# # Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd. # # This file is released under the terms of GPL v2 and any later version. # See the file COPYING in the root directory of the source tree for details. include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk LIB = lib$(BOARD).o OBJS := rsk7264.o SOBJS := lowlevel_init.o LIB := $(addprefix $(obj),$(LIB)) OBJS := $(addprefix $(obj),$(OBJS)) SOBJS := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS)) $(LIB): $(obj).depend $(OBJS) $(SOBJS) $(call cmd_link_o_target, $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)) clean: rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS) distclean: clean rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak .depend ######################################################################### # defines $(obj).depend target include $(SRCTREE)/rules.mk sinclude $(obj).depend