path: root/import-layers/yocto-poky/scripts/lib/compatlayer/cases/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/import-layers/yocto-poky/scripts/lib/compatlayer/cases/ b/import-layers/yocto-poky/scripts/lib/compatlayer/cases/
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-# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation
-# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT)
-import unittest
-from compatlayer import LayerType, get_signatures, check_command, get_depgraph
-from import OECompatLayerTestCase
-class BSPCompatLayer(OECompatLayerTestCase):
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(self):
- if['type'] != LayerType.BSP:
- raise unittest.SkipTest("BSPCompatLayer: Layer %s isn't BSP one." %\
- def test_bsp_defines_machines(self):
- self.assertTrue(['conf']['machines'],
- "Layer is BSP but doesn't defines machines.")
- def test_bsp_no_set_machine(self):
- from oeqa.utils.commands import get_bb_var
- machine = get_bb_var('MACHINE')
- self.assertEqual(['bbvars']['MACHINE'], machine,
- msg="Layer %s modified machine %s -> %s" % \
- (['name'],['bbvars']['MACHINE'], machine))
- def test_machine_world(self):
- '''
- "bitbake world" is expected to work regardless which machine is selected.
- BSP layers sometimes break that by enabling a recipe for a certain machine
- without checking whether that recipe actually can be built in the current
- distro configuration (for example, OpenGL might not enabled).
- This test iterates over all machines. It would be nicer to instantiate
- it once per machine. It merely checks for errors during parse
- time. It does not actually attempt to build anything.
- '''
- if not['machines']:
- self.skipTest('No machines set with --machines.')
- msg = []
- for machine in['machines']:
- # In contrast to test_machine_signatures() below, errors are fatal here.
- try:
- get_signatures(['builddir'], failsafe=False, machine=machine)
- except RuntimeError as ex:
- msg.append(str(ex))
- if msg:
- msg.insert(0, 'The following machines broke a world build:')
- def test_machine_signatures(self):
- '''
- Selecting a machine may only affect the signature of tasks that are specific
- to that machine. In other words, when MACHINE=A and MACHINE=B share a recipe
- foo and the output of foo, then both machine configurations must build foo
- in exactly the same way. Otherwise it is not possible to use both machines
- in the same distribution.
- This criteria can only be tested by testing different machines in combination,
- i.e. one main layer, potentially several additional BSP layers and an explicit
- choice of machines:
- yocto-compat-layer --additional-layers .../meta-intel --machines intel-corei7-64 imx6slevk -- .../meta-freescale
- '''
- if not['machines']:
- self.skipTest('No machines set with --machines.')
- # Collect signatures for all machines that we are testing
- # and merge that into a hash:
- # tune -> task -> signature -> list of machines with that combination
- #
- # It is an error if any tune/task pair has more than one signature,
- # because that implies that the machines that caused those different
- # signatures do not agree on how to execute the task.
- tunes = {}
- # Preserve ordering of machines as chosen by the user.
- for machine in['machines']:
- curr_sigs, tune2tasks = get_signatures(['builddir'], failsafe=True, machine=machine)
- # Invert the tune -> [tasks] mapping.
- tasks2tune = {}
- for tune, tasks in tune2tasks.items():
- for task in tasks:
- tasks2tune[task] = tune
- for task, sighash in curr_sigs.items():
- tunes.setdefault(tasks2tune[task], {}).setdefault(task, {}).setdefault(sighash, []).append(machine)
- msg = []
- pruned = 0
- last_line_key = None
- # do_fetch, do_unpack, ..., do_build
- taskname_list = []
- if tunes:
- # The output below is most useful when we start with tasks that are at
- # the bottom of the dependency chain, i.e. those that run first. If
- # those tasks differ, the rest also does.
- #
- # To get an ordering of tasks, we do a topological sort of the entire
- # depgraph for the base configuration, then on-the-fly flatten that list by stripping
- # out the recipe names and removing duplicates. The base configuration
- # is not necessarily representative, but should be close enough. Tasks
- # that were not encountered get a default priority.
