#ifndef __IPMI_FRU_AREA_H__ #define __IPMI_FRU_AREA_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "frup.h" #include "writefrudata.hpp" class ipmi_fru; typedef std::vector> fru_area_vec_t; class ipmi_fru { private: // Unique way of identifying a FRU uint8_t iv_fruid; // Type of the fru matching offsets in common header ipmi_fru_area_type iv_type; // Name of the fru area. ( BOARD/CHASSIS/PRODUCT ) std::string iv_name; // Length of a specific fru area. size_t iv_len; // Special bit for BMC readable eeprom only. bool iv_bmc_fru; // If a FRU is physically present. bool iv_present; // Whether a particular area is valid ? bool iv_valid; // Actual area data. uint8_t *iv_data; // fru inventory dbus name std::string iv_bus_name; // fru inventory dbus object path std::string iv_obj_path; // fru inventory dbus interface name std::string iv_intf_name; // sd_bus handle sd_bus *iv_bus_type; // Default constructor disabled. ipmi_fru(); public: // constructor ipmi_fru(const uint8_t fruid, const ipmi_fru_area_type type, sd_bus *bus_type, bool bmc_fru = false); // Destructor virtual ~ipmi_fru(); // If a particular area has been marked valid / invalid inline bool is_valid() const { return iv_valid; } // Sets the present bit inline void set_present(const bool present) { iv_present = present; } // Sets the valid bit for a corresponding area. inline void set_valid(const bool valid) { iv_valid = valid; } // If a particular area accessible only by BMC inline bool is_bmc_fru() const { return iv_bmc_fru; } // returns fru id; uint8_t get_fruid() const { return iv_fruid; } // Returns the length. size_t get_len() const { return iv_len; } // Returns the type of the current fru area ipmi_fru_area_type get_type() const { return iv_type; } // Returns the name const char *get_name() const { return iv_name.c_str(); } // Returns SD bus name const char *get_bus_name() const { return iv_bus_name.c_str(); } // Retrns SD bus object path const char *get_obj_path() const { return iv_obj_path.c_str(); } // Returns SD bus interface name const char *get_intf_name() const { return iv_intf_name.c_str(); } // Returns the data portion inline uint8_t *get_data() const { return iv_data; } // Returns the bus type. inline sd_bus *get_bus_type() const { return iv_bus_type; } // Sets up the sd_bus variables for the given AREA type int setup_sd_bus_paths(void); // Accepts a pointer to data and sets it in the object. void set_data(const uint8_t *, const size_t); // Sets the dbus parameters void update_dbus_paths(const char *, const char *, const char *); }; #endif