#!/usr/bin/env python '''Phosphor DBus Monitor YAML parser and code generator. The parser workflow is broken down as follows: 1 - Import YAML files as native python type(s) instance(s). 2 - Create an instance of the Everything class from the native python type instance(s) with the Everything.load method. 3 - The Everything class constructor orchestrates conversion of the native python type(s) instances(s) to render helper types. Each render helper type constructor imports its attributes from the native python type(s) instances(s). 4 - Present the converted YAML to the command processing method requested by the script user. ''' import os import sys import yaml import mako.lookup from argparse import ArgumentParser from sdbusplus.renderer import Renderer from sdbusplus.namedelement import NamedElement import sdbusplus.property class InvalidConfigError(BaseException): '''General purpose config file parsing error.''' def __init__(self, path, msg): '''Display configuration file with the syntax error and the error message.''' self.config = path self.msg = msg class NotUniqueError(InvalidConfigError): '''Within a config file names must be unique. Display the config file with the duplicate and the duplicate itself.''' def __init__(self, path, cls, *names): fmt = 'Duplicate {0}: "{1}"' super(NotUniqueError, self).__init__( path, fmt.format(cls, ' '.join(names))) def get_index(objs, cls, name, config=None): '''Items are usually rendered as C++ arrays and as such are stored in python lists. Given an item name its class, and an optional config file filter, find the item index.''' for i, x in enumerate(objs.get(cls, [])): if config and x.configfile != config: continue if x.name != name: continue return i raise InvalidConfigError(config, 'Could not find name: "{0}"'.format(name)) def exists(objs, cls, name, config=None): '''Check to see if an item already exists in a list given the item name.''' try: get_index(objs, cls, name, config) except: return False return True def add_unique(obj, *a, **kw): '''Add an item to one or more lists unless already present, with an option to constrain the search to a specific config file.''' for container in a: if not exists(container, obj.cls, obj.name, config=kw.get('config')): container.setdefault(obj.cls, []).append(obj) class Indent(object): '''Help templates be depth agnostic.''' def __init__(self, depth=0): self.depth = depth def __add__(self, depth): return Indent(self.depth + depth) def __call__(self, depth): '''Render an indent at the current depth plus depth.''' return 4*' '*(depth + self.depth) class ConfigEntry(NamedElement): '''Base interface for rendered items.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): '''Pop the configfile/class/subclass keywords.''' self.configfile = kw.pop('configfile') self.cls = kw.pop('class') self.subclass = kw.pop(self.cls) super(ConfigEntry, self).__init__(**kw) def factory(self, objs): ''' Optional factory interface for subclasses to add additional items to be rendered.''' pass def setup(self, objs): ''' Optional setup interface for subclasses, invoked after all factory methods have been run.''' pass class Path(ConfigEntry): '''Path/metadata association.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(Path, self).__init__(**kw) def factory(self, objs): '''Create path and metadata elements.''' args = { 'class': 'pathname', 'pathname': 'element', 'name': self.name['path'] } add_unique(ConfigEntry( configfile=self.configfile, **args), objs) args = { 'class': 'meta', 'meta': 'element', 'name': self.name['meta'] } add_unique(ConfigEntry( configfile=self.configfile, **args), objs) super(Path, self).factory(objs) def setup(self, objs): '''Resolve path and metadata names to indicies.''' self.path = get_index( objs, 'pathname', self.name['path']) self.meta = get_index( objs, 'meta', self.name['meta']) super(Path, self).setup(objs) class Property(ConfigEntry): '''Property/interface/metadata association.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(Property, self).__init__(**kw) def factory(self, objs): '''Create interface, property name and metadata elements.''' args = { 'class': 'interface', 'interface': 'element', 'name': self.name['interface'] } add_unique(ConfigEntry( configfile=self.configfile, **args), objs) args = { 'class': 'propertyname', 'propertyname': 'element', 'name': self.name['property'] } add_unique(ConfigEntry( configfile=self.configfile, **args), objs) args = { 'class': 'meta', 'meta': 'element', 'name': self.name['meta'] } add_unique(ConfigEntry( configfile=self.configfile, **args), objs) super(Property, self).factory(objs) def setup(self, objs): '''Resolve interface, property and metadata to indicies.''' self.interface = get_index( objs, 'interface', self.name['interface']) self.prop = get_index( objs, 'propertyname', self.name['property']) self.meta = get_index( objs, 'meta', self.name['meta']) super(Property, self).setup(objs) class Group(ConfigEntry): '''Pop the members keyword for groups.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.members = kw.pop('members') super(Group, self).__init__(**kw) class ImplicitGroup(Group): '''Provide a factory method for groups whose members are not explicitly declared in the config files.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(ImplicitGroup, self).__init__(**kw) def factory(self, objs): '''Create group members.''' factory = Everything.classmap(self.subclass, 'element') for m in self.members: args = { 'class': self.subclass, self.subclass: 'element', 'name': m } obj = factory(configfile=self.configfile, **args) add_unique(obj, objs) obj.factory(objs) super(ImplicitGroup, self).factory(objs) class GroupOfPaths(ImplicitGroup): '''Path group config file directive.