/* Memory.h - Memory mappings and remapping functions declarations */ /* Copyright - Galileo technology. */ #ifndef __INCmemoryh #define __INCmemoryh /* includes */ #include "core.h" /* defines */ #define DONT_MODIFY 0xffffffff #define PARITY_SUPPORT 0x40000000 #define MINIMUM_MEM_BANK_SIZE 0x10000 #define MINIMUM_DEVICE_WINDOW_SIZE 0x10000 #define MINIMUM_PCI_WINDOW_SIZE 0x10000 #define MINIMUM_ACCESS_WIN_SIZE 0x10000 #define _8BIT 0x00000000 #define _16BIT 0x00100000 #define _32BIT 0x00200000 #define _64BIT 0x00300000 /* typedefs */ typedef struct deviceParam { /* boundary values */ unsigned int turnOff; /* 0x0 - 0xf */ unsigned int acc2First; /* 0x0 - 0x1f */ unsigned int acc2Next; /* 0x0 - 0x1f */ unsigned int ale2Wr; /* 0x0 - 0xf */ unsigned int wrLow; /* 0x0 - 0xf */ unsigned int wrHigh; /* 0x0 - 0xf */ unsigned int badrSkew; /* 0x0 - 0x2 */ unsigned int DPEn; /* 0x0 - 0x1 */ unsigned int deviceWidth; /* in Bytes */ } DEVICE_PARAM; typedef enum __memBank{BANK0,BANK1,BANK2,BANK3} MEMORY_BANK; typedef enum __memDevice{DEVICE0,DEVICE1,DEVICE2,DEVICE3,BOOT_DEVICE} DEVICE; /*typedef enum __memoryProtectRegion{MEM_REGION0,MEM_REGION1,MEM_REGION2, \ MEM_REGION3,MEM_REGION4,MEM_REGION5, \ MEM_REGION6,MEM_REGION7} \ MEMORY_PROTECT_REGION;*/ /* There are four possible windows that can be defined as protected */ typedef enum _memoryProtectWindow{MEM_WINDOW0,MEM_WINDOW1,MEM_WINDOW2, MEM_WINDOW3 } MEMORY_PROTECT_WINDOW; /* When defining a protected window , this paramter indicates whether it is accessible or not */ typedef enum __memoryAccess{MEM_ACCESS_ALLOWED,MEM_ACCESS_FORBIDEN} \ MEMORY_ACCESS; typedef enum __memoryWrite{MEM_WRITE_ALLOWED,MEM_WRITE_FORBIDEN} \ MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE; typedef enum __memoryCacheProtect{MEM_CACHE_ALLOWED,MEM_CACHE_FORBIDEN} \ MEMORY_CACHE_PROTECT; typedef enum __memorySnoopType{MEM_NO_SNOOP,MEM_SNOOP_WT,MEM_SNOOP_WB} \ MEMORY_SNOOP_TYPE; typedef enum __memorySnoopRegion{MEM_SNOOP_REGION0,MEM_SNOOP_REGION1, \ MEM_SNOOP_REGION2,MEM_SNOOP_REGION3} \ MEMORY_SNOOP_REGION; /* There are 21 memory windows dedicated for the varios interfaces (PCI, devCS (devices), CS(DDR), interenal registers and SRAM) used by the CPU's address decoding mechanism. */ typedef enum _memoryWindow {CS_0_WINDOW = BIT0, CS_1_WINDOW = BIT1, CS_2_WINDOW = BIT2, CS_3_WINDOW = BIT3, DEVCS_0_WINDOW = BIT4, DEVCS_1_WINDOW = BIT5, DEVCS_2_WINDOW = BIT6, DEVCS_3_WINDOW = BIT7, BOOT_CS_WINDOW = BIT8, PCI_0_IO_WINDOW = BIT9, PCI_0_MEM0_WINDOW = BIT10, PCI_0_MEM1_WINDOW = BIT11, PCI_0_MEM2_WINDOW = BIT12, PCI_0_MEM3_WINDOW = BIT13, PCI_1_IO_WINDOW = BIT14, PCI_1_MEM0_WINDOW = BIT15, PCI_1_MEM1_WINDOW =BIT16, PCI_1_MEM2_WINDOW = BIT17, PCI_1_MEM3_WINDOW =BIT18, INTEGRATED_SRAM_WINDOW = BIT19, INTERNAL_SPACE_WINDOW = BIT20, ALL_WINDOWS = 0X1FFFFF } MEMORY_WINDOW; typedef enum _memoryWindowStatus {MEM_WINDOW_ENABLED,MEM_WINDOW_DISABLED } MEMORY_WINDOW_STATUS; typedef enum _pciMemWindow{PCI_0_IO,PCI_0_MEM0,PCI_0_MEM1,PCI_0_MEM2,PCI_0_MEM3 #ifdef INCLUDE_PCI_1 ,PCI_1_IO,PCI_1_MEM0,PCI_1_MEM1,PCI_1_MEM2,PCI_1_MEM3 #endif /* INCLUDE_PCI_1 */ } PCI_MEM_WINDOW; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* functions */ unsigned int memoryGetBankBaseAddress(MEMORY_BANK