path: root/cf-code/cf-fsi-fw.S
diff options
authorBenjamin Herrenschmidt <>2018-06-03 17:08:20 +1000
committerBenjamin Herrenschmidt <>2018-06-03 17:08:20 +1000
commiteef619c3896af87edd776f174bcd704aa7a1d262 (patch)
tree754cb757a42cd3fa2e5596592f90db3879656be1 /cf-code/cf-fsi-fw.S
parent3d530160957d3818a4160e433afbbf47e3893a12 (diff)
Changes to be able to build multiple firmwares
Change to use the C preprocessor (use the ARM one for that) for asm files so we can force-include a per-machine GPIO definition file and use some preprocessor macros to define the cache registers. This allows us to deal with the cases where the clock and data use a different cache vs. the same cache. Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cf-code/cf-fsi-fw.S')
1 files changed, 441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cf-code/cf-fsi-fw.S b/cf-code/cf-fsi-fw.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1cf874
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cf-code/cf-fsi-fw.S
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+ .text
+ /* Vectors */
+ .org 0
+ /* Boot vector */
+ .long 0x0ffff0 /* Stack below 1M */
+ .long 0x400 /* Start code */
+ /*
+ * Remaining 254 vectors point to corresponding stubs
+ * starting at 0x10000, 0x10 bytes each
+ */
+ .rept 254
+0: .long 0x10000 + (0b - _vecs) * 4
+ .endr
+ /* Main entry */
+ .org 0x400
+ .global _start
+ .equ SRAM_BASE_BE, 0x320000
+ .equ SRAM_BASE_LE, 0x720000
+ .equ GPIO_BASE, 0x780000
+ .equ CVIC_BASE, 0x6c2000
+ .equ CVIC_STATUS, 0x00
+ .equ CVIC_SW_IRQ_CLR, 0x1c
+ .equ CVIC_SW_IRQ, 0x2
+ /**** SRAM layout ****/
+ /* Command register:
+ *
+ * +---------------------------+
+ * | rsvd | RLEN | CLEN | CMD |
+ * | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
+ * +---------------------------+
+ * | | |
+ * Response len | |
+ * (in bits) | |
+ * | |
+ * Command len |
+ * (in bits) |
+ * |
+ * Command code
+ */
+ .equ CMD_REG, 0x00
+ .equ CMD_NONE, 0x00
+ .equ CMD_COMMAND, 0x01
+ .equ CMD_BREAK, 0x02
+ /* Status register
+ *
+ */
+ .equ STAT_REG, 0x04 /* Status */
+ .equ STAT_STOPPED, 0x00
+ .equ STAT_SENDING, 0x01
+ .equ STAT_COMPLETE, 0x02
+ .equ STAT_ERR_INVAL_CMD, 0x80
+ .equ STAT_ERR_INVAL_IRQ, 0x81
+ .equ STAT_ERR_MTOE, 0x82
+ /* Response tag */
+ .equ STAT_RTAG, 0x05
+ /* Response CRC */
+ .equ STAT_RCRC, 0x06
+ /* Command data area
+ *
+ * Last byte of message must be left aligned
+ */
+ .equ CMD_DATA, 0x10 /* 64 bit of data */
+ /* Response data area, right aligned, unused top bits are 1 */
+ .equ RSP_DATA, 0x20 /* 32 bit of data */
+ /* Misc */
+ .equ INT_CNT, 0x30 /* 32-bit interrupt count */
+ .equ BAD_INT_VEC, 0x34
+ .equ TRACEBUF, 0x40
+ .equ TR_CLKOSTART, 0x00
+ .equ TR_OLEN, 0x01/* + len */
+ .equ TR_CLKOBIT0, 0x02
+ .equ TR_CLKOBIT1, 0x03
+ .equ TR_CLKZ, 0x04 /* + count */
+ .equ TR_CLKWSTART, 0x05
+ .equ TR_CLKTAG, 0x06
+ .equ TR_CLKDATA, 0x07 /* + len */
+ .equ TR_CLKCRC, 0x08 /* + raw crc */
+ .equ TR_CLKIBIT0, 0x80
+ .equ TR_CLKIBIT1, 0x81
+ /* Register usage
+ *
+ * A0 : SRAM base (BE)
+ * A2: CVIC address.