- depgraph = get_depgraph()
- depends = depgraph['tdepends']
- WHITE = 1
- GRAY = 2
- BLACK = 3
- color = {}
- found = set()
- def visit(task):
- color[task] = GRAY
- for dep in depends.get(task, ()):
- if color.setdefault(dep, WHITE) == WHITE:
- visit(dep)
- color[task] = BLACK
- pn, taskname = task.rsplit('.', 1)
- if taskname not in found:
- taskname_list.append(taskname)
- found.add(taskname)
- for task in depends.keys():
- if color.setdefault(task, WHITE) == WHITE:
- visit(task)
- taskname_order = dict([(task, index) for index, task in enumerate(taskname_list) ])
- def task_key(task):
- pn, taskname = task.rsplit(':', 1)
- return (pn, taskname_order.get(taskname, len(taskname_list)), taskname)
- for tune in sorted(tunes.keys()):
- tasks = tunes[tune]
- # As for test_signatures it would be nicer to sort tasks
- # by dependencies here, but that is harder because we have
- # to report on tasks from different machines, which might
- # have different dependencies. We resort to pruning the
- # output by reporting only one task per recipe if the set
- # of machines matches.
- #
- # "bitbake-diffsigs -t -s" is intelligent enough to print
- # diffs recursively, so often it does not matter that much
- # if we don't pick the underlying difference
- # here. However, sometimes recursion fails
- # (
- #
- # To mitigate that a bit, we use a hard-coded ordering of
- # tasks that represents how they normally run and prefer
- # to print the ones that run first.
- for task in sorted(tasks.keys(), key=task_key):
- signatures = tasks[task]
- # do_build can be ignored: it is know to have
- # different signatures in some cases, for example in
- # the allarch ca-certificates due to RDEPENDS=openssl.
- # That particular dependency is whitelisted via
- # SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS, but still shows up
- # in the sstate signature hash because filtering it
- # out would be hard and running do_build multiple
- # times doesn't really matter.
- if len(signatures.keys()) > 1 and \
- not task.endswith(':do_build'):
- # Error!
- #
- # Sort signatures by machines, because the hex values don't mean anything.
- # => all-arch adwaita-icon-theme:do_build: 1234... (beaglebone, qemux86) != abcdf... (qemux86-64)
- #
- # Skip the line if it is covered already by the predecessor (same pn, same sets of machines).
- pn, taskname = task.rsplit(':', 1)
- next_line_key = (pn, sorted(signatures.values()))
- if next_line_key != last_line_key:
- line = ' %s %s: ' % (tune, task)
- line += ' != '.join(['%s (%s)' % (signature, ', '.join([m for m in signatures[signature]])) for
- signature in sorted(signatures.keys(), key=lambda s: signatures[s])])
- last_line_key = next_line_key
- msg.append(line)
- # Randomly pick two mismatched signatures and remember how to invoke
- # bitbake-diffsigs for them.
- iterator = iter(signatures.items())
- a = next(iterator)
- b = next(iterator)
- diffsig_machines = '(%s) != (%s)' % (', '.join(a[1]), ', '.join(b[1]))
- diffsig_params = '-t %s %s -s %s %s' % (pn, taskname, a[0], b[0])
- else:
- pruned += 1
- if msg:
- msg.insert(0, 'The machines have conflicting signatures for some shared tasks:')
- if pruned > 0:
- msg.append('')
- msg.append('%d tasks where not listed because some other task of the recipe already differed.' % pruned)
- msg.append('It is likely that differences from different recipes also have the same root cause.')
- msg.append('')
- # Explain how to investigate...
- msg.append('To investigate, run bitbake-diffsigs -t recipename taskname -s fromsig tosig.')
- cmd = 'bitbake-diffsigs %s' % diffsig_params
- msg.append('Example: %s in the last line' % diffsig_machines)
- msg.append('Command: %s' % cmd)
- # ... and actually do it automatically for that example, but without aborting
- # when that fails.
- try:
- output = check_command('Comparing signatures failed.', cmd).decode('utf-8')
- except RuntimeError as ex:
- output = str(ex)
- msg.extend([' ' + line for line in output.splitlines()])
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