bank); unsigned int memoryGetDeviceBaseAddress(DEVICE device); /* New at MV6436x */ unsigned int MemoryGetPciBaseAddr(PCI_MEM_WINDOW pciWindow); unsigned int memoryGetBankSize(MEMORY_BANK bank); unsigned int memoryGetDeviceSize(DEVICE device); unsigned int memoryGetDeviceWidth(DEVICE device); /* New at MV6436x */ unsigned int gtMemoryGetPciWindowSize(PCI_MEM_WINDOW pciWindow); /* when given base Address and size Set new WINDOW for SCS_X. (X = 0,1,2 or 3*/ bool memoryMapBank(MEMORY_BANK bank, unsigned int bankBase,unsigned int bankLength); /* Set a new base and size for one of the memory banks (CS0 - CS3) */ bool gtMemorySetMemoryBank(MEMORY_BANK bank, unsigned int bankBase, unsigned int bankSize); bool memoryMapDeviceSpace(DEVICE device, unsigned int deviceBase,unsigned int deviceLength); /* Change the Internal Register Base Address to a new given Address. */ bool memoryMapInternalRegistersSpace(unsigned int internalRegBase); /* returns internal Register Space Base Address. */ unsigned int memoryGetInternalRegistersSpace(void); /* Returns the integrated SRAM Base Address. */ unsigned int memoryGetInternalSramBaseAddr(void); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set new base address for the integrated SRAM. */ void memorySetInternalSramBaseAddr(unsigned int sramBaseAddress); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Delete a protection feature to a given space. */ void memoryDisableProtectRegion(MEMORY_PROTECT_WINDOW window); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Writes a new remap value to the remap register */ unsigned int memorySetPciRemapValue(PCI_MEM_WINDOW memoryWindow, unsigned int remapValueHigh, unsigned int remapValueLow); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Configurate the protection feature to a given space. */ bool memorySetProtectRegion(MEMORY_PROTECT_WINDOW window, MEMORY_ACCESS gtMemoryAccess, MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE gtMemoryWrite, MEMORY_CACHE_PROTECT cacheProtection, unsigned int baseAddress, unsigned int size); /* Configurate the protection feature to a given space. */ /*bool memorySetProtectRegion(MEMORY_PROTECT_REGION region, MEMORY_ACCESS memoryAccess, MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE memoryWrite, MEMORY_CACHE_PROTECT cacheProtection, unsigned int baseAddress, unsigned int regionLength); */ /* Configurate the snoop feature to a given space. */ bool memorySetRegionSnoopMode(MEMORY_SNOOP_REGION region, MEMORY_SNOOP_TYPE snoopType, unsigned int baseAddress, unsigned int regionLength); bool memoryRemapAddress(unsigned int remapReg, unsigned int remapValue); bool memoryGetDeviceParam(DEVICE_PARAM *deviceParam, DEVICE deviceNum); bool memorySetDeviceParam(DEVICE_PARAM *deviceParam, DEVICE deviceNum); /* Set a new base and size for one of the PCI windows. */ bool memorySetPciWindow(PCI_MEM_WINDOW pciWindow, unsigned int pciWindowBase, unsigned int pciWindowSize); /* Disable or enable one of the 21 windows dedicated for the CPU's address decoding mechanism */ void MemoryDisableWindow(MEMORY_WINDOW window); void MemoryEnableWindow (MEMORY_WINDOW window); MEMORY_WINDOW_STATUS MemoryGetMemWindowStatus(MEMORY_WINDOW window); #endif /* __INCmemoryh */