/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/rule/prdrExpr.H $ */ /* */ /* IBM CONFIDENTIAL */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2012 */ /* */ /* p1 */ /* */ /* Object Code Only (OCO) source materials */ /* Licensed Internal Code Source Materials */ /* IBM HostBoot Licensed Internal Code */ /* */ /* The source code for this program is not published or otherwise */ /* divested of its trade secrets, irrespective of what has been */ /* deposited with the U.S. Copyright Office. */ /* */ /* Origin: 30 */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ #ifndef __PRDREXPR_H #define __PRDREXPR_H #include #include #include #include #include // for typeid #include #include // for enums. // -- Forward defs // class PrdrExpr; uint16_t prdrGetRefId(std::string *); char prdrGetRefType(std::string *); void prdrCheckReferences(); uint32_t prdrActionArgMap(const std::string &); uint32_t prdrCaptureGroupMap(const std::string &); uint32_t prdrCaptureTypeMap(const std::string &); // @jl04 Type for registers. std::list prdrParseDoxygen(std::string & i_string); class PrdrChip; extern PrdrChip * g_currentChip; extern std::map g_rules; extern void yyerror(const char *); extern uint32_t g_nextAndBit; extern bool g_hadError; // -- end Forward defs // using Prdr::PrdrSignatureOp; class PrdrExpr { public: virtual int output(FILE *) = 0; virtual void setComment(std::string & i_comment) { cv_doxcomment = i_comment; }; virtual void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "Using default."; }; virtual uint16_t getSignature() { std::cerr << "def sig: " << typeid(*this).name() << std::endl; return PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; }; PrdrExpr() : cv_doxcomment("") {}; virtual ~PrdrExpr() {}; protected: std::string cv_doxcomment; }; class PrdrExprRef : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_name; PrdrExprRef(std::string * n) : cv_name(n) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op = prdrGetRefType(cv_name); uint16_t l_id = htons(prdrGetRefId(cv_name)); fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); fwrite(&l_id, sizeof(l_id), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "" << *cv_name << ""; } virtual uint16_t getSignature() { if (Prdr::REF_REG == prdrGetRefType(cv_name)) { return Util::hashString(cv_name->c_str()); } else { PrdrExpr * tmp = g_rules[*cv_name]; if (NULL == tmp) { std::cerr << "NPE: " << *cv_name << std::endl; } return (NULL == tmp ? PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE : tmp->getSignature() ); } }; }; class PrdrExprInt : public PrdrExpr { public: uint32_t cv_value; char cv_op; PrdrExprInt() : cv_op(Prdr::INTEGER) {}; PrdrExprInt(uint32_t v, char o = Prdr::INTEGER) : cv_value(v), cv_op(o) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char tmp = cv_op; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, i_file); if (Prdr::INTEGER != cv_op) { uint16_t temp = htons((uint16_t) cv_value); fwrite(&temp, sizeof(temp), 1, i_file); } else { uint32_t temp = htonl(cv_value); fwrite(&temp, sizeof(temp), 1, i_file); } return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << cv_value; o_errFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << cv_value; }; uint16_t getSignature() { return PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; }; }; class PrdrExprTime : public PrdrExpr { public: uint32_t iv_units; Prdr::PrdrTimeBaseFlags iv_base; PrdrExprTime() : iv_units(0xffffffff), iv_base(Prdr::PRDR_TIME_BASE_SEC) {} PrdrExprTime( uint32_t units, Prdr::PrdrTimeBaseFlags base ) : iv_units(units), iv_base(base) {} int output( FILE * i_file ) { uint32_t seconds = 0xffffffff; if ( (seconds / iv_base) > iv_units ) seconds = iv_units * iv_base; seconds = htonl( seconds ); fwrite( &seconds, sizeof(seconds), 1, i_file ); return 0; } void generateDoxygen( std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr ) { o_stream << iv_units << " "; switch ( iv_base ) { case Prdr::PRDR_TIME_BASE_SEC: o_stream << "sec"; break; case Prdr::PRDR_TIME_BASE_MIN: o_stream << "min"; break; case Prdr::PRDR_TIME_BASE_HOUR: o_stream << "hour"; break; case Prdr::PRDR_TIME_BASE_DAY: o_stream << "day"; break; default: ; } } }; class PrdrExprBitString : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string cv_value; char cv_op; PrdrExprBitString() : cv_value(), cv_op(Prdr::BIT_STR) {}; PrdrExprBitString(std::string v, char o = Prdr::BIT_STR) : cv_value(v), cv_op(o) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char tmp = cv_op; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, i_file); // subtract 2 backticks. uint8_t len = (cv_value.length() - 2) * 4; fwrite(&len, sizeof(len), 1, i_file); uint8_t tmp8 = 0; len = len / 4; // Output binary data from hex. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (isdigit(cv_value[i+1])) { tmp8 |= cv_value[i+1] - '0'; } else { tmp8 |= toupper(cv_value[i+1]) - 'A' + 0xa; } if (i == (len - 1)) { while ((i % 2) != 1) { tmp8 <<= 4; i++; } } if (i % 2 == 1) { fwrite(&tmp8, sizeof(tmp8), 1, i_file); tmp8 = 0; } tmp8 <<= 4; } return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << cv_value; o_errFile << cv_value; }; uint16_t getSignature() { return PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; }; }; class PrdrExprOp1 : public PrdrExpr { public: char cv_op; PrdrExpr * cv_arg; PrdrExprOp1(char o) : cv_op(o) {}; PrdrExprOp1(char o, PrdrExpr * a) : cv_op(o), cv_arg(a) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { fwrite(&cv_op, 1, 1, i_file); cv_arg->output(i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << cv_op << " "; if (NULL != cv_arg) cv_arg->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); }; uint16_t getSignature() { return (NULL == cv_arg ? PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE : cv_arg->getSignature() ); } }; class PrdrExprOp2 : public PrdrExpr { public: PrdrExpr * cv_arg[2]; char cv_op; PrdrExprOp2(char o) : cv_op(o) {}; PrdrExprOp2(char o, PrdrExpr * a1, PrdrExpr * a2) : cv_op(o) { cv_arg[0] = a1; cv_arg[1] = a2; }; int output(FILE * i_file) { fwrite(&cv_op, 1, 1, i_file); cv_arg[0]->output(i_file); cv_arg[1]->output(i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { if (NULL != cv_arg[0]) cv_arg[0]->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); o_stream << " " << cv_op << " "; if (NULL != cv_arg[1]) cv_arg[1]->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); }; uint16_t getSignature() { return PrdrSignatureOp::combineSig( (NULL == cv_arg[0] ? PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE : cv_arg[0]->getSignature() ), (NULL == cv_arg[1] ? PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE : cv_arg[1]->getSignature() )); }; }; class PrdrExprAttnLink : public PrdrExpr { public: static const int MAX_ATTNS = 4; PrdrExpr * cv_arg[MAX_ATTNS]; PrdrExprAttnLink(std::string * attn1, PrdrExpr * exp1, std::string * attn2, PrdrExpr * exp2, std::string * attn3, PrdrExpr * exp3, std::string * attn4, PrdrExpr * exp4) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTNS; i++) cv_arg[i] = NULL; cv_arg[decodeAttnType(attn1)] = exp1; if (NULL != exp2) cv_arg[decodeAttnType(attn2)] = exp2; if (NULL != exp3) cv_arg[decodeAttnType(attn3)] = exp3; if (NULL != exp4) cv_arg[decodeAttnType(attn4)] = exp4; }; int output(FILE * i_file) { char cv_op = Prdr::ATTNLINK; fwrite(&cv_op, 1, 1, i_file); cv_op = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTNS; i++) if (NULL != cv_arg[i]) cv_op++; fwrite(&cv_op, 1, 1, i_file); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTNS; i++) if (NULL != cv_arg[i]) { cv_op = i; fwrite(&cv_op, 1, 1, i_file); cv_arg[i]->output(i_file); } return 0; } uint16_t getSignature() { uint16_t l_val = PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTNS; i++) if (NULL != cv_arg[i]) l_val = PrdrSignatureOp::combineSig(l_val, cv_arg[i]->getSignature()); else l_val = PrdrSignatureOp::combineSig(l_val, PrdrSignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE); return l_val; }; protected: int decodeAttnType(std::string * attn) { if (NULL == attn) { yyerror("ICE - NPE."); } else if ("CHECK_STOP" == *attn) { return 0; } else if ("RECOVERABLE" == *attn) { return 1; } else if ("SPECIAL" == *attn) { return 2; } else if ("PROC_CS" == *attn) { return 3; } else if ("UNIT_CS" == *attn) // @jl02 Add UNIT_CS check. { return 3; // @jl02 } else { char error[256]; strcpy(error, "Invalid attention name: "); strncat(error, attn->c_str(), 255); yyerror(error); } return 0; }; }; class PrdrExprRule : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_rulename; PrdrExpr * cv_bits; std::string * cv_actionname; PrdrExprRule(std::string * r, PrdrExpr * b, std::string * a) : cv_rulename(r), cv_bits(b), cv_actionname(a) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { uint16_t l_ref; char l_op; l_op = Prdr::REF_RULE; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); l_ref = htons(prdrGetRefId(cv_rulename)); fwrite(&l_ref, sizeof(l_ref), 1, i_file); cv_bits->output(i_file); l_op = prdrGetRefType(cv_actionname); fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); l_ref = htons(prdrGetRefId(cv_actionname)); fwrite(&l_ref, sizeof(l_ref), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { std::list l_parsed = prdrParseDoxygen(cv_doxcomment); std::string l_name("N/A"), l_short("N/A"), l_long(""); std::ostringstream l_errFront, l_errBits, l_errBack; l_errFront << "\tPRDR_ERROR_SIGNATURE ( 0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << std::hex << ( (PrdrExprRef(cv_rulename).getSignature() + g_currentChip->cv_signatureOffset) & 0xffff ) << "00"; o_stream << ""; cv_bits->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, l_errBits); if (std::string() != l_parsed.front()) { l_name = l_parsed.front(); } l_parsed.pop_front(); if (std::string() != l_parsed.front()) { l_short = l_parsed.front(); } l_parsed.pop_front(); if (std::string() != l_parsed.front()) { l_long = l_parsed.front(); } o_stream << ""; if (std::string() != l_long) { o_stream << ""; o_trailing += "" ; o_trailing += l_name + ": "; o_trailing += l_short + "
"; o_trailing += l_long + "

\n"; } o_stream << l_name; if (std::string() != l_long) { o_stream << ""; o_trailing += ""; } o_stream << "" << l_short; o_stream << "" << *cv_actionname << ""; l_errBack << ", \"" << l_name << "\", \"" << l_short << "\""; l_errBack << " )" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < (l_errBits.str().length()/2); i++) { o_errFile << l_errFront.str(); if (typeid(*cv_bits).name() == typeid(PrdrExprOp2).name()) { if (static_cast(cv_bits)->cv_op == Prdr::AND) { o_errFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex; o_errFile << g_nextAndBit; g_nextAndBit++; i = 256; } else { o_errFile << l_errBits.str()[2*i] << l_errBits.str()[2*i+1]; } } else { o_errFile << l_errBits.str()[2*i] << l_errBits.str()[2*i+1]; } o_errFile << l_errBack.str(); } }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Try : public PrdrExpr { public: PrdrExpr * cv_left, * cv_right; PrdrExprAct_Try(PrdrExpr * l, PrdrExpr * r) : cv_left(l), cv_right(r) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_TRY; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); cv_left->output(i_file); cv_right->output(i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "try { "; if (NULL != cv_left) cv_left->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); o_stream << ", "; if (NULL != cv_right) cv_right->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); o_stream << " } "; }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Thresh : public PrdrExpr { public: PrdrExpr* cv_thresholdTime[2]; //Maximum threshold value supported is 255 uint8_t