diff options
19 files changed, 750 insertions, 678 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea71ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Language: Cpp
+# BasedOnStyle: LLVM
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+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
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+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
+BinPackArguments: true
+BinPackParameters: true
+ AfterClass: true
+ AfterControlStatement: true
+ AfterEnum: true
+ AfterFunction: true
+ AfterNamespace: true
+ AfterObjCDeclaration: true
+ AfterStruct: true
+ AfterUnion: true
+ BeforeCatch: true
+ BeforeElse: true
+ IndentBraces: false
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
+BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
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+PointerAlignment: Left
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+ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
+FixNamespaceComments: true
+ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ]
+IncludeBlocks: Regroup
+ - Regex: '^[<"](gtest|gmock)'
+ Priority: 5
+ - Regex: '^"config.h"'
+ Priority: -1
+ - Regex: '^".*\.hpp"'
+ Priority: 1
+ - Regex: '^<.*\.h>'
+ Priority: 2
+ - Regex: '^<.*'
+ Priority: 3
+ - Regex: '.*'
+ Priority: 4
+IndentCaseLabels: true
+IndentWidth: 4
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+MacroBlockBegin: ''
+MacroBlockEnd: ''
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+ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 2
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+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
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+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
+ReflowComments: true
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+SortUsingDeclarations: true
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
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+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+Standard: Cpp11
+TabWidth: 4
+UseTab: Never
diff --git a/argument.cpp b/argument.cpp
index 3a59f68..74bdda2 100644
--- a/argument.cpp
+++ b/argument.cpp
@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
* limitations under the License.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iterator>
+#include "argument.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
-#include "argument.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
namespace phosphor
@@ -31,21 +32,21 @@ const std::string ArgumentParser::trueString = "true"s;
const std::string ArgumentParser::emptyString = ""s;
const char* ArgumentParser::optionStr = "p:k:r:t:?h";
-const option ArgumentParser::options[] =
- { "path", required_argument, nullptr, 'p' },
- { "key", required_argument, nullptr, 'k' },
- { "polarity", required_argument, nullptr, 'r' },
- { "target", required_argument, nullptr, 't' },
- { "continue", no_argument, nullptr, 'c' },
- { "help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h' },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0},
+const option ArgumentParser::options[] = {
+ {"path", required_argument, nullptr, 'p'},
+ {"key", required_argument, nullptr, 'k'},
+ {"polarity", required_argument, nullptr, 'r'},
+ {"target", required_argument, nullptr, 't'},
+ {"continue", no_argument, nullptr, 'c'},
+ {"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0},
ArgumentParser::ArgumentParser(int argc, char** argv)
int option = 0;
- while (-1 != (option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optionStr, options, nullptr)))
+ while (-1 !=
+ (option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optionStr, options, nullptr)))
if ((option == '?') || (option == 'h'))
@@ -88,14 +89,14 @@ void ArgumentParser::usage(char** argv)
std::cerr << "Options:\n";
std::cerr << " --help Print this menu\n";
std::cerr << " --path=<path> Path of input device."
- " Ex: /dev/input/event2\n";
+ " Ex: /dev/input/event2\n";
std::cerr << " --key=<key> Input GPIO key number\n";
std::cerr << " --polarity=<polarity> Asertion polarity to look for."
- " This is 0 / 1 \n";
+ " This is 0 / 1 \n";
std::cerr << " --target=<systemd unit> Systemd unit to be called on GPIO"
- " state change\n";
+ " state change\n";
std::cerr << " [--continue] Whether or not to continue"
- " after key pressed\n";
+ " after key pressed\n";
} // namespace gpio
} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/argument.hpp b/argument.hpp
index 3debea5..7917b8a 100644
--- a/argument.hpp
+++ b/argument.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <getopt.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
@@ -13,51 +14,51 @@ namespace gpio
class ArgumentParser
- public:
- ArgumentParser() = delete;
- ~ArgumentParser() = default;
- ArgumentParser(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
- ArgumentParser& operator=(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
- ArgumentParser(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
- ArgumentParser& operator=(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
+ public:
+ ArgumentParser() = delete;
+ ~ArgumentParser() = default;
+ ArgumentParser(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
+ ArgumentParser& operator=(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
+ ArgumentParser(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
+ ArgumentParser& operator=(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
- /** @brief Constructs Argument object
- *
- * @param argc - the main function's argc passed as is
- * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
- * @return Object constructed
- */
- ArgumentParser(int argc, char** argv);
+ /** @brief Constructs Argument object
+ *
+ * @param argc - the main function's argc passed as is
+ * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
+ * @return Object constructed
+ */
+ ArgumentParser(int argc, char** argv);
- /** @brief Given an option, returns its argument(optarg)
- *
- * @param opt - command line option string
- *
- * @return argument which is a standard optarg
- */
- const std::string& operator[](const std::string& opt);
+ /** @brief Given an option, returns its argument(optarg)
+ *
+ * @param opt - command line option string
+ *
+ * @return argument which is a standard optarg
+ */
+ const std::string& operator[](const std::string& opt);
- /** @brief Displays usage
- *
- * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
- */
- static void usage(char** argv);
+ /** @brief Displays usage
+ *
+ * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
+ */
+ static void usage(char** argv);
- /** @brief Set to 'true' when an option is passed */
- static const std::string trueString;
+ /** @brief Set to 'true' when an option is passed */
+ static const std::string trueString;
- /** @brief Set to '' when an option is not passed */
- static const std::string emptyString;
+ /** @brief Set to '' when an option is not passed */
+ static const std::string emptyString;
- private:
- /** @brief Option to argument mapping */
- std::map<const std::string, std::string> arguments;
+ private:
+ /** @brief Option to argument mapping */
+ std::map<const std::string, std::string> arguments;
- /** @brief Array of struct options as needed by getopt_long */
- static const option options[];
+ /** @brief Array of struct options as needed by getopt_long */
+ static const option options[];
- /** @brief optstring as needed by getopt_long */
- static const char* optionStr;
+ /** @brief optstring as needed by getopt_long */
+ static const char* optionStr;
} // namespace gpio
diff --git a/evdev.cpp b/evdev.cpp
index e8e98e2..056093a 100644
--- a/evdev.cpp
+++ b/evdev.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
-#include <libevdev/libevdev.h>
+#include "evdev.hpp"
+#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <libevdev/libevdev.h>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
-#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
-#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
-#include "evdev.hpp"
namespace phosphor
@@ -56,8 +59,8 @@ void Evdev::initEvDev()
void Evdev::registerCallback()
decltype(eventSource.get()) sourcePtr = nullptr;
- auto rc = sd_event_add_io(event.get(), &sourcePtr, (fd)(),
- EPOLLIN, callbackHandler, this);
+ auto rc = sd_event_add_io(event.get(), &sourcePtr, (fd)(), EPOLLIN,
+ callbackHandler, this);
if (rc < 0)
diff --git a/evdev.hpp b/evdev.hpp
index 353c593..eb7781b 100644
--- a/evdev.hpp
+++ b/evdev.hpp
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
-#include <libevdev/libevdev.h>
#include "file.hpp"
+#include <libevdev/libevdev.h>
+#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sdbusplus/message.hpp>
+#include <string>
namespace phosphor
namespace gpio
@@ -46,85 +51,79 @@ using EvdevPtr = std::unique_ptr<struct libevdev, FreeEvDev>;
class Evdev
- using Property = std::string;
- using Value = sdbusplus::message::variant<bool, std::string>;
- // Association between property and its value
- using PropertyMap = std::map<Property, Value>;
- using Interface = std::string;
- // Association between interface and the D-Bus property
- using InterfaceMap = std::map<Interface, PropertyMap>;
- using Object = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
- // Association between object and the interface
- using ObjectMap = std::map<Object, InterfaceMap>;
- public:
- Evdev() = delete;
- ~Evdev() = default;
- Evdev(const Evdev&) = delete;
- Evdev& operator=(const Evdev&) = delete;
- Evdev(Evdev&&) = delete;
- Evdev& operator=(Evdev&&) = delete;
- /** @brief Constructs Evdev object.
