#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include "occ_events.hpp" #include "occ_device.hpp" namespace open_power { namespace occ { namespace Base = sdbusplus::org::open_power::OCC::server; using Interface = sdbusplus::server::object::object; // IPMID's host control application namespace Control = sdbusplus::org::open_power::Control::server; // For waiting on signals namespace sdbusRule = sdbusplus::bus::match::rules; // OCC status instance. Ex. for "occ0", the instance is 0 using instanceID = int; // IPMI sensor ID for a given OCC instance using sensorID = uint8_t; /** @class Status * @brief Implementation of OCC Active Status */ class Status : public Interface { public: Status() = delete; ~Status() = default; Status(const Status&) = delete; Status& operator=(const Status&) = delete; Status(Status&&) = default; Status& operator=(Status&&) = default; /** @brief Constructs the Status object and * the underlying device object * * @param[in] bus - DBus bus to attach to * @param[in] path - DBus object path */ Status(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, EventPtr& event, const char* path) : Interface(bus, path), bus(bus), path(path), instance(((this->path.back() - '0'))), device(event, name + std::to_string(instance + 1), std::bind(&Status::deviceErrorHandler, this)), hostControlSignal( bus, sdbusRule::type::signal() + sdbusRule::member("CommandComplete") + sdbusRule::path("/org/open_power/control/host0") + sdbusRule::interface("org.open_power.Control.Host") + sdbusRule::argN(0, Control::convertForMessage( Control::Host::Command::OCCReset)), std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Status::hostControlEvent), this, std::placeholders::_1)) { // Nothing to do here } /** @brief Since we are overriding the setter-occActive but not the * getter-occActive, we need to have this using in order to * allow passthrough usage of the getter-occActive */ using Base::Status::occActive; /** @brief SET OccActive to True or False * * @param[in] value - Intended value * * @return - Updated value of the property */ bool occActive(bool value) override; private: /** @brief sdbus handle */ sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus; /** @brief OCC dbus object path */ std::string path; /** @brief occ name prefix */ std::string name = OCC_NAME; /** @brief OCC instance number. Ex, 0,1, etc */ int instance; /** @brief OCC instance to Sensor ID mapping */ static const std::map sensorMap; /** @brief OCC device object to do bind and unbind */ Device device; /** @brief Subscribe to host control signal * * Once the OCC reset is requested, BMC sends that message to host. * If the host does not ack the message, then there would be a timeout * and we need to catch that to log an error **/ sdbusplus::bus::match_t hostControlSignal; /** @brief Indicates whether a hub FSI scan has been attempted or not */ static bool hubFsiScanDone; /** @brief Callback handler when device errors are detected */ void deviceErrorHandler(); /** @brief Callback function on host control signals * * @param[in] msg - Data associated with subscribed signal */ void hostControlEvent(sdbusplus::message::message& msg); /** @brief Sends a message to host control command handler to reset OCC */ void resetOCC(); /** @brief Initiates hub FSI scan so that /dev/occ files are created */ void scanHubFSI(); }; } // namespace occ } // namespace open_power