/**************************************************************************** * * SciTech OS Portability Manager Library * * ======================================================================== * * The contents of this file are subject to the SciTech MGL Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.scitechsoft.com/mgl-license.txt * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SciTech Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * ======================================================================== * * Language: ANSI C * Environment: Any * * Description: Module containing code common to all platforms. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "pmapi.h" #include "drvlib/os/os.h" #if defined(__WIN32_VXD__) || defined(__OS2_VDD__) || defined(__NT_DRIVER__) #include "sdd/sddhelp.h" #else #include #include #include #endif /*---------------------------- Global variables ---------------------------*/ /* {secret} */ long _VARAPI ___drv_os_type = _OS_UNSUPPORTED; static char localBPDPath[PM_MAX_PATH] = ""; /*----------------------------- Implementation ----------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: path - Local path to the Nucleus BPD driver files. REMARKS: This function is used by the application program to override the location of the Nucleus driver files that are loaded. Normally the loader code will look in the system Nucleus directories first, then in the 'drivers' directory relative to the current working directory, and finally relative to the MGL_ROOT environment variable. By default the local BPD path is always set to the current directory if not initialised. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_setLocalBPDPath( const char *path) { PM_init(); strncpy(localBPDPath,path,sizeof(localBPDPath)); localBPDPath[sizeof(localBPDPath)-1] = 0; } /**************************************************************************** PARAMETERS: bpdpath - Place to store the actual path to the file cachedpath - Place to store the cached BPD driver path trypath - Path to try to find the BPD file in subpath - Optional sub path to append to trypath dllname - Name of the Binary Portable DLL to load RETURNS: True if found, false if not. REMARKS: Trys the specified path to see if the BPD file can be found or not. If so, the path used is returned in bpdpath and cachedpath. ****************************************************************************/ static ibool TryPath( char *bpdpath, char *cachedpath, const char *trypath, const char *subpath, const char *dllname) { char filename[256]; FILE *f; strcpy(bpdpath, trypath); PM_backslash(bpdpath); strcat(bpdpath,subpath); PM_backslash(bpdpath); strcpy(filename,bpdpath); strcat(filename,dllname); if ((f = fopen(filename,"rb")) == NULL) return false; if (cachedpath) strcpy(cachedpath,bpdpath); fclose(f); return true; } /**************************************************************************** RETURNS: True if local override enabled, false if not. REMARKS: Tests to see if the local override option is enabled, and if so it will look for the Nucleus drivers in the local application directories in preference to the Nucleus system directories. ****************************************************************************/ static ibool GetLocalOverride(void) { char filename[256]; FILE *f; static ibool local_override = -1; if (local_override == -1) { local_override = false; strcpy(filename,PM_getNucleusPath()); PM_backslash(filename); strcat(filename,"graphics.ini"); if ((f = fopen(filename,"r")) != NULL) { while (!feof(f) && fgets(filename,sizeof(filename),f)) { if (strnicmp(filename,"uselocal",8) == 0) { local_override = ((*(filename+9) - '0') == 1); break; } } fclose(f); } } return local_override; } /**************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Sets the location of the debug log file. HEADER: pmapi.h PARAMETERS: dllname - Name of the Binary Portable DLL to load bpdpath - Place to store the actual path to the file RETURNS: True if found, false if not. REMARKS: Finds the location of a specific Binary Portable DLL, by searching all the standard SciTech Nucleus driver locations. ****************************************************************************/ ibool PMAPI PM_findBPD( const char *dllname, char *bpdpath) { static char cachedpath[PM_MAX_PATH] = ""; /* On the first call determine the path to the Nucleus drivers */ if (cachedpath[0] == 0) { /* First try in the global system Nucleus driver path if * the local override setting is not enabled. */ PM_init(); if (!GetLocalOverride()) { if (TryPath(bpdpath,cachedpath,PM_getNucleusPath(),"",dllname)) return true; } /* Next try in the local application directory if available */ if (localBPDPath[0] != 0) { if (TryPath(bpdpath,cachedpath,localBPDPath,"",dllname)) return true; } else { #if !defined(__WIN32_VXD__) && !defined(__NT_DRIVER__) char *mgl_root; if ((mgl_root = getenv("MGL_ROOT")) != NULL) { if (TryPath(bpdpath,cachedpath,mgl_root,"drivers",dllname)) return true; } #endif PM_getCurrentPath(bpdpath,PM_MAX_PATH); if (TryPath(bpdpath,cachedpath,bpdpath,"drivers",dllname)) return true; } /* Finally try in the global system path again so that we * will still find the drivers in the global system path if * the local override option is on, but the application does * not have any local override drivers. */ if (TryPath(bpdpath,cachedpath,PM_getNucleusPath(),"",dllname)) return true; /* Whoops, we can't find the BPD file! */ return false; } /* Always try in the previously discovered path */ return TryPath(bpdpath,NULL,cachedpath,"",dllname); } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Copies a string into another, and returns dest + strlen(src). ****************************************************************************/ static char *_stpcpy( char *_dest, const char *_src) { if (!