Package lldb :: Class SBBreakpoint
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class SBBreakpoint

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Represents a logical breakpoint and its associated settings.

For example (from test/functionalities/breakpoint/breakpoint_ignore_count/,

    def breakpoint_ignore_count_python(self):
        '''Use Python APIs to set breakpoint ignore count.'''
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'a.out')

        # Create a target by the debugger.
        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
        self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)

        # Now create a breakpoint on main.c by name 'c'.
        breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByName('c', 'a.out')
        self.assertTrue(breakpoint and
                        breakpoint.GetNumLocations() == 1,

        # Get the breakpoint location from breakpoint after we verified that,
        # indeed, it has one location.
        location = breakpoint.GetLocationAtIndex(0)
        self.assertTrue(location and

        # Set the ignore count on the breakpoint location.
        self.assertTrue(location.GetIgnoreCount() == 2,
                        'SetIgnoreCount() works correctly')

        # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point.
        process = target.LaunchSimple(None, None, os.getcwd())
        self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)

        # Frame#0 should be on main.c:37, frame#1 should be on main.c:25, and
        # frame#2 should be on main.c:48.
        from lldbutil import get_stopped_thread
        thread = get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint)
        self.assertTrue(thread != None, 'There should be a thread stopped due to breakpoint')
        frame0 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
        frame1 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(1)
        frame2 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(2)
        self.assertTrue(frame0.GetLineEntry().GetLine() == self.line1 and
                        frame1.GetLineEntry().GetLine() == self.line3 and
                        frame2.GetLineEntry().GetLine() == self.line4,

        # The hit count for the breakpoint should be 3.
        self.assertTrue(breakpoint.GetHitCount() == 3)


SBBreakpoint supports breakpoint location iteration, for example,

    for bl in breakpoint:
        print('breakpoint location load addr: %s' % hex(bl.GetLoadAddress()))
        print('breakpoint location condition: %s' % hex(bl.GetCondition()))

and rich comparion methods which allow the API program to use,

    if aBreakpoint == bBreakpoint:

to compare two breakpoints for equality.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__setattr__(self, name, value)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
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__getattr__(self, name) source code
source code
__iter__(self) source code
__len__(self) source code
__init__(self, *args)
__init__(lldb::SBBreakpoint self) -> SBBreakpoint __init__(lldb::SBBreakpoint self, SBBreakpoint rhs) -> SBBreakpoint
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delete_SBBreakpoint(SBBreakpoint self)
__del__(self) source code
GetID(SBBreakpoint self) -> lldb::break_id_t
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__nonzero__(self) source code
IsValid(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool
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ClearAllBreakpointSites(SBBreakpoint self)
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FindLocationByAddress(self, *args)
FindLocationByAddress(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> SBBreakpointLocation
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FindLocationIDByAddress(self, *args)
FindLocationIDByAddress(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> lldb::break_id_t
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FindLocationByID(self, *args)
FindLocationByID(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::break_id_t bp_loc_id) -> SBBreakpointLocation
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GetLocationAtIndex(self, *args)
GetLocationAtIndex(SBBreakpoint self, uint32_t index) -> SBBreakpointLocation
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SetEnabled(self, *args)
SetEnabled(SBBreakpoint self, bool enable)
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IsEnabled(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool
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SetOneShot(self, *args)
SetOneShot(SBBreakpoint self, bool one_shot)
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IsOneShot(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool
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IsInternal(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool
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GetHitCount(SBBreakpoint self) -> uint32_t
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SetIgnoreCount(self, *args)
SetIgnoreCount(SBBreakpoint self, uint32_t count)
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GetIgnoreCount(SBBreakpoint self) -> uint32_t
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SetCondition(self, *args)
SetCondition(SBBreakpoint self, str const * condition)
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GetCondition(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const *
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SetThreadID(self, *args)
SetThreadID(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::tid_t sb_thread_id)
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GetThreadID(SBBreakpoint self) -> lldb::tid_t
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SetThreadIndex(self, *args)
SetThreadIndex(SBBreakpoint self, uint32_t index)
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GetThreadIndex(SBBreakpoint self) -> uint32_t
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SetThreadName(self, *args)
SetThreadName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * thread_name)
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GetThreadName(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const *
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SetQueueName(self, *args)
SetQueueName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * queue_name)
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GetQueueName(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const *
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SetScriptCallbackFunction(self, *args)
SetScriptCallbackFunction(SBBreakpoint self, str const * callback_function_name)
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SetScriptCallbackBody(self, *args)
SetScriptCallbackBody(SBBreakpoint self, str const * script_body_text) -> SBError
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SetCommandLineCommands(self, *args)
SetCommandLineCommands(SBBreakpoint self, SBStringList commands)
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GetCommandLineCommands(self, *args)
GetCommandLineCommands(SBBreakpoint self, SBStringList commands) -> bool
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AddName(self, *args)
AddName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * new_name) -> bool
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RemoveName(self, *args)
RemoveName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * name_to_remove)
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MatchesName(self, *args)
MatchesName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * name) -> bool
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GetNames(self, *args)
GetNames(SBBreakpoint self, SBStringList names)
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GetNumResolvedLocations(SBBreakpoint self) -> size_t
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GetNumLocations(SBBreakpoint self) -> size_t
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GetDescription(self, *args)
GetDescription(SBBreakpoint self, SBStream description) -> bool GetDescription(SBBreakpoint self, SBStream description, bool include_locations) -> bool
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__str__(SBBreakpoint self) -> PyObject *
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__eq__(self, rhs) source code
__ne__(self, rhs) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
EventIsBreakpointEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool
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GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::BreakpointEventType
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GetBreakpointFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBBreakpoint
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GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(SBEvent event, uint32_t loc_idx) -> SBBreakpointLocation
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GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(SBEvent event_sp) -> uint32_t
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __swig_setmethods__ = {}
  __swig_getmethods__ = {}
Properties [hide private]
A read/write property that configures whether this breakpoint is enabled or not.
A read only property that returns the ID of this breakpoint.
A read only property that returns the count of locations of this breakpoint.
A read/write property that configures whether this breakpoint is one-shot (deleted when hit) or not.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__setattr__(self, name, value)

