#include "apphandler.h" #include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h" #include "ipmid.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "transporthandler.hpp" #include #include #include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp" extern sd_bus *bus; constexpr auto app_obj = "/org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface"; constexpr auto app_ifc = "org.openbmc.NetworkManager"; constexpr auto app_nwinterface = "eth0"; constexpr auto ipv4Protocol = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4"; void register_netfn_app_functions() __attribute__((constructor)); using namespace phosphor::logging; using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error; namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; // Offset in get device id command. typedef struct { uint8_t id; uint8_t revision; uint8_t fw[2]; uint8_t ipmi_ver; uint8_t addn_dev_support; uint8_t manuf_id[3]; uint8_t prod_id[2]; uint8_t aux[4]; }__attribute__((packed)) ipmi_device_id_t; ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_set_acpi_power_state(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; *data_len = 0; printf("IPMI SET ACPI STATE Ignoring for now\n"); return rc; } typedef struct { char major; char minor; uint16_t d[2]; } rev_t; /* Currently only supports the vx.x-x-[-x] format Will return -1 if not in */ /* the format this routine knows how to parse */ /* version = v0.6-19-gf363f61-dirty */ /* ^ ^ ^^ ^ */ /* | | |----------|-- additional details */ /* | |---------------- Minor */ /* |------------------ Major */ /* Additional details : If the option group exists it will force Auxiliary */ /* Firmware Revision Information 4th byte to 1 indicating the build was */ /* derived with additional edits */ int convert_version(const char *p, rev_t *rev) { char *s, *token; uint16_t commits; if (*p != 'v') return -1; p++; s = strdup(p); token = strtok(s,".-"); rev->major = (int8_t) atoi(token); token = strtok(NULL, ".-"); rev->minor = (int8_t) atoi(token); // Capture the number of commits on top of the minor tag. // I'm using BE format like the ipmi spec asked for token = strtok(NULL,".-"); if (token) { commits = (int16_t) atoi(token); rev->d[0] = (commits>>8) | (commits<<8); // commit number we skip token = strtok(NULL,".-"); } else { rev->d[0] = 0; } // Any value of the optional parameter forces it to 1 if (token) token = strtok(NULL,".-"); rev->d[1] = (token != NULL) ? 1 : 0; free(s); return 0; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_get_device_id(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; const char *objname = "/org/openbmc/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/bmc"; const char *iface = "org.openbmc.InventoryItem"; char *ver = NULL; char *busname = NULL; int r; rev_t rev = {0}; ipmi_device_id_t dev_id{}; // Data length *data_len = sizeof(dev_id); // From IPMI spec, controller that have different application commands, or different // definitions of OEM fields, are expected to have different Device ID values. // Set to 0 now. // Device Revision is set to 0 now. // Bit7 identifies if device provide Device SDRs, obmc don't have SDR,we use ipmi to // simulate SDR, hence the value: dev_id.revision = 0x80; // Firmware revision is already implemented, so get it from appropriate position. r = mapper_get_service(bus, objname, &busname); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s bus name: %s\n", objname, strerror(-r)); goto finish; } r = sd_bus_get_property_string(bus,busname,objname,iface,"version", NULL, &ver); if ( r < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to obtain version property: %s\n", strerror(-r)); } else { r = convert_version(ver, &rev); if( r >= 0 ) { // bit7 identifies if the device is available, 0=normal operation, // 1=device firmware, SDR update or self-initialization in progress. // our SDR is normal working condition, so mask: dev_id.fw[0] = 0x7F & rev.major; rev.minor = (rev.minor > 99 ? 