cv_field; uint8_t cv_mfg; uint32_t cv_3; std::string * cv_mfg_file_thr; PrdrExprAct_Thresh( uint8_t i_field = 0, PrdrExpr * i_fieldTime = NULL, uint8_t i_mfg = 0, PrdrExpr * i_mfgTime = NULL, std::string * i_mfg_file = NULL ) : cv_field(i_field), cv_mfg(i_mfg), cv_mfg_file_thr(i_mfg_file) { cv_thresholdTime[0] = i_fieldTime; cv_thresholdTime[1] = i_mfgTime; }; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_THRES; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); if (NULL == cv_thresholdTime[0]) l_op = 0; else if ( (NULL == cv_thresholdTime[1]) && (NULL == cv_mfg_file_thr)) { l_op = 1; } else l_op = 2; if (0 != cv_3) l_op |= 0x40; if (NULL != cv_mfg_file_thr) l_op |= 0x20; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); if (NULL != cv_thresholdTime[0]) { fwrite(&cv_field, sizeof(cv_field), 1, i_file); cv_thresholdTime[0]->output(i_file); if (NULL != cv_thresholdTime[1]) { fwrite(&cv_mfg, sizeof(cv_mfg), 1, i_file); cv_thresholdTime[1]->output(i_file); } else if (NULL != cv_mfg_file_thr) { uint32_t l_tmp32 = prdrActionArgMap(*cv_mfg_file_thr); l_tmp32 = htonl(l_tmp32); fwrite(&l_tmp32, sizeof(l_tmp32), 1, i_file); } } if (0 != cv_3) { uint32_t l_tmp32 = htonl(cv_3); fwrite(&l_tmp32, 4, 1, i_file); } return 0; } void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "threshold("; if (NULL != cv_thresholdTime[0]) { uint32_t units = cv_field; o_stream <<" field"; o_stream << "("; o_stream << units; o_stream << ","; cv_thresholdTime[0]->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); o_stream << ")"; if (NULL != cv_thresholdTime[1]) { units = cv_mfg; o_stream << ", mfg"; o_stream << "("; o_stream << units; o_stream << ","; cv_thresholdTime[1]->generateDoxygen(o_stream, o_trailing, o_errFile); o_stream << ")"; } else if (NULL != cv_mfg_file_thr) { o_stream << ", mfg_file"; o_stream << "("; o_stream << *cv_mfg_file_thr; o_stream << ")"; } } o_stream << ")"; if (0 != cv_3) { o_stream << " shared(" << cv_3 << ")"; } }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Dump : public PrdrExpr //@ecdf { public: std::string * cv_1; PrdrExprAct_Dump(std::string * i_1) : cv_1(i_1) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_DUMP; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_dType; if (NULL == cv_1) l_dType = prdrActionArgMap("DUMP_CONTENT_HW"); else l_dType = prdrActionArgMap(*cv_1); l_dType = htonl(l_dType); fwrite(&l_dType, sizeof(l_dType), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "dump( " << *cv_1 << " ) "; }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Gard : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_1; PrdrExprAct_Gard(std::string * i_1) : cv_1(i_1) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_GARD; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_gType = htonl(prdrActionArgMap(*cv_1)); fwrite(&l_gType, sizeof(l_gType), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "gard( " << *cv_1 << " ) "; }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Analyse : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_1; uint32_t cv_2; PrdrExprAct_Analyse( std::string * i_1, uint32_t i_2 = 0xffffffff ) : cv_1(i_1), cv_2(i_2) {} int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op = Prdr::ACT_ANALY; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_chipType = htonl(prdrActionArgMap(*cv_1)); fwrite(&l_chipType, sizeof(l_chipType), 1, i_file); uint32_t l_chipIndx = htonl(cv_2); fwrite(&l_chipIndx, sizeof(l_chipIndx), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "analyze ( "; o_stream << "connected ( " << *cv_1 ; if ( 0xffffffff != cv_2 ) o_stream << ", " << cv_2; o_stream << " ) ) "; } }; class PrdrExprAct_Callout : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_1, * cv_2; uint32_t cv_3; PrdrExpr * cv_alt; enum Callout_type { CALLOUT_SELF = 's', CALLOUT_CHIP = 'c', CALLOUT_PROC = 'p', }; Callout_type