Package lldb :: Class SBDebugger
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class SBDebugger

source code

SBDebugger is the primordial object that creates SBTargets and provides
access to them.  It also manages the overall debugging experiences.

For example (from example/,

import lldb
import os
import sys

def disassemble_instructions (insts):
    for i in insts:
        print i


# Create a new debugger instance
debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()

# When we step or continue, don't return from the function until the process 
# stops. We do this by setting the async mode to false.
debugger.SetAsync (False)

# Create a target from a file and arch
print('Creating a target for '%s'' % exe)

target = debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndArch (exe, lldb.LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT)

if target:
    # If the target is valid set a breakpoint at main
    main_bp = target.BreakpointCreateByName (fname, target.GetExecutable().GetFilename());

    print main_bp

    # Launch the process. Since we specified synchronous mode, we won't return
    # from this function until we hit the breakpoint at main
    process = target.LaunchSimple (None, None, os.getcwd())
    # Make sure the launch went ok
    if process:
        # Print some simple process info
        state = process.GetState ()
        print process
        if state == lldb.eStateStopped:
            # Get the first thread
            thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex (0)
            if thread:
                # Print some simple thread info
                print thread
                # Get the first frame
                frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex (0)
                if frame:
                    # Print some simple frame info
                    print frame
                    function = frame.GetFunction()
                    # See if we have debug info (a function)
                    if function:
                        # We do have a function, print some info for the function
                        print function
                        # Now get all instructions for this function and print them
                        insts = function.GetInstructions(target)
                        disassemble_instructions (insts)
                        # See if we have a symbol in the symbol table for where we stopped
                        symbol = frame.GetSymbol();
                        if symbol:
                            # We do have a symbol, print some info for the symbol
                            print symbol
                            # Now get all instructions for this symbol and print them
                            insts = symbol.GetInstructions(target)
                            disassemble_instructions (insts)

                    registerList = frame.GetRegisters()
                    print('Frame registers (size of register set = %d):' % registerList.GetSize())
                    for value in registerList:
                        #print value
                        print('%s (number of children = %d):' % (value.GetName(), value.GetNumChildren()))
                        for child in value:
                            print('Name: ', child.GetName(), ' Value: ', child.GetValue())

            print('Hit the breakpoint at main, enter to continue and wait for program to exit or 'Ctrl-D'/'quit' to terminate the program')
            next = sys.stdin.readline()
            if not next or next.rstrip('
') == 'quit':
                print('Terminating the inferior process...')
                # Now continue to the program exit
                # When we return from the above function we will hopefully be at the
                # program exit. Print out some process info
                print process
        elif state == lldb.eStateExited:
            print('Didn't hit the breakpoint at main, program has exited...')
            print('Unexpected process state: %s, killing process...' % debugger.StateAsCString (state))

Sometimes you need to create an empty target that will get filled in later.  The most common use for this
is to attach to a process by name or pid where you don't know the executable up front.  The most convenient way
to do this is:

target = debugger.CreateTarget('')
error = lldb.SBError()
process = target.AttachToProcessWithName(debugger.GetListener(), 'PROCESS_NAME', False, error)

