libc++ Upcoming Meeting Status

This is a temporary page; please check the c++1z status here

This page shows the status of the papers and issues that are expected to be adopted in the next WG21 Meeting.

The groups that have contributed papers:

Paper Status

Paper #Paper NameMeetingStatus
P0805R1Comparing ContainersJacksonvillePatch Ready: D43773

Library Working group Issues Status

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
2139What is a user-defined type?Rapperswil
2970Return type of std::visit misspecifiedRapperswil
3058Parallel adjacent_difference shouldn't require creating temporariesRapperswil
3062Unnecessary decay_t in is_execution_policy_v should be remove_cvref_tRapperswil
3067recursive_directory_iterator::pop must invalidateRapperswilNothing to do
3071[networking.ts] read_until still refers to "input sequence"RapperswilNothing to do
3074Non-member functions for valarray should only deduce from the valarrayRapperswil
3076basic_string CTAD ambiguityRapperswil
3079LWG 2935 forgot to fix the existing_p overloads of create_directoryRapperswil
3080Floating point from_chars pattern specification breaks round-trippingRapperswil
3083What should ios::iword(-1) do?RapperswilNothing to do
3094[]p4 makes surprising claims about encodingRapperswil
3100Unnecessary and confusing "empty span" wordingRapperswilNothing to do
3102Clarify span iterator and const_iterator behaviorRapperswil
3104Fixing duration divisionRapperswilComplete

Issues to "Review"

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
2412promise::set_value() and promise::get_future() should not raceRapperswilComplete
2682filesystem::copy() won't create a symlink to a directoryRapperswilComplete
2697[concurr.ts] Behavior of future/shared_future unwrapping constructor when given an invalid futureRapperswil
2708recursive_directory_iterator::recursion_pending() is incorrectly specifiedRapperswilComplete
2936Path comparison is defined in terms of the generic formatRapperswil

Comments about the issues

Comments about the "Review" issues

Last Updated: 10-May-2018