#include "config.h" #include "fbv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PAN_STEPPING 20 static int opt_clear = 1; static int opt_alpha = 0; static int opt_hide_cursor = 1; static int opt_image_info = 1; static int opt_stretch = 0; static int opt_delay = 0; static int opt_enlarge = 0; static int opt_ignore_aspect = 0; void setup_console(int t) { struct termios our_termios; static struct termios old_termios; if(t) { tcgetattr(0, &old_termios); memcpy(&our_termios, &old_termios, sizeof(struct termios)); our_termios.c_lflag &= !(ECHO | ICANON); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &our_termios); } else tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_termios); } static inline void do_rotate(struct image *i, int rot) { if(rot) { unsigned char *image, *alpha = NULL; int t; image = rotate(i->rgb, i->width, i->height, rot); if(i->alpha) alpha = alpha_rotate(i->alpha, i->width, i->height, rot); if(i->do_free) { free(i->alpha); free(i->rgb); } i->rgb = image; i->alpha = alpha; i->do_free = 1; if(rot & 1) { t = i->width; i->width = i->height; i->height = t; } } } static inline void do_enlarge(struct image *i, int screen_width, int screen_height, int ignoreaspect) { if(((i->width > screen_width) || (i->height > screen_height)) && (!ignoreaspect)) return; if((i->width < screen_width) || (i->height < screen_height)) { int xsize = i->width, ysize = i->height; unsigned char * image, * alpha = NULL; if(ignoreaspect) { if(i->width < screen_width) xsize = screen_width; if(i->height < screen_height) ysize = screen_height; goto have_sizes; } if((i->height * screen_width / i->width) <= screen_height) { xsize = screen_width; ysize = i->height * screen_width / i->width; goto have_sizes; } if((i->width * screen_height / i->height) <= screen_width) { xsize = i->width * screen_height / i->height; ysize = screen_height; goto have_sizes; } return; have_sizes: image = simple_resize(i->rgb, i->width, i->height, xsize, ysize); if(i->alpha) alpha = alpha_resize(i->alpha, i->width, i->height, xsize, ysize); if(i->do_free) { free(i->alpha); free(i->rgb); } i->rgb = image; i->alpha = alpha; i->do_free = 1; i->width = xsize; i->height = ysize; } } static inline void do_fit_to_screen(struct image *i, int screen_width, int screen_height, int ignoreaspect, int cal) { if((i->width > screen_width) || (i->height > screen_height)) { unsigned char * new_image, * new_alpha = NULL; int nx_size = i->width, ny_size = i->height; if(ignoreaspect) { if(i->width > screen_width) nx_size = screen_width; if(i->height > screen_height) ny_size = screen_height; } else { if((i->height * screen_width / i->width) <= screen_height) { nx_size = screen_width; ny_size = i->height * screen_width / i->width; } else { nx_size = i->width * screen_height / i->height; ny_size = screen_height; } } if(cal) new_image = color_average_resize(i->rgb, i->width, i->height, nx_size, ny_size); else new_image = simple_resize(i->rgb, i->width, i->height, nx_size, ny_size); if(i->alpha) new_alpha = alpha_resize(i->alpha, i->width, i->height, nx_size, ny_size); if(i->do_free) { free(i->alpha); free(i->rgb); } i->rgb = new_image; i->alpha = new_alpha; i->do_free = 1; i->width = nx_size; i->height = ny_size; } } int show_image(char *filename) { int (*load)(char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char **, int, int); unsigned char * image = NULL; unsigned char * alpha = NULL; int x_size, y_size, screen_width, screen_height; int x_pan, y_pan, x_offs, y_offs, refresh = 1, c, ret = 1; int delay = opt_delay, retransform = 1; int transform_stretch = opt_stretch, transform_enlarge = opt_enlarge, transform_cal = (opt_stretch == 2), transform_iaspect = opt_ignore_aspect, transform_rotation = 0; struct image i; #ifdef FBV_SUPPORT_PNG if(fh_png_id(filename)) if(fh_png_getsize(filename, &x_size, &y_size) == FH_ERROR_OK) { load = fh_png_load; goto identified; } #endif #ifdef FBV_SUPPORT_JPEG if(fh_jpeg_id(filename)) if(fh_jpeg_getsize(filename, &x_size, &y_size) == FH_ERROR_OK) { load = fh_jpeg_load; goto identified; } #endif #ifdef FBV_SUPPORT_BMP if(fh_bmp_id(filename)) if(fh_bmp_getsize(filename, &x_size, &y_size) == FH_ERROR_OK) { load = fh_bmp_load; goto identified; } #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to access file or file format unknown.\n", filename); return(1); identified: if(!(image = (unsigned char*)malloc(x_size * y_size * 3))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Out of memory.\n", filename); goto error_mem; } if(load(filename, image, &alpha, x_size, y_size) != FH_ERROR_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Image data is corrupt?\n", filename); goto error_mem; } if(!opt_alpha) { free(alpha); alpha = NULL; } getCurrentRes(&screen_width, &screen_height); i.do_free = 0; while(1) { if(retransform) { if(i.do_free) { free(i.rgb); free(i.alpha); } i.width = x_size; i.height = y_size; i.rgb = image; i.alpha = alpha; i.do_free = 0; if(transform_rotation) do_rotate(&i, transform_rotation); if(transform_stretch) do_fit_to_screen(&i, screen_width, screen_height, transform_iaspect, transform_cal); if(transform_enlarge) do_enlarge(&i, screen_width, screen_height, transform_iaspect); x_pan = y_pan = 0; refresh = 1; retransform = 0; if(opt_clear) { printf("\033[H\033[J"); fflush(stdout); } if(opt_image_info) printf("fbv - The Framebuffer Viewer\n%s\n%d x %d\n", filename, x_size, y_size); } if(refresh) { if(i.width < screen_width) x_offs = (screen_width - i.width) / 2; else x_offs = 0; if(i.height < screen_height) y_offs = (screen_height - i.height) / 2; else y_offs = 0; fb_display(i.rgb, i.alpha, i.width, i.height, x_pan, y_pan, x_offs, y_offs); refresh = 0; } if(delay) { struct timeval tv; fd_set fds; tv.tv_sec = delay / 10; tv.tv_usec = (delay % 10) * 100000; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(0, &fds); if(select(1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) <= 0) break; delay = 0; } c = getchar(); switch(c) { case EOF: case 'q': ret = 0; goto done; case ' ': case 10: case 13: goto done; case '>': case '.': goto done; case '<': case ',': ret = -1; goto done; case 'r': refresh = 1; break; case 'a': case 'D': if(x_pan == 0) break; x_pan -= i.width / PAN_STEPPING; if(x_pan < 0) x_pan = 0; refresh = 1; break; case 'd': case 'C': if(x_offs) break; if(x_pan >= (i.width - screen_width)) break; x_pan += i.width / PAN_STEPPING; if(x_pan > (i.width - screen_width)) x_pan = i.width - screen_width; refresh = 1; break; case 'w': case 'A': if(y_pan == 0) break; y_pan -= i.height / PAN_STEPPING; if(y_pan < 0) y_pan = 0; refresh = 1; break; case 'x': case 'B': if(y_offs) break; if(y_pan >= (i.height - screen_height)) break; y_pan += i.height / PAN_STEPPING; if(y_pan > (i.height - screen_height)) y_pan = i.height - screen_height; refresh = 1; break; case 'f': transform_stretch = !transform_stretch; retransform = 1; break; case 'e': transform_enlarge = !transform_enlarge; retransform = 1; break; case 'k': transform_cal = !transform_cal; retransform = 1; break; case 'i': transform_iaspect = !transform_iaspect; retransform = 1; break; case 'p': transform_cal = 0; transform_iaspect = 0; transform_enlarge = 0; transform_stretch = 0; retransform = 1; break; case 'n': transform_rotation -= 1; if(transform_rotation < 0) transform_rotation += 4; retransform = 1; break; case 'm': transform_rotation += 1; if(transform_rotation > 3) transform_rotation -= 4; retransform = 1; break; } }// while(1) done: if(opt_clear) { printf("\033[H\033[J"); fflush(stdout); } error_mem: free(image); free(alpha); if(i.do_free) { free(i.rgb); free(i.alpha); } return(ret); } void help(char *name) { printf("Usage: %s [options] image1 image2 image3 ...\n\n" "Available options:\n" " --help | -h : Show this help\n" " --alpha | -a : Use the alpha channel (if applicable)\n" " --dontclear | -c : Do not clear the screen before and after displaying the image\n" " --donthide | -u : Do not hide the cursor before and after displaying the image\n" " --noinfo | -i : Supress image information\n" " --stretch | -f : Strech (using a simple resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary\n" " --colorstretch | -k : Strech (using a 'color average' resizing routine) the image to fit onto screen if necessary\n" " --enlarge | -e : Enlarge the image to fit the whole screen if necessary\n" " --ignore-aspect| -r : Ignore the image aspect while resizing\n" " --delay | -s : Slideshow, 'delay' is the slideshow delay in tenths of seconds.\n\n" "Keys:\n" " r : Redraw the image\n" " a, d, w, x : Pan the image\n" " f : Toggle resizing on/off\n" " k : Toggle resizing quality\n" " e : Toggle enlarging on/off\n" " i : Toggle respecting the image aspect on/off\n" " n : Rotate the image 90 degrees left\n" " m : Rotate the image 90 degrees right\n" " p : Disable all transformations\n" " Copyright (C) 2000 - 2004 Mateusz Golicz, Tomasz Sterna.\n" " Copyright (C) 2013 yanlin, godspeed1989@gitbub\n", name); } void sighandler(int s) { if(opt_hide_cursor) { printf("\033[?25h"); fflush(stdout); } setup_console(0); _exit(128 + s); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"noclear", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"alpha", no_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"unhide", no_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"noinfo", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"stretch", no_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"colorstrech", no_argument, 0, 'k'}, {"delay", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"enlarge", no_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"ignore-aspect", no_argument, 0, 'r'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int c, i; if(argc < 2) { help(argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Error: Required argument missing.\n"); return(1); } while((c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "hcauifks:er", long_options, NULL)) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'a': opt_alpha = 1; break; case 'c': opt_clear = 0; break; case 's': opt_delay = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': opt_hide_cursor = 0; break; case 'h': help(argv[0]); return(0); case 'i': opt_image_info = 0; break; case 'f': opt_stretch = 1; break; case 'k': opt_stretch = 2; break; case 'e': opt_enlarge = 1; break; case 'r': opt_ignore_aspect = 1; break; } } if(!argv[optind]) { fprintf(stderr, "Required argument missing! Consult %s -h.\n", argv[0]); return(1); } signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); signal(SIGINT, sighandler); signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler); signal(SIGSEGV, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); signal(SIGABRT, sighandler); if(opt_hide_cursor) { printf("\033[?25l"); fflush(stdout); } setup_console(1); for(i = optind; argv[i]; ) { int r = show_image(argv[i]); if(!r) break; i += r; if(i < optind) i = optind; } setup_console(0); if(opt_hide_cursor) { printf("\033[?25h"); fflush(stdout); } return(0); }