99 : rev.minor); dev_id.fw[1] = rev.minor % 10 + (rev.minor / 10) * 16; memcpy(&dev_id.aux, rev.d, 4); } } // IPMI Spec verison 2.0 dev_id.ipmi_ver = 2; // Additional device Support. // List the 'logical device' commands and functions that the controller supports // that are in addition to the mandatory IPM and Application commands. // [7] Chassis Device (device functions as chassis device per ICMB spec.) // [6] Bridge (device responds to Bridge NetFn commands) // [5] IPMB Event Generator // [4] IPMB Event Receiver // [3] FRU Inventory Device // [2] SEL Device // [1] SDR Repository Device // [0] Sensor Device // We support FRU/SEL/Sensor now: dev_id.addn_dev_support = 0x8D; // This value is the IANA number assigned to "IBM Platform Firmware // Division", which is also used by our service processor. We may want // a different number or at least a different version? dev_id.manuf_id[0] = 0x41; dev_id.manuf_id[1] = 0xA7; dev_id.manuf_id[2] = 0x00; // Witherspoon's product ID is hardcoded to 4F42(ASCII 'OB'). // TODO: openbmc/openbmc#495 dev_id.prod_id[0] = 0x4F; dev_id.prod_id[1] = 0x42; // Pack the actual response memcpy(response, &dev_id, *data_len); finish: free(busname); free(ver); return rc; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_get_self_test_results(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; // Byte 2: // 55h - No error. // 56h - Self Test funciton not implemented in this controller. // 57h - Corrupted or inaccesssible data or devices. // 58h - Fatal hardware error. // FFh - reserved. // all other: Device-specific 'internal failure'. // Byte 3: // For byte 2 = 55h, 56h, FFh: 00h // For byte 2 = 58h, all other: Device-specific // For byte 2 = 57h: self-test error bitfield. // Note: returning 57h does not imply that all test were run. // [7] 1b = Cannot access SEL device. // [6] 1b = Cannot access SDR Repository. // [5] 1b = Cannot access BMC FRU device. // [4] 1b = IPMB signal lines do not respond. // [3] 1b = SDR Repository empty. // [2] 1b = Internal Use Area of BMC FRU corrupted. // [1] 1b = controller update 'boot block' firmware corrupted. // [0] 1b = controller operational firmware corrupted. char selftestresults[2] = {0}; *data_len = 2; selftestresults[0] = 0x56; selftestresults[1] = 0; memcpy(response, selftestresults, *data_len); return rc; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_get_device_guid(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { const char *objname = "/org/openbmc/control/chassis0"; const char *iface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; const char *chassis_iface = "org.openbmc.control.Chassis"; sd_bus_message *reply = NULL; sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; int r = 0; char *uuid = NULL; char *busname = NULL; // UUID is in RFC4122 format. Ex: 61a39523-78f2-11e5-9862-e6402cfc3223 // Per IPMI Spec 2.0 need to convert to 16 hex bytes and reverse the byte order // Ex: 0x2332fc2c40e66298e511f2782395a361 const int resp_size = 16; // Response is 16 hex bytes per IPMI Spec uint8_t resp_uuid[resp_size]; // Array to hold the formatted response int resp_loc = resp_size-1; // Point resp end of array to save in reverse order int i = 0; char *tokptr = NULL; char *id_octet = NULL; // Status code. ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; *data_len = 0; printf("IPMI GET DEVICE GUID\n"); // Call Get properties method with the interface and property name r = mapper_get_service(bus, objname, &busname); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s bus name: %s\n", objname, strerror(-r)); goto finish; } r = sd_bus_call_method(bus,busname,objname,iface, "Get",&error, &reply, "ss", chassis_iface, "uuid"); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to call Get Method: %s\n", strerror(-r)); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; goto finish; } r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "v", "s", &uuid); if (r < 0 || uuid == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get a response: %s", strerror(-r)); rc = IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; goto finish; } // Traverse the UUID id_octet = strtok_r(uuid, "-", &tokptr); // Get the UUID octects separated by dash if (id_octet == NULL) { // Error fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected UUID format: %s", uuid); rc = IPMI_CC_RESPONSE_ERROR; goto finish; } while (id_octet != NULL) { // Calculate the octet string size since it varies // Divide it by 2 for the array size since 1 byte is built from 2 chars int tmp_size = strlen(id_octet)/2; for(i = 0; i < tmp_size; i++) { char tmp_array[3] = {0}; // Holder of the 2 chars that will become a byte strncpy(tmp_array, id_octet, 2); // 2 chars at a time int resp_byte = strtoul(tmp_array, NULL, 16); // Convert to hex byte memcpy((void*)&resp_uuid[resp_loc], &resp_byte, 1); // Copy end to first resp_loc--; id_octet+=2; // Finished with the 2 chars, advance } id_octet=strtok_r(NULL, "-", &tokptr); // Get next octet } // Data length *data_len = resp_size; // Pack the actual response memcpy(response, &resp_uuid, *data_len); finish: sd_bus_error_free(&error); reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply); free(busname); return rc; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_get_bt_capabilities(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { printf("Handling Netfn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",netfn,cmd); // Status code. ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; // Per IPMI 2.0 spec, the input and output buffer size must be the max // buffer size minus one byte to allocate space for the length byte. uint8_t str[] = {0x01, MAX_IPMI_BUFFER-1, MAX_IPMI_BUFFER-1, 0x0A, 0x01}; // Data length *data_len = sizeof(str); // Pack the actual response memcpy(response, &str, *data_len); return rc; } struct set_wd_data_t { uint8_t t_use; uint8_t t_action; uint8_t preset; uint8_t flags; uint8_t ls; uint8_t ms; } __attribute__ ((packed)); ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_set_watchdog(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { const char *objname = "/xyz/openbmc_project/watchdog/host0"; const char *iface = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Watchdog"; const char *property_iface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; sd_bus_message *reply = NULL; sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; int r = 0; set_wd_data_t *reqptr = (set_wd_data_t*) request; uint16_t timer = 0; // Making this uint64_t to match with provider uint64_t timer_ms = 0; char *busname = NULL; *data_len = 0; // Get number of 100ms intervals timer = (((uint16_t)reqptr->ms) << 8) + reqptr->ls; // Get timer value in ms timer_ms = timer * 100; printf("WATCHDOG SET Timer:[0x%X] 100ms intervals\n",timer); // Get bus name r = mapper_get_service(bus, objname, &busname); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s bus name: %s\n", objname, strerror(-r)); goto finish; } // Disable watchdog if running r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, busname, objname, property_iface, "Set", &error, &reply, "ssv", iface, "Enabled", "b", false); if(r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to disable Watchdog: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } /* * If the action is 0, it means, do nothing. Multiple actions on timer * expiration aren't supported by phosphor-watchdog yet, so when the * action set is "none", we should just leave the timer disabled. */ if (0 == reqptr->t_action) { goto finish; } if (reqptr->t_use & 0x40) { sd_bus_error_free(&error); reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply); // Set the Interval for the Watchdog r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, busname, objname, property_iface, "Set", &error, &reply, "ssv", iface, "Interval", "t", timer_ms); if(r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set new expiration time: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } // Now Enable Watchdog r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, busname, objname, property_iface, "Set", &error, &reply, "ssv", iface, "Enabled", "b", true); if(r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to Enable Watchdog: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } } finish: sd_bus_error_free(&error); reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply); free(busname); return (r < 0) ? -1 : IPMI_CC_OK; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_reset_watchdog(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { const char *objname = "/xyz/openbmc_project/watchdog/host0"; const char *iface = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Watchdog"; const char *property_iface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"; sd_bus_message *reply = NULL; sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; int r = 0; char *busname = NULL; // Current time interval that is set in watchdog. uint64_t interval = 0; // Status code. ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; *data_len = 0; printf("WATCHDOG RESET\n"); // Get bus name r = mapper_get_service(bus, objname, &busname); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get %s bus name: %s\n", objname, strerror(-r)); goto finish; } // Get the current interval and set it back. r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, busname, objname, property_iface, "Get", &error, &reply, "ss", iface, "Interval"); if(r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get current Interval msg: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } // Now extract the value r = sd_bus_message_read(reply, "v", "t", &interval); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read current interval: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } sd_bus_error_free(&error); reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply); // Set watchdog timer r = sd_bus_call_method(bus, busname, objname, property_iface, "Set", &error, &reply, "ssv", iface, "TimeRemaining", "t", interval); if(r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to refresh the timer: %s\n", strerror(-r)); goto finish; } finish: sd_bus_error_free(&error); reply = sd_bus_message_unref(reply); free(busname); return rc; } extern struct ChannelConfig_t channelConfig; ipmi_ret_t ipmi_set_channel_access(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; std::string ipaddress; std::string gateway; uint8_t prefix {}; uint32_t vlanID {}; std::string networkInterfacePath; ipmi::DbusObjectInfo ipObject; ipmi::DbusObjectInfo systemObject; // Todo: parse the request data if needed. // Using Set Channel cmd to apply changes of Set Lan Cmd. try { sdbusplus::bus::bus bus(ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()); log("Network data from Cache", entry("PREFIX=%s", channelConfig.netmask.c_str()), entry("ADDRESS=%s", channelConfig.ipaddr.c_str()), entry("GATEWAY=%s", channelConfig.gateway.c_str()), entry("VLAN=%d", channelConfig.vlanID), entry("IPSRC=%d", channelConfig.ipsrc)); if (channelConfig.vlanID != ipmi::network::VLAN_ID_MASK) { //get the first twelve bits which is vlan id //not interested in rest of the bits. channelConfig.vlanID = le32toh(channelConfig.vlanID); vlanID = channelConfig.vlanID & ipmi::network::VLAN_ID_MASK; } // if the asked ip src is DHCP then not interested in // any given data except vlan. if (channelConfig.ipsrc != ipmi::network::IPOrigin::DHCP) { // always get the system object systemObject = ipmi::getDbusObject( bus, ipmi::network::SYSTEMCONFIG_INTERFACE, ipmi::network::ROOT); // the below code is to determine the mode of the interface // as the handling is same, if the system is configured with // DHCP or user has given all the data. try { ipmi::ObjectTree ancestorMap; ipmi::InterfaceList interfaces { ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE }; // if the system is having ip object,then // get the IP object. ipObject = ipmi::getDbusObject(bus, ipmi::network::IP_INTERFACE, ipmi::network::ROOT, ipmi::network::IP_TYPE); // Get the parent interface of the IP object. try { ancestorMap = ipmi::getAllAncestors(bus, ipObject.first, std::move(interfaces)); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { // if unable to get the parent interface // then commit the error and return. log("Unable to get the parent interface", entry("PATH=%s", ipObject.first.c_str()), entry("INTERFACE=%s", ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE)); commit(); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; channelConfig.clear(); return rc; } networkInterfacePath = ancestorMap.begin()->first; } catch (InternalFailure& e) { // TODO Currently IPMI supports single interface,need to handle // Multiple interface through // https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/2138 // if there is no ip configured on the system,then // get the network interface object. auto networkInterfaceObject = ipmi::getDbusObject( bus, ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE, ipmi::network::ROOT, ipmi::network::INTERFACE); networkInterfacePath = std::move(networkInterfaceObject.first); } // get the configured mode on the system. auto enableDHCP = ipmi::getDbusProperty( bus, ipmi::network::SERVICE, networkInterfacePath, ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE, "DHCPEnabled").get(); // check whether user has given all the data // or the configured system interface is dhcp enabled, // in both of the cases get the values from the cache. if ((!channelConfig.ipaddr.empty() && !channelConfig.netmask.empty() && !channelConfig.gateway.empty()) || (enableDHCP)) // configured system interface mode = DHCP { //convert mask into prefix