; RUN: llvm-as <%s -bitcode-mdindex-threshold=0 | llvm-bcanalyzer -dump | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK -check-prefix=MDINDEX ; RUN: llvm-as <%s | llvm-bcanalyzer -dump | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CHECK ; Check that distinct nodes are emitted in post-order to avoid unnecessary ; forward references. ; Nodes in this testcase are numbered to match how they are referenced in ; bitcode. !3 is referenced as opN=3. ; The leafs should come first (in either order). ; CHECK: ; CHECK-NEXT: !1 = distinct !{} !2 = distinct !{} ; CHECK-NEXT: !3 = distinct !{!1, !2} ; CHECK-NEXT: !4 = distinct !{!1, !3, !2} ; Before the named records we emit the index containing the position of the ; previously emitted records, but only if we have a number of record above ; a threshold (can be controlled through `-bitcode-mdindex-threshold`). ; MDINDEX: !named = !{!4}