## Catalog generation and dump ## ### How to ### In order to generate a new lid: ``` $ python read.py v8.lid ``` This generates three csv files namely `events.csv`, `groups.csv`, and `formulae.csv`. Make changes to these csv files if required and generate the new catalog using the following command. ``` $ python catalog.py ``` E.g. ``` $ python catalog.py 8 v8.lid e8100619_test ``` This generates a new lid file named e8100619_test.lid and a new dts file named e8100619_test.dts using the csv files previously generated. Note: Use the same lid file as the old lid (or one which has the same schema) which was used to generate the csv files. --- ### Revision History ### ##### v1 ##### * Initial catalog generation from CSV files and dumping catalog into CSV files #### v2 #### * Add support to generate DTS file from the catalog lid