- *
- * @param[in] path - Device path to read for GPIO pin state
- * @param[in] key - GPIO key to monitor
- * @param[in] event - sd_event handler
- * @param[in] handler - IO callback handler.
- * @param[in] useEvDev - Whether to use EvDev to retrieve events
- */
- Evdev(const std::string& path,
- const unsigned int key,
- EventPtr& event,
- sd_event_io_handler_t handler,
- bool useEvDev = true) :
- path(path),
- key(key),
- event(event),
- callbackHandler(handler),
- fd(openDevice())
+ using Property = std::string;
+ using Value = sdbusplus::message::variant<bool, std::string>;
+ // Association between property and its value
+ using PropertyMap = std::map<Property, Value>;
+ using Interface = std::string;
+ // Association between interface and the D-Bus property
+ using InterfaceMap = std::map<Interface, PropertyMap>;
+ using Object = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
+ // Association between object and the interface
+ using ObjectMap = std::map<Object, InterfaceMap>;
+ public:
+ Evdev() = delete;
+ ~Evdev() = default;
+ Evdev(const Evdev&) = delete;
+ Evdev& operator=(const Evdev&) = delete;
+ Evdev(Evdev&&) = delete;
+ Evdev& operator=(Evdev&&) = delete;
+ /** @brief Constructs Evdev object.
+ *
+ * @param[in] path - Device path to read for GPIO pin state
+ * @param[in] key - GPIO key to monitor
+ * @param[in] event - sd_event handler
+ * @param[in] handler - IO callback handler.
+ * @param[in] useEvDev - Whether to use EvDev to retrieve events
+ */
+ Evdev(const std::string& path, const unsigned int key, EventPtr& event,
+ sd_event_io_handler_t handler, bool useEvDev = true) :
+ path(path),
+ key(key), event(event), callbackHandler(handler), fd(openDevice())
+ {
+ if (useEvDev)
- if (useEvDev)
- {
- // If we are asked to use EvDev, do that initialization.
- initEvDev();
- }
- // Register callback handler when FD has some data
- registerCallback();
+ // If we are asked to use EvDev, do that initialization.
+ initEvDev();
- protected:
- /** @brief Device path to read for GPIO pin state */
- const std::string path;
+ // Register callback handler when FD has some data
+ registerCallback();
+ }
+ protected:
+ /** @brief Device path to read for GPIO pin state */
+ const std::string path;
- /** @brief GPIO key to monitor */
- const unsigned int key;
+ /** @brief GPIO key to monitor */
+ const unsigned int key;
- /** @brief Event structure */
- EvdevPtr devicePtr;
+ /** @brief Event structure */
+ EvdevPtr devicePtr;
- /** @brief Monitor to sd_event */
- EventPtr& event;
+ /** @brief Monitor to sd_event */
+ EventPtr& event;
- /** @brief Callback handler when the FD has some data */
- sd_event_io_handler_t callbackHandler;
+ /** @brief Callback handler when the FD has some data */
+ sd_event_io_handler_t callbackHandler;
- /** @brief event source */
- EventSourcePtr eventSource;
+ /** @brief event source */
+ EventSourcePtr eventSource;
- /** @brief Opens the device and populates the descriptor */
- int openDevice();
+ /** @brief Opens the device and populates the descriptor */
+ int openDevice();
- /** @brief attaches FD to events and sets up callback handler */
- void registerCallback();
+ /** @brief attaches FD to events and sets up callback handler */
+ void registerCallback();
- /** @brief File descriptor manager */
- FileDescriptor fd;
+ /** @brief File descriptor manager */
+ FileDescriptor fd;
- /** @brief Initializes evdev handle with the fd */
- void initEvDev();
+ /** @brief Initializes evdev handle with the fd */
+ void initEvDev();
} // namespace gpio
diff --git a/file.hpp b/file.hpp
index ee8fd4b..500d8be 100644
--- a/file.hpp
+++ b/file.hpp
@@ -10,48 +10,48 @@ namespace gpio
class FileDescriptor
- private:
- /** @brief File descriptor for the gpio input device */
- int fd = -1;
- public:
- FileDescriptor() = default;
- FileDescriptor(const FileDescriptor&) = delete;
- FileDescriptor& operator=(const FileDescriptor&) = delete;
- FileDescriptor(FileDescriptor&&) = delete;
- FileDescriptor& operator=(FileDescriptor&&) = delete;
- /** @brief Saves File descriptor and uses it to do file operation
- *
- * @param[in] fd - File descriptor
- */
- FileDescriptor(int fd) : fd(fd)
+ private:
+ /** @brief File descriptor for the gpio input device */
+ int fd = -1;
+ public:
+ FileDescriptor() = default;
+ FileDescriptor(const FileDescriptor&) = delete;
+ FileDescriptor& operator=(const FileDescriptor&) = delete;
+ FileDescriptor(FileDescriptor&&) = delete;
+ FileDescriptor& operator=(FileDescriptor&&) = delete;
+ /** @brief Saves File descriptor and uses it to do file operation
+ *
+ * @param[in] fd - File descriptor
+ */
+ FileDescriptor(int fd) : fd(fd)
+ {
+ // Nothing
+ }
+ ~FileDescriptor()
+ {
+ if (fd >= 0)
- // Nothing
- }
- ~FileDescriptor()
- {
- if (fd >=0)
- {
- close(fd);
- }
- }
- int operator()()
- {
- return fd;
- }
- operator bool() const
- {
- return fd != -1;
- }
- void set(int descriptor)
- {
- fd = descriptor;
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ int operator()()
+ {
+ return fd;
+ }
+ operator bool() const
+ {
+ return fd != -1;
+ }
+ void set(int descriptor)
+ {
+ fd = descriptor;
+ }
} // namespace gpio
diff --git a/gpio-util/argument.cpp b/gpio-util/argument.cpp
index 222b7d3..913313c 100644
--- a/gpio-util/argument.cpp
+++ b/gpio-util/argument.cpp
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
+#include "argument.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "argument.hpp"
namespace phosphor
@@ -67,23 +68,22 @@ void ArgumentParser::usage(char** argv)
std::cerr << " --help Print this menu.\n";
std::cerr << " --gpio=<gpio> The GPIO number. Example: 1\n";
std::cerr << " --path=<path> The path to the GPIO device."