or the equivalent arguments for AttachToProcessWithID.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__setattr__(self, name, value)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
source code
__getattr__(self, name) source code
source code
__iter__(self) source code
__len__(self) source code
__init__(self, *args)
__init__(lldb::SBDebugger self) -> SBDebugger __init__(lldb::SBDebugger self, SBDebugger rhs) -> SBDebugger
source code
delete_SBDebugger(SBDebugger self)
__del__(self) source code
__nonzero__(self) source code
IsValid(SBDebugger self) -> bool
source code
Clear(SBDebugger self)
source code
SetAsync(self, *args)
SetAsync(SBDebugger self, bool b)
source code
GetAsync(SBDebugger self) -> bool
source code
SkipLLDBInitFiles(self, *args)
SkipLLDBInitFiles(SBDebugger self, bool b)
source code
SetInputFileHandle(self, *args)
SetInputFileHandle(SBDebugger self, FILE * f, bool transfer_ownership)
source code
SetOutputFileHandle(self, *args)
SetOutputFileHandle(SBDebugger self, FILE * f, bool transfer_ownership)
source code
SetErrorFileHandle(self, *args)
SetErrorFileHandle(SBDebugger self, FILE * f, bool transfer_ownership)
source code
GetInputFileHandle(SBDebugger self) -> FILE *
source code
GetOutputFileHandle(SBDebugger self) -> FILE *
source code
GetErrorFileHandle(SBDebugger self) -> FILE *
source code
GetCommandInterpreter(SBDebugger self) -> SBCommandInterpreter
source code
HandleCommand(self, *args)
HandleCommand(SBDebugger self, str const * command)
source code
GetListener(SBDebugger self) -> SBListener
source code
HandleProcessEvent(self, *args)
HandleProcessEvent(SBDebugger self, SBProcess process, SBEvent event, FILE * out, FILE * err)
source code
CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(self, *args)
CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * target_triple) -> SBTarget
source code
CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(self, *args)
CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * archname) -> SBTarget
source code
CreateTarget(self, *args)
CreateTarget(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * target_triple, str const * platform_name, bool add_dependent_modules, ...
source code
DeleteTarget(self, *args)
DeleteTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target) -> bool
source code
GetTargetAtIndex(self, *args)
GetTargetAtIndex(SBDebugger self, uint32_t idx) -> SBTarget
source code
GetIndexOfTarget(self, *args)
GetIndexOfTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target) -> uint32_t
source code
FindTargetWithProcessID(self, *args)
FindTargetWithProcessID(SBDebugger self, lldb::pid_t pid) -> SBTarget
source code
FindTargetWithFileAndArch(self, *args)
FindTargetWithFileAndArch(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * arch) -> SBTarget
source code
GetNumTargets(SBDebugger self) -> uint32_t
source code
GetSelectedTarget(SBDebugger self) -> SBTarget
source code
SetSelectedTarget(self, *args)
SetSelectedTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target)
source code
GetSelectedPlatform(SBDebugger self) -> SBPlatform
source code
SetSelectedPlatform(self, *args)
SetSelectedPlatform(SBDebugger self, SBPlatform platform)
source code
GetSourceManager(SBDebugger self) -> SBSourceManager
source code
SetCurrentPlatform(self, *args)
SetCurrentPlatform(SBDebugger self, str const * platform_name) -> SBError
source code
SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(self, *args)
SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(SBDebugger self, str const * sysroot) -> bool
source code
SetUseExternalEditor(self, *args)
SetUseExternalEditor(SBDebugger self, bool input) -> bool
source code
GetUseExternalEditor(SBDebugger self) -> bool
source code
SetUseColor(self, *args)
SetUseColor(SBDebugger self, bool use_color) -> bool
source code
GetUseColor(SBDebugger self) -> bool
source code
GetScriptingLanguage(self, *args)
GetScriptingLanguage(SBDebugger self, str const * script_language_name) -> lldb::ScriptLanguage
source code
EnableLog(self, *args)
EnableLog(SBDebugger self, str const * channel, str const ** types) -> bool
source code
SetLoggingCallback(self, *args)
SetLoggingCallback(SBDebugger self, lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback)
source code
DispatchInput(self, *args)
DispatchInput(SBDebugger self, void const * data)
source code
DispatchInputInterrupt(SBDebugger self)
source code
DispatchInputEndOfFile(SBDebugger self)
source code
GetInstanceName(SBDebugger self) -> str const *
source code
GetDescription(self, *args)
GetDescription(SBDebugger self, SBStream description) -> bool
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GetTerminalWidth(SBDebugger self) -> uint32_t
source code