cv_type; PrdrExprAct_Callout(std::string * i_1, std::string * i_2 = NULL, Callout_type i_t = CALLOUT_SELF, uint32_t i_3 = 0xffffffff, PrdrExpr * i_alt = NULL) : cv_1(i_1), cv_2(i_2), cv_3(i_3), cv_alt(i_alt), cv_type(i_t) {} int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_CALL; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); l_op = cv_type; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_priority = htonl(prdrActionArgMap(*cv_1)); fwrite(&l_priority, sizeof(l_priority), 1, i_file); if (CALLOUT_SELF != cv_type) { uint32_t l_arg = htonl(prdrActionArgMap(*cv_2)); fwrite(&l_arg, sizeof(l_arg), 1, i_file); l_arg = htonl(cv_3); fwrite(&l_arg, sizeof(l_arg), 1, i_file); // Write bool for ALT resolution. l_op = (NULL == cv_alt ? 0 : 1); fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); // Write ALT resolution. if (NULL != cv_alt) cv_alt->output(i_file); } return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "callout ( "; if (CALLOUT_SELF == cv_type) { o_stream << "SELF, " << *cv_1 << " )"; } else if (CALLOUT_PROC == cv_type) { o_stream << "procedure ( " << *cv_2 << " ), " << *cv_1 << " ) "; } else { o_stream << "connected ( " << *cv_2 ; if ( 0xffffffff != cv_3 ) o_stream << ", " << cv_3; o_stream << " ), " << *cv_1 << " ) "; } } }; class PrdrExprAct_Funccall : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_1, * cv_2; PrdrExprAct_Funccall(std::string * i_1, std::string * i_2 = NULL) : cv_1(i_1), cv_2(i_2) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_FUNC; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); if ('"' == (*cv_1)[0]) (*cv_1) = cv_1->substr(1, cv_1->size() - 2); fwrite(cv_1->c_str(), cv_1->size() + 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_chip; if (NULL != cv_2) l_chip = htonl(prdrActionArgMap(*cv_2)); else l_chip = 0; fwrite(&l_chip, sizeof(l_chip), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "funccall( " << *cv_1; if (NULL != cv_2) o_stream << ", " << *cv_2; o_stream << " ) "; }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Flag : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_1; PrdrExprAct_Flag(std::string * i_1) : cv_1(i_1) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_FLAG; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_flag = htonl(prdrActionArgMap(*cv_1)); fwrite(&l_flag, sizeof(l_flag), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "flag( " << *cv_1 << " ) "; }; }; class PrdrExprAct_Capture : public PrdrExpr { public: std::string * cv_1; PrdrExprAct_Capture(std::string * i_1) : cv_1(i_1) {}; int output(FILE * i_file) { char l_op; l_op = Prdr::ACT_CAPT; fwrite(&l_op, 1, 1, i_file); uint32_t l_group = htonl(prdrCaptureGroupMap(*cv_1)); fwrite(&l_group, sizeof(l_group), 1, i_file); return 0; }; void generateDoxygen(std::ostream & o_stream, std::string & o_trailing, std::ostream & o_errFile = std::cerr) { o_stream << "capture( " << *cv_1 << " ) "; }; }; extern std::map g_rules; typedef std::pair PrdrRefPair; extern std::list g_references; #endif // Change Log ********************************************************* // // Flag Reason Vers Date Coder Description // ---- -------- ---- -------- -------- ------------------------------- // F494911 f310 03/04/05 iawillia Initial File Creation // D515833 f300 09/19/05 iawillia Add capture support. // F526728 f300 10/25/05 iawillia Add >> and << registers. // F534311 f300 01/10/06 iawillia Add bit string expression. // F544848 f300 04/03/06 iawillia Add multi-bit support. // F549888 f300 05/01/06 iawillia Add Proc. CS attention. // ecdf F550548 f300 05/04/06 iawillia eClipz DUMP flags support. // D555348 f310 06/05/06 iawillia Update HTML generation. // jl02 F605874 f330 07/31/07 lukas Add functions to PRD framework/Galaxy // 2 code for unit CS. // @jl04 F630836 f330 09/17/07 lukas Add error log Cap. type. // End Change Log *****************************************************