- " Example: /dev/gpiochip0\n";
+ " Example: /dev/gpiochip0\n";
std::cerr << " --delay=<delay> The delay in ms in between a toggle."
- " Example: 5\n";
+ " Example: 5\n";
std::cerr << " --action=<action> The action to do.\n";
std::cerr << " Valid actions: low, high, low_high, "
- "high_low\n";
+ "high_low\n";
std::cerr << std::flush;
-const option ArgumentParser::options[] =
- { "action", required_argument, NULL, 'a' },
- { "gpio", required_argument, NULL, 'g' },
- { "delay", required_argument, NULL, 'd' },
- { "path", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
- { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0},
+const option ArgumentParser::options[] = {
+ {"action", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
+ {"gpio", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
+ {"delay", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
+ {"path", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
+ {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0},
const char* ArgumentParser::optionStr = "a:g:d:p:h?";
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ const char* ArgumentParser::optionStr = "a:g:d:p:h?";
const std::string ArgumentParser::trueString = "true";
const std::string ArgumentParser::emptyString = "";
+} // namespace gpio
+} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/gpio-util/argument.hpp b/gpio-util/argument.hpp
index 3debea5..7917b8a 100644
--- a/gpio-util/argument.hpp
+++ b/gpio-util/argument.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <getopt.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
@@ -13,51 +14,51 @@ namespace gpio
class ArgumentParser
- public:
- ArgumentParser() = delete;
- ~ArgumentParser() = default;
- ArgumentParser(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
- ArgumentParser& operator=(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
- ArgumentParser(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
- ArgumentParser& operator=(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
+ public:
+ ArgumentParser() = delete;
+ ~ArgumentParser() = default;
+ ArgumentParser(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
+ ArgumentParser& operator=(const ArgumentParser&) = delete;
+ ArgumentParser(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
+ ArgumentParser& operator=(ArgumentParser&&) = default;
- /** @brief Constructs Argument object
- *
- * @param argc - the main function's argc passed as is
- * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
- * @return Object constructed
- */
- ArgumentParser(int argc, char** argv);
+ /** @brief Constructs Argument object
+ *
+ * @param argc - the main function's argc passed as is
+ * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
+ * @return Object constructed
+ */
+ ArgumentParser(int argc, char** argv);
- /** @brief Given an option, returns its argument(optarg)
- *
- * @param opt - command line option string
- *
- * @return argument which is a standard optarg
- */
- const std::string& operator[](const std::string& opt);
+ /** @brief Given an option, returns its argument(optarg)
+ *
+ * @param opt - command line option string
+ *
+ * @return argument which is a standard optarg
+ */
+ const std::string& operator[](const std::string& opt);
- /** @brief Displays usage
- *
- * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
- */
- static void usage(char** argv);
+ /** @brief Displays usage
+ *
+ * @param argv - the main function's argv passed as is
+ */
+ static void usage(char** argv);
- /** @brief Set to 'true' when an option is passed */
- static const std::string trueString;
+ /** @brief Set to 'true' when an option is passed */
+ static const std::string trueString;
- /** @brief Set to '' when an option is not passed */
- static const std::string emptyString;
+ /** @brief Set to '' when an option is not passed */
+ static const std::string emptyString;
- private:
- /** @brief Option to argument mapping */
- std::map<const std::string, std::string> arguments;
+ private:
+ /** @brief Option to argument mapping */
+ std::map<const std::string, std::string> arguments;
- /** @brief Array of struct options as needed by getopt_long */
- static const option options[];
+ /** @brief Array of struct options as needed by getopt_long */
+ static const option options[];
- /** @brief optstring as needed by getopt_long */
- static const char* optionStr;
+ /** @brief optstring as needed by getopt_long */
+ static const char* optionStr;
} // namespace gpio
diff --git a/gpio-util/gpio.cpp b/gpio-util/gpio.cpp
index 080ab99..da5801e 100644
--- a/gpio-util/gpio.cpp
+++ b/gpio-util/gpio.cpp
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
+#include "gpio.hpp"
#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "gpio.hpp"
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
namespace phosphor
@@ -38,16 +40,14 @@ void GPIO::set(Value value)
if (rc == -1)
auto e = errno;
- log<level::ERR>("Failed SET_LINE_VALUES ioctl",
- entry("ERRNO=%d", e));
+ log<level::ERR>("Failed SET_LINE_VALUES ioctl", entry("ERRNO=%d", e));
throw std::runtime_error("Failed SET_LINE_VALUES ioctl");
void GPIO::requestLine(Value defaultValue)
- //Only need to do this once
+ // Only need to do this once
if (lineFD)
@@ -63,15 +63,14 @@ void GPIO::requestLine(Value defaultValue)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed opening GPIO device");
- //Make an ioctl call to request the GPIO line, which will
- //return the descriptor to use to access it.
+ // Make an ioctl call to request the GPIO line, which will
+ // return the descriptor to use to access it.
gpiohandle_request request{};
- strncpy(request.consumer_label,
- "phosphor-gpio-util",
+ strncpy(request.consumer_label, "phosphor-gpio-util",
- request.flags = (direction == Direction::output) ?
+ request.flags = (direction == Direction::output) ? GPIOHANDLE_REQUEST_OUTPUT
request.lineoffsets[0] = gpio;
request.lines = 1;
@@ -85,8 +84,7 @@ void GPIO::requestLine(Value defaultValue)
if (rc == -1)
auto e = errno;
- log<level::ERR>("Failed GET_LINEHANDLE ioctl",
- entry("GPIO=%d", gpio),
+ log<level::ERR>("Failed GET_LINEHANDLE ioctl", entry("GPIO=%d", gpio),
entry("ERRNO=%d", e));
throw std::runtime_error("Failed GET_LINEHANDLE ioctl");
@@ -94,5 +92,5 @@ void GPIO::requestLine(Value defaultValue)
+} // namespace gpio
+} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/gpio-util/gpio.hpp b/gpio-util/gpio.hpp
index ba8cce3..d4ac47b 100644
--- a/gpio-util/gpio.hpp
+++ b/gpio-util/gpio.hpp
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
-#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include "file.hpp"
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
namespace phosphor
namespace gpio
- typedef std::remove_reference<decltype(
- gpiohandle_request::lineoffsets[0])>::type gpioNum_t;
+typedef std::remove_reference<decltype(
+ gpiohandle_request::lineoffsets[0])>::type gpioNum_t;
- typedef std::remove_reference<decltype(
- gpiohandle_data::values[0])>::type gpioValue_t;
+typedef std::remove_reference<decltype(gpiohandle_data::values[0])>::type
+ gpioValue_t;
* Represents a GPIO.