ipaddress = channelConfig.ipaddr; prefix = ipmi::network::toPrefix(AF_INET, channelConfig.netmask); gateway = channelConfig.gateway; if (channelConfig.vlanID != ipmi::network::VLAN_ID_MASK) { //get the first twelve bits which is vlan id //not interested in rest of the bits. channelConfig.vlanID = le32toh(channelConfig.vlanID); vlanID = channelConfig.vlanID & ipmi::network::VLAN_ID_MASK; } else { vlanID = ipmi::network::getVLAN(networkInterfacePath); } } else // asked ip src = static and configured system src = static // or partially given data. { // We have partial filled cache so get the remaining // info from the system. // Get the network data from the system as user has // not given all the data then use the data fetched from the // system but it is implementation dependent,IPMI spec doesn't // force it. // if system is not having any ip object don't throw error, try { auto properties = ipmi::getAllDbusProperties( bus, ipObject.second, ipObject.first, ipmi::network::IP_INTERFACE); ipaddress = channelConfig.ipaddr.empty() ? properties["Address"].get() : channelConfig.ipaddr; prefix = channelConfig.netmask.empty() ? properties["PrefixLength"].get() : ipmi::network::toPrefix(AF_INET, channelConfig.netmask); } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log("Failed to get IP object which matches", entry("INTERFACE=%s", ipmi::network::IP_INTERFACE), entry("MATCH=%s", ipmi::network::IP_TYPE)); } auto systemProperties = ipmi::getAllDbusProperties( bus, systemObject.second, systemObject.first, ipmi::network::SYSTEMCONFIG_INTERFACE); gateway = channelConfig.gateway.empty() ? systemProperties["DefaultGateway"].get() : channelConfig.gateway; } } // Currently network manager doesn't support purging of all the // ip addresses and the vlan interfaces from the parent interface, // TODO once the support is there, will make the change here. // https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/2141. // TODO Currently IPMI supports single interface,need to handle // Multiple interface through // https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/issues/2138 // instead of deleting all the vlan interfaces and // all the ipv4 address,we will call reset method. //delete all the vlan interfaces ipmi::deleteAllDbusObjects(bus, ipmi::network::ROOT, ipmi::network::VLAN_INTERFACE); // set the interface mode to static auto networkInterfaceObject = ipmi::getDbusObject( bus, ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE, ipmi::network::ROOT, ipmi::network::INTERFACE); // setting the physical interface mode to static. ipmi::setDbusProperty(bus, ipmi::network::SERVICE, networkInterfaceObject.first, ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE, "DHCPEnabled", false); networkInterfacePath = networkInterfaceObject.first; //delete all the ipv4 addresses ipmi::deleteAllDbusObjects(bus, ipmi::network::ROOT, ipmi::network::IP_INTERFACE, ipmi::network::IP_TYPE); if (vlanID) { ipmi::network::createVLAN(bus, ipmi::network::SERVICE, ipmi::network::ROOT, ipmi::network::INTERFACE, vlanID); auto networkInterfaceObject = ipmi::getDbusObject( bus, ipmi::network::VLAN_INTERFACE, ipmi::network::ROOT); networkInterfacePath = networkInterfaceObject.first; } if (channelConfig.ipsrc == ipmi::network::IPOrigin::DHCP) { ipmi::setDbusProperty(bus, ipmi::network::SERVICE, networkInterfacePath, ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE, "DHCPEnabled", true); } else { //change the mode to static ipmi::setDbusProperty(bus, ipmi::network::SERVICE, networkInterfacePath, ipmi::network::ETHERNET_INTERFACE, "DHCPEnabled", false); if (!ipaddress.empty()) { ipmi::network::createIP(bus, ipmi::network::SERVICE, networkInterfacePath, ipv4Protocol, ipaddress, prefix); } if (!gateway.empty()) { ipmi::setDbusProperty(bus, systemObject.second, systemObject.first, ipmi::network::SYSTEMCONFIG_INTERFACE, "DefaultGateway", std::string(gateway)); } } } catch (InternalFailure& e) { log("Failed to set network data", entry("PREFIX=%d", prefix), entry("ADDRESS=%s", ipaddress.c_str()), entry("GATEWAY=%s", gateway.c_str()), entry("VLANID=%d", vlanID), entry("IPSRC=%d", channelConfig.ipsrc)); commit(); rc = IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR; } channelConfig.clear(); return rc; } ipmi_ret_t getChannelAccess(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { auto requestData = reinterpret_cast (request); std::vector