SetTerminalWidth(self, *args)
SetTerminalWidth(SBDebugger self, uint32_t term_width)
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GetID(SBDebugger self) -> lldb::user_id_t
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GetPrompt(SBDebugger self) -> str const *
source code
SetPrompt(self, *args)
SetPrompt(SBDebugger self, str const * prompt)
source code
GetScriptLanguage(SBDebugger self) -> lldb::ScriptLanguage
source code
SetScriptLanguage(self, *args)
SetScriptLanguage(SBDebugger self, lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang)
source code
GetCloseInputOnEOF(SBDebugger self) -> bool
source code
SetCloseInputOnEOF(self, *args)
SetCloseInputOnEOF(SBDebugger self, bool b)
source code
GetCategory(self, *args)
GetCategory(SBDebugger self, str const * category_name) -> SBTypeCategory GetCategory(SBDebugger self, lldb::LanguageType lang_type) -> SBTypeCategory
source code
CreateCategory(self, *args)
CreateCategory(SBDebugger self, str const * category_name) -> SBTypeCategory
source code
DeleteCategory(self, *args)
DeleteCategory(SBDebugger self, str const * category_name) -> bool
source code
GetNumCategories(SBDebugger self) -> uint32_t
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GetCategoryAtIndex(self, *args)
GetCategoryAtIndex(SBDebugger self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeCategory
source code
GetDefaultCategory(SBDebugger self) -> SBTypeCategory
source code
GetFormatForType(self, *args)
GetFormatForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFormat
source code
GetSummaryForType(self, *args)
GetSummaryForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSummary
source code
GetFilterForType(self, *args)
GetFilterForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFilter
source code
GetSyntheticForType(self, *args)
GetSyntheticForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSynthetic
source code
RunCommandInterpreter(self, *args)
RunCommandInterpreter(SBDebugger self, bool auto_handle_events, bool spawn_thread, SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions options, ...
source code
RunREPL(self, *args)
RunREPL(SBDebugger self, lldb::LanguageType language, str const * repl_options) -> SBError
source code
__str__(SBDebugger self) -> PyObject *
source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
Initialize() source code
Terminate() source code
Create(bool source_init_files) -> SBDebugger Create(bool source_init_files, lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback) -> SBDebugger
source code
Destroy(SBDebugger debugger)
source code
MemoryPressureDetected() source code
GetDefaultArchitecture(str * arch_name, size_t arch_name_len) -> bool
source code
SetDefaultArchitecture(str const * arch_name) -> bool
source code
str const *
GetVersionString() source code
StateAsCString(lldb::StateType state) -> str const *
source code
StateIsRunningState(lldb::StateType state) -> bool
source code
StateIsStoppedState(lldb::StateType state) -> bool
source code
FindDebuggerWithID(int id) -> SBDebugger
source code
SetInternalVariable(str const * var_name, str const * value, str const * debugger_instance_name) -> SBError
source code
GetInternalVariableValue(str const * var_name, str const * debugger_instance_name) -> SBStringList
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __swig_setmethods__ = {}
  __swig_getmethods__ = {}
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__setattr__(self, name, value)

source code 

x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Overrides: object.__setattr__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

__init__(self, *args)

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__init__(lldb::SBDebugger self) -> SBDebugger __init__(lldb::SBDebugger self, SBDebugger rhs) -> SBDebugger

Overrides: object.__init__

CreateTarget(self, *args)

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CreateTarget(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * target_triple, str const * platform_name, bool add_dependent_modules, 
    SBError sb_error) -> SBTarget
CreateTarget(SBDebugger self, str const * filename) -> SBTarget

DeleteTarget(self, *args)

source code 

DeleteTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target) -> bool

Return true if target is deleted from the target list of the debugger.

RunCommandInterpreter(self, *args)

source code 

RunCommandInterpreter(SBDebugger self, bool auto_handle_events, bool spawn_thread, SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions options, 
    int & num_errors, bool & quit_requested, bool & stopped_for_crash)

(Informal representation operator)

source code 

__str__(SBDebugger self) -> PyObject *

Overrides: object.__str__