@@ -23,86 +27,80 @@ namespace gpio
class GPIO
- public:
- /**
- * If the GPIO is an input or output
- */
- enum class Direction
- {
- input,
- output
- };
- /**
- * The possible values - low or high
- */
- enum class Value
- {
- low,
- high
- };
- GPIO() = delete;
- GPIO(const GPIO&) = delete;
- GPIO(GPIO&&) = default;
- GPIO& operator=(const GPIO&) = delete;
- GPIO& operator=(GPIO&&) = default;
- ~GPIO() = default;
- /**
- * Constructor
- *
- * @param[in] device - the GPIO device file
- * @param[in] gpio - the GPIO number
- * @param[in] direction - the GPIO direction
- */
- GPIO(const std::string& device,
- gpioNum_t gpio,
- Direction direction) :
- device(device),
- gpio(gpio),
- direction(direction)
- {
- }
- /**
- * Sets the GPIO value
- *
- * Requests the GPIO line if it hasn't been done already.
- */
- void set(Value value);
- private:
- /**
- * Requests a GPIO line from the GPIO device
- *
- * @param[in] defaultValue - The default value, required for
- * output GPIOs only.
- */
- void requestLine(Value defaultValue = Value::high);
- /**
- * The GPIO device name, like /dev/gpiochip0
- */
- const std::string device;
- /**
- * The GPIO number
- */
- const gpioNum_t gpio;
- /**
- * The GPIO direction
- */
- const Direction direction;
- /**
- * File descriptor for the GPIO line
- */
- FileDescriptor lineFD;
+ public:
+ /**
+ * If the GPIO is an input or output
+ */
+ enum class Direction
+ {
+ input,
+ output
+ };
+ /**
+ * The possible values - low or high
+ */
+ enum class Value
+ {
+ low,
+ high
+ };
+ GPIO() = delete;
+ GPIO(const GPIO&) = delete;
+ GPIO(GPIO&&) = default;
+ GPIO& operator=(const GPIO&) = delete;
+ GPIO& operator=(GPIO&&) = default;
+ ~GPIO() = default;
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ *
+ * @param[in] device - the GPIO device file
+ * @param[in] gpio - the GPIO number
+ * @param[in] direction - the GPIO direction
+ */
+ GPIO(const std::string& device, gpioNum_t gpio, Direction direction) :
+ device(device), gpio(gpio), direction(direction)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the GPIO value
+ *
+ * Requests the GPIO line if it hasn't been done already.
+ */
+ void set(Value value);
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Requests a GPIO line from the GPIO device
+ *
+ * @param[in] defaultValue - The default value, required for
+ * output GPIOs only.
+ */
+ void requestLine(Value defaultValue = Value::high);
+ /**
+ * The GPIO device name, like /dev/gpiochip0
+ */
+ const std::string device;
+ /**
+ * The GPIO number
+ */
+ const gpioNum_t gpio;
+ /**
+ * The GPIO direction
+ */
+ const Direction direction;
+ /**
+ * File descriptor for the GPIO line
+ */
+ FileDescriptor lineFD;
+} // namespace gpio
+} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/gpio-util/main.cpp b/gpio-util/main.cpp
index fb56e66..89e61f9 100644
--- a/gpio-util/main.cpp
+++ b/gpio-util/main.cpp
@@ -23,14 +23,15 @@
* high_low: Set a GPIO high, delay if requested, set it low
+#include "argument.hpp"
+#include "gpio.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
-#include <thread>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
-#include "argument.hpp"
-#include "gpio.hpp"
+#include <thread>
using namespace phosphor::gpio;
using namespace phosphor::logging;
@@ -49,7 +50,6 @@ void low(GPIO& gpio, unsigned int delayInMS)
* Sets a GPIO high
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ void high(GPIO& gpio, unsigned int delayInMS)
* Sets a GPIO high, then delays, then sets it low
@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ void highLow(GPIO& gpio, unsigned int delayInMS)
* Sets a GPIO low, then delays, then sets it high
@@ -95,18 +93,11 @@ void lowHigh(GPIO& gpio, unsigned int delayInMS)
* The actions supported by this program
-static const gpioFunctionMap functions
- {"low", low},
- {"high", high},
- {"low_high", lowHigh},
- {"high_low", highLow}
+static const gpioFunctionMap functions{
+ {"low", low}, {"high", high}, {"low_high", lowHigh}, {"high_low", highLow}};
* Prints usage and exits the program
@@ -121,7 +112,6 @@ void exitWithError(const char* err, char** argv)
* Returns the number value of the argument passed in.
@@ -129,15 +119,13 @@ void exitWithError(const char* err, char** argv)
* @param[in] parser - the argument parser
* @param[in] argv - arv from main()
-template<typename T>
-T getValueFromArg(const char* name,
- ArgumentParser& parser,
- char** argv)
+template <typename T>
+T getValueFromArg(const char* name, ArgumentParser& parser, char** argv)
char* p = NULL;
auto val = strtol(parser[name].c_str(), &p, 10);
- //strol sets p on error, also we don't allow negative values
+ // strol sets p on error, also we don't allow negative values
if (*p || (val < 0))
using namespace std::string_literals;
@@ -147,7 +135,6 @@ T getValueFromArg(const char* name,
return static_cast<T>(val);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ArgumentParser args(argc, argv);
@@ -171,7 +158,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto gpioNum = getValueFromArg<gpioNum_t>("gpio", args, argv);
- //Not all actions require a delay, so not required
+ // Not all actions require a delay, so not required
unsigned int delay = 0;
if (args["delay"] != ArgumentParser::emptyString)
diff --git a/mainapp.cpp b/mainapp.cpp
index 9ecaad2..2663f8f 100644
--- a/mainapp.cpp
+++ b/mainapp.cpp
@@ -14,13 +14,15 @@
* limitations under the License.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
-#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include "argument.hpp"
#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
+#include <string>
using namespace phosphor::logging;
static void exitWithError(const char* err, char** argv)
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto target = (options)["target"];
bool continueRun =
- (options["continue"] == phosphor::gpio::ArgumentParser::trueString);
+ (options["continue"] == phosphor::gpio::ArgumentParser::trueString);
sd_event* event = nullptr;
auto r = sd_event_default(&event);
@@ -76,23 +78,19 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
event = nullptr;
// Create a monitor object and let it do all the rest
- phosphor::gpio::Monitor monitor(path,
- std::stoi(key),
- std::stoi(polarity),
- target,
- eventP,
- continueRun);
+ phosphor::gpio::Monitor monitor(path, std::stoi(key), std::stoi(polarity),
+ target, eventP, continueRun);
// Wait for client requests until this application has processed
// at least one expected GPIO state change
- while(!monitor.completed())
+ while (!monitor.completed())
// -1 denotes wait for ever
r = sd_event_run(eventP.get(), (uint64_t)-1);
if (r < 0)
log<level::ERR>("Failure in processing request",
- entry("ERROR=%s", strerror(-r)));
+ entry("ERROR=%s", strerror(-r)));
diff --git a/monitor.cpp b/monitor.cpp
index 159127d..dd96fe9 100644
--- a/monitor.cpp
+++ b/monitor.cpp
@@ -14,10 +14,13 @@
* limitations under the License.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
-#include "monitor.hpp"
-#include "config.h"
namespace phosphor
@@ -25,15 +28,15 @@ namespace gpio
// systemd service to kick start a target.