outPayload(sizeof(GetChannelAccessResponse)); auto responseData = reinterpret_cast (outPayload.data()); // Channel 1 is arbitrarily assigned to ETH0 channel constexpr auto channelOne = 0x01; /* * The value Eh is used as a way to identify the current channel that * the command is being received from. */ constexpr auto channelE = 0x0E; if (requestData->channelNumber != channelOne && requestData->channelNumber != channelE) { *data_len = 0; return IPMI_CC_INVALID_FIELD_REQUEST; } /* * [7:6] - reserved * [5] - 1b = Alerting disabled * [4] - 1b = per message authentication disabled * [3] - 0b = User level authentication enabled * [2:0] - 2h = always available */ constexpr auto channelSetting = 0x32; responseData->settings = channelSetting; //Defaulting the channel privilege to administrator level. responseData->privilegeLimit = PRIVILEGE_ADMIN; *data_len = outPayload.size(); memcpy(response, outPayload.data(), *data_len); return IPMI_CC_OK; } // ATTENTION: This ipmi function is very hardcoded on purpose // OpenBMC does not fully support IPMI. This command is useful // to have around because it enables testing of interfaces with // the IPMI tool. #define GET_CHANNEL_INFO_CHANNEL_OFFSET 0 // IPMI Table 6-2 #define IPMI_CHANNEL_TYPE_IPMB 1 // IPMI Table 6-3 #define IPMI_CHANNEL_MEDIUM_TYPE_OTHER 6 ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_channel_info(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK; uint8_t resp[] = { 1, IPMI_CHANNEL_MEDIUM_TYPE_OTHER, IPMI_CHANNEL_TYPE_IPMB, 1,0x41,0xA7,0x00,0,0}; uint8_t *p = (uint8_t*) request; printf("IPMI APP GET CHANNEL INFO\n"); // The supported channels numbers are 1 and 8. // Channel Number E is used as way to identify the current channel // that the command is being is received from. if (*p == 0xe || *p == 1 || *p == 8) { *data_len = sizeof(resp); memcpy(response, resp, *data_len); } else { rc = IPMI_CC_PARM_OUT_OF_RANGE; *data_len = 0; } return rc; } ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_wildcard_handler(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd, ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response, ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context) { printf("Handling WILDCARD Netfn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",netfn, cmd); // Status code. ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_INVALID; *data_len = strlen("THIS IS WILDCARD"); // Now pack actual response memcpy(response, "THIS IS WILDCARD", *data_len); return rc; } void register_netfn_app_functions() { // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_CAP_BIT); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_CAP_BIT, NULL, ipmi_app_get_bt_capabilities, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_WILDCARD); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_WILDCARD, NULL, ipmi_app_wildcard_handler, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_RESET_WD); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_RESET_WD, NULL, ipmi_app_reset_watchdog, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_WD); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_WD, NULL, ipmi_app_set_watchdog, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ID); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ID, NULL, ipmi_app_get_device_id, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_SELF_TEST_RESULTS); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_SELF_TEST_RESULTS, NULL, ipmi_app_get_self_test_results, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_GUID); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_GUID, NULL, ipmi_app_get_device_guid, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_ACPI); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_ACPI, NULL, ipmi_app_set_acpi_power_state, PRIVILEGE_ADMIN); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_CHAN_ACCESS); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_CHAN_ACCESS, NULL, ipmi_set_channel_access, PRIVILEGE_ADMIN); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_CHANNEL_ACCESS); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_CHANNEL_ACCESS, NULL, getChannelAccess, PRIVILEGE_USER); // printf("Registering NetFn:[0x%X], Cmd:[0x%X]\n",NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_CHAN_INFO); ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_CHAN_INFO, NULL, ipmi_app_channel_info, PRIVILEGE_USER); return; }