_dest || !_src) return 0; while ((*_dest++ = *_src++) != 0) ; return --_dest; } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Copies a string into another, stopping at the maximum length. The string is properly terminated (unlike strncpy). ****************************************************************************/ static void safe_strncpy( char *dst, const char *src, unsigned maxlen) { if (dst) { if(strlen(src) >= maxlen) { strncpy(dst, src, maxlen); dst[maxlen] = 0; } else strcpy(dst, src); } } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Determins if the dot separator is present in the string. ****************************************************************************/ static int findDot( char *p) { if (*(p-1) == '.') p--; switch (*--p) { case ':': if (*(p-2) != '\0') break; case '/': case '\\': case '\0': return true; } return false; } /**************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Make a full pathname from split components. HEADER: pmapi.h PARAMETERS: path - Place to store full path drive - Drive component for path dir - Directory component for path name - Filename component for path ext - Extension component for path REMARKS: Function to make a full pathname from split components. Under Unix the drive component will usually be empty. If the drive, dir, name, or ext parameters are null or empty, they are not inserted in the path string. Otherwise, if the drive doesn't end with a colon, one is inserted in the path. If the dir doesn't end in a slash, one is inserted in the path. If the ext doesn't start with a dot, one is inserted in the path. The maximum sizes for the path string is given by the constant PM_MAX_PATH, which includes space for the null-terminator. SEE ALSO: PM_splitPath ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_makepath( char *path, const char *drive, const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext) { if (drive && *drive) { *path++ = *drive; *path++ = ':'; } if (dir && *dir) { path = _stpcpy(path,dir); if (*(path-1) != '\\' && *(path-1) != '/') #ifdef __UNIX__ *path++ = '/'; #else *path++ = '\\'; #endif } if (name) path = _stpcpy(path,name); if (ext && *ext) { if (*ext != '.') *path++ = '.'; path = _stpcpy(path,ext); } *path = 0; } /**************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Split a full pathname into components. HEADER: pmapi.h PARAMETERS: path - Full path to split drive - Drive component for path dir - Directory component for path name - Filename component for path ext - Extension component for path RETURNS: Flags indicating what components were parsed. REMARKS: Function to split a full pathmame into separate components in the form X:\DIR\SUBDIR\NAME.EXT and splits path into its four components. It then stores those components in the strings pointed to by drive, dir, name and ext. (Each component is required but can be a NULL, which means the corresponding component will be parsed but not stored). The maximum sizes for these strings are given by the constants PM_MAX_DRIVE and PM_MAX_PATH. PM_MAX_DRIVE is always 4, and PM_MAX_PATH is usually at least 256 characters. Under Unix the dir, name and ext components may be up to the full path in length. SEE ALSO: PM_makePath ****************************************************************************/ int PMAPI PM_splitpath( const char *path, char *drive, char *dir, char *name, char *ext) { char *p; int temp,ret; char buf[PM_MAX_PATH+2]; /* Set all string to default value zero */ ret = 0; if (drive) *drive = 0; if (dir) *dir = 0; if (name) *name = 0; if (ext) *ext = 0; /* Copy filename into template up to PM_MAX_PATH characters */ p = buf; if ((temp = strlen(path)) > PM_MAX_PATH) temp = PM_MAX_PATH; *p++ = 0; strncpy(p, path, temp); *(p += temp) = 0; /* Split the filename and fill corresponding nonzero pointers */ temp = 0; for (;;) { switch (*--p) { case '.': if (!temp && (*(p+1) == '\0')) temp = findDot(p); if ((!temp) && ((ret & PM_HAS_EXTENSION) == 0)) { ret |= PM_HAS_EXTENSION; safe_strncpy(ext, p, PM_MAX_PATH - 1); *p = 0; } continue; case ':': if (p != &buf[2]) continue; case '\0': if (temp) { if (*++p) ret |= PM_HAS_DIRECTORY; safe_strncpy(dir, p, PM_MAX_PATH - 1); *p-- = 0; break; } case '/': case '\\': if (!temp) { temp++; if (*++p) ret |= PM_HAS_FILENAME; safe_strncpy(name, p, PM_MAX_PATH - 1); *p-- = 0; if (*p == 0 || (*p == ':' && p == &buf[2])) break; } continue; case '*': case '?': if (!temp) ret |= PM_HAS_WILDCARDS; default: continue; } break; } if (*p == ':') { if (buf[1]) ret |= PM_HAS_DRIVE; safe_strncpy(drive, &buf[1], PM_MAX_DRIVE - 1); } return ret; } /**************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Block until a specific time has elapsed since the last call HEADER: pmapi.h PARAMETERS: milliseconds - Number of milliseconds for delay REMARKS: This function will block the calling thread or process until the specified number of milliseconds have passed since the /last/ call to this function. The first time this function is called, it will return immediately. On subsquent calls it will block until the specified time has elapsed, or it will return immediately if the time has already elapsed. This function is useful to provide constant time functionality in a program, such as a frame rate limiter for graphics applications etc. SEE ALSO: PM_sleep ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_blockUntilTimeout( ulong milliseconds) { ulong microseconds = milliseconds * 1000L,msDelay; static LZTimerObject tm; static ibool firstTime = true; if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; LZTimerOnExt(&tm); } else { if ((msDelay = (microseconds - LZTimerLapExt(&tm)) / 1000L) > 0) PM_sleep(msDelay); while (LZTimerLapExt(&tm) < microseconds) ; LZTimerOffExt(&tm); LZTimerOnExt(&tm); } }