+ * A4 : Data GPIO address
+ * A5 : Clock GPIO address
+ * A6 : CMD/RESP pointer
+ * D7 : clock GPIO cache (and data on Romulus)
+ * D6 : data GPIO cache (when need
+ * D4 : data value
+ * D3 : loop counter
+ * D2 : command register
+ * D1 : scratch/temp
+ * D0 : scratch/temp
+ */
+#define DCLK d7
+#define DDAT d7
+#define DDAT d6
+ /* Useful macros */
+ .macro trace op:req
+ move.b \op,%a3@+
+ .endm
+ .macro trace op:req
+ .endm
+ /* clock_toggle: toggle the clock down and back up */
+ .macro clock_toggle
+ bclr.l #CLOCK_GPIO_BIT,%DCLK /* clock low */
+ move.l %DCLK,%a5@(0)
+ bset.l #CLOCK_GPIO_BIT,%DCLK /* clock high */
+ move.l %DCLK,%a5@(0)
+ .endm
+ /* clock_out_bit reg: Clock out bit 31 of reg */
+ /* XXX TODO: only write to GPIO if value changes */
+ /* XXX TODO: can probably optimize further using shifts & logical ops rather than branches */
+ .macro clock_out_bit reg:req
+ btst.l #31,\reg
+ beq 98f
+ trace #TR_CLKOBIT1
+ bra 99f
+98: bclr.l #DATA_GPIO_BIT,%DDAT
+ trace #TR_CLKOBIT0
+99: move.l %DDAT,%a4@(0)
+ clock_toggle
+ .endm
+ /* clock_zeros reg: Clock out zeros (GPIO set to 1), assume at least 1 */
+ .macro clock_out_zeros reg:req
+ trace #TR_CLKZ
+ trace \reg
+ move.l %DDAT,%a4@(0)
+99: clock_toggle
+ subq.l #1,\reg
+ bne 99b
+ .endm
+ /* clock_in_bit reg: Clocks in bit into bit 0 of reg, the rest is 0
+ * note: bit 0 of reg must already be cleared
+ */
+ .macro clock_in_bit reg:req tmp:req tmp2:req
+ bclr.l #CLOCK_GPIO_BIT,%DCLK /* clock low */
+ move.l %DCLK,%a5@(0)
+ move.l %a4@(0),\tmp /* dummy read */
+ move.l %a4@(0),\tmp /* actual read */
+ bset.l #CLOCK_GPIO_BIT,%DCLK /* clock high */
+ move.l %DCLK,%a5@(0)
+ moveq.l #DATA_GPIO_BIT,\tmp2
+ lsr.l \tmp2,\tmp
+ moveq.l #1,\tmp2
+ and.l \tmp2,\tmp
+ or.l \tmp,\reg
+ .if TRACE == 1
+ move.l #TR_CLKIBIT0,\tmp2
+ or.l \tmp,\tmp2
+ trace \tmp2
+ .endif
+ .endm
+ /* Get base addresses */
+ movea.l #SRAM_BASE_BE,%a0
+ movea.l #GPIO_BASE,%a4
+ movea.l %a4,%a5
+ add.l #CLOCK_GPIO_REG,%a5
+ add.l #DATA_GPIO_REG,%a4
+ movea.l #CVIC_BASE,%a2
+ /* Load GPIO value and Configure clock & data GPIO as output */
+ move.l %a5@(0),%DCLK
+ move.l %a4@(0),%DDAT
+ move.l %DCLK, %a5@(0)
+ move.l %DDAT, %a4@(0)
+ move.l %a5@(4),%d0
+ bset.l #CLOCK_GPIO_BIT,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a5@(4)
+ move.l %a4@(4),%d0
+ bset.l #DATA_GPIO_BIT,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a4@(4)
+ /* Clear interrupt count */
+ moveq.l #0,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a0@(INT_CNT)
+ /* Install external interrupt vector */
+ lea _int,%a6
+ move.l %a6,(0x46*4)
+ /* Mask interrupts */
+ move.w #0x2000,%sr
+ /* Configure GPIOs to output */
+ bsr config_gpio_out
+ /**** Main loop ****/
+ /* Initialize A6 to point to command area */
+ lea %a0@(CMD_DATA),%a6
+ lea %a0@(TRACEBUF),%a3
+ /* Wait for command */
+1: move.l %a0@(CMD_REG),%d2
+ tst.b %d2
+ bne 1f
+ stop #0x2000
+ bra 1b
+ /* Mask interrupts */
+1: move.w #0x2007,%sr
+ /* Mark ourselves as sending a command */
+ move.b #STAT_SENDING,%a0@(STAT_REG)
+ /* Clear command register */
+ move.b #CMD_NONE,%a0@(CMD_REG + 3)
+ /* Start command ? */
+ cmpi.b #CMD_COMMAND,%d2
+ beq start_command
+ /* Break command ? */
+ cmpi.b #CMD_BREAK,%d2
+ beq start_break
+ /* Error */
+ bra main_loop
+ /* Start bit */
+ moveq.l #0,%d0
+ clock_out_bit %d0
+ /* Load first lword and invert it */