-constexpr auto SYSTEMD_SERVICE = "org.freedesktop.systemd1";
-constexpr auto SYSTEMD_ROOT = "/org/freedesktop/systemd1";
-constexpr auto SYSTEMD_INTERFACE = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager";
+constexpr auto SYSTEMD_SERVICE = "org.freedesktop.systemd1";
+constexpr auto SYSTEMD_ROOT = "/org/freedesktop/systemd1";
+constexpr auto SYSTEMD_INTERFACE = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager";
using namespace phosphor::logging;
// Callback handler when there is an activity on the FD
-int Monitor::processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
- uint32_t revents, void* userData)
+int Monitor::processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd, uint32_t revents,
+ void* userData)
log<level::INFO>("GPIO line altered");
auto monitor = static_cast<Monitor*>(userData);
@@ -46,7 +49,9 @@ int Monitor::processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
void Monitor::analyzeEvent()
// Data returned
- struct input_event ev{};
+ struct input_event ev
+ {
+ };
int rc = 0;
// While testing, observed that not having a loop here was leading
@@ -54,8 +59,8 @@ void Monitor::analyzeEvent()
while (rc >= 0)
// Wait until no more events are available on the device.
- rc = libevdev_next_event(devicePtr.get(),
+ rc = libevdev_next_event(devicePtr.get(), LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_NORMAL,
+ &ev);
if (rc < 0)
// There was an error waiting for events, mostly that there are no
@@ -76,10 +81,9 @@ void Monitor::analyzeEvent()
if (!target.empty())
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
- auto method = bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_SERVICE,
- "StartUnit");
+ auto method =
+ bus.new_method_call(SYSTEMD_SERVICE, SYSTEMD_ROOT,
diff --git a/monitor.hpp b/monitor.hpp
index f4b07de..771492a 100644
--- a/monitor.hpp
+++ b/monitor.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#pragma once
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string>
+#include "evdev.hpp"
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
-#include "evdev.hpp"
+#include <string>
namespace phosphor
@@ -18,74 +20,70 @@ namespace gpio
class Monitor : public Evdev
- public:
- Monitor() = delete;
- ~Monitor() = default;
- Monitor(const Monitor&) = delete;
- Monitor& operator=(const Monitor&) = delete;
- Monitor(Monitor&&) = delete;
- Monitor& operator=(Monitor&&) = delete;
+ public:
+ Monitor() = delete;
+ ~Monitor() = default;
+ Monitor(const Monitor&) = delete;
+ Monitor& operator=(const Monitor&) = delete;
+ Monitor(Monitor&&) = delete;
+ Monitor& operator=(Monitor&&) = delete;
- /** @brief Constructs Monitor object.
- *
- * @param[in] path - Path to gpio input device
- * @param[in] key - GPIO key to monitor
- * @param[in] polarity - GPIO assertion polarity to look for
- * @param[in] target - systemd unit to be started on GPIO
- * value change
- * @param[in] event - sd_event handler
- * @param[in] continueRun - Whether to continue after key pressed
- * @param[in] handler - IO callback handler. Defaults to one in this
- * class
- * @param[in] useEvDev - Whether to use EvDev to retrieve events
- */
- Monitor(const std::string& path,
- decltype(input_event::code) key,
- decltype(input_event::value) polarity,
- const std::string& target,
- EventPtr& event,
- bool continueRun,
- sd_event_io_handler_t handler = Monitor::processEvents,
- bool useEvDev = true)
- : Evdev(path, key, event, handler, useEvDev),
- polarity(polarity),
- target(target),
- continueAfterKeyPress(continueRun) {};
+ /** @brief Constructs Monitor object.
+ *
+ * @param[in] path - Path to gpio input device
+ * @param[in] key - GPIO key to monitor
+ * @param[in] polarity - GPIO assertion polarity to look for
+ * @param[in] target - systemd unit to be started on GPIO
+ * value change
+ * @param[in] event - sd_event handler
+ * @param[in] continueRun - Whether to continue after key pressed
+ * @param[in] handler - IO callback handler. Defaults to one in this
+ * class
+ * @param[in] useEvDev - Whether to use EvDev to retrieve events
+ */
+ Monitor(const std::string& path, decltype(input_event::code) key,
+ decltype(input_event::value) polarity, const std::string& target,
+ EventPtr& event, bool continueRun,
+ sd_event_io_handler_t handler = Monitor::processEvents,
+ bool useEvDev = true) :
+ Evdev(path, key, event, handler, useEvDev),
+ polarity(polarity), target(target),
+ continueAfterKeyPress(continueRun){};
- /** @brief Callback handler when the FD has some activity on it
- *
- * @param[in] es - Populated event source
- * @param[in] fd - Associated File descriptor
- * @param[in] revents - Type of event
- * @param[in] userData - User data that was passed during registration
- *
- * @return - 0 or positive number on success and negative
- * errno otherwise
- */
- static int processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
- uint32_t revents, void* userData);
+ /** @brief Callback handler when the FD has some activity on it
+ *
+ * @param[in] es - Populated event source
+ * @param[in] fd - Associated File descriptor
+ * @param[in] revents - Type of event
+ * @param[in] userData - User data that was passed during registration
+ *
+ * @return - 0 or positive number on success and negative
+ * errno otherwise
+ */
+ static int processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd, uint32_t revents,
+ void* userData);
- /** @brief Returns the completion state of this handler */
- inline auto completed() const
- {
- return complete;
- }
+ /** @brief Returns the completion state of this handler */
+ inline auto completed() const
+ {
+ return complete;
+ }
- private:
- /** @brief GPIO key value that is of interest */
- decltype(input_event::value) polarity;
+ private:
+ /** @brief GPIO key value that is of interest */
+ decltype(input_event::value) polarity;
- /** @brief Systemd unit to be started when the condition is met */
- const std::string& target;
+ /** @brief Systemd unit to be started when the condition is met */
+ const std::string& target;
- /** @brief If the monitor should continue after key press */
- bool continueAfterKeyPress;
+ /** @brief If the monitor should continue after key press */
+ bool continueAfterKeyPress;
- /** @brief Completion indicator */
- bool complete = false;
+ /** @brief Completion indicator */
+ bool complete = false;
- /** @brief Analyzes the GPIO event and starts configured target */
- void analyzeEvent();
+ /** @brief Analyzes the GPIO event and starts configured target */
+ void analyzeEvent();
} // namespace gpio
diff --git a/presence/argument.cpp b/presence/argument.cpp
index a4b664e..e256426 100644
--- a/presence/argument.cpp
+++ b/presence/argument.cpp
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@
* limitations under the License.
