) { s = get_boot_option_by_ipmi(((reqptr->data[1] & 0x3C) >> 2)); printf("%d: %s\n", __LINE__, s); if (!strcmp(s,INVALID_STRING)) { rc = IPMI_CC_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { int r = dbus_set_property("boot_flags",s); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dbus set property(boot_flags) failed for set_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } } /* setting the boot policy */ s = (char *)(((reqptr->data[0] & SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_PERMANENT) == SET_PARM_BOOT_FLAGS_PERMANENT) ?"PERMANENT":"ONETIME"); printf ( "\nBoot Policy is %s",s); int r = dbus_set_property("boot_policy",s); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dbus set property(boot_policy) failed for set_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } } else if (reqptr->parameter == (uint8_t)BootOptionParameter::OPAL_NETWORK_SETTINGS) { int ret = setHostNetworkData(reqptr); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "setHostNetworkData failed for set_sys_boot_options.\n"); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported parameter 0x%x\n", reqptr->parameter); rc = IPMI_CC_PARM_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return rc; } void register_netfn_chassis_functions() { // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_WILDCARD); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_WILDCARD, NULL, ipmi_chassis_wildcard, PRIVILEGE_USER); // Get Chassis Capabilities printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_GET_CHASSIS_CAP); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_GET_CHASSIS_CAP, NULL, ipmi_get_chassis_cap, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_GET_SYS_BOOT_OPTIONS); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_GET_SYS_BOOT_OPTIONS, NULL, ipmi_chassis_get_sys_boot_options, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_CHASSIS_STATUS); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_CHASSIS_STATUS, NULL, ipmi_get_chassis_status, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_CHASSIS_CONTROL); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_CHASSIS_CONTROL, NULL, ipmi_chassis_control, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n", NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_SET_SYS_BOOT_OPTIONS); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_CHASSIS, IPMI_CMD_SET_SYS_BOOT_OPTIONS, NULL, ipmi_chassis_set_sys_boot_options, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); }