+ move.l %a6@(0),%d4
+ not.l %d4
+ /* Shift command right to get bit count at bottom */
+ lsr.l #8,%d2
+ trace #TR_OLEN
+ trace %d2
+ /* More than 32 ? If not go to tail
+ *
+ * Note: This assumes we have at least 1 bit to clock
+ */
+ btst.b #5,%d2
+ beq 1f
+ /* Clock out 32 bits */
+ moveq #32,%d3
+ sub.l %d3,%d2
+0: clock_out_bit %d4
+ lsl.l #1,%d4
+ subq.l #1,%d3
+ bne 0b
+ /* Get remaining bits */
+ move.l %a6@(4),%d4
+ not.l %d4
+ /* Clock out what's left */
+1: moveq.l #0,%d3
+ move.b %d2,%d3
+ beq 2f
+ trace #TR_OLEN
+ trace %d3
+0: clock_out_bit %d4
+ lsl.l #1,%d4
+ subq.l #1,%d3
+ bne 0b
+2: /* Done sending, ready to receive, first echo delay */
+ moveq #16,%d3
+ clock_out_zeros %d3
+ /* Set GPIO and transceivers to input */
+ bsr config_gpio_in
+ /* Wait for start bit */
+ move.l #1000,%d3
+0: moveq #0,%d4
+ clock_in_bit %d4,%d0,%d1
+ /* We read inverted value, so wait for a "0" */
+ btst #0,%d4
+ beq 1f
+ subq.l #1,%d3
+ bne 0b
+ move.b #STAT_ERR_MTOE,%a0@(STAT_REG)
+ bra send_delay
+1: /* Got start bit, clock in slave ID and response tag */
+ trace #TR_CLKTAG
+ moveq #4,%d3
+ moveq #0,%d4
+0: lsl.l #1,%d4
+ clock_in_bit %d4,%d0,%d1
+ subq.l #1,%d3
+ bne 0b
+ /* Invert data */
+ not.l %d4
+ /* (not strictly needed: clean up top bits) */
+ moveq #0xf,%d0
+ and.l %d0,%d4
+ /* Store into STAT_RTAG for host */
+ move.b %d4,%a0@(STAT_RTAG)
+ /* Extract tag part */
+ moveq #0x7,%d0
+ and.l %d0,%d4
+ /* If non-0, no data, go get CRC */
+ bne 1f
+ /* Do we expect data ? */
+ lsr.l #8,%d2
+ beq 1f
+ /* Let's get data. Assume no more than 32-bits */
+ trace #TR_CLKDATA
+ trace %d2
+ move.l %d2,%d3
+ moveq.l #0,%d4
+0: lsl.l #1,%d4
+ clock_in_bit %d4,%d0,%d1
+ subq.l #1,%d3
+ bne 0b
+ /* Invert data and store it */
+ not.l %d4
+ move.l %d4,%a0@(RSP_DATA)
+1: /* Grab CRC */
+ trace #TR_CLKCRC
+ moveq.l #4,%d3
+ moveq.l #0,%d4
+0: lsl.l #1,%d4
+ clock_in_bit %d4,%d0,%d1
+ subq.l #1,%d3
+ bne 0b
+ trace %d4
+ /* Invert it, extract 4 bits, and store it */
+ not.l %d4
+ moveq.l #0xf,%d0
+ and.l %d0,%d4
+ move.b %d4,%a0@(STAT_RCRC)
+ /* Mark command complete */
+ move.b #STAT_COMPLETE,%a0@(STAT_REG)
+ /* Configure GPIOs to output */
+ bsr config_gpio_out
+ /* Send delay after every command */
+ moveq #16,%d3
+ clock_out_zeros %d3
+ bra main_loop
+ move.b #STAT_COMPLETE,%a0@(STAT_REG)
+ bra main_loop
+ /* Configure data GPIO as output, value 1 (idle) */
+ move.l %DDAT,%a4@(0)
+ move.l %a4@(4),%d0
+ bset.l #DATA_GPIO_BIT,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a4@(4)
+ /* Set transceivers to output */
+ move.l %a5@(TRANS_GPIO_REG-CLOCK_GPIO_REG),%d0
+ bset.l #TRANS_GPIO_BIT,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a5@(TRANS_GPIO_REG-CLOCK_GPIO_REG)
+ rts
+ /* Set transceiver to input */
+ move.l %a5@(TRANS_GPIO_REG-CLOCK_GPIO_REG),%d0
+ bclr.l #TRANS_GPIO_BIT,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a5@(TRANS_GPIO_REG-CLOCK_GPIO_REG)
+ /* Configure data GPIO as input */
+ move.l %a4@(4),%d0
+ bclr.l #DATA_GPIO_BIT,%d0
+ move.l %d0,%a4@(4)
+ rts
+ /* Interrupt handler */
+ addq.l #1,%a0@(INT_CNT)
+ moveq.l #CVIC_SW_IRQ, %d0
+ move.l %d0,%a2@(CVIC_SW_IRQ_CLR)
+ rte
+ /* Bad exception stubs */
+ .org 0x10000
+ .rept 256
+ .balign 0x10
+0: move.b #(0b - _bad_exceptions) / 0x10,%d0
+ move.b %d0,%a0@(BAD_INT_VEC)
+ halt
+ .endr
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