+#include "argument.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "argument.hpp"
namespace phosphor
@@ -30,22 +31,21 @@ const std::string ArgumentParser::trueString = "true"s;
const std::string ArgumentParser::emptyString = ""s;
const char* ArgumentParser::optionStr = "p:k:n:i:d:?h";
-const option ArgumentParser::options[] =
- { "path", required_argument, nullptr, 'p' },
- { "key", required_argument, nullptr, 'k' },
- { "name", required_argument, nullptr, 'n' },
- { "inventory", required_argument, nullptr, 'i' },
- { "drivers", required_argument, nullptr, 'd' },
- { "help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h' },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0},
+const option ArgumentParser::options[] = {
+ {"path", required_argument, nullptr, 'p'},
+ {"key", required_argument, nullptr, 'k'},
+ {"name", required_argument, nullptr, 'n'},
+ {"inventory", required_argument, nullptr, 'i'},
+ {"drivers", required_argument, nullptr, 'd'},
+ {"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0},
ArgumentParser::ArgumentParser(int argc, char** argv)
auto option = 0;
- while (-1 != (option = getopt_long(argc, argv,
- optionStr, options, nullptr)))
+ while (-1 !=
+ (option = getopt_long(argc, argv, optionStr, options, nullptr)))
if ((option == '?') || (option == 'h'))
@@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ void ArgumentParser::usage(char** argv)
std::cerr << "Options:\n";
std::cerr << " --help Print this menu\n";
std::cerr << " --inventory=<inventory> Object path under inventory"
- " that will be created\n";
+ " that will be created\n";
std::cerr << " --path=<path> Path of device to read for GPIO pin"
- " state to determine presence of inventory item\n";
+ " state to determine presence of inventory item\n";
std::cerr << " --key=<key> Input GPIO key number\n";
std::cerr << " --name=<name> Pretty name of the inventory"
- " item\n";
+ " item\n";
std::cerr << " --drivers=<drivers> List of drivers to bind when card"
- " is added and unbind when card is removed\n";
+ " is added and unbind when card is removed\n";
std::cerr << " Format is a space separated list"
- " of path,device pairs. For example:\n";
+ " of path,device pairs. For example:\n";
std::cerr << " "
std::cerr << std::flush;
diff --git a/presence/gpio_presence.cpp b/presence/gpio_presence.cpp
index 4a11d98..1671721 100644
--- a/presence/gpio_presence.cpp
+++ b/presence/gpio_presence.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
+#include "gpio_presence.hpp"
+#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <fstream>
#include <libevdev/libevdev.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
-#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
-#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
-#include "gpio_presence.hpp"
namespace phosphor
@@ -24,14 +27,11 @@ constexpr auto MAPPER_BUSNAME = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper";
constexpr auto MAPPER_PATH = "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper";
constexpr auto MAPPER_INTERFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper";
-std::string getService(const std::string& path,
- const std::string& interface,
+std::string getService(const std::string& path, const std::string& interface,
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus)
- auto mapperCall = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUSNAME,
- "GetObject");
+ auto mapperCall = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUSNAME, MAPPER_PATH,
@@ -45,16 +45,14 @@ std::string getService(const std::string& path,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> mapperResponse;;
if (mapperResponse.empty())
- log<level::ERR>(
- "Error in mapper response for getting service name",
- entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str()),
- entry("INTERFACE=%s", interface.c_str()));
+ log<level::ERR>("Error in mapper response for getting service name",
+ entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str()),
+ entry("INTERFACE=%s", interface.c_str()));
@@ -65,8 +63,8 @@ void Presence::determinePresence()
auto present = false;
auto value = static_cast<int>(0);
- auto fetch_rc = libevdev_fetch_event_value(devicePtr.get(), EV_KEY,
- key, &value);
+ auto fetch_rc =
+ libevdev_fetch_event_value(devicePtr.get(), EV_KEY, key, &value);
if (0 == fetch_rc)
log<level::ERR>("Device does not support event type",
@@ -83,8 +81,8 @@ void Presence::determinePresence()
// Callback handler when there is an activity on the FD
-int Presence::processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
- uint32_t revents, void* userData)
+int Presence::processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd, uint32_t revents,
+ void* userData)
auto presence = static_cast<Presence*>(userData);
@@ -92,13 +90,14 @@ int Presence::processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
return 0;
// Analyzes the GPIO event
void Presence::analyzeEvent()
// Data returned
- struct input_event ev {};
+ struct input_event ev
+ {
+ };
int rc = 0;
// While testing, observed that not having a loop here was leading
@@ -106,8 +105,8 @@ void Presence::analyzeEvent()
while (rc >= 0)
// Wait until no more events are available on the device.
- rc = libevdev_next_event(devicePtr.get(),
+ rc = libevdev_next_event(devicePtr.get(), LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_NORMAL,
+ &ev);
if (rc < 0)
// There was an error waiting for events, mostly that there are no
@@ -145,8 +144,7 @@ Presence::ObjectMap Presence::getObjectMap(bool present)
invProp.emplace("Present", present);
invProp.emplace("PrettyName", name);
- invIntf.emplace("xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item",
- std::move(invProp));
+ invIntf.emplace("xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item", std::move(invProp));
invObj.emplace(std::move(inventory), std::move(invIntf));
return invObj;
@@ -163,19 +161,15 @@ void Presence::updateInventory(bool present)
auto invService = getService(INVENTORY_PATH, INVENTORY_INTF, bus);
// Update inventory
- auto invMsg = bus.new_method_call(invService.c_str(),
- "Notify");
+ auto invMsg = bus.new_method_call(invService.c_str(), INVENTORY_PATH,
+ INVENTORY_INTF, "Notify");
auto invMgrResponseMsg =;
if (invMgrResponseMsg.is_method_error())
- log<level::ERR>(
- "Error in inventory manager call to update inventory");
+ log<level::ERR>("Error in inventory manager call to update inventory");
void Presence::bindOrUnbindDrivers(bool present)
@@ -189,25 +183,21 @@ void Presence::bindOrUnbindDrivers(bool present)
if (present)
- log<level::INFO>(
- "Binding a device driver",
- entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str()),
- entry("DEVICE=%s", device.c_str()));
+ log<level::INFO>("Binding a device driver",
+ entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str()),
+ entry("DEVICE=%s", device.c_str()));
- log<level::INFO>(
- "Unbinding a device driver",
- entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str()),
- entry("DEVICE=%s", device.c_str()));
+ log<level::INFO>("Unbinding a device driver",
+ entry("PATH=%s", path.c_str()),
+ entry("DEVICE=%s", device.c_str()));
std::ofstream file;
- file.exceptions(
- std::ofstream::failbit |
- std::ofstream::badbit |
- std::ofstream::eofbit);
+ file.exceptions(std::ofstream::failbit | std::ofstream::badbit |
+ std::ofstream::eofbit);
@@ -228,8 +218,6 @@ void Presence::bindOrUnbindDrivers(bool present)
} // namespace presence
} // namespace gpio
} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/presence/gpio_presence.hpp b/presence/gpio_presence.hpp
index b5feddd..834a171 100644
--- a/presence/gpio_presence.hpp
+++ b/presence/gpio_presence.hpp
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
#pragma once
+#include "evdev.hpp"
+#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <string>
-#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
-#include "evdev.hpp"
namespace phosphor
@@ -25,120 +27,114 @@ using Driver = std::tuple<Device, Path>;
class Presence : public Evdev
- using Property = std::string;
- using Value = sdbusplus::message::variant<bool, std::string>;
- // Association between property and its value
- using PropertyMap = std::map<Property, Value>;
- using Interface = std::string;
- // Association between interface and the D-Bus property
- using InterfaceMap = std::map<Interface, PropertyMap>;
- using Object = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
- // Association between object and the interface
- using ObjectMap = std::map<Object, InterfaceMap>;
- public:
- Presence() = delete;
- ~Presence() = default;
- Presence(const Presence&) = delete;
- Presence& operator=(const Presence&) = delete;
- Presence(Presence&&) = delete;
- Presence& operator=(Presence&&) = delete;
- /** @brief Constructs Presence object.
