""" Test lldb data formatter subsystem. """ from __future__ import print_function import lldb from lldbsuite.test.decorators import * from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import * from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil class LibcxxMapDataFormatterTestCase(TestBase): mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__) def setUp(self): TestBase.setUp(self) ns = 'ndk' if lldbplatformutil.target_is_android() else '' self.namespace = 'std::__' + ns + '1' @add_test_categories(["libc++"]) def test_with_run_command(self): """Test that that file and class static variables display correctly.""" self.build() self.runCmd("file " + self.getBuildArtifact("a.out"), CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) bkpt = self.target().FindBreakpointByID( lldbutil.run_break_set_by_source_regexp( self, "Set break point at this line.")) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint. self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT, substrs=['stopped', 'stop reason = breakpoint']) # This is the function to remove the custom formats in order to have a # clean slate for the next test case. def cleanup(): self.runCmd('type format clear', check=False) self.runCmd('type summary clear', check=False) self.runCmd('type filter clear', check=False) self.runCmd('type synth clear', check=False) self.runCmd( "settings set target.max-children-count 256", check=False) # Execute the cleanup function during test case tear down. self.addTearDownHook(cleanup) ns = self.namespace self.expect('frame variable ii', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable ii', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=2', '[0] = ', 'first = 0', 'second = 0', '[1] = ', 'first = 1', 'second = 1']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable ii', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=4', '[2] = ', 'first = 2', 'second = 0', '[3] = ', 'first = 3', 'second = 1']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect("frame variable ii", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=8', '[5] = ', 'first = 5', 'second = 0', '[7] = ', 'first = 7', 'second = 1']) self.expect("p ii", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=8', '[5] = ', 'first = 5', 'second = 0', '[7] = ', 'first = 7', 'second = 1']) # check access-by-index self.expect("frame variable ii[0]", substrs=['first = 0', 'second = 0']) self.expect("frame variable ii[3]", substrs=['first =', 'second =']) # check that MightHaveChildren() gets it right self.assertTrue( self.frame().FindVariable("ii").MightHaveChildren(), "ii.MightHaveChildren() says False for non empty!") # check that the expression parser does not make use of # synthetic children instead of running code # TOT clang has a fix for this, which makes the expression command here succeed # since this would make the test fail or succeed depending on clang version in use # this is safer commented for the time being # self.expect("expression ii[8]", matching=False, error=True, # substrs = ['1234567']) self.runCmd("continue") self.expect('frame variable ii', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) self.expect('frame variable si', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) self.runCmd("continue") self.expect('frame variable si', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=1', '[0] = ', 'first = \"zero\"', 'second = 0']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect("frame variable si", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=4', '[0] = ', 'first = \"zero\"', 'second = 0', '[1] = ', 'first = \"one\"', 'second = 1', '[2] = ', 'first = \"two\"', 'second = 2', '[3] = ', 'first = \"three\"', 'second = 3']) self.expect("p si", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=4', '[0] = ', 'first = \"zero\"', 'second = 0', '[1] = ', 'first = \"one\"', 'second = 1', '[2] = ', 'first = \"two\"', 'second = 2', '[3] = ', 'first = \"three\"', 'second = 3']) # check that MightHaveChildren() gets it right self.assertTrue( self.frame().FindVariable("si").MightHaveChildren(), "si.MightHaveChildren() says False for non empty!") # check access-by-index self.expect("frame variable si[0]", substrs=['first = ', 'one', 'second = 1']) # check that the expression parser does not make use of # synthetic children instead of running code # TOT clang has a fix for this, which makes the expression command here succeed # since this would make the test fail or succeed depending on clang version in use # this is safer commented for the time being # self.expect("expression si[0]", matching=False, error=True, # substrs = ['first = ', 'zero']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable si', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable is', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect("frame variable is", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=4', '[0] = ', 'second = \"goofy\"', 'first = 85', '[1] = ', 'second = \"is\"', 'first = 1', '[2] = ', 'second = \"smart\"', 'first = 2', '[3] = ', 'second = \"!!!\"', 'first = 3']) self.expect("p is", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=4', '[0] = ', 'second = \"goofy\"', 'first = 85', '[1] = ', 'second = \"is\"', 'first = 1', '[2] = ', 'second = \"smart\"', 'first = 2', '[3] = ', 'second = \"!!!\"', 'first = 3']) # check that MightHaveChildren() gets it right self.assertTrue( self.frame().FindVariable("is").MightHaveChildren(), "is.MightHaveChildren() says False for non empty!") # check access-by-index self.expect("frame variable is[0]", substrs=['first = ', 'second =']) # check that the expression parser does not make use of # synthetic children instead of running code # TOT clang has a fix for this, which makes the expression command here succeed # since this would make the test fail or succeed depending on clang version in use # this is safer commented for the time being # self.expect("expression is[0]", matching=False, error=True, # substrs = ['first = ', 'goofy']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable is', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable ss', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect("frame variable ss", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=3', '[0] = ', 'second = \"hello\"', 'first = \"ciao\"', '[1] = ', 'second = \"house\"', 'first = \"casa\"', '[2] = ', 'second = \"cat\"', 'first = \"gatto\"']) self.expect("p ss", substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=3', '[0] = ', 'second = \"hello\"', 'first = \"ciao\"', '[1] = ', 'second = \"house\"', 'first = \"casa\"', '[2] = ', 'second = \"cat\"', 'first = \"gatto\"']) # check that MightHaveChildren() gets it right self.assertTrue( self.frame().FindVariable("ss").MightHaveChildren(), "ss.MightHaveChildren() says False for non empty!") # check access-by-index self.expect("frame variable ss[2]", substrs=['gatto', 'cat']) # check that the expression parser does not make use of # synthetic children instead of running code # TOT clang has a fix for this, which makes the expression command here succeed # since this would make the test fail or succeed depending on clang version in use # this is safer commented for the time being # self.expect("expression ss[3]", matching=False, error=True, # substrs = ['gatto']) lldbutil.continue_to_breakpoint(self.process(), bkpt) self.expect('frame variable ss', substrs=['%s::map' % ns, 'size=0', '{}'])