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x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Overrides: object.__setattr__
(inherited documentation)

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

__init__(self, *args)

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__init__(lldb::SBBreakpoint self) -> SBBreakpoint __init__(lldb::SBBreakpoint self, SBBreakpoint rhs) -> SBBreakpoint

Overrides: object.__init__

SetCondition(self, *args)

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SetCondition(SBBreakpoint self, str const * condition)

The breakpoint stops only if the condition expression evaluates to true.


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GetCondition(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const *

Get the condition expression for the breakpoint.

SetScriptCallbackFunction(self, *args)

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SetScriptCallbackFunction(SBBreakpoint self, str const * callback_function_name)

Set the name of the script function to be called when the breakpoint is hit.

SetScriptCallbackBody(self, *args)

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SetScriptCallbackBody(SBBreakpoint self, str const * script_body_text) -> SBError

Provide the body for the script function to be called when the breakpoint is hit. The body will be wrapped in a function, which be passed two arguments: 'frame' - which holds the bottom-most SBFrame of the thread that hit the breakpoint 'bpno' - which is the SBBreakpointLocation to which the callback was attached.

The error parameter is currently ignored, but will at some point hold the Python compilation diagnostics. Returns true if the body compiles successfully, false if not.

(Informal representation operator)

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__str__(SBBreakpoint self) -> PyObject *

Overrides: object.__str__

Property Details [hide private]


A read/write property that configures whether this breakpoint is enabled or not.

Get Method:
IsEnabled(self) - IsEnabled(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool
Set Method:
SetEnabled(self, *args) - SetEnabled(SBBreakpoint self, bool enable)


A read only property that returns the ID of this breakpoint.

Get Method:
GetID(self) - GetID(SBBreakpoint self) -> lldb::break_id_t


A read only property that returns the count of locations of this breakpoint.

Get Method:
GetNumLocations(self) - GetNumLocations(SBBreakpoint self) -> size_t


A read/write property that configures whether this breakpoint is one-shot (deleted when hit) or not.

Get Method:
IsOneShot(self) - IsOneShot(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool
Set Method:
SetOneShot(self, *args) - SetOneShot(SBBreakpoint self, bool one_shot)