Package lldb :: Class SBTypeCategory
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Class SBTypeCategory

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Represents a category that can contain formatters for types.

Nested Classes [hide private]
A helper object that will lazily hand out formatters for a specific category.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__setattr__(self, name, value)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
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__getattr__(self, name) source code
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__init__(self, *args)
__init__(lldb::SBTypeCategory self) -> SBTypeCategory __init__(lldb::SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeCategory rhs) -> SBTypeCategory
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delete_SBTypeCategory(SBTypeCategory self)
__del__(self) source code
__nonzero__(self) source code
IsValid(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool
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GetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool
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SetEnabled(self, *args)
SetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self, bool arg2)
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GetName(SBTypeCategory self) -> str const *
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GetLanguageAtIndex(self, *args)
GetLanguageAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t idx) -> lldb::LanguageType
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GetNumLanguages(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
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AddLanguage(self, *args)
AddLanguage(SBTypeCategory self, lldb::LanguageType language)
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GetDescription(self, *args)
GetDescription(SBTypeCategory self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool
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GetNumFormats(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
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GetNumSummaries(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
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GetNumFilters(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
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GetNumSynthetics(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
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GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex(self, *args)
GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier
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GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex(self, *args)
GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier
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GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex(self, *args)
GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier
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GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex(self, *args)
GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier
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GetFilterForType(self, *args)
GetFilterForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFilter
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GetFormatForType(self, *args)
GetFormatForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFormat
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GetSummaryForType(self, *args)
GetSummaryForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSummary
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GetSyntheticForType(self, *args)
GetSyntheticForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSynthetic
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GetFilterAtIndex(self, *args)
GetFilterAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeFilter
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GetFormatAtIndex(self, *args)
GetFormatAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeFormat
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GetSummaryAtIndex(self, *args)
GetSummaryAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeSummary
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GetSyntheticAtIndex(self, *args)
GetSyntheticAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeSynthetic
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AddTypeFormat(self, *args)
AddTypeFormat(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeFormat arg3) -> bool
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DeleteTypeFormat(self, *args)
DeleteTypeFormat(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool
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AddTypeSummary(self, *args)
AddTypeSummary(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeSummary arg3) -> bool
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DeleteTypeSummary(self, *args)
DeleteTypeSummary(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool
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AddTypeFilter(self, *args)
AddTypeFilter(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeFilter arg3) -> bool
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DeleteTypeFilter(self, *args)
DeleteTypeFilter(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool
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AddTypeSynthetic(self, *args)
AddTypeSynthetic(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeSynthetic arg3) -> bool
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DeleteTypeSynthetic(self, *args)
DeleteTypeSynthetic(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool
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An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy format access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all formats in a lldb.SBCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy summary access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all summaries in a lldb.SBCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy synthetic children provider access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all synthetic children providers in a lldb.SBCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy filter access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.
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An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all filters in a lldb.SBCategory object.
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__str__(SBTypeCategory self) -> PyObject *
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  __swig_setmethods__ = {}
  __swig_getmethods__ = {}
Properties [hide private]
GetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool
A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for filters by index or type name or regular expression.
A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeFilter objects contained in this category
A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for formats by index or type name.
A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeFormat objects contained in this category
GetName(SBTypeCategory self) -> str const *
GetNumFilters(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
GetNumFormats(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
GetNumSummaries(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
GetNumSynthetics(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t
A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeSummary objects contained in this category
A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for summaries by index or type name or regular expression.
A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for synthetic children provider by index or type name or regular expression.
A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeSynthetic objects contained in this category

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__setattr__(self, name, value)

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x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Overrides: object.__setattr__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

__init__(self, *args)

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__init__(lldb::SBTypeCategory self) -> SBTypeCategory __init__(lldb::SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeCategory rhs) -> SBTypeCategory

Overrides: object.__init__

(Informal representation operator)

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__str__(SBTypeCategory self) -> PyObject *

Overrides: object.__str__

Property Details [hide private]


GetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool

Get Method:
GetEnabled(self) - GetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool
Set Method:
SetEnabled(self, *args) - SetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self, bool arg2)


A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for filters by index or type name or regular expression.

Get Method:
get_filters_access_object(self) - An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy filter access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.


A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeFilter objects contained in this category

Get Method:
get_filters_array(self) - An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all filters in a lldb.SBCategory object.


A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for formats by index or type name.

Get Method:
get_formats_access_object(self) - An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy format access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.


A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeFormat objects contained in this category

Get Method:
get_formats_array(self) - An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all formats in a lldb.SBCategory object.


GetName(SBTypeCategory self) -> str const *

Get Method:
GetName(self) - GetName(SBTypeCategory self) -> str const *


GetNumFilters(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t

Get Method:
GetNumFilters(self) - GetNumFilters(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t


GetNumFormats(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t

Get Method:
GetNumFormats(self) - GetNumFormats(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t


GetNumSummaries(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t

Get Method:
GetNumSummaries(self) - GetNumSummaries(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t


GetNumSynthetics(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t

Get Method:
GetNumSynthetics(self) - GetNumSynthetics(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t


A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeSummary objects contained in this category

Get Method:
get_summaries_array(self) - An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all summaries in a lldb.SBCategory object.


A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for summaries by index or type name or regular expression.

Get Method:
get_summaries_access_object(self) - An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy summary access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.


A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for synthetic children provider by index or type name or regular expression.

Get Method:
get_synthetics_access_object(self) - An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy synthetic children provider access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.


A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeSynthetic objects contained in this category

Get Method:
get_synthetics_array(self) - An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all synthetic children providers in a lldb.SBCategory object.