- *
- * @param[in] bus - D-Bus bus Object
- * @param[in] inventory - Object path under inventory
- to display this inventory item
- * @param[in] path - Device path to read for GPIO pin state
- to determine presence of inventory item
- * @param[in] key - GPIO key to monitor
- * @param[in] name - Pretty name of the inventory item
- * @param[in] event - sd_event handler
- * @param[in] drivers - list of device drivers to bind and unbind
- * @param[in] handler - IO callback handler. Defaults to one in this
- * class
- */
- Presence(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
- const std::string& inventory,
- const std::string& path,
- const unsigned int key,
- const std::string& name,
- EventPtr& event,
- const std::vector<Driver>& drivers,
- sd_event_io_handler_t handler = Presence::processEvents) :
- Evdev(path, key, event, handler, true),
- bus(bus),
- inventory(inventory),
- name(name),
- drivers(drivers)
- {
- determinePresence();
- }
- /** @brief Callback handler when the FD has some activity on it
- *
- * @param[in] es - Populated event source
- * @param[in] fd - Associated File descriptor
- * @param[in] revents - Type of event
- * @param[in] userData - User data that was passed during registration
- *
- * @return - 0 or positive number on success and negative
- * errno otherwise
- */
- static int processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
- uint32_t revents, void* userData);
- private:
- /**
- * @brief Update the present property for the inventory item.
- *
- * @param[in] present - What the present property should be set to.
- */
- void updateInventory(bool present);
- /**
- * @brief Construct the inventory object map for the inventory item.
- *
- * @param[in] present - What the present property should be set to.
- *
- * @return The inventory object map to update inventory
- */
- ObjectMap getObjectMap(bool present);
- /** @brief Connection for sdbusplus bus */
- sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
- /**
- * @brief Read the GPIO device to determine initial presence and set
- * present property at D-Bus path.
- */
- void determinePresence();
- /** @brief Object path under inventory to display this inventory item */
- const std::string inventory;
- /** @brief Pretty name of the inventory item*/
- const std::string name;
- /** @brief Analyzes the GPIO event and update present property*/
- void analyzeEvent();
- /** @brief Vector of path and device tuples to bind/unbind*/
- const std::vector<Driver> drivers;
- /**
- * @brief Binds or unbinds drivers
- *
- * Called when a presence change is detected to either
- * bind the drivers for the new card or unbind them for
- * the just removed card. Operates on the drivers vector.
- *
- * Writes <device> to <path>/bind (or unbind)
- *
- * @param present - when true, will bind the drivers
- * when false, will unbind them
- */
- void bindOrUnbindDrivers(bool present);
+ using Property = std::string;
+ using Value = sdbusplus::message::variant<bool, std::string>;
+ // Association between property and its value
+ using PropertyMap = std::map<Property, Value>;
+ using Interface = std::string;
+ // Association between interface and the D-Bus property
+ using InterfaceMap = std::map<Interface, PropertyMap>;
+ using Object = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
+ // Association between object and the interface
+ using ObjectMap = std::map<Object, InterfaceMap>;
+ public:
+ Presence() = delete;
+ ~Presence() = default;
+ Presence(const Presence&) = delete;
+ Presence& operator=(const Presence&) = delete;
+ Presence(Presence&&) = delete;
+ Presence& operator=(Presence&&) = delete;
+ /** @brief Constructs Presence object.
+ *
+ * @param[in] bus - D-Bus bus Object
+ * @param[in] inventory - Object path under inventory
+ to display this inventory item
+ * @param[in] path - Device path to read for GPIO pin state
+ to determine presence of inventory item
+ * @param[in] key - GPIO key to monitor
+ * @param[in] name - Pretty name of the inventory item
+ * @param[in] event - sd_event handler
+ * @param[in] drivers - list of device drivers to bind and unbind
+ * @param[in] handler - IO callback handler. Defaults to one in this
+ * class
+ */
+ Presence(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& inventory,
+ const std::string& path, const unsigned int key,
+ const std::string& name, EventPtr& event,
+ const std::vector<Driver>& drivers,
+ sd_event_io_handler_t handler = Presence::processEvents) :
+ Evdev(path, key, event, handler, true),
+ bus(bus), inventory(inventory), name(name), drivers(drivers)
+ {
+ determinePresence();
+ }
+ /** @brief Callback handler when the FD has some activity on it
+ *
+ * @param[in] es - Populated event source
+ * @param[in] fd - Associated File descriptor
+ * @param[in] revents - Type of event
+ * @param[in] userData - User data that was passed during registration
+ *
+ * @return - 0 or positive number on success and negative
+ * errno otherwise
+ */
+ static int processEvents(sd_event_source* es, int fd, uint32_t revents,
+ void* userData);
+ private:
+ /**
+ * @brief Update the present property for the inventory item.
+ *
+ * @param[in] present - What the present property should be set to.
+ */
+ void updateInventory(bool present);
+ /**
+ * @brief Construct the inventory object map for the inventory item.
+ *
+ * @param[in] present - What the present property should be set to.
+ *
+ * @return The inventory object map to update inventory
+ */
+ ObjectMap getObjectMap(bool present);
+ /** @brief Connection for sdbusplus bus */
+ sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
+ /**
+ * @brief Read the GPIO device to determine initial presence and set
+ * present property at D-Bus path.
+ */
+ void determinePresence();
+ /** @brief Object path under inventory to display this inventory item */
+ const std::string inventory;
+ /** @brief Pretty name of the inventory item*/
+ const std::string name;
+ /** @brief Analyzes the GPIO event and update present property*/
+ void analyzeEvent();
+ /** @brief Vector of path and device tuples to bind/unbind*/
+ const std::vector<Driver> drivers;
+ /**
+ * @brief Binds or unbinds drivers
+ *
+ * Called when a presence change is detected to either
+ * bind the drivers for the new card or unbind them for
+ * the just removed card. Operates on the drivers vector.