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(GroupOfPaths, self).__init__(**kw) def setup(self, objs): '''Resolve group members.''' def map_member(x): path = get_index( objs, 'pathname', x['path']) meta = get_index( objs, 'meta', x['meta']) return (path, meta) self.members = map( map_member, self.members) super(GroupOfPaths, self).setup(objs) class GroupOfProperties(ImplicitGroup): '''Property group config file directive.''' def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.datatype = sdbusplus.property.Property( name=kw.get('name'), type=kw.pop('type')).cppTypeName super(GroupOfProperties, self).__init__(**kw) def setup(self, objs): '''Resolve group members.''' def map_member(x): iface = get_index( objs, 'interface', x['interface']) prop = get_index( objs, 'propertyname', x['property']) meta = get_index( objs, 'meta', x['meta']) return (iface, prop, meta) self.members = map( map_member, self.members) super(GroupOfProperties, self).setup(objs) class Everything(Renderer): '''Parse/render entry point.''' @staticmethod def classmap(cls, sub=None): '''Map render item class and subclass entries to the appropriate handler methods.''' class_map = { 'path': { 'element': Path, }, 'pathgroup': { 'path': GroupOfPaths, }, 'propertygroup': { 'property': GroupOfProperties, }, 'property': { 'element': Property, }, } if cls not in class_map: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown class: "{0}"'.format(cls)) if sub not in class_map[cls]: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown {0} type: "{1}"'.format( cls, sub)) return class_map[cls][sub] @staticmethod def load_one_yaml(path, fd, objs): '''Parse a single YAML file. Parsing occurs in three phases. In the first phase a factory method associated with each configuration file directive is invoked. These factory methods generate more factory methods. In the second phase the factory methods created in the first phase are invoked. In the last phase a callback is invoked on each object created in phase two. Typically the callback resolves references to other configuration file directives.''' factory_objs = {} for x in yaml.safe_load(fd.read()) or {}: # Create factory object for this config file directive. cls = x['class'] sub = x.get(cls) if cls == 'group': cls = '{0}group'.format(sub) factory = Everything.classmap(cls, sub) obj = factory(configfile=path, **x) # For a given class of directive, validate the file # doesn't have any duplicate names (duplicates are # ok across config files). if exists(factory_objs, obj.cls, obj.name, config=path): raise NotUniqueError(path, cls, obj.name) factory_objs.setdefault(cls, []).append(obj) objs.setdefault(cls, []).append(obj) for cls, items in factory_objs.items(): for obj in items: # Add objects for template consumption. obj.factory(objs) @staticmethod def load(args): '''Aggregate all the YAML in the input directory into a single aggregate.''' objs = {} yaml_files = filter( lambda x: x.endswith('.yaml'), os.listdir(args.inputdir)) yaml_files.sort() for x in yaml_files: path = os.path.join(args.inputdir, x) with open(path, 'r') as fd: Everything.load_one_yaml(path, fd, objs) # Configuration file directives reference each other via # the name attribute; however, when rendered the reference # is just an array index. # # At this point all objects have been created but references # have not been resolved to array indicies. Instruct objects # to do that now. for cls, items in objs.items(): for obj in items: obj.setup(objs) return Everything(**objs) def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.pathmeta = kw.pop('path', []) self.paths = kw.pop('pathname', []) self.meta = kw.pop('meta', []) self.pathgroups = kw.pop('pathgroup', []) self.interfaces = kw.pop('interface', []) self.properties = kw.pop('property', []) self.propertynames = kw.pop('propertyname', []) self.propertygroups = kw.pop('propertygroup', []) super(Everything, self).__init__(**kw) def generate_cpp(self, loader): '''Render the template with the provided data.''' with open(args.output, 'w') as fd: fd.write( self.render( loader, args.template, meta=self.meta, properties=self.properties, propertynames=self.propertynames, interfaces=self.interfaces, paths=self.paths, pathmeta=self.pathmeta, pathgroups=self.pathgroups, propertygroups=self.propertygroups, indent=Indent())) if __name__ == '__main__': script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) valid_commands = { 'generate-cpp': 'generate_cpp', } parser = ArgumentParser( description='Phosphor DBus Monitor (PDM) YAML ' 'scanner and code generator.') parser.add_argument( "-o", "--out", dest="output", default='generated.cpp', help="Generated output file name and path.") parser.add_argument( '-t', '--template', dest='template', default='generated.mako.hpp', help='The top level template to render.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--template-path', dest='template_search', default=script_dir, help='The space delimited mako template search path.') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--dir', dest='inputdir', default=os.path.join(script_dir, 'example'), help='Location of files to process.') parser.add_argument( 'command', metavar='COMMAND', type=str, choices=valid_commands.keys(), help='%s.' % " | ".join(valid_commands.keys())) args = parser.parse_args() if sys.version_info < (3, 0): lookup = mako.lookup.TemplateLookup( directories=args.template_search.split(), disable_unicode=True) else: lookup = mako.lookup.TemplateLookup( directories=args.template_search.split()) try: function = getattr( Everything.load(args), valid_commands[args.command]) function(lookup) except InvalidConfigError as e: sys.stdout.write('{0}: {1}\n\n'.format(e.config, e.msg)) raise