description: > Implement the watchdog function. methods: - name: ResetTimeRemaining description: > Resets the time remaining to the configured interval. This is equivalent to reading the Interval and writing it into the TimeRemaining. Optionally the watchdog can be enabled during the reset process. parameters: - name: EnableWatchdog type: boolean description: > If true the watchdog will be enabled when the reset is performed. errors: - xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure properties: - name: Initialized type: boolean description: > Whether the host has configured the watchdog yet. default: false - name: Enabled type: boolean description: > The watchdog is enabled or not. default: false - name: ExpireAction type: enum[self.Action] description: > The action the watchdog should perform when it expires. default: 'HardReset' - name: Interval type: uint64 description: > Time interval to arm the watchdog, in milli-second. default: 30000 - name: TimeRemaining type: uint64 description: > Time remaining before timeout, in milli-second. Setting this property can re-arm the watchdog. default: 0 enumerations: - name: Action description: > The type of action to perform. values: - name: 'None' description: > Do nothing. - name: 'HardReset' description: > Perform a reset of the system. - name: 'PowerOff' description: > Perform a power off of the system. - name: 'PowerCycle' description: > Perform a power cycle of the system. # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4