+ *
+ * Writes <device> to <path>/bind (or unbind)
+ *
+ * @param present - when true, will bind the drivers
+ * when false, will unbind them
+ */
+ void bindOrUnbindDrivers(bool present);
@@ -151,11 +147,9 @@ class Presence : public Evdev
* @return The service name
-std::string getService(const std::string& path,
- const std::string& interface,
+std::string getService(const std::string& path, const std::string& interface,
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus);
} // namespace presence
} // namespace gpio
} // namespace phosphor
diff --git a/presence/main.cpp b/presence/main.cpp
index 1eaa18b..16866d4 100644
--- a/presence/main.cpp
+++ b/presence/main.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
-#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include "argument.hpp"
#include "gpio_presence.hpp"
+#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
using namespace phosphor::logging;
using namespace phosphor::gpio;
using namespace phosphor::gpio::presence;
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ static int getDrivers(const std::string& driverString,
std::string entry;
- //Extract each path,device pair
+ // Extract each path,device pair
stream >> entry;
if (entry.empty())
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ static int getDrivers(const std::string& driverString,
- //Extract the path and device and save them
+ // Extract the path and device and save them
auto pos = entry.rfind(',');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::vector<Driver> driverList;
- //Driver list is optional
+ // Driver list is optional
if (drivers != ArgumentParser::emptyString)
if (getDrivers(drivers, driverList) < 0)
@@ -110,13 +112,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
event = nullptr;
auto name = options["name"];
- Presence presence(
- bus, inventory, path, std::stoul(key), name, eventP, driverList);
+ Presence presence(bus, inventory, path, std::stoul(key), name, eventP,
+ driverList);
while (true)
// -1 denotes wait forever
- rc = sd_event_run(eventP.get(), (uint64_t) - 1);
+ rc = sd_event_run(eventP.get(), (uint64_t)-1);
if (rc < 0)
log<level::ERR>("Failure in processing request",
@@ -126,4 +128,3 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return rc;
diff --git a/test/utest.cpp b/test/utest.cpp
index a023cde..5fb870f 100644
--- a/test/utest.cpp
+++ b/test/utest.cpp
@@ -1,63 +1,65 @@
-#include <iostream>
+#include "evdev.hpp"
+#include "monitor.hpp"
+#include <linux/input.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <chrono>
+#include <iostream>
#include <string>
-#include <linux/input.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include "monitor.hpp"
-#include "evdev.hpp"
using namespace phosphor::gpio;
// Exit helper. Ideally should be class but need
// this to be used inside a static method.
-bool completed {};
+bool completed{};
class GpioTest : public ::testing::Test
- public:
- static constexpr auto DEVICE = "/tmp/test_fifo";
+ public:
+ static constexpr auto DEVICE = "/tmp/test_fifo";
- // systemd event handler
- sd_event* events;
+ // systemd event handler
+ sd_event* events;
- // Really needed just for the constructor
- decltype(input_event::code) code = 10;
+ // Really needed just for the constructor
+ decltype(input_event::code) code = 10;
- // Really needed just for the constructor
- decltype(input_event::value) value = 10;
+ // Really needed just for the constructor
+ decltype(input_event::value) value = 10;
- // Need this so that events can be initialized.
- int rc;
+ // Need this so that events can be initialized.
+ int rc;
- // Gets called as part of each TEST_F construction
- GpioTest()
- : rc(sd_event_default(&events))
- {
- // Check for successful creation of event handler
- EXPECT_GE(rc, 0);
+ // Gets called as part of each TEST_F construction
+ GpioTest() : rc(sd_event_default(&events))
+ {
+ // Check for successful creation of event handler
+ EXPECT_GE(rc, 0);
- // FIFO created to simulate data available
- EXPECT_EQ(0, mknod(DEVICE, S_IFIFO|0666, 0));
- }
+ // FIFO created to simulate data available
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, mknod(DEVICE, S_IFIFO | 0666, 0));
+ }
- // Gets called as part of each TEST_F destruction
- ~GpioTest()
- {
- EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(DEVICE));
+ // Gets called as part of each TEST_F destruction
+ ~GpioTest()
+ {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, remove(DEVICE));
- events = sd_event_unref(events);
- EXPECT_EQ(events, nullptr);
- }
+ events = sd_event_unref(events);
+ EXPECT_EQ(events, nullptr);
+ }
- // Callback handler on data
- static int callbackHandler(sd_event_source* es, int fd,
- uint32_t revents, void* userData)
- {
- std::cout <<"Event fired" << std::endl;
- completed = true;
- return 0;
- }
+ // Callback handler on data
+ static int callbackHandler(sd_event_source* es, int fd, uint32_t revents,
+ void* userData)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Event fired" << std::endl;
+ completed = true;
+ return 0;
+ }
/** @brief Makes sure that event never comes for 3 seconds
@@ -66,20 +68,20 @@ TEST_F(GpioTest, noEventIn3Seconds)
using namespace std::chrono;
- phosphor::gpio::EventPtr eventP { events };
+ phosphor::gpio::EventPtr eventP{events};
events = nullptr;
const std::string emptyTarget = "";
- Monitor gpio(DEVICE, code, value, emptyTarget,
- eventP, false, callbackHandler, false);
+ Monitor gpio(DEVICE, code, value, emptyTarget, eventP, false,
+ callbackHandler, false);
// Waiting 3 seconds and check if the completion status is set
int count = 0;
- while(count < 3)
+ while (count < 3)
// Returns -0- on timeout and positive number on dispatch
auto sleepTime = duration_cast<microseconds>(seconds(1));
- if(!sd_event_run(eventP.get(), sleepTime.count()))
+ if (!sd_event_run(eventP.get(), sleepTime.count()))
@@ -95,16 +97,16 @@ TEST_F(GpioTest, pumpDataAndExpectCallBack)
using namespace std::chrono;
- phosphor::gpio::EventPtr eventP { events };
+ phosphor::gpio::EventPtr eventP{events};
events = nullptr;
const std::string emptyTarget = "";
- Monitor gpio(DEVICE, code, value, emptyTarget,
- eventP, false, callbackHandler, false);
+ Monitor gpio(DEVICE, code, value, emptyTarget, eventP, false,
+ callbackHandler, false);
// Pump the data in the middle
int count = 0;
- while(count < 2 && !completed)
+ while (count < 2 && !completed)
if (count == 1)
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ TEST_F(GpioTest, pumpDataAndExpectCallBack)
// Returns -0- on timeout
auto sleepTime = duration_cast<microseconds>(seconds(1));
- if(!sd_event_run(eventP.get(), sleepTime.count()))
+ if (!sd_event_run(eventP.get(), sleepTime.count()))
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