# The ObjectMapper The `xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper` service, commonly referred to as just the mapper, is an OpenBMC application that attempts to ease the pain of using D-Bus by providing APIs that help in discovering and associating other D-Bus objects. The mapper has two major pieces of functionality: - [Methods](#methods) - Provides D-Bus discovery related functionality. - [Associations](#associations) - Associates two different objects with each other. ## Methods The official YAML interface definition can be found [here][1]. ### GetObject Use this method to find the services, with their interfaces, that implement a certain object path. The output is a map of service names to their implemented interfaces. An optional list of interfaces may also be passed in to constrain the output to services that implement those specific interfaces. Inputs: - path: object path - param: interfaces - an optional list of interfaces to constrain the search to Output: - Map of service names to their interfaces ``` dbus-send --system --print-reply \ --dest=xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper \ /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper \ xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper.GetObject \ string:"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage/ps1_input_voltage" array:string: array [ dict entry( string "xyz.openbmc_project.Hwmon-1025936882.Hwmon1" array [ string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical" string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning" string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value" ] ) ] ``` #### Example Use Case Find the service name that has the desired object path so it can be passed into a get property call. ### GetSubTree Use this method to find the objects, services, and interfaces in the specified subtree that implement a certain interface. If no interfaces are passed in, then all objects/services/interfaces in the subtree are returned. If interfaces are passed in, then only those interfaces are returned in the output. Inputs: - param: subtree - the root of the tree. Using "/" will search the whole tree - param: depth - the maximum depth of the tree past the root to search. Use 0 to search all - param: interfaces - an optional list of interfaces to constrain the search to Output: - Map of object paths to a map of service names to their interfaces ``` dbus-send --system --print-reply \ --dest=xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper \ /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper \ xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper.GetSubTree \ string:"/" int32:0 array:string:"xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning" array [ dict entry( string "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps0_output_current" array [ dict entry( string "xyz.openbmc_project.Hwmon-1040041051.Hwmon1" array [ string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical" string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning" string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value" ] ) ] ) dict entry( string "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps1_output_current" array [ dict entry( string "xyz.openbmc_project.Hwmon-1025936882.Hwmon1" array [ string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Critical" string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning" string "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value" ] ) ] ) ... ``` #### Example Use Case Find all object paths and services that implement a specific interface. ### GetSubTreePaths This is the same as GetSubTree, but only returns object paths Inputs: - param: subtree - the root of the tree. Using "/" will search the whole tree - param: depth - the maximum depth of the tree past the root to search. Use 0 to search all - param: interfaces - an optional list of interfaces to constrain the search to Output: - array of object paths in that subtree ``` dbus-send --system --print-reply \ --dest=xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper \ /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper \ xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper.GetSubTreePaths \ string:"/" int32:0 array:string:"xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Threshold.Warning" array [ string "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps0_output_current" string "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/current/ps1_output_current" string "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/power/ps0_input_power" ... ] ``` #### Example Use Case Find all object paths that implement a specific interface. ### GetAncestors Use this method to find all ancestors of an object that implement a specific interface. If no interfaces are passed in, then all ancestor paths/services/interfaces are returned. Inputs: - param: path - the object path to find the ancestors of - param: interfaces - an optional list of interfaces to constrain the search to Output: - A map of object paths to a map of services names to their interfaces ``` dbus-send --system --print-reply \ --dest=xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper \ /xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper \ xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper.GetAncestors \ string:"/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system" array:string: array [ dict entry( string "/xyz/openbmc_project" array [ dict entry( string "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper" array [ string "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" ] ) ] ) dict entry( string "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory" array [ dict entry( string "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager" array [ string "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager" string "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" ] ) ] ) dict entry( string "/" array [ dict entry( string "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings" array [ string "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" ] ) ] ) ] ``` #### Example Use Case Find a parent object that implements a specific interface. ## Associations Associations are special D-Bus objects created by the mapper to associate two objects with each other. For this to occur, some application must implement the `org.openbmc.Associations` interface, and then when an association is desired, the `associations` property on that interface needs to be written. This `associations` property is an array of tuples of the form: ``` [forward, reverse, object path] ``` - forward: this is the name of the forward association object - reverse: this is the name of the reverse association object - object path: this is the other object to associate with When an object with, for example, an object path of `pathA` uses the following values: ``` ["foo", "bar", "pathB"] ``` The mapper will create 2 new objects: 1. `pathA/foo` 2. `pathB/bar` On each of these objects, the interface `xyz.openbmc_project.Association` will be implemented, which has a single `endpoints` property. This property is an array that holds the object paths to the other end of the association. So, `pathA/foo->endpoints` will contain `pathB`, and `pathB/bar->endpoints` will contain `pathA`. If another object, say `pathC`, also has an association to `pathB`, then a second entry, `pathC`, will be added into `pathB`\'s endpoints property. These new objects will match the lifetime of the associated objects. For example, if `pathA` is deleted, then `pathA/foo` will also be deleted, and `pathA` will be removed from the endpoints property of `pathB/bar`. If that was the last entry in that property, then `pathB/bar` will also be deleted. #### Example Use Case Associate an error log with the inventory item that caused it. ``` # Error log "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/3": { ... "associations": [ [ "callout", "fault", "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0" ] ] } # Newly created forward association object "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/3/callout": { "endpoints": [ "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0" ] } # Newly created reverse association object "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0/fault": { "endpoints": [ "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/3" ] } ``` [1]: https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/xyz/openbmc_project/